We Admitted It

By moc.loa@kriWtniaS

Published on Jun 10, 2000


First of all I just wanted to let you know that I appologize for forgetting to spell check the last few installments, but especially 8. Oooo that was bad. Anyway. Sorry. I also wanted to say to everyone that there are two reasons that its been so long since the last installment. 1) I haven't been getting much email regarding my story so I was wondering if anyone was reading it anymore. I know know the answer to that but keep emailing me and letting me know what you think. I appreciate any and all ideas, comment, critisizms, etc. 2) I moved. Plain and simple I moved. (yes again for those few that actually know me) I'm now back in Utah for a few months then I plan on moving to Florida again. That's the plan anyway. Who knows what'll happen though. Since I moved there is a slight email address change. PLEASE send all comments to 'Saint Wurk @aol.com' hopefully you'll realize that is almost the same address but one letter difference. I'll get mail at that address sooner than at any other.

Shouts out to Myka for being my first official fan, Gabriella (go read her story 'My Surprise Romance') Cassandra, Christopher, and Clive. Thanx again you all. I love those letters so keep 'em coming!

Don't forget my little rules. fiction and so on

And now...

We Admitted It part 9

I woke up at Bridgets house to my alrm clock still set to the correct time. You'd never guess that I slept at Bridget's on occasion would you? I know. She has an alarm clock set in one of my spare bedrooms too so its an equal opportunity thing. We just get along that well.

I tumbled out of bed and stumbled my way into Bridget's room to make sure she was up, but not until after making sure her cofee machine was going. Girl really needs her cofee if you wake her up early. I'll have to remember to tell AJ that when I see him at his house this morning. Waking Bridget was its usual charming event. She just kept telling me to go away until I finally went into my bedroom and pulled out the Britney Spears CD that I left there the last time I stayed over and put it in her CD player. Briget does NOT like Britney. At all. She jumped up at the first note groaning for me to 'turn that crap off' and leave her alone. I happily turned it up and left the room carrying the remote and knowing that when she got up to turn it off she'd stay up and join me downstairs.

...part 9 cont...

I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of orange juice. Bridget walked in as I was sitting down and smiled when she noticed that I had a cup of cofee waiting for her. "Thank you so much." She said.

"No worries. Besides, I know what you're like without your coffee." I smiled at her.

"Shut up."

"IT could happen, but I wouldn't hold my breath." I said flashing her my grin. She just looked at me and shook her head.

"You'd better get ready for breakfast. Wouldn't want you to be late for Brian now would we?"

"Nope. We wouldn't want that to happen." I said. "Besides, you still have to get ready for AJ." And I walked upstairs and into the shower.

I walked out the shower and put on some fresh clothes. (Did I or did I not say that I stayed there periodically? Thank you. Now stop acting surprised) I pulled on another pair of CK jeans, dark blue today, and a white ribbed CK shirt that really showed off my body to its best advantage. Come to think of it, my closet here had more than the closet at my little over-crowded apartment did. I have more things here and I've spent the whole last month here house-sitting while Bridget was on vacation anyway. Hmm. I guess I live here now. I'll have to talk to Bridget about that later. Anyway.

I yelled my goodbye to Bridget and jumped into her purple Durango and took off to Brian's. Its only a five minute drive from Bridget's so I was there in no time. I quietly shut the door and went to the door putting the key Kevin gave me last night to good use.

I crept in the front door and stalked up to Brian's bedroom to find hhim sleeping soundly. He looked so sweet and innocent while he slept. Time to destroy that image. I began grinning. Huge.

I walked around to the other side of the bed and softly made my way to him careful not to alert him to my presence until I desired to actually wake my sleeping beauty. I very gently placed my hands on his head and began to kiss my boy back to life. I started grinding against his body when he slipped his tongue into my mouth letting me know he was awake. "Mmmm. I told you to get used to waking up like that." I said simply.

"Mmm. Yeah. Definately." Brian donned a puzzeled look on his face. "Umm, not to sound rude or anything but how did you get in here?"

I laughed softly. "Kevin gave me a key last night. He said that you sounded so happy when you told him about how I woke you up yesterday that he decided I should have the opportunity again today."

"Remind me to thank Kev when we seem him at AJ's today." Brian said smiling at me and pulling me into anoother kiss.

"You got it Babe." I said to him coming up for air before attacking him again with yet another kiss.

Twenty minutes or so later we finally finished our little kissing session and left the bedroom. You have no idea how hard it can be to leave a bedroom until you have to leave the bedroom that the man you love sleeps in. And DAMN! we haven't even had sex yet! Brian and I made our way downstairs now that he was dressed in identical jeans and a green version of my shirt. You'd swear we did our shopping together.

"Let's go grab some croissonts and bring donuts over to AJ's for the guys." I suggested.

Brian's face brightened up. "Great idea! Now I know why I picked you."

"Yeah, 'cause I know how to feed you!" I joked. 'Too bad you have no idea what I'd like to feed you right now' I thought.

"Exactly." Brian said. "Too bad you aren't feeding me what I really want right now.' Brian thought. "Let's head out." And with that he grabbed his keys ushering me to the door.

I opened the car door for him and gave him a kiss as I buckled up his seatbelt feeling a little something extra. 'Hmm. The things I could do to solve that not so little problem.' I thought. I then went around and got in next to Brian and we took off for the bakery.

'Thank you God for letting him move when he did.' Brian prayed. 'I don't think I could have taken much more of that.' Chase was causing Brian's mind to go in all sorts of fun and interesting directions. They grabbed the stuff from the bakery and headed over to AJ's. They ran inside with enough donuts for about twenty guys. ITs a good thing too because guess what was there...

K People. I know this was a little short. but 1) I wrote again. and 2) I'm planning on writing more again tomorrow night so be happy people! I promise the next installment will be longer. The longest one yet even. So this is really just a teaser. Remember to write me at 'Saint Wurk @aol.com' and let me know what y'all think. k? LAter, and thanx, Corrupted Saint

Next: Chapter 10

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