We Admitted It

By moc.loa@kriWtniaS

Published on Jul 18, 2000


Sorry for the long wait. It wasn't intended, But I had my birthday, (yay!) and then went to Vegas so I've been rather busy.

I have my rules, you have yours. In this case you have to follow mine. Fiction. Got it? Good.

Cassi, Gabriella, Greg, Christopher, Myka, thank you all SO much. You have all been great inspiration.

And now y'all can stop buggin me for it.


We Admitted It part 14

Now that was a long day. I feel like the phone has attached itself to my ear for good. I JUST got off the phone, and its 5:30! I have been on that stupid thing all flippin' day. But its all good because everything is set for tonight. Its going to be perfect.

Now for me to start getting ready. Which reminds me...where is my Brian? That's when I heard the door open.

"Chase? Are you off the phone yet?" Brian said as he entered the hotel room with his arms full of bags. Setting them down he began to walk over towards me.

"Finished. Just." I reached out to him. "Now why don't you come over here and let me show you how much I missed you." With that I pulled my Bri into and embrace and bringing my lips to his, I left him no doubt as to just how much I really had missed having him next to me for just one moment, let alone all afternoon. I missed him terribly. My heart ached to be near him. He was my all. My being was entwined with his. Being separated hurt. All of that came across and all of that was turned to pure bliss. Absolute JOY. It was all conveyed in that one kiss. The kiss that wasn't it a kiss. It was a merging of our souls. A sharing so complete that we became one. It was everything.

It went on for a hell-a long time. After our heads cleared and we had recovered from that magic moment I looked at the clock. It was 6:03! We had been kissing for half an hour! Time really does fly when you're having fun.

"We really have to get ready now Bri." I said to my piece of perfection while pulling him into the bathroom. "Let's take a quick shower and get ready. I need to be the first one downstairs to make sure that everyone is there and ready to go."

"Okay Sweetie." Bri said to me, getting the water started. "Let's get busy.Stop. Rephrase. Let's get going." He said smiling.

"I liked the first phrase better."

"So do I. But then we'd never make it on time." With that my Bri gave me a quick kiss. "So get your cute ass in here and lets get going."

We showered in ten minutes and were soon ready to go. Me dressed in a black Armani suit with a silver shirt and Brian dressed in the same suit but with a purple shirt. Damn he looked sexy. Yum! And he smelled great too!

"I have to head downstairs and make sure the limos are waiting. Coming with?"

"And miss the chance to be escorted by someone as handsome as yourself? No way. Of course I'm coming with you."

I offered my arm to Brian and he took it as I led him through the open door and into the elevator. We got downstairs kissing only every other floor we passed and, as I had hoped, before anyone else.

"I'm going to check on the limos. Would you please have the front desk ring the rooms of those that are coming?"


'I love it when my Brian is so agreeable.' I thought as I walked outside to check and make sure we had enough limos waiting for us. We did. I then walked to each one and made sure that the drivers knew what to do and when. It was all set. With that knowledge secure in my head I went back inside to see who had shown up.

Surprisingly, they were all there. And early. Every one of them had ten minutes to spare. I was getting REALLY good at this.

I led everyone to their limos with two or three couples in each depending on where they were going. After all, there were very diverse tastes among us and I wanted to be sure that everyone would have I great time so we going in groups. All of the restaraunts had tables for two reserved so each couple would be dining alone sharing only the limos and the destinations. It would be fantastic.

I decided that I needed to learn more about those around me and build on my new freindships so I sent Cassi and Howie in the limo with Bridget and AJ and Nick and Jessica knowing that they would all have plenty to talk about. I chose to share my limo with Justin and JC, (you guys did catch that allusion in the last chapter did you not?) and Drew and Jeff. (its my story and I have every right to make all the cute ones gay)

Now seeing as how I'm so close to omniscient as to make no never mind I could easily tell you what was going on in all the other limos, however, since we all know you'd rather hear what's going on in mine, that's where we'll stay.

Jeff: "I know you're thinkin' it."

Drew: "Like you aren't."

Chase: "You two are right you know."

Brian: "I agree."

JC: "Definately."

Justin: "Stop. I missed that. What are you guys talking about?"

Drew: "Take a look at Jeff. I'll give you one guess who he's thinkin about and it isn't me."

Brian: "He IS hot."

JC: "And VERY doable."

Chase: "Figured it out yet?"

Justin: "Well out of everyone here I would have to assume you guys are all talking about Ricky."

JC: "See! I knew you'd get it."

Brian: "He does have a hot ass."

Jeff: "Maybe we'll just have to figure out how to take advantage of it."

Sorry this one is so short. I'm babysitting and this is what happens when my Nieces wake up. I gots to go. Now do you really think I should have a big orgy? It could be a lot of fun. But I'm not sure. I could go either way. So let me know what y'all think 'cause if its up to me...Well..you'll see. Take care, Corrupted Saint

Next: Chapter 15

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