We Admitted It

By moc.loa@kriWtniaS

Published on Jun 18, 2000


Rules. Ya'll remember 'em right? Good. I thought so. (I have confidence in MY readers) I just want to reiterate that I don't know ANY of the celebrities mentioned. None. I am also not implying anything about anyone's actual sexuality. Straight, bi, gay, whatever. I'm not making any judgments or guesses. This is a story. My story. End of discussion. =) That reminds me, if I misspell a celb name or two just GET OVER IT! I can only remember so much at one specific time.=P There will be a few times in my story where I have to pause for a second and tell Bridget to close her eyes. She thinks its funny that I'm writing this story but just doesn't want to read anything graphic. I can't blame her. I don't want to know the graphic details of what she does with her boyfriend. I know too much about it already. So be kind to the fact that I will put that in occasionally and for those of you that like things a bit more graphic know that that's when it will happen.

I've been reading some GREAT stories on here, many more than I've had the time to write their authors over, so I want to say this. I've you've written and/or updated a story in the last week, I've probably read it. Yes, I know, Damn that's a lot of reading but hey, its research for me. ( I gotta make sure noone else is going where I am.) Oh and Cassandra, hope you like what I did for ya! Myka, get back to Orlando. If I can't be there right now, you can. =) Clive, you just keep rockin'! Paul, like I said, awesome man! Gabriella, thank you. I was waiting for that next one. Grayson, you were right! ha ha K- Here we go!

We Admitted It part 11

Long night? Hell this was gonna be one of the longest nights of my life! I can't believe I just subjected myself to this. I guess my friend Gray was right when he, oh so many years ago, told me that especially when it came to anything that I found intriguing, I was a gluten for punishment. If he could see me now. That list Kevin gave me had over 100 names on it! I mean seriously! Com on. And I am supposed to be the one that says who can and can't come! What's up with that! This was just too much. Well, almost. I was definitely going to do this. It was just going to take some planning.

I went back into the living room to find that our other group had made it back and apparently also had a great day. I knew that AJ had taken everyone over in his Hummer so I figured that would have made him the driver. I wanted to find out if they behaved anything like the guys in my car. So I walked over to ask him only to be told that Bridget had driven so I walked over to her then. "How was it?"

"Oh, Universal was great and they are a lot of fun but I was going to kill them in the car. They were horrible on the ride there and back." Bridget look exasperated as she relayed her tale to me. Apparently she almost had as much fun as I did. Each person in her car decided that they were going to sing one of their biggest hits without any music or anything and so EVERYONE sang. At the same time. She had to listen to bits and pieces of 'Candy,' 'Larger Than Life,' 'I Do (Cherish You),' 'Everybody,' 'I Drive Myself Crazy,' 'True to Your Heart,' 'I Want it That Way,' 'Tearin' Up My Heart,' and 'I Wanna Love You Forever.' At the same time! My heart went out to her. Or at least my desire for a pair of earplugs now included a set for her as well. On the way back she had it a little easier. They each sang one line from a song of theirs and the next person sand a line from their song and so on. According to Bridget it was worse than listening to them all at once because at least that way your brain wasn't trying to switch the background music playing in your head all of the time.

"Oooo. Sounds bad Bridge. But you have NO idea what miserable is. At least the ride to Universal is only like 10 minutes. I had over twice that to listen to what my group of geeks did to me." I then related to her exactly all of the horrid things I had to put up with in the car. And how I finally got them to shut up.

Bridget was smiling when I told her I got them quiet. "Maybe I'll have to borrow that CD from you the next time we drive. If I'm lucky it'll work on them too."

"No prob. Just grab it whenever." I said. Now, do you remember when Kevin said he was going to try and see if anyone else wanted to do this? I asked her.

"Yes. He said he was going to make a few calls and see what he could find. Why? Couldn't he get anyone else? I mean it is a great cause." Bridget stopped when I started laughing at her.

"Sweetie, you couldn't be more wrong if you tried." She just looked at me. "Here. Take a look at this." I said handing her the list I had gotten from Kevin. "This is everyone that wants to do it. I get to pick and choose from all of those people."

"What! You've got to be kidding me. ALL these people want to perform at the benefit?" When she saw my nodding she stopped and shrugged her shoulders. " I guess this means that I have to order a LOT more food than I thought. I can't wait to see what else Kevin springs on us at dinner." She said.

"I know. This is going to be interesting." With that I wandered off to find Brian.

"There you are!" Brian exclaimed as I finally caught up to him. " Come here and give me a kiss." He said to me. Happily, I complied.

Oh how sweet it is! Now this is something I had been missing all day. You see Brian and I had already discussed that we were not going to jeopardize anything by being all over each other in public. We could save it for later. Besides, we were friends so we just kept the accent there and left the romantic stuff for later. Not to mention the fact that I had never met anyone from N*SYNC before and neither of us had met 98 degrees. I also had yet to actually meet Britney or Christina, or Jessica and Mandy though Brian hadn't met them yet either, so we decided to do like we should and spend the day getting to know these people and hopefully make some new friends.

It worked. I got along great with everyone. ( I know. But what can I say? That's just the kind of guy I am. I tend to get along with everyone so why would this case be any different?) But I definitely felt something stronger with Drew, Jeff, Christina, and JC. And of course I knew that having that with JC meant Justin and Britney too which was fine with me. I knew that for them as well as the others I just needed more time. It certainly wasn't that I didn't like them I just didn't feel too close to them. Yet.

But getting back to Brian and I... we were kissing. Mmmmm. I could keep doing that all day. I pulled away and whispered to Brian. "There's more where that came from, but only if you're a good boy." I gave him a grin and looked into his eyes, "But not too good." And the, of course, Kevin was calling everyone in to eat since the pizza he had ordered had finally arrived.

We all grabbed a plate from the kitchen and went into the living room where we left the 20 pizzas and grabbed ourselves some grub quickly so we could here what Kevin had to say to us.

"I'm glad that you all had fun today. I've heard all about it." He looked to Bridget and I as he said that last part. He had been standing behind us as we told our stories of the car rides. "So let me fill you all in on what's going on." He paused. "First off, I talked to Chase and he and I agreed that this was now a two day event. Its going to take all day Friday and Saturday. Chase can fill you in on why in a moment. For my part, I'll just say that the response has been better than anyone could have ever dreamed." That got some excited rumbling from our not so little group. "Now Chase, would you like to tell them why this is going to take two days?" Kevin said while opening the floor up for me.

"Sure thing Kev." I said standing up and suddenly finding myself the focus of attention for all these very famous people. Good thing I don't have a problem with people. Lots of people. I was going to need that ability tomorrow. "Well, as Kevin said, we have gotten a terrific response. In fact I can tell you with confidence that not only is this going to be THE Benefit of the Millennium, and in fact its already getting called that by the music industries higher-ups, but that this will also be THE concert of a lifetime." I paused for the not needed dramatic effect and to let my words register in their heads. "I have a list of so many artists who are willing to do this and whose companies are willing to put everything on hold for then to take the week off and do this you guys almost wouldn't believe me. I hardly believe it. Lets just say that the list I have includes everyone from those that are currently topping the charts to some longtime favorites. We have some big names here. Big now and big for the last ten or twenty or more years. This is going to be HUGE! I'll have the list of who will be performing tomorrow and tonight I'll be on the phone for a long time confirming everyone. Now Kevin, I'd suggest that we keep this extremely brief because we have a few more things to decide including which songs to cover and I want those decisions made tonight and by us. We," I pointed around the room, "started this and we are going to have the final say so. You all will really appreciate that when you find out who else is going to be with us. A few of them have definitely been influential in all of your careers and some are up and coming like our Mandy here, but all of them are very talented groups." I then sat down and motioned for Kevin to take over.

"Aww, look." Kevin said. "You made Mandy blush." With that everyone looked at her causing her color to deepen profusely. "All right. Seriously now. We need to figure out what songs we want to do together. Everyone else can join us or not. That'll be up to them but I would highly suggest we pick some old standards that everyone should know. Now I suggest that our blonde quartet decide what the ladies will sing while the groups here figure out what the guys are going to blast you with" Kevin was smiling with his cocky attitude to let everyone know he was just playing around, "and then we'll all get together to figure out what we all want to do. While that's going on, Chase, you and Bridget have some calls to make so you two can get started on that. So lets get going everyone." Kevin started scooting everyone to disperse and then he raised his voice again. "And don;t forget to clean up after yourself Nick." We all laughed while it was Nick's turn to turn red and then started splitting up. I took the den, The girls stayed in the living room. (After all, we all know girls like to eat as much as anyone they just won't do it with any guys around unless they are best friends so this gave them an opportunity to pig out and gossip.) While the three groups of guys went out to the back yard to discuss what they were going to do. We decided to all meet in the yard when we were done. As for Bridget, she commandeered the kitchen. Go figure.

Now here's the part where I get to have fun with everyone. You see I know you know that I said I went into the den to do my thing and so you may wonder how I'll be able to tell you what everyone was saying whilst I was holed away in the den and the answer is simple. I'm just that good. So no arguing with me these ARE the things that they said so just smile and nod. Good. Now...

"So what songs should we do?" Christina asked.

"We get to pick two right?" Mandy questioned.

"Right." Britney added.

"I've got a great idea for one of the songs." This from Jessica. "Why don't we sing 'Natural Woman' ? Its a great song and everyone knows it."

"Great idea!" Mandy said. "Its a wonderful song that we can all sing and who doesn't know the words to it? I mean EVERYONE knows this song."

"Good point." Britney said with a devilish grin on her face. "Now what song do we sing to trash the boys?"

"Oh! I've got it!" Christina shouted. "We'll sing 'Respect'!"

"Perfect! And it gives us two songs that were sung by Miss Aretha herself." Jessica said.

"And she is just SO incredible!" Mandy added. "We ALL know her stuff."

"Yeah, and so will the boys." Britney said.

And with that business done they started to talk about the really important things. What they were going to wear for this benefit.

"Now we GOTTA pick a song to rile up the girls." Nick C. said.

"Definitely." Nick L. added. "Great Nick's think alike." And with that he smiled.

"How about 'The Boys Are Back In Town'?" Jeff asked.

"Perfect." Brian said.

"What else?" JC inquired.

"I've got it!" Justin T. yelled.

"Well,?" Drew asked looking at the huge smile that had appeared on Justin's face.

" 'Simply The Best'. You know by Tina Turner? Anyway, we sing that only we substitute 'we're' for 'you're.' Get it?" Justin T. asked.

"I get it!" Chris spoke up. "So we'd be singin' 'We're simply the best. instead of 'You're simply the best.' Right?"

"Exactly!" Justin said.

"Perfect." Lance said.

"Now for the really hard question." Joey stated.

"Yeah." AJ said picking up on his friends mood. "What are we gonna wear for this?"

"Yes...That's what I said...No...Yes...Four gross...That's correct...Uh huh..." Bridget went on and on like that. You guys really don't want to hear it all. She can get REALLY boring when she's talking business and especially when she's as distracted as she is right now with trying to get everyone involved and planning what we're going to have. Lets just say that she talked to EVERYONE in the city that was worth talking to when it came to food and got it all arranged.

"Yes that's right...Yes...Yes...Yes...No I won't be needing him...Yes I understand that that his last CD went quadruple platinum...Its nothing against him or you...No...He's just not right for this show...I'd love him at another time though...Yes...Yes...Yes I want them...I know that they are practically unheard of in this country that's why I want them...Yes...Yes" My talks went on and on like that. Finally I had talked to all of the record companies and most of the artists themselves and they all had flights booked and would be here sometime tomorrow. I had even managed to get the list of Movie stars down too. Boy did I have some things to share when I rejoined the others."

"Alright. Now that everyone's here we can get started." Kevin stated as soon as I walked out. "We know what they boys are going to sing."

"And we know what the girls are going to sing." Mandy said.

"And we're NOT telling you!" Christina said. Then the girls all looked at each other and then stuck their tongues out at us.

"Then we won't tell you either!" Justin J. said to them.

"Yeah!" All the boys shouted.

"Children!" I shouted, causing everyone to look at me suddenly. I softened my tone. "Do I have to separate all of you?" That set everyone smiling as I continued. "I have here the list of everyone who will be performing this weekend."

"Wow! That was fast!" Kevin said. It usually takes me that long to call one of those companies let alone half of what you did." Kevin told me in awe.

"I TOLD you he was bossy." Bridget said. That really got everyone laughing.

"Bridget's right I'm afraid. I let them know who I was, what I wanted and told them there would be no arguing or noone from their label would do this. Surprise surprise, none of them wanted that. So let me read off all the musical performers. Who want to be a part of this that I said yes to. I also have a list of actors that wanted to say something. At the very least they'll all be there even if they don't say something about music and the arts but they do all want to. After all, acting tends to get shafted for sports as much as music. Many of you know this already because some of you do have acting experience and talent also.

So here goes: BSB, Britney Spears, NSYNC, Christina Aguillera, 98 degrees, Mandy Moore, Jessica Simpson, Ricky Martin, Marc Anthony, Jennifer Lopez, Blink 182, Garbage, LFO, Cher, Cindy Lauper, Orgy, Aerosmith, Shania Twain, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, Reba, Def Leppard, Savage Garden, Dixie Chicks, She Daisy, Bwitched, Robbie Williams, Boyzone, Amber, RuPaul, Janet yes as in Jackson, Queen Latifah, Whitney Houston, Brandy, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Bette Midler and Aqua. I tried to get a few people from all sorts of musical styles.

As for Actors, we have: Whoopie Goldberg, Lelee Sobieski, Drew Barymore, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Gwyneth Paltrow, Robin Williams, Nathan Lane, Nicole Kidman, Sandra Bullock, David Duchovny, Tea Leoni, Gillian Anderson, Sharon Stone, Freddie Prinze Jr., Rachel Leigh Cook, Holly Hunter, Alyssa Milano, Holly Marie Combs, Paul Walker, Ryan Phillipe, Reese Witherspoon, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ethan Embry, Stockard Channing, Carol Burnette, and Melissa Joan Heart. The actors who do get the chance to say something will simply get about five minutes to say what music and the arts mean to them and why they should be supported in schools." Damn that was some long lists.

"Now I hope you'll all behave. Oh yes! I also got a surprise choreographer that you all will recognize. Fatima already knows and agreed it would be a great idea. She's still running the show. Our guest is VERY talented and you WILL all listen to every little thing she says. She'll see you, as will the rest of our little benefit, tomorrow." I was having fun with this. "Now go to bed. We have a lot to do tomorrow. You'll probably only get two shots at rehearsing on stage and all of you will have your first shot tomorrow. The rest of your rehearsals will have to be on your own or preferably together."

"Oh yes! We have booked an entire hotel for the rest of the week for everyone, and I do mean everyone, so you'll all be staying there for the most part that way I can get a hold of everyone at once. Feel free to come here or to your own houses for rehearsing or what not but you WILL tell me where you're going to be." Kevin looked at the affect I was having on everyone and was in shock. They all listened to me and no one was arguing. He was impressed! Truth be told, so was I.

"You heard what the man said." Kevin said after he snapped back to reality. Now lets all get going. We'll meet at the venue at 7 am sharp! We've got a long day ahead of us. I'll take care of breakfast so just be there." Kevin was having too much fun playing Drill Sergeant. Especially when he yelled, "Dismissed!" We all just looked at him and laughed. Kevin just smiled for a minute and then joined in our laughter.

We all dispersed to our respective houses, or at least the ones we were staying at for that night and prepared ourselves for the long day ahead of us. Bridget stayed with AJ. I, DUH!, went to Brian's, the Blondes all went to Christina's. While 98 degrees and N*SYNC all went to Justin T.'s house to crash. Howie and Kevin stayed at AJ's too along with Nick.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

And judging by the look in Brian's eyes, it might be a long night too!

Gotta take a break for now. More to come soon!! Promise! Let me know what you think. saintwurk@aol.com. Thanx Corrupted Saint (C.S.)

Next: Chapter 12

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