We Admitted It

By moc.loa@kriWtniaS

Published on May 26, 2000


Keep the rules in mind. (especially #1: FICTION) And remember, Rules I didn't make up suck!!!!!

Thanx for the great feedback. Especially from you Myka! You're great!!! And yes they are nicer but he's still cute.

Let me know what you think ' saintwirk@aol.com ' I love hearing from you.

We Admitted It part 3

" OMG! " 'He didn't just call, he wants me over there now!' "What the hell am I going to wear?" I laughed at myself as I realized that that couldn't have sounded any more gay if I had tried. What am I going to wear. But seriously...what?

I danced over to the closet still listening to my BSB CD. It was now playing 'Larger than Life' and that was exactly how I felt at the moment. Far larger than life. I pulled out my stone cavalry twills from Structure and a summer blue Structure button down cotton shirt to wear over a thin white ribbed t-shirt (yes it was from Structure too. Despite what some gay men think there ARE stores besides A&F) and my Simple sandals. I sat on the edge of my bed getting dressed whilst listening to the beautiful music that my newfound friend created for my (ok, ok, the rest of the world's too) enjoyment. By the time my sandals were on, the song was over so I picked up the remote again and turned my stereo off grabbing my keys and a few CD's as I headed out to my car for the drive to Brian's place.

The drive itself was pretty uneventful with the exception of the fact that I was highly impatient to arrive. I wanted to see him again. It was just like when I was with my best friend Bridget. We could talk for hours and still have tons to say, just like we can be together the whole day and not say a word. Except Brian and I had plenty more to talk about. I was just fascinated by him. 'And do you know what's weird?' I thought, 'He seems interested in me too.'

I pulled into Brian's driveway about half an hour after hanging up with him. Damn O-town traffic, but I have never gotten ready that fast in my life! I checked the address against the one he told me and I wrote down. You know, just to be sure I had the right place. And sure enough...I did! Am I good or what?

I got out of my car and walked up to the door steeling myself a moment before I could quite get myself to ring the doorbell. Then I pushed it. And waited. Brian answered the door after approximately the longest three seconds of my life.

"Hi" Brian greeted me. "I'm so glad you decided to come. I was realy hoping to see you again. I really enjoyed our time and our talk last night.

"So did I" I interjected. " I had a really good time too. And I guess I don't mind having to see your sorry butt again." I said with a smile. He just looked at me and gave me that grin of his. But I swear I saw the gears turn when I mentioned his ass. That could, however, have just been wishful thinking so I dismissed it almost immediately.

"Well if you think you can handle it, " Brian said as sarcastically as possible, " I have breakfast ready in the kitchen."

"Oh I can handle it" I replied quickly, " But can you handle me?" That time I KNOW I saw his mind working.

"Ican handle anything you can dish out" he responded. "But since I invited you for breakfast, I'll do the dishing out for now." Brian said as the grin crept quickly back into place until he was beaming. And DAMN can that man let his little light shine! "So I hope you're hungry." Leading me into the kitchen he motioned to the generous amounts of food at the breakfast bar and nodded to the two stools sitting there. "Because we have plenty of food. So eat up."

I sat down and started to load up my plate with fresh fruit and pancakes while Brian sat down beside me and began by placing two pancakes on his plate and topping it off with strawberries and whipped cream. While he was adding the whipped cream, my mind wandered off to other uses for it. (You all saw 'Varsity Blues' didn't you? Same concept. He would look SO god in a whipped cream bikini. Especially when its only bikini underwear) I snapped back to reality when I realised that Brian was waiting me to answer his question.

But I had no idea what he had asked me. " What Brian? I spaced for a second there."

" I noticed. No worries. I was just asking you if you had any trouble finding the place."

"No. No trouble at all." He can just be SO sweet! "You have a beautiful house."

"Thank you. After we eat I'll give you the nickle tour."

"Nope!" I spoutted off causing Brian to get this strange look on his face.


" I want the full dime tour!" I announced. Causing Brian to give me a scrutinizing look and then to say.

"I don't know if you're worth a whole dime. A nickle sure. But a dime!? I don't know." And he looked at me as though trying to debate wether or not I was worth a dime.

"I'll show you not worth a dime!" I said as I launched myself at Brian and began finding out that he was EXTREMELY ticklish. ( I just LOVE that) I tickled him until he screamed out.

"Okay! Okay! I give up! I give up! You win! Alright already. You're worth a dime."

"Thank you." I said in a polite tone as though he just realized something I've known for years. "Took you long enough to figure that out. As my own grin began to escape to my face.

"What can I say?" Brian shrugged his shoulders in a helpless gesture. " I'm just a blonde at heart."

"No arguments there" I said before I finally just errupted into laughter.

"Like you're any better" Brian retorted while pointed to my own blonde hair.

"Oh I'm better. But hair color has nothing to do with that. I just am." I said with a huge grin. Brian just returned the grin while I marveled at how easy things were between us. I just couldn't get over how close I felt to him and how easily he was fast becoming my new best friend. We just smiled at each other and made small talk while we finished up our breakfast.

After breakfast, Brian put the dishes in the dishwasher over my protests to let me help him and then he led us into the living room. As we sat down on the couch Brian looked at me and began talking. "Chase, first off, I wanted to tell you how glad I am that I met you last night. I am so glad that I got caught staring at you," I started to blush at that, "and that you responded when I tried to talk to you. I was even happier when you were talking with me. Not a backstreet boy. Me. That means a lot. It really doesn't hapen very much. About the only people who are like that now are the guys and our parents. Not very many other people can just see us for who we are rather than what we are. I am so happy that you are able to do that."

"Also I wanted to let you know that I feel really close to you. I already know that I am the first person you admitted being gay to, just like you know the same is true for you about me. I wanted you to know that I also find you very attractive." I really started blushing at that one, "And I was hoping that you would go out with me" Brian finished that last part with his eyes downcast as though afraid of imminent rejection.

I reached out and lifted Brian's face up so that I could look into his eyes. Then I looked directly into them as I said, "Brian, I would love to go out with you." At that he broke into a huge grin as I continued, "You are the nicest man I have ever met and the fact that you are downright adorable doesn't hurt either. Now it was HIS turn to blush and he did so fiercely. "But first I have to ask you a question."

He looked at the serious expression on my face a moment before he finaly said, "What?" With a look like he was expecting the worst news possible.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked with a look of uncertainty.

Brian took one look at my eyes and saw the uncertainty as bright as day and softly replied, "Please."

I leaned over to Brian and as our lips met, gently at first and then a little more urgently, I knew that this was the right thing to do. I could feel it. As said by Cher in her cover of 'The Shoop Shoop Song,' "Its in his kiss." Boy was it ever. That kiss was on fire! And it was only our first! I pulled back still astounded at how great it was when Brian leaned in again for another kiss. Our lips met once again and this time I held the back of his head as he gently placed his hands on the side of my face and our kiss picked up intensity. So much was said in that kiss. I knew that this was going to be an interesting day....

I hope you like! Let me know what you think. Yes you! saintwirk@aol.com More coming soon!

Next: Chapter 4

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