Wayward People

By Jo Jo

Published on May 1, 2006


Disclaimer: The usual rules apply here. If you aren't legal in your area to be reading material(non erotic, mind you) about homosexuals and the activities they may or may not participate in, then please don't read. This story has been copyrighted and is not to be used elsewhere in any way without the express permission of the author (that would be me). For everyone else, enjoy!

Wayward People

Chapter Twenty Four-"Men Will Be Mean"

What I got for my seventeenth birthday was a black eye and three weeks house arrest.

On top of the house arrest I was already used to.

But you already were familiar with my spiel on the fallacies of a birthday.

That fight with Troy had been completely unexpected, for everyone.

I mean, I wasn't a violent person. I didn't beat people up. So you'd be able to see why I'd say that it wasn't like me to do that sort of thing.

Troy though, seemed to know what he was doing and probably would have beat me down had it not been me he was fighting.

I got the feeling that he was holding back and I had my suspicions as to why.

Either way, I realized what a mistake it was, after I'd done it.

That was generally the way all things worked.

You only realize you've done something wrong after you do wrong.

Why couldn't people realize before?

It would save us all a lot of trouble.

And keep us from getting grounded.

"Great," Troy mumbled.

Even though I knew I was in the wrong, it didn't mean that I was about to admit that to Troy or anyone else.

Not that they really deserved to have anything be admitted to them anyway.

I pretty much spent the next five weeks ignoring him and everyone else just like I'd been doing.

Unfortunately, all that had done was get me more sessions with that Dr. Sanchez woman, who was nice enough, but crazy if she thought she was going to be able to help me somehow.

I didn't care though.

That seemed to be my biggest problem.

I didn't care about anything anymore.

I wanted to care about something but it was hard.

I mean, it took me so long to admit to myself who I was and give myself to Pete.

And when I did, I found out he was keeping a huge secret from me which led to everything that it had.

I knew it was my fault Pete was gone. And I was never going to forgive myself for that.

"Yep..." I mumbled back.

But Troy?

I was far from singing his praises.

And why did he like waking up when I did and coming out of his room at the same time as me so much anyway?

It was almost like he had a camera in his room showing him me waking up every morning or something.

Absurd, yes.

But how else would you explain us getting up at the same time and coming out of our rooms at the same time almost every damn morning?

I just stood at my doorway staring over at him standing at his.

His hair was a mess.

I used to find that cute the way his hair would fall into his eyes and he'd squint like he was blind looking like a lost little.......well yeah......I said used to so we can just stop right there.

Now he just needed a comb.

And some hair slick.

"What?" I asked.

He was staring at me.

Pervs stared at people the way he was staring at me.

It was creepy.

I didn't like it.


Didn't I just ask HIM that?

Stupid prep.

Stupid gorgeous.....ugh, I needed to stop.

I wasn't into him anymore.

I couldn't be.

I started towards the towel cabinet at the same time as Troy but I stopped.

So did he.


"What?" I asked again.

Troy stared at me for an unnaturally long amount of time before I let out an annoyed sigh and opened the cabinet.

"Nothing," he mumbled, looking down.

"Like what's in your head?" I spoke, grabbing a dry off towel. "Absolutely nothing right?"


"Hello everybody!" Max spoke, walking right past the two of us and over to my mom and dad's door, knocking on the outside of it.

I hadn't even heard him coming.

That was creepy too.

"You two kiss and make up yet?" Max asked looking over at us.

He was saying that as if he and I had even made up. Which, officially, we hadn't.

"You're too happy," I pointed out. "Why are you too happy?"

Max just smiled at me before the door to my parents room opened.

I heard him mention something about lunch money before he shut the door behind him.

I looked back over at Troy who'd managed to grab a towel and shut himself in the bathroom before I realized he was even gone.


"You snooze you lose, sucker!" Troy called from the bathroom.



And people thought I was being the dick!

I don't really think that anyone was paying attention in school anymore.

Not when we all knew that we'd be out for an entire week starting next Monday.

I liked to think the weekend started the minute I got out of school on Friday, so really, Spring Break started Friday for me.

I wasn't sure what I was doing, really.

My parents hadn't decided on any one place to go, and that hadn't surprised me.

The fact that they kept asking me specifically where I wanted to go hadn't surprised me either.

They kept telling me that if I had a place in mind, they'd agree to it.

Not in those words exactly, but I was smart enough to figure out that they were pretty much waiting for me to say the word that I was ready to jet off to....somewhere and we'd be gone.

The pressure was really on now though, as with there being only a few days until Friday, and only a few more until next week, if we were gonna go somewhere, they needed to know now.

I wasn't so sure I was ready to go anywhere.

What was I gonna do there that I couldn't do here?

Granted, Wayward wasn't the most interesting town on earth.

But I also wasn't the most interesting person on Earth.

I was fine with simple.

Why couldn't everyone else be okay with simple?

It would certainly save my mom a lot of trouble with the eight billion parties she throws each year.

Bottom line.

I wasn't one of the many excited for Spring Break.

I still thought the same thing I had about my birthday.

It was just another day. Or in this case, week.

It wasn't like things were going to change.

No one seemed to realize that at the end of the day, once it was over, they'd be the same people living in the same horrible town.

"Man I wish football was still on," Clark sighed. "Then I could earn a little cash on betting or something."

"What happened to your job at the Dairy Queen?" Evan asked.

"Some asshole wanted to fight because I forgot to give him his ice cream," Clark replied. "I don't need to work. I got parents. They have jobs."

Clark was always getting fired for some stupid reason that was usually his fault and he'd always claim that he didn't need to work because he had parents who had jobs.

So did the rest of us.

What was his point?

"You should have been saving like weeks ago man," Evan spoke. "I mean, where are your parents going for break?"

"I don't know," Clark replied. "I'm thinking of hiding in my closet and hoping they forget about me."

"Or you can grow a pair and do what you want," I found myself mumbling.

For a bunch of popular kids that seemingly ruled the school, they sure were a bunch of boring people when they weren't picking on people who actually were interesting.

"What?" Clark asked, sounding ever so slightly pissed.

Evan was laughing while Clark actually looked like he was debating taking a swing at me.

"I think he's right," Evan replied. "When was the last time we did anything for us?"

Clark stared at me for a few more seconds before he turned to face Evan.

"I mean we've all been so wrapped up spending time with our girlfriends, we never do what we like," Evan continued.

"Weren't you dumped like three months ago?" Andrew asked.

"No stupid ass," Evan replied. "I dumped her."

Clark and Andrew exchanged glances.

"The point is, I say we think of something for just us guys," Evan replied. "We can leave all those girls out of it."

Oh and were we gonna play boy scouts and tell scary stories too?

Did he not realize how ridiculous he sounded?

"Remember that camping trip idea I had?" Clark spoke. "I mean, I almost forgot about it."

"Yeah let's do that," Evan replied. "And we can all bring different stuff."

"I'll bring the tents," Andrew spoke.

"Big tents Andrew," Evan replied. "No one wants to be jampacked in these little ass huts."

Wait a second now.....

"And then like supplies and food....I guess I can bring that," Clark added.

Hold up.....

"And I guess I can bring sleeping bags and shit like that," Evan grumbled.


"What about you Mike?"

Everyone was looking over at me.

They did that a lot.

I didn't like that.

"Well, I mean..."

I actually didn't know what to say.

I mean, sure these people had pretty much been the only people I associated with in school.

And sure we'd gotten along pretty well since I started hanging with them.

And Evan hadn't picked on me once.

But I just didn't want to go to some sand infested beach in Hawaii.

I didn't want to go anywhere.

Not with my family.

Not with them.

"He accepts," Evan spoke shutting his locker.

"Wait, what?" I started.

"Sweet, so I'll tell a couple of the other guys about it and well get this shit going," Clark spoke, sounding highly pleased with himself.


Not only had I been forced into going camping with a bunch of popular bullies, but they were losers as well.

They guy who got dumped.

The guy with a single digit i.q.

The guy who's had more jobs than years he's been alive.

And me.

The guy who hated the fact that he was alive.

We could all be a bunch of losers together then.

For some reason, I no longer enjoyed coming to...Paul's class.

It wasn't that he was a bad teacher or anything.

It was quite the contrary actually.

And it wasn't like the class was boring.

I just.....didn't like him.

I knew that he was Troy's friend.

Or something.

He had, after all, invited him to my birthday party.

Out of the blue too.

And for some reason, I just didn't like the man.

He was too hot to be a teacher anyway.

How did he expect anyone to pay attention to him teaching if we were all too busy ogling over him?

I wasn't.

I recognized that he was a looker but my strange hatred for him was masking those feelings.

Why did Troy always stay after to talk to him anyway?

I mean, he could talk to me.

I couldn't guarantee that I'd listen or that I'd even care, but it would be better than spilling all to our 26 year old teacher.

And what were they always talking about anyway?

Was he going on to Paul about how horrible I was?

Because I could talk plenty about how horrible he was right back.

I could start with `did you know I don't even know his middle name? Or where in Canada he's from?'

Those would be good starting places.

"Okay so, let's talk about kids killing kids," Paul starting.

One could say that he was a controversial teacher as well.

He always brought up topics that in turn brought up debates.

Heated debates.

Of course, this was World Studies.

"Dude, I saw on the news the other day, there was this guy who blew off his friends foot cuz he wouldn't let him see his Playstation game," one of the stupider kids in class Frank, spoke. "It was in Washington."

"Well that's a start," Paul replied. "What about the rest of you? Any of you seen anything like that?"

I looked around.

I doubted anyone could talk specifics, as that sort of thing didn't happen in this town.

But oh would they have opinions anyway.

"That's always what it is," a girl in class named Summer, started. "It's always over something stupid where somebody stupid shoots somebody else stupid."

"So what about Columbine?" Paul asked.

Everyone was silent.

"Were the people killed there stupid?"

"They believed in God," Summer spoke. "They were smart and they're in heaven now."

"That was a contained instance," Paul replied. "And it only happened once. But what about when it's repeated?"

"What?" Frank asked.

"Oh yeah, I heard about something like that," Clark started. "Like there was this school in Texas where this group of kids kept having stuff like that happen to them. One guy got kidnapped, another got shot by his dad and then like a week later he shot another kid at his school."

"The prom kids? The one where those two kids died during their prom?" Summer spoke. "I remember that."

"Multiple instances, multiple scenarios," Paul replied. "An instance taken to the extreme, however."

What the hell kind of subject was this for us to be discussing?

What was its relevance?

Sure, it's sad to hear about that kind of stuff.

But that was Columbine and those kids in Texas.

This was Wayward, Nevada.

I doubt anyone even owned a gun given how religious everyone was.

And it was depressing.

I was already depressed enough without hearing about the crazy gun toting Texans.

"What's the point of any of this?" I found myself asking.

Because of my recent mood, I'd been a lot more outspoken lately.

It made me wonder why it had been so hard for me to speak my mind all along.

Everyone looked over at me but I just stared up at Paul who was staring back at me with a thoughtful look.

"The point is to learn to practice containment," Paul replied. "These types of incidents spread, unfortunately, and the next thing you know, you have parents grooming their children into killing people and thinking it's okay."

Okay yeah...because THAT happened.


"What?" I asked.

"There have been reports of kids about all of your ages being trained to kill people," Paul replied. "Where does it end?"

"Where does that happen?" I asked.

"Are you gonna take up our homework?" Troy suddenly spoke up, digging around in his backpack. "The bells about to ring."

He was lucky I was one of the kids that actually did my homework or I'd be pissed at him for bringing that up.

And why'd he have to interrupt me anyway?

"Right," Paul replied. "I guess that's enough of that subject for one day."

No for ANY damn day.

Like I wanted to hear about Susie Q. busting a cap in Billy J.'s ass.

"Pass your homework to the front," Paul spoke, getting off the edge of his desk and walking over to his computer.

"Sometimes, I feel sorry you have to live with him," Evan spoke, taking out his homework.

I couldn't help but to wonder why the hell he had to cut me off like that.

And of course Paul would take Troy's side over anything.

Apparently, they were best friends now.

Or at least, that was all I was willing to believe they were.

They spent a lot of time together.

I didn't want to think anything else was going on.

After everyone had passed up their homework the bell rang and everyone quickly sprang out of their seats and out the door.

"Now I have some ideas for my next plan of terrorism against the school," Evan spoke, putting his backpack on his back. "Nice to know the school has high standards for their hiring process."

"I like to think they do, yes," Paul spoke, walking past Evan and up to the front.

Clark and I laughed at how red Evan got as the three of us exited the classroom.

"So....you want to spend your spring vacation.....camping with...friends?" my mother asked.

Tonight was the night that I finally told my parents what I wanted to do for Spring Break.

And what I wanted to do didn't involve spending time with the family.

That was quite a change from what we were all used to.

I'm sure it just broke their hearts that I didn't want to spend time with them.

Now ask me if I gave a damn.

Go ahead.

Ask me.

"Mike, I thought you wanted to spend spring break with us," my dad said. "I mean, we do that every year."

"Well maybe this year is the year of change," I replied. "After all, the same thing over and over is bound to get boring."

"Just who are these friends exactly, that you want to go with?" my mom asked.

I looked over at her with an annoyed look.

As far as I was concerned, she was the last person on Earth I owed any sort of explanation to.

I had pretty much no respect for her anymore.

But I couldn't let that show.

Too much.

"Evan and-"

"Oh well that settles it then," my dad spoke up. "I don't think so."


"I keep telling you I don't want you hanging around that kid anymore-"


Everyone stared over at me.

I knew it was a stupid question, but I was in a challenging mood.

"Mike, I'm trying to look out for you here-"

"Like you did when mom threw me out?"

Things grew silent again.

And I wondered how he was gonna respond to that one.

"You shocked us....I didn't-"

"Yeah that's nice," I cut him off. "Look, as far as I'm concerned the two of you showed me where I stand in your lives a long time ago."


"What mom?!"

More silence.

"Why are you like this now Mike?" my dad asked. "What's it going to take to get you to act like your usual self?"

My usual self?

What the...

If that wasn't the stupidest statement EVER.

I'd never been `usual'.

I wasn't before, and I'm not now.

Life, for all intensive purposes, sucked now.

I was hell-bent on letting everyone me know the way I felt.

"It's just that, we always go together as a family," my mom started. "You don't want that this year?"

A lot of things had changed for me since before Troy had come.

I was a completely different person now.

I liked different things.

Had different interests.

The things that I liked were vastly different now.

"Well it's like I said," I replied. "Things change. People change. I've changed."

Besides just all of a sudden being the gay son they didn't want, there were other changes as well.

It was about time that they realized that the old Mike was gone and never coming back.

"Mike, come on," Max started.

"Come on what Max?" I replied. "Unless you wanna tag along?"

He looked down, not saying anything.

"Didn't think so," I replied.

And I knew I didn't have to worry about Troy.

We hated each other right about now.

"Fine, you do whatever then," my dad replied. "I'm done trying."


"How was school today Max?" my dad started, changing the subject.

And I wasn't that pissed.

I welcomed a subject change.

That way all their attention wasn't on me.

And that was a good thing.

Because any more attention and I might have started to realize that they were right.

And that was the last thing I wanted.

As I watched Evan load my bag into the back of his Ford Explorer, it suddenly crossed my mind that it was too late for a change of heart.

I hadn't realized how serious they all were about this trip until now.

Now, it was hitting me.....I was going camping with Evan Parker!

Not just Evan of course.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have given this thing a second thought.

Clark was here.

So were Andrew, Frank and a few other of Evan's friends.

In total, including myself, there were seven people going on this trip, just enough to fit in Evan's car.

In a way, I was glad there weren't any more.

"Ah, the smell of that fresh spring air in the morning," Evan spoke, taking in a big breath of air and looking around.

All puffed up like that he actually looked like some kind of huge gorilla.

"Don't you just love it?" he asked.

"It's not spring yet," Clark said, moving past both Evan and I with a giant cooler in his hands.

Something else I realized, all of these guys were incredibly good looking and incredibly strong.

I guess I was in good hands when it came to having someone to look after me in that forest.

To keep the wolves from biting.

"What all exactly does a camping trip entail?" I asked. "I mean, I've never been."

Nor had I ever wanted to go.

And the last thing I wanted was to wake up in the middle of the night only to find myself staring into the face of one of several different type of zoo animals I'm sure lived in that forest.

"You aren't getting nervous are you Mike?" Evan teased.

"Big baby," Clark chuckled.

"Maybe we should leave the baby at home," Andrew tried chiming in.

But Evan and Clark just stared at him.

"Dude, why don't you go make sure we got all the tents or something," Clark spoke.

Andrew looked over at me for some reason with a slightly pissed look on his face as he walked off.

"What a fucking loser," Clark mumbled.

Certainly were a harsh bunch.

"Can you imagine camping with just us and him?" Evan asked. "And no Mike?"

I suddenly felt like I was the most popular person here.

And essentially, I realized that I was.

I'm not sure any of them would had of agreed to go camping if I hadn't agreed to go camping.

I wasn't sure I wanted to fill anyone's popularity shoes.

I was fine how I was.

"Shotgun!" Andrew exclaimed, opening the passenger side door and starting to get in.

But Evan just threw him aside, without even paying the action that much attention, and looked around making sure the front was clean before he turned around.

"I always ride up front," Andrew spoke, sounding a little hurt.

"Do you now?" Evan asked sarcastically. "Anyway, front's all ready for you Mike."

Once again I caught a mean glare from Andrew.

I didn't like those stares.

They were creepy.

"Uh, let's just go," I spoke, walking past Andrew to get into the front.

I'll be damned if I was gonna let somebody like Andrew intimidate me.

"Fucking awesome," Evan cheered running around to the driver's side.

They sure were excited about this trip.

I just hoped that somewhere along the way I was going to get as excited about this as they were.

"I'm bored," Sienna yawned.

Max looked over at her from his spot on the couch.


Troy looked around, over at the two of them.

"We have a whole house to ourselves," Max replied. "How can you be bored?"

Sienna sat up and sighed.

"I still can't believe your parent's went off to Hawaii and let the both of you stay here," Sienna replied. "Why didn't you two wanna go?"

Troy and Max exchanged glances.

They each had different reasons why they had decided not to go, but they each had a common reason in mind.

"Warm sun and sand. Blue oceans....you guys must have lost your minds or something," Sienna replied.

"You're here aren't you?" Troy spoke, throwing a couch pillow over at her.

"Oh well thanks honey," Sienna replied. "Oh and I have to say thanks for the non existent invite too. You sure know how to please a woman."

"That's how I treat all my fake girlfriends," Troy replied. "Don't flatter yourself."

Sienna stuck her tongue out at Troy who laughed back at her.

Everyone let out a collective sigh as the only sounds that could be heard through the house were the ticks of the clocks.

"So......no one's here," Max started.

"Yup," Troy spoke.

"Well....what do you guys wanna do?"

No one said anything.

Wayward was pretty much nowheresville to being with, but where we'd traveled to...

The wilderness was unknown to me simply because everything else generally was.

Anything outside my own room was a wilderness to me, and everyone outside those walls were the animals.

I was just waiting for them all to prove it to me.


"And over there we can start the fire," Frank spoke, pointing to the most obvious `you can start a fire here' spot in the world.

"No shit Sherlock," Clark spoke, helping Evan set up a tent.

"Andrew, what are you doing?" Evan asked.

Andrew stopped carrying logs to the fire area and looked over at Evan.

"I was just...I was just-"

"Put the fucking logs down and help us do something useful," Evan replied. "Fucking douchebag."


I considered that a `wow' moment because I wasn't doing anything at all, yet they were yelling at Andrew for at least attempting to help.

I was just standing, watching everyone do all the work for me.

I guess this was how it was in their world.

The most popular people always were the ones who got away with not having to do any real work.

Outside trying to keep their evil reputations in tact.

So I decided that for the time being, I was going to enjoy it.

I noticed a giant fallen tree a few feet away from all of them and decided to plant myself on top of it.

I hadn't exactly done a lot of thinking about what I was expecting to actually happen on this trip.

I mean, I was really only here to spite my parents and people who still wanted to call themselves the friends that were supposed to care about me.

I guess if had done all this thinking before hand, I would have been more alert here.

And I would have seen the snake creeping up behind me.

"Don't move," Evan spoke, in such a serious tone, I wanted to laugh at him.

"Whoa, dude..." Frank spoke.

Everyone was looking my way and I had no idea why.

I did, all of a sudden, though, hear what sounded like a hissing noise behind me.

"What? What?" I asked, panicking a little.

"Dude that snake is gonna fucking own his ass!" Frank exclaimed, sounding like he was actually excited behind the notion.

A snake?

A fucking snake?!

I started to get up but Evan shouted not to.

"I don't wanna get bitten Evan!" I shouted.

I was too scared to even look behind me.

I knew coming on this damn trip was a bad idea.

"It's not gonna just up and bite you if you don't mess with it," Evan replied. "Just be still. It'll go away."

Easy for the guy who didn't have a ten foot snake creeping over his left leg to say.



I had a snake crawling over me and everyone else staring at it and me.

Interesting situation.

"The key is to think about something else," Evan spoke.

Like what?

"Hey did anyone bring a camera?" Clark asked. "This shit is too hilarious!"

"Shut up Clark!" I shouted. "This isn't funny!"

"Shut the hell up Mike!" Evan spoke, seriously.

This wasn't funny.

Not when I could die at any given moment.

I finally looked down at the snake.

It was an ugly looking thing.

All slimy and what not.

I didn't like it.

I wanted to kick it off of me.

But for some reason, I saw it going down that the snake would bite me in the face before flinging away.

"Okay, another second and I'm running," I spoke.

I mean, would YOU just let a snake slither all over you?

"Fine...uh......," Evan spoke, looking around before picking up a long stick. "On the count of three I'll fling it off while you jump."

Now the question was, was I gonna be able to wait three seconds?

"One..." Evan started.

"I didn't get the camera yet," Clark said.


"Oh man," Frank chuckled.


I jumped, he flung, and the snake went rolling down the side of the hill beside us.

Everyone else ran to watch it rolling down while I walked over dusting myself off as if I'd just been covered with thousands of snakes or something.

But no, one was enough to convince me of that feeling.

"Hey," Evan started, coming up behind me.

I turned around to notice everyone else was still salivating over watching that damn snake fall.

"You alright?"

I looked at him.

Really looked at him.

For some reason, it actually looked as if he gave a damn about my well being.

Like he was actually concerned for me.

I wasn't sure how I felt about that.

Actually, wait, no I knew how I felt about it.

I felt it was completely creepy.

I turned away from him.

"I'm fine, it was just a stupid snake."

"We could play-"

"No way in hell I wanna play Candyland again," Max cut Sienna off before she started.

"You just don't wanna lose to her again," Troy spoke.

Sienna sighed.

"Maybe I should have gone on that trip with your parent's Max," she said. "Not like I'm doing much here. Other than..."

She didn't finish her statement.

Max and Troy exchanged glances.

"Are you guys as worried about Mike as I am?" Max asked.

Sienna sat up.

"It's just, Evan's picked on him in the worst possible ways.....I don't understand why he's hanging with him, let alone spending an entire week with him and his friends."

"Okay, wait," Troy started. "You have seen him lately, right? Heard him? He knows exactly what he's doing. He's one of them now."

"One of them?" Sienna asked.

Troy sat back without responding.

"Look, I don't care about any of that," he said. "Mike's my brother. I'm worried about him."

"Mike made it perfectly clear he could give a rats ass what we think of him anymore," Troy replied bitterly.

"What so you're saying we should just let him suffer at the hands of-"

"The guy you happened to be dating before I came along?" Troy replied. "God, you two talk about how evil Evan is when both of you were with him pretty much all the time for years. Now when it's Mike's turn you have something to say?"

Sienna and Max exchanged glances.

"Evan didn't publicly humiliate us and force us to come out to our parents either," Max said. "Bottom line is, no matter what Mike's going through and all the shit he puts us through, I'm still gonna care about him at the end of the day."

"Yeah," Sienna replied. "And just thinking about what he could be doing with Evan or worse, what Evan could be doing to him....."

Everyone grew quiet.

"Wow, this is some way to spend our spring break," Max mumbled.

Before things grew silent amongst them again.

"Dude, I swear, my sneakers...they're like melting," Frank spoke.

Clark looked down at Frank's shoes.

"That's because they are fuckclown," Clark said. "Look!"

Frank looked down.

"Oh shit!" he exclaimed, tossing his shoes off and jumping off.

"What a loser," Clark laughed.

Yes, what a los..ers...as in plural.

I could only take so much of people being stupid for so long before I had enough.

I decided that I'd best be served in a tent by myself.

I wanted to come away from this trip with at least ninety percent of the brain cells I had at the start.

I was only going to lose all of them if I stayed around Evan and co for too long.

Unfortunately, I hadn't even been alone for two minutes before I heard someone trying to get into my tent for some reason, when we all had our own.

"I'm jacking off!" I shouted, in an effort to hopefully get whoever it was to go away.

Funny how I could say something that crude now.

Maybe I was spending too much time around Evan and co.....

"Without me?" Evan spoke coming into the tent and zipping it behind him. "Where's the fun in that?"

I turned around to face Evan.

"Frank's shoes still on fire?" I asked.

"More like waterlogged," Evan replied. "He threw them into that lake nearby."

"Oh," I replied.

I didn't know what to say to him.

I didn't even know why he'd followed me into the tent.

"So, are you not having fun?" he asked, sitting next to me. "I mean, I guess I'd be a little....weird if I had a snake crawling all over my crotch too."

"Oh but that was the best part," I chuckled along with Evan.

Then there was this really weird silence.

The awkward uncomfortable ones.

The one's that were always usually on the account of me not knowing what to say to somebody.

They didn't happen that much lately.

I was on that `avoiding' people drug.


You haven't heard of it?

"So, what exactly can I do to....make you have fun?" Evan asked.

I looked over at him, confused.

I wasn't sure I got what he was trying to ask me.


Evan didn't respond.

Instead I noticed him getting closer and closer to my face.

It was awkward and I tried backing up.

He was still getting closer and closer and I was running out of `backing away' room.

"Evan what are you-"


I didn't want this.

"Hey Evan I thought-"

Evan turned around and I looked past him to where Andrew was standing at the opening of the tent.


"What are you guys doing?" Andrew asked.

Evan turned back to look at me.

Yeah Evan, I'd like to know what the hell you were thinking as well.

All of a sudden though, Evan pushed me back.

He pushed me so hard, and it was so unexpected, that I fell back.

Evan stood up and dusted himself off like he had some kind of `gay germs' on him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Carson?" he asked.

I got up and looked up at him.

"I invite you on this camping trip and you fucking hit on me?"

"What?" Andrew asked.

Yeah, what?!

I stood up slowly not knowing what to say exactly.

Evan grabbed a hold of me and pushed me out of the tent, just hard enough for me to get out of it, but not hard enough for me to fall.

He and Andrew walked out of it.

I noticed Evan looked like...a bully again.

All big and huffy and puffy.

He looked like he was in control of a situation that was fast getting out of hand.

"Evan, what are you-"

"Don't try to deny it Carson," Evan spoke. "Just admit you came on this trip so you could fucking suck us all off!"

"What? Dude, I SO knew he was a queer," Frank spoke, sounding like for once he was right about something.

"Evan, man, what's going on?" Clark asked, walking up beside Evan.

By now everyone was standing around, watching the show while trying to figure out what was going on.

"I knew it man," Andrew spoke. "That's what I tried to tell you but you didn't listen."

"Sorry Andy," Evan spoke. "You're right though, I should have listened to you."

Oh NOW he wants to listen to Andrew.

When he was being a total jerk!

"Dude, what happened in there?" Clark asked.

"Oh just Carson trying to kiss me while grabbing a cheap feel," Evan replied.

"What?" I gasped.

Okay, this was getting out of hand.

And I had no idea where all this was coming from.

He'd seriously lost his mind.

"Whoa...a real queer on our camping trip," Frank spoke.

"Evan, you don't know what you're talking about-"

"No, I saw it-"

"You don't know what the hell you saw Andrew," I spoke.

"Don't yell at him queer!" Evan shouted.

I looked back over at him.

Let's see...there was me...and then there was them.

All football playing, gigantic, tall, could kick my ass by themselves let alone together, six of them.

What the hell was I gonna do?

"Just admit it Carson," Evan spoke. "You want our dicks."


I didn't get what was going on, but I also knew that I didn't like it.

Not one bit.

I wasn't the same person that took shit from people anymore.

This wasn't about to happen to me.

"You're right Evan," I replied. "And I especially LOVED the part where you stuck your tongue in my mouth."

"What?" Clark asked.

"Wait a sec, that never happened," Evan spoke, sounding a little pissed-panicked.

"Dude, TWO fags?" Frank spoke.

"Andrew, tell them that never happened!"

Andrew looked at me, then at Evan, before looking around at everyone else.

"Actually, I think Mike's right," he replied. "I think you kissed him back."


"Whoa!" Frank, Clark and some of the others gasped.

"What? Andy-"

About time Andrew show he wasn't totally brain dead.

And it was what Evan deserved for treating him like shit all this time.

"Wow....that makes all this awkward then," Clark spoke.

"I'm just glad we got our own tents," Frank spoke, as him and some of the other guys walked back over to the fire.

"No...wait...guys I didn't kiss....I didn't..."

"Just stay over there Evan," Clark spoke. "With your new boyfriend."

Evan turned and looked back at me, looking utterly defeated.

It was his fault for trying anything in the first place.

My reputation was already shot, and I didn't give a damn whether it was a good or bad one anyway.

My parents already knew I was gay.

But him?

They just proved that popular guys could easily be just as cruel and catty as all the popular girls in the world.

All of them including him proved that they were mean people.

I had no sympathy for him.

I'd imagine this was gonna be one awkward week.

YahooGroup (w/ advanced chapters of the story): http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoJoPresents-GayFiction/

Personal email: crossingboi2004@yahoo.com

Copyright 2005

Next: Chapter 25: Just a Ride

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