We Admitted It

By moc.loa@kriWtniaS

Published on May 25, 2000


Does everyone remember all those rules? Good! they still apply. Especially Rule1 This is FICTION people!!!! NOT real! but anyway....

We admitted it <part 2>

I woke up to a beautiful Orlando morning. The sun was shining. A breeze was blowing. And last but certainly not least, my stereo woke me up as programmed playing my BSB CD. It was a going to be a great day!

I still couldn't get over what had happened to me the night before. I mean, really! I had not only met, but spoke at length with my favorite member of a great group who just happened to be absolutely adorrable. Not to mention the fact that he told me he was gay!

And I told him. I told him! OMG! No. Wait. Calm down. He certainly hadn't minded when I told him. It was O.K. The world is not endeing. Brian is cool with it.

'I wonder if he'll really call me?' I thought, and out loud, "I don't know, but my cell phone isn't leaving my side."

Now thankfully I had the day off and the whole weekend as well. Seeing as how it was only friday that sounded great to me! I was definately going to need it. I was still reeling from last night! I had actually talked with him for almost four hours!And not just I BSB. I got the rare opportunity to speak with Brian. Brian. I always did love that name.

Anyway, I grabbed the remote for my stereo and turned it up as I tumbled out of bed and made my way into the bathroom. I turned the water on in the shower and adjusted it to the proper temperature, which happens to be just this side of cold in case you were wondering, and proceeded to step out of my boxers and into the shower. I reached over to the counter and turned the stereo up even more so I could hear Brians voice as he sang 'I Want It That Way', with me attempting to sing with him. Not that I'm a bad singer, just that I'm not Brian Littrell. As I was saying, I sang along with my new friend hoping that he was feeling anything like what I was anad just started to let my mind drift as I sang and listened to his beautiful voice.

Brian woke up to his stereo as well. Only his was playing 'Blue Monday' by Orgy. He put it in last night after he got home from his inadvertant night out with Chase. 'Is that a cool name or what?' Brian thought to himself. "A cool name for a cool guy, I'd say. Now where did I put his number." He asked as he started going through the pockets of the pants he had been wearing last night.

"Found it! Now when should I call him?" Brian wondered aloud. "Soon." was his reply. "First, I need a shower."

Brian now made his own way to his shower and steppin in after adjusting the temperature just slightly. As he scrubed his body, his thoughts kept returning to Chase. Brian thought about how much he had enjoyed himself last night. For the first time in his life he admitted to someone that he, Brian Littrell of the BSB, was in fact gay.

And Chase couldn't have been happier with the revelation. Not that Brian had to know that just yet.

And as the water cascaded over him, Brian felt himself caught up in a feeling of renewal. Of knowing that he had a new beggining. A fresh start. He had a new friend named Chase who, Brian had to admit, he DID find to be pretty damn cute. Not to mention that he liked him. He really liked him. When he was talking to Chase , Chase was talking to him. To HIM. To Brian. NOT to a Backstreet Boy, but to BRIAN.

That was the best part. When Chase was with him, he was with BRIAN. That's what made it wonderful. And the things he told him! The guys didn't even know half of that stuff! Well, Kevin did, but he had always been close with his cousin. And now Chase knew Brian. REALLY knew Brian. It felt good to know that someone knew you for who you really were and accepted you for all of it. ALL of it. Noone else knew 'all of it'. Only Chase. And Brian liked the fact that Chase was the first to know. There was just something about him....

Brian turned off the shower a few minutes later and dried himself off still thinking about Chase. "I'm going to call him. As soon as I find my phone." Brian stated with that grin on his face.

Chase zipped up his jeans just as he heard his phone ring and almost crashed into his dresser trying to get to it fast enough.



C: That's me.

B: Oh, good. Its Brian. You know... from last night?

C: Of course I remember you Brian. I just didn't know if I'd hear from you at all let alone so soon.

B: I TOLD you I'd call.

C: That you did. So what can i do for ya'?

B: Well, I was wondering what you were up to today.

C: In that case you're in luck. I have the whole day opened. No plans as yet.

B: Great! In that case, would you like to come over and hang out for awhile? We could talk some more.

C: I'd love to. When would you like me to come?

B: If you come over now, I'll have breafast ready when you get here...

C: Deal! Now if you would be so kind as to tell me how to get to your house it would help tremendously.

B: Ha ha ha. Sure thing. Just tell me where you're at and I'll give you directions from there.

So I told him where he lived and Brian proceeded to then tell me how to get to his place. His place. I liked the sound of that.

C: Alright. I'll se you in a few. That's not far so it won't take long.

B: Great! see you then.

I know. They're kinda short at the moment. Keep in mind that I am in need of feedback. saintwirk@aol.com. Thanx, Corrupted Saint

Next: Chapter 3

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