We Admitted It

By moc.loa@kriWtniaS

Published on Jul 2, 2000


You remember the rules...

Thanx to everyone who has written. It means a lot. More is good too! Saintwurk@aol.com

Now, lets get busy!

We Admitted It part 13

Jennifer is such a nice woman. I know I shouldn't sound surprised, its not like I thought she'd be mean or anything, I just didn't realize just what a kind person she really is. And she loved my idea. She was all too happy to help. I am so glad. I definately can't wait to talk with her in more detail tonight. Now to see what the others were up to.

I decided to introduce myself to Ricky Martin first since he and Jessica Simpson were talking only five feet from where I left Jennifer. Ricky saw me sneaking up to Jessica and I was able to keep his mouth shut after silently asking with my eyes. He just smiled as I covered her eyes with one hand and held her waist bringing her closer to me.

"Guess who?" Ricky asked for me as I lightly kissed her on the neck.

"Nicky!" She said happily as she pulled out of my grip and turned around. To say she was shocked would fail to do justice to the look that crossed her face as she realized that she had misjudged who I was due to a kiss. "Chase! I am so going to get you for that. Besides," she said as a smirk appeared on her delicate face, "those lips are for Brian and he's over there." with that she nodded to the corner where my Brian was talking with Tim McGraw and Faith Hill.

"You're right." I said. "They are." And with that I kissed her again. This time on her cheek.

"I'm feeling neglected over here." Ricky piped in with a look of mock-hurt on his face. Jessica and I leaned over and kissed a cheek each.

"Better?" Jessica asked Ricky.

"Yes, thank you." He looked over at me a took my hand to shake it. "A pleasure to meet you Chase." He said.

I pulled him into a hug and replied, "And a pleasure to meet you as well. Congratulations on your newfound American success."

He blushed a bit as he thanked me. "Its just so incredible, and I am so lucky to have someone like Jessica here to open for me every night. She's fantastic." With that he was beaming like a proud father.

"Thank you Ricky." She said sweetly.

"That she is. I may not have known her for as long as you have, but I can honestly say she is one of the best people I have ever met. And I can see that she was right about you too. Along with everyone else." I added cryptically.

"About what?" Ricky inquired of me.

"About you being SUCH a nice man. I'm so glad that your phenominal success hasn't gone to your head. You've certainly had enough of it. I mean you have been very popular for a very long time. I even remember when you were on General Hospital. But its different when you suddenly immerge on top in the American market. At least, I imagine so."

"No you're right. It is very different. Americans are so...so..."

"I know what you mean. They really are." I said to him knowing full well what Americans were like especially when it came to their celebrities.

"I think I had better let you get going before that boy of yours starts makin' out with someone else." A smile slowly crept over Ricky's face as he said this so I knew he was up to something.

"He'd better not." I said sternly. "But if he does," I let a smile form on my face, "I guess I'll just have to go after you." With that I moved in closer to Ricky and ran my hands over his hard chest and around his back. As my hands dropped to his butt I leaned in close to his ear and in a voice dripping with sex I said "You wouldn't mind that now would you?" At this point we were so close the only way we could have been closer is if I were inside him. I must say that if I weren't with Brian I certainly wouldn't mind the thought of being inside Ricky Martin himself and judging from the reaction I was having on his crotch, he wouldn't mind either. "No." I said moving my hands from his hard butt and to within and inch of his much sought-after prize. "You wouldn't mind at all."

"But I would." With that, Brian turned me around and I could see his very serious expression. I couldn't help it. I looked at Jessica and we both erupted into laughter. Brian and Ricky just looked at us with very confused expressions on their faces. I took pity on them and decided to explain.

"I saw Ricky smile when he said that I should get back to you before you start makin' out with someone else and I knew something was up so I glanced over to Jess and she confirmed it for me. When i smelled your ccologne, that's when I went over to Ricky and started to feel him up. I knew you were behind me the whole time." I told them triumphantly.

Knowing I had them, Brian finally cracked a smile. "Well Ricky, I guess that's what we get for trying to put one over on him."

"We'll just have to think of something better for next time." Ricky responded. "I've even got a few ideas."

Judging by the smile on his face, not to mention the bulge in his shorts, I was sure I had a few ideas as to what some of those ideas of his might be. Let me assure you, I had a few ideas of my own. This was going to be a fun week.

"I'm going to check on everyone else. I'll be back in a little bit. You two play nice." I admonished them. I turned to Jessica, "Make sure they behave themselves and be my little spy alright?" I whispered to her. "I'll make sure its worth your while." And with that I went to go talke to the rest of the room.

I decided to see how Cassi and Howie were making out and turned to find them doing exactly that. Making out. I cleared my throat loudly. "Excuse me." I said, causing them both to blush and look sheepishly at me. "I don't mean to interrupt but I just thought I'd come see how two of my dear friends were making out." They blushed again at my choice of words. "I just didn't expect them to be doing exactly that." I finished. Can I just say that it is so much fun to make your friends turn all sorts of colors.

"Well, we, uh.." Howie stammered out.

"Hit it off." I finished for him.

"Yeah." Cassi said.

"Just make sure you take good care of her." I said to Howie. "If you don't, you'll suddenly find out what its like to be on my bad side. You DON"T want to be on my bad side." I told him quite seriously.

"I will." Howie promised. "She is the most wonderful woman I have ever met in my life." He said with a dreamy, yet serious expression. "I wouldn't think of ever doing her any wrong." He told me seriously.

"Chase? Could you...?" Cassi asked me hopefully. I knew what she meant. I kind of had a reputation for an uncanny ability to make anything special under any circumstances, let alone good ones so I knew she wanted me to help make their first date the best it could be.

"I'd be happy to." I said sincerely. "You two just leave yourselves open tonight. I know that won't be a problem for you Howie, since I know your schedule better than Kevin does. You two be ready to go out at 7 tonight. Dress nicely." I said. An idea already forming in my ever busy mind. I just had to talk to a few other people to make it perfect. This was going to be a great night. "I'll take care of everything. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to say hi to everyone." With that I excused myself to find my next victim.

I went over to introduce myself to Shania Twain who was talking to Nick Lachey and Justin Timberlake. "Its a pleasure to meet you Shania. I caught your concert in Salt Lake City last year. It was awesome! I loved it!"

"Thank you so much! And I must say its a pleasure to meet you too Chase. I can't believe you put all this together so quickly."

"Yeah, between Kevin and I, I think we're doing a pretty good job. Oh and of course with Bridget's help also." I said to the incredible country crossover artist who was forever changing the face of country music.

"I'm so happy that you wanted me to be a part of this. Thank you."

"Thank you. And how could I not want you here? I mean you have already started changing the country music. It will never be the same now that its met Shania Twain." I said grandly.

"Well he certainly knows how to suck up." Justin said to Nick.

"Yeah. If he keeps this up someone may be sleeping alone tonight." Nick added.

"Well since you aren't the one I sleep with anyway, I know that's just jelousy talking." That shut him up. "Speaking of which, " I said looking at everyone, "Nick you have to be ready and dressed nicely at 7. Tell Jessica that but you don't have to tell her I said so. Just trust me. That goes for you too Justin. Anyone you're seeing at the moment?"

"Yes, but why do I think you already knew that?" Justin said.

"Because I did." I said smiling. "Make sure you tell JC the same thing." I turned to Shania, "Is your husband here? I'm planning a big romantic evening tonight for all the couples, just starting out and continuing."

"No, he's holed up finishing a song he's working on for Britney's next album. He won't be arriving until thursday."

"I'm sorry. Let me know when he gets in and I'll plan something special for the two of you."

"You don't have to do that Chase." Shania said to me.

"I know." I said simply. "It's just the kind of person I am. I like doing things for other people. Especially my friends." I smiled at her.

"Thank you." She pulled me into a hug. I'll let you know as soon as I do. Thank you again."

"You are welcome. Now if you'll excuse me I have a few more people I need to introduce myself to." I turned to Nick and Justin. Don't forget to tell them and make sure you are ready yourselves." I admonished them. "I'll see you all in a bit." And I walked away from them.

I introduced myself to the members of Orgy and Garbage, all except Shirley who wasn't there with the rest of them, and I filled them in on what was going on when. They were nice enough. I also made sure they knew how much I enjoyed their music.

Meeting Def Leppard was even more awesome since I have been listening to them for over ten years. That was an experience. Definately something to tlak about for a long time to come. I was having an absolute blast!

Jennifer came up and introduced me to Marc Anthony and Enrique Iglesias. That went really well. Apparently Jennifer took a liking to me and if Jennifer liked you, there must be a reason for it. At least that's what Enrique said. After that I walked over to SheDaisy and I talked about, amongst other things, what it was like where they grew up having lived there myself. They introduced me to the Dixie Chicks who were having a great time and while I was talking to all of them, Tim McGraw pulled me away to meet his wife Faith Hill.

Now I don't know about some of you, but I really admire those two. Especially the way they work everything out and prove to the world that you can have two very successful people with extremely hectic schedules and still have a great marriage. I made sure to invite them to tonight's little date as well. They gladly excepted after Faith asked about her friend Shania. "Mutt's not getting in until thursday." I told her.

"Aww. That's just aweful." Faith said the sadness obvious in her voice. "They don't get near enough time together anymore."

"Don't worry Faith." I said to her. "I have a special night planned for them when he does get in. In fact, we'll talk later and as soon as I know when he's coming, you can help me plan it since you knothem so well."

"Mind if I tag along?" Tim asked me. "Mutt and I have been talking alot lately about what its like to be away from a beautiful woman that you love for a long time. I think I can help you out as to what he'd really like."

"Sure thing Tim." I said. "I'll talk to you too again when I know more alright? Until then, just be ready to go out at 7 tonight." And I left them plotting ways to keep Shania and Mutt happy when next they saw each other.

I found Jeff, Drew, and Christina talking with the members of Boyzone, B*witched, and Robbie Williams so I decided that they should be my next targets. The introductions went well and I left there with Jeff and Drew going tonight along with Stephen Gately and his boyfriend. Everyone else either didn't have their loves with them or didn't have one period. they all decided to throw their own little party tonight for eveyone who wasn't coming on my little date fest.

Talking to Aqua was especially cool for me having been to Denmark and being half Danish myself. Lena said she would be going with Shirley Manson, and Claus was going to stay in and get to know Robbie Williams a little better at the party since they had only met once before athat was for five minutes. The other two were going to the party as well so I finished up my rounds and went back up to the front of the room.

"Alright everyone." I said loudly causing the entire room to quiet down so that they could hear me speak. "Those of you who are to be so, make sure you are ready at 7 like I said. The rest of you, enjoy the party here. Remember. " I said making sure everyone knew I was serious. "We have a very long day tomorrow so watch your drinking. Now Garbage, Orgy, Def Leppard, Blink 182, and LFO, Kevin will take you over to the venue and get you going. The rest of you can fool around here and get to know each other better or get ready for tonight's party or do whatever. Now if you need anything...call the front desk. I'll check in there. I have to get everthing ready for tonight."

And with that I left everyone to their own devices as I set up the entire evening. This was going to be great!

Y'all like? Talk about set up! Did you grasp all of those couples? You'll se which ones get real concentration and which don't. You all don't really want to know details on that many anyway. But I think you'll like the ones I do go into detail over. Let me know what you think saintwurk@aol.com Later all, Corrupted Saint

Next: Chapter 14

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