Wayne and Paula-A Love Story

By Paula Thomas

Published on Sep 19, 2005



Wayne and Paula

A Love Story

By Paula Thomas

It was a beautiful late September evening in Southern California. It was Friday night, and I was driving to my date's apartment for what I hoped would be an evening of fun, discovery, and, yes, sex. I couldn't have been more excited. You see, it was my first time going on a date completely dressed as a woman, and feeling very feminine.

The evening air felt cool, but I felt flushed with excitement, and anxious about dressing this way. What would happen if Wayne didn't like it. I was young, beautiful, and sexy, so I was really hoping he'd approve, but I worried about it all the way to his place.

I was wearing a black and silver print silk dress, with black patent high heels, black stockings, and, of course, black lingerie. My wig was shoulder length, strawberry blond, and nicely styled. In short, I was a knockout. I had to admit I was really fortunate that my body type, slender, not too tall, and with delicate features, allowed me to pull this off.

Last Friday night, and Saturday morning, Wayne and I had sex. Delicious, lustful, passionate, satisfying sex. It was my first time with a man, and tonight would be my second, so I really hoped he found me attractive dressed as I was. But, as I said, I was very nervous, especially since this was really my first serious attempt at dressing and acting as a woman. The makeover at the salon this afternoon gave me a lot of confidence, not to mention making me look better than ever, so I was hopeful. I was really glad my sister set that up for me.

Stopping at a traffic light, I pulled down the sunshade, and looked at myself in the mirror mounted on the back. Perfect makeup, I thought, and perfect hair. He's going to love it, I said to myself.

I pulled in to Wayne's apartment complex parking lot, and parked in front of his building. Getting out of the car, I straightened my dress, and checked myself out in the window's reflection, as I dropped my car keys into my purse. Perfect, I thought, as I turned to walk up to Wayne's door.

Perhaps a look at the events leading up to this moment would be appropriate, since such a momentous change in my life had brought me to this point.

The previous Friday evening

The Dodgers were in the heat of a late September pennant race, and were playing the hated Giants. Although ballgames were not often televised back then, this game was on TV, and Sandy Koufax was pitching. Wayne Thomas, a college classmate and very close friend, had invited me and several other friends over to his place to watch the game, and have some beer and pizza. Since I was only 20 at the time, a chance to drink beer wasn't to be passed up, so I accepted the invitation.

The game was close, the beer flowed freely, and the pizza was delicious. I didn't know everyone there, but got on well with all of them, even a Giants fan. But, being young, I eventually had too much to drink. Wayne was concerned about my ability to drive home safely, and insisted that I crash at his place. He was a year or so older than me, and a lot wiser.

"Use my bed, it'll be fine" he said, and motioned toward the bedroom door. Grateful for the invitation, I went off to get some much needed sleep. Taking off my clothes, I slipped between the sheets with just my underpants on, and began to doze off. Somewhere in that twilight zone between sleep and awake, I felt something move across the back of my leg, and a hand slid under me to my crotch. I threw back the sheet, turned, and found Wayne lying next to me naked.

"Wayne" I said, "what are you doing?" He looked at me with a grin like he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, which he sort of had been, and said nothing. I have no good explanation for what happened next. I looked at him for a moment and smiled, as I got goose bumps and a tingling sensation down my spine. Seeing his erect cock stirred an unexpected feeling of desire in me. I couldn't resist him, so I surrendered. I said, "Give me your hand." I took his hand and laid it on my crotch, and said "Is this what you want?"

Wayne fondled my cock through my underpants, and said almost breathlessly "Oh yes, oh yes. oh Paul, yes, I want it really bad." He fondled my now-growing mound a bit more, and said "Please Paul. please tell me you want it too."

Feelings were beginning to awaken in me, feelings I didn't know I had, and I trembled a bit. "Well," I said nervously, " how's this?" as I reached down and pulled my underpants off, freeing up my now erect cock. I have no idea why I did that, as I'd always been straight, but maybe all that beer, my close friendship with Wayne, or my now awakening desire, caused me to respond to his advance. A seduction really. A passionate desire for Wayne was suddenly, inexplicably, filling my head. I began to feel that I wanted him badly.

Wayne began stroking my cock with his hand, as I moaned in pleasure. He began kissing it, and moistening it with his tongue. Suddenly, as I lay there enjoying his affection, he slid down and took my cock in his mouth.

"Oh Wayne," I gasped, "I love that." With that, he took it deeper into his mouth, sliding up and down my throbbing cock, sucking and stimulating it with his tongue. This was obviously not his first time. I became extremely aroused as Wayne took my cock deep in his throat, sucking and caressing. He began to move faster, as I got hotter and hotter.

"Wayne. oh. I want to come in your mouth baby." I said, almost breathlessly. With that Wayne increased his sucking even more, as I twitched in sheer ecstasy.

Suddenly, he rolled around in the other direction, never losing his oral grip on my cock. He rolled one leg over me, assuming the 69 position. I was pumping my cock into his mouth as hard as I could, and when I looked up his hard erection was only inches from my face. I couldn't resist, as I reached up to his hips and pulled him down, taking his hard cock into my mouth. At that moment of white hot passion I had to have his cock in my mouth. He wasn't very big, which was okay with me, as this was the first time I'd ever done anything like this. I began sucking him, taking him as far into my throat as I could. The taste was mildly salty, but pleasant. I was surprised that I enjoyed having his cock in my mouth. No, I had to admit, I loved it. I knew then it wouldn't be the last time.

As I sucked him he began moaning with pleasure. My cock was throbbing and straining in his mouth, and I began to tremble and shake with passion. I put my arms around his hips, pulling him into me, as he pumped up and down on my cock. Finally, in uncontrolled passion, I came in his mouth with a cascade of climax. I had never been so passionately excited in climaxing before. As he cleaned me up with his mouth I pulled away from his cock, not wanting him to come in my mouth, I suppose. I don't really know. My head was reeling in confusion.

Finally, Wayne turned around and curled up next to me, with one arm across my chest. He kissed my cheek and neck gently, saying he hoped it had been good for me.

"Wayne, that was fabulous", I said as I turned toward him. "I've never been so hot in my life. I feel a little bad about not finishing you though. It's just, ah, I don't know."

He leaned over and kissed me on the lips, and said, "That's okay, I've got something else in mind anyway."

Puzzled, I looked at him and said, "What do you mean?"

"I'll just be up front with you Paul, I want to fuck you right now." He got up and went to the nightstand, returning with a tube of KY lubricant. Sitting next to me, he began rubbing it on his erection. Finally, he reached over to put some on my opening.

"Wayne, I don't know about this. Won't it hurt like crazy?" I said.

"Naw, it'll be fine, and I guarantee you'll absolutely love it." Wayne said, smiling broadly. "Now, just get up on all fours, and let me finish with this cream." I moved as he had asked, but anxious about what we were about to do. It wasn't that I didn't want him inside me. I really did, after the way he brought me to a climax. I wanted to please him, but getting fucked in the butt was pretty alien to me.

He slowly pushed two fingers into me. "Hmm.Hmmm." I moaned with pleasure. "Do that some more." He continued to stroke my ass for a minute or so.

Finally, Wayne positioned himself behind me, and asked if I was ready. I nodded, as a way to tell him I was willing to try, for him. Slowly, I could feel his cock head slide just barely into my ass.

"How does that feel?" Wayne asked.

"Hmmm. Push it in further and I'll let you know." I said. He responded by pushing a couple of inches in. "Oh, Wayne, that feels wonderful. Push it all the way in." I said, passionately. He slid further in to me, and I began thrusting my hips in response. "Oh Wayne. I love it. More baby, more" I said breathlessly. I had never felt such pleasure, such desire, before. I wanted him, wanted him deep inside me, wanted him to climax in me.

"How's this?" he said, as he moaned in pleasure. He began rhythmically pumping in and out as I squealed in joy. "I've been wanting to fuck you ever since I first saw you. You are just so sexy I can't get you out of my mind Paul" he said. His pumping was faster now, as he reached around and took hold of my cock, now growing more erect than ever. "Hmmm. I see you're liking this a lot." he said.

"Oh yes. Wayne, oh yes. More, fuck me more. God, I love it so much. Fuck me more, deeper, faster. Oh god Wayne, I love it." I said passionately. "Fuck me, oh jeez, fuck me Wayne. Please don't stop. Don't ever stop."

Wayne pumped faster, stroking my throbbing cock as he did. He began kissing my back passionately. "Oh Paul, I love this. I'm so hot for you baby." he said. He began to tremble and shake, and finally I felt his cock expand inside me as he reached a huge climax. His come spurted inside me, time after time. As he did, I came all over the sheet.

"Don't pull out" I said softly. "I love having you inside me, and I want to feel you for a little while longer." My head was down on the bed, I could barely breathe from the passion of the moment, and my feelings for Wayne were swirling around my brain like a runaway train. I had just been fucked, and I loved it. Everything I thought I knew about myself was now completely shattered, and in ruins. "I never thought this would be so good. God Wayne, I hope you fuck me a lot of times."

Finally, Wayne's cock slid limply out of my ass, and he collapsed on the bed in my arms. He kissed me passionately several times, and I returned the kisses with equal passion. As I lay there, a little drunk and half asleep, I thought to myself, have I found what's been missing in my life? We curled up and went to sleep in each other's arms.

I awoke with a start the next morning, not knowing where I was at first. Sunlight streamed in through the window, telling me it was at least mid-morning. Something moved to the side, and I sat up and turned. It was Wayne, sitting on the far side of the bed.

"Good morning lover," he said, "get enough sleep?" He reached over and stroked the back of my head. "There's a glass of orange juice on the nightstand for you."

I sat up, with my back to the headboard, and looked at the orange juice. "Thanks Wayne, that's just what I need." I said, as I smiled to him. "But first, I have to go to the bathroom. There's a lot of stuff leaking out of my butt, and I want to clean up."

"I'm planning on filling it up again Paul, just as soon as you get back." he said, smiling. When I returned I sat back down on the bed, stretched my legs out, and took a long drink of orange juice. "Are you sore from last night?" he asked.

"Not a bit Wayne," I said, " which surprises me. But I'm glad, because that was the best sex I've ever had. I never knew there was so much pleasure to be found back there."

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet Paul." he said, as he reached over and began stroking my cock. It became hard in seconds, as he fondled it lovingly. "I see you're ready for another go around." With that he leaned down, kissing and caressing my cock with his tongue. "Ummm.." he said, "want to come in my mouth this morning?"

"Oh Wayne. please, I want to come in your mouth right now." I replied softly. He began sucking as he had last night, rhythmically moving up and down the shaft. His tongue darted around my cock, teasing it with delicious strokes. It didn't really take him long, as I wasn't drunk like I had been the night before. His sucking motion quickened, as he took my cock all the way into his throat, and slowly withdrew, only to quickly take it in again. I put my hands on the back of his head, pushing down to let him know I wanted him.

"Oh god. I love that, please don't stop." I cried passionately. Suddenly, I exploded deep in his throat, as a cascade of come entered his mouth. He continued sucking as I quivered uncontrollably. "Ohhh. Wayne, that was great." I said lovingly. "Nobody has ever been that good with me before." I stroked his head and shoulders for a bit as he cleaned me up with his mouth.

He crawled up beside me, kissing me passionately. "Now I want to fuck you Paul. I want to give you the best fucking you've ever had. This time I want you on your back. I'm going to take you from the front. That way I can kiss you, and look in your eyes while I'm fucking you." He reached over for the KY again, applying a liberal amount on his hard erection, then an equally liberal amount on my ass. I was shaking with excitement and desire for him.

"Roll over on your back, and lift your legs up high," he said, "because I'm going to be inside you in seconds." He brought my legs up with his arms, so I was almost bent over backwards, then slid his throbbing cock in. He entered more quickly than he had last night, sliding it all the way in with one stroke.

"Oh Wayne, that feels wonderful. Oh god.. Oh, fuck me baby, fuck me." I moaned, as he rhythmically pumped his swollen member in and out. He kissed me passionately, over and over, as I wrapped my arms around the back of his head, with my ankles crossed behind his neck. I was being fucked like a woman, and loving every second of it.

Wayne pumped faster now, as his body tensed and trembling. "How is this baby?" he said softly in my ear. "Better than last night, huh?"

"Oh yes Wayne. oh, fuck me, oh. please don't stop." I cried passionately. "I love being fucked like a woman. Oh god, I love it." As I said that Wayne gave a final shudder, and had a tremendous climax, with spurt after spurt of delicious come erupting deep inside me. I held him tight, and kissed him over and over. I had never been so happy in my life than I was just then.

"You know, I've wanted to fuck you since I first saw you Paul." he said lovingly. "Your blond hair, smooth skin, perfect legs, and that great ass. You're the prettiest boy I've ever seen. I want you to be my woman, my steady woman." He gazed into my eyes and kissed me again and again.

"I'd love to be your woman Wayne." I said, "Whatever it takes to please you, I'm willing to do." He smiled, kissed me, and went off to the bathroom. I was lost in a world I knew nothing about, and this great lover had just asked me to be his woman. All kinds of images popped into my head. With Wayne, I had finally awakened my true feelings and desires, I thought, but I had no idea where this was going to take me.

"Better get up, and take a shower." Wayne called from the bathroom. "We can take one together if you like." So, we showered together, fondled each other a bit, and he asked me to please seriously consider his request about being a woman. He also asked if I could come back the following Friday evening. I readily agreed, then got dressed and left for home. Even though it was a Saturday, I had a ton of homework to finish, and finish it I'd better if I want to graduate from college.

After finishing my homework, I went out for a burger and Coke. As I sat there at the burger place eating I began thinking of Wayne, and how easily I had allowed him to seduce me. I began to realize he had been seducing me since we first met two years ago, with little touches and squeezes, a warm look, the time I showered at his house after basketball and he came into the bathroom, to give me a towel, he said. But he lingered, talking to me as I showered. I must have been receptive to his advances without realizing it. No wonder I gave in so easily when he finally made his move. I had to admit I loved it, all of it. Just thinking about it gave me goosebumps. Now he had asked me to be his woman. I wondered just what that really meant. Does he just want me to put on some women's clothes for him? Hmmm. That doesn't sound like something I'd want to do, but he sounded pretty sincere about me doing it. I'm a little confused, I thought. Just then, luck intervened, as two very well dressed young women walked in, and ordered sandwiches. They sat at a table next to my booth, directly in my field of view.

I discretely watched them, noting how they looked. I had never really paid that much attention to adult women before. They were perfectly groomed, with nice hair styles, impeccable makeup, coordinated jewelry, soft feminine blouses and skirts, stockings and high heels. But it was more than simply what they wore, it was the complete femininity they exuded, in their jesters and graceful movements. Neither was what I'd consider pretty, but both were extremely attractive. That is to say, they had taken the time to make themselves attractive to men.

Then it hit me like an epiphany! That's what Wayne wants. He had already said I was pretty, and now he wants me to take it to the next level. He wants me to be completely feminine, for him. While the thought of just wearing a dress didn't do much for me, the thought of making myself feminine was exciting, even arousing. This morning he had made me feel like a woman, and now he wants me to be as feminine and attractive as these women. I shivered with excitement at the thought of doing that.

As I thought about it more and more, I realized I needed to talk to my older sister Katie. So I hurried home to call her.

She answered the phone and I said, "Hi sis, it's me. Can I come over tonight? There's something really important I need to talk to you about."

"Sure," Katie replied, " what's up?"

"Well," I said, "it's something real personal, and you're the only person I have that I can talk to, but I'd rather talk about it in person."

"Okay," Katie said, "come over about 7. See you then." With that she hung up the phone. Good old Katie, I thought, she'll know what to do. Katie is two years older than me, but we look so much alike people think we're twins.

As I drove to her house I realized I was going to have to be completely honest with her. We've always confided in each other, and grew even closer after Mom died. She was the primary reason I had a good upbringing, as our Army officer father was remote and not really there for either of us.

I rang the bell, and Katie invited me in. "Can I get you anything Paul?" she asked as she headed to the kitchen.

"Got any wine? I'm kinda nervous about what I need to talk about, so maybe wine will settle me down a little." I said as she left the room. Shortly, she returned with two glasses of wine, and sat on the couch next to me. I took several sips of wine, then finally turned to her. "Would you have time to go shopping with me tomorrow?" I asked nervously.

"Sure," she said, "but why do you need me? You're a big boy now silly."

"I need you Katie," I replied, "because I want to buy some women's clothes, and I have no idea what I'm doing."

"Women's clothes?" she asked curiously. "For who? You have a new girlfriend you haven't told me about?"

I looked at her, turning a little red. The moment of truth had arrived. "No," I said quietly, "they're for me." She leaned back, giving me an almost incredulous look.

"Whatever are you talking about Paul?" she said. "You've never worn women's clothes, so what's this all about?"

"Okay," I said, "I just need to be honest with you. I always have in the past. I had sex with a guy last night, and again this morning, and I want to dress as a woman for him. More than that, actually, I want to be completely feminine for him."

Katie sat in stunned silence for what seemed like several minutes. "Sex with a guy, Paul? What have you gotten yourself into? I didn't think you, of all people, were queer. Who was the guy?"

I wished there had been an easier way, but total honesty was what I needed just then. I said, "With Wayne, my good friend. You've met him. And please don't call me queer. It's just the attraction to Wayne, and how special he makes me feel. I'd never want to do it with another guy, just Wayne."

"Oh, I like Wayne, but I never thought of him that way either. Just how did this come about, and what, exactly did you two do?" she asked in a somewhat stern voice.

"I got a little drunk at Wayne's last night, and couldn't drive home," I said, "so I slept in his bed. He seduced me into having sex." I looked at her, hoping she would be understanding. She always had been in the past.

"Wow," she said, "never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this. What kind of sex did you have?"

I thought for a brief moment about whether I should go into details, then realized I had to if I wanted her support. "We had oral sex, sis, then he fucked me."

"Oral sex!" she exclaimed loudly. "Did you, I mean, did he, ah, you know."

"He didn't come in my mouth Katie, if that's what you're asking." I said quietly. "He fucked me in the butt, and that's where he came. In my butt."

"In the butt! Good god, that must have been disgusting." she said, getting more animated all the time.

"It wasn't like that at all sis," I said to soothe her. "The truth is, I loved it, loved every minute of it, and I can't wait to do it again with him. This morning he fucked me from the front, like a woman, and I was in ecstasy. It was such great sex, and I've never been happier. He told me this morning I was the prettiest boy he'd ever seen, then he said he wanted me to be his woman. His feminine woman, and that's what I really want to do, make myself feminine for him."

"Ah," she said, "that's why you want to buy women's clothes, so you can be his woman." She took several sips of wine, looking at me the whole time, and obviously thinking things through. After all, her beloved little brother just told her he wanted to be a woman for his lover. "You really need my help, don't you?" she asked softly. I nodded in response. ""And you're absolutely sure this is what you want to do?" as she looked at me seriously. Again I nodded. She studied me for a moment, looking into my eyes. I thought if I could just be as pretty as she was, Wayne would think I was gorgeous. Finally, she nodded her head in consent.

"I know you've been a little out of sorts since Suzie moved away," she said, "but you're my only little brother and I love you very much, so I don't really need to understand this. If this is what you really want to do than so be it." She sipped some more wine, before setting the glass down, then got up, and went into the other room, returning with a seamstress's tape measure, a notepad, and a pencil. "Stand up," she said softly, "while I measure you."

As I stood in front of her, she measures my shoulders, chest, waist, hips, the length of my legs, the distance from the base of my neck to my knees. She measured everything, or so it seemed.

"Okay, if you want to dress as a woman, and be feminine," she said, "I'm going to make sure you are the best dressed and most beautiful, most feminine woman around." She smiled lovingly at me, and gave me the biggest hug I'd had from her in years. "Go home and get a good night's sleep, and pick me up at ten o'clock tomorrow. Okay? I know just where to go, but I'll need to do a little research tonight to find a couple of special items. See you tomorrow, and bring money, lots of money."

I left, excited about the shopping trip the next day, and deliriously happy that Katie was so understanding. I had been so worried about rejection and humiliation. With her help, though, I should be able to pull it off.

I arrived at Katie's place promptly at 10 am, and knocked on the door. She emerged, notebook and tape measure in hand, and she also was carrying a Yellow Pages. I gave her a quizzical look. "Research," she said, "in case we don't find everything."

As I pulled the car out of her parking lot, I asked where we were going. "To a department store downtown. We should be able to get all the clothes we need there. We also need to find a wig shop and a couple of other places." As we drove, I told her about the two women in the burger place, and how feminine they appeared. "That's what we call The Look, Paul." she said. "That's how women can level the playing field, by making themselves as feminine as possible. A woman who's not especially pretty can still compete with prettier women by using The Look. Men are as much attracted by femininity as by a pretty face. Women have been doing that for centuries." I found it fascinating, and I certainly saw what she meant with the two women.

The department store was huge. Women's clothes were on several floors, with special sections for lingerie, shoes, and other items. "Wow," I said, "I'm sure glad you're here with me. I had no idea they'd have such a large assortment. Where do we start?"

"We start," she said, "by finding you a nice dress. One with a zipper down the back."

"Why is that important?" I asked, a little confused.

"Because, Paul," she said, "when he wants to get your dress off fast, one with a zipper works best. He just unzips it, and lets it drop to the floor. No messing with buttons and things like that." As she talked, we moved between large circular racks, with an endless variety of dresses, skirts, blouses, and pants. She stopped, pulling a dress off a rack, holding it up. A black and silver silk dress, with a V neck, long sleeves, and a zipper in back. "From your measurements, I've calculated that you're probably a Misses size 10, or maybe even an 8, depending on the dress."

She held it up to me, to gauge the length. "This would be perfect." she said, "Do you like it? Here, come over by the mirror and have a look." I was praying nobody was watching us, as the store was not busy so early on a Sunday morning.

After looking at the dress in the mirror, I said, "It's perfect Katie. Will it fit?"

"Well, it's a 10, so it should. Let's try it on in the fitting room. I'll go in with you, so nobody will see." I tried it on, and it was a perfect fit, the hem falling just at my knees. Katie checked to be sure there would be enough room for my breasts.

"Okay, let's buy it." I said. "That was easy." I noticed a sales lady eying us suspiciously from the corner. I smiled and winked at her, before she turned away.

She turned to me and said, "Alright, let's, but now we need to find another outfit."

"What for? The dress is just right." I said.

"Look, Paul, you're spending the night, right?" I nodded. "So, you need a second outfit to wear home the next morning. Something a little more appropriate for wearing out in the daytime." She continued looking through the many racks, finally producing a black knit skirt. She held it up to me, and confirmed it was knee length. Finally, she located a rack filled with a variety of colorful blouses. She pulled out a beautiful pink and white silk blouse, size 10. "We need to try this one to be sure, but I think it'll look perfect on you."

"Now," she said, "let's go find you some lingerie. There are several basic items you'll need." I followed, as she led me through the store to the lingerie department. Consulting her notes, she picked out a lacy black garter, black bra with a C cup, and black panties with legs, to ensure I'd be covered properly. She also selected a white bra, explaining that I'd need to wear it under the silk blouse, as the black one would show. Next came a black full slip, to wear under the silk dress, she explained, and a black half slip for the skirt. Finally, she selected several pairs of black and off-black nylon stockings, saying that the black would look great at night, but I should wear the off-black stockings in the morning going home.

"This is a complex business, sis." I said half chuckling. "Without you here, I would have just turned around and gone home, figuring it was hopeless." My head was spinning with the huge variety of things needed, just for one date. Wow, I thought.

"Next, we pick out some high heels for you." She said, smiling to me radiantly. "I think you wear a women's size 9, or maybe an 8. We'll see." At the shoe department we had to rely on a salesman to bring us a selection. Katie asked for several different styles of black patent heels, which he promptly brought out, in both size 8 and 9. "Slip these on," she said, ignoring the salesman, "and let's find out what size is best."

I looked at the salesman, and said "Fraternity prank." He nodded knowingly, and left us alone. It turned out the size 8 fit perfectly, so Katie asked which style I liked best. I went for a 3 inch heel with a pointed toe, as I thought they would be very flattering with my legs. As I paid for the shoes Katie went across the aisle and picked out a black patent purse and belt.

"Your purse and belt need to match your shoes." She said with a smile. "Now, on to jewelry, Paul. We're not even close to being finished." She giggled a bit as she said it. I struggled to keep up, carrying all of our selections. Katie was really warming to the task now, becoming more bubbly and loving as time went on. "I'm really enjoying this Paul, it's like buying special outfits for a long lost sister." She took my arm in hers as we walked.

Jewelry selection went quickly, as she picked out a pair of gold clip-on earrings and a matching gold necklace. "They have to match," she said, "to be fashionable. You know, you might want to consider getting your ears pierced. You'll have a much bigger selection of earrings to choose from." We saw a display of women's rings, and I found two that I liked, one for my pinky, and one for the third finger on the opposite hand. Katie selected two gold chain bracelets, and said to wear them with the silk dress. "Okay," she said, "time to head for the wig shop. I'm afraid the only one listed in the phone book that's open on Sunday is all the way across town."

The long drive to the wig shop proved to be worth it. We found a beautiful strawberry blond, shoulder length wig. "Sit down at the mirror and try it on," she said, "I want to see how it frames your face." It was perfect, so I paid for it and we left. The sales lady was baffled, and, I think, glad to see us leave. "On to the prosthetics store" Katie said as we got in the car.

"Prosthetics?" I asked, confused. Katie explained that I would need breast forms to look right, and getting them from a prosthetics store meant they would not only look just like breasts, but also have the correct weight. They were designed for women who had the misfortune of having a breast removed due to cancer, and the replacement needed to match the real one. Some unfortunate few had to have both breasts removed. "Wow, I had no idea." I said, "You are one smart girl." She looked over and gave me a loving smile.

Katie took the lead in selecting the breast forms, choosing a matched pair to fit a C cup bra. The latex forms were soft and pliable, and complete with brown nipples. She carefully chose a color to match my skin. They looked real, and I was surprised at their weight.

"Okay, one more stop Paul," she said, "the drug store, for cosmetics." We found a large drug store not far from home, and pulled in. As we entered the store she picked up a shopping basket.

"Do you really need such a large basket sis?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, wait till you see all the stuff you'll need." she said. Well, she was right. We went up and down aisle after aisle, as Katie selected the needed items. Foundation, blush, eye shadow, mascara, liquid eye liner, an eye liner pencil, an eyebrow pencil, eye shadow, matching lipstick and nail polish, lip liner pencil, lip gloss, clear nail polish, nail polish remover, moisturizer, baby oil, cotton balls and swabs, bath oil, a Lady Schick razor and blades, assortment of brushes, loose powder, a compact with pressed powder, bath powder, hair brush, Tampons, and finally, Este Lauder perfume. Whew! I had no idea I would need all this stuff.

"Katie, I think I can figure out most everything we just bought, but what are the Tampons for?" I asked curiously.

"After he makes love to you," she said, "push a Tampon in there. It'll soak up the fluids so you don't soil the sheets, or your panties. Us girls have been doing that for years. If you're going to be a girl, you need to as well. Just be sure you leave the string hanging out, or you won't be able to retrieve it." She smiled warmly at me.

"Oh," I said, "but I like the sound of that. Making love to me." She turned and smiled warmly. "Okay," I said, "what's the baby oil for?"

"Use baby oil and cotton balls to take off your eye makeup. Mascara and eye liner are hard to get off any other way." she said. Interesting, I thought. I finally started to realize how much stuff, and how much work, goes into being feminine.

Finally, we drove home, and I dropped Katie at her door. Before getting out, she turned to me and gave me a light kiss on the cheek. "Hang the clothes up when you get home, and lay all the lingerie on your bed." she said. "Be sure to cut the price tags off everything. Then draw a hot bath and pour about half the bath oil in, then soak for an hour. While you're in the tub, shave all your hair off below your eyebrows, except your pubic area. And don't forget your armpits. Then put on the bath powder, all over. I want you smooth and soft for tonight."

"What's tonight sis?" I asked.

"I'll be back after dinner," she said, "and we'll get you dolled up for the first time, then I'm taking you out for awhile. Okay?"

"I'll be real nervous," I said, "but okay Katie. Anything you say."

At 7 pm Katie arrived, dressed in a black and white plaid skirt, white silk blouse, and full makeup. Her blond hair glistened in the light, and she looked stunning, and so feminine. She had on black stockings, and a pair of black patent heels virtually identical to the pair I had picked out. Hmm, interesting, I thought.

First she had me apply a liberal amount of moisturizer to my face, making sure I covered everything with it. Then she applied nail polish to my finger nails, two coats, a process that went surprisingly quick. She instructed me to hold my fingers apart, and not to bump anything, until the nail polish dried.

She sat in front of me and tweezed my eyebrows to a very feminine shape, then lightly applied the foundation. While it dried she started on my eyes. First the liquid eye liner was applied just above my upper lashes. Using the eye liner pencil she underlined my lower lashes. Then applied mascara to my lashes in several coats, being sure to extend them as much as possible. Sultry brown eye shadow was applied to my eyelids, and finally, she filled in my very feminine eyebrows with the eyebrow pencil. She then gave each finger a coat of clear nail polish, and again told me to hold my fingers carefully.

She brushed on pinkish beige loose power, to set the makeup, she said. Next, a light amount of blush was applied. "Never use a lot a of blush," she said, "because it makes you look silly. Just a small amount for a highlight is all that's needed. Your skin is so soft and smooth you really don't need much makeup at all, except for the eyes. The eyes are the key to a feminine look." I listened intently, knowing that I'd have to do this alone soon.

Finally, she applied my lipstick, Orchid, it said on the tube.

She then stood behind me, so I could maintain my modesty, and told me to get undressed completely. Then she reached around and hooked the garter tightly around my waist. "Has to be tight," she said, "or it'll slip down." Then she rolled up one black stocking and handed it to me. "Just unroll it up your leg, but make sure you pull it all the way up. Then hook the garter snaps to the top of it." That was easy. I did the second stocking myself. The feel of silky nylons on my legs was mildly arousing.

"Slip on your panties," she said, "so you can turn around." Next she helped me with the bra. We chose the white one, as I'd be wearing the silk blouse that evening. Then she showed me how to position the breast forms for a natural look. Finally, I slipped on the black half slip, and my new heels. I stood up, and nearly fell right back down. The angle was completely different, so it would take some time to get used to it.

Katie handed me the silk blouse, and I started to button it up. The buttons were backward! I finally got it buttoned up, then did the cuffs. Next, I slipped on the skirt, and zipped it up. Katie showed me how to lift the skirt up to pull the blouse down evenly, then handed me the black patent belt. "You need a belt with an outfit like this to hold everything together." she explained. She placed the necklace around my neck, fastening it behind me, then clipped on the earrings. I slipped on my two new rings, which looked great with my very feminine Orchid colored fingernails.

Next she had me put the wig on, and she spent some time brushing it to get it shaped right. Satisfied, she stepped back to admire her work. "Wow, what a gorgeous woman!" she exclaimed. She led me by the hand into the bathroom, so I could look in the mirror. I was stunned when I saw myself for the first time. A beautiful woman was looking back at me in the mirror. I could hardly believe it was me. I looked like Katie's twin sister. Wow, I thought, I had wished I could look like Katie, and now I did. She told me to spray just a little Este Lauder perfume at the base of my neck. I loved the feminine smell of it.

"How do you feel, doll?" Katie asked. "Think you might be ready to go out?"

"I'll be ready soon, Katie," I said, my voice trembling slightly, "as soon as I can stop shaking and get used to these high heels. I have to say, though, I'm really turned on by all this."

"Well, I anticipated that, so I brought over a bottle of wine. Why don't we go sit in the living room, have some wine, and relax for awhile." I followed her, a bit unsteady, to the couch. She pour us both some wine, and we toasted the beginning of a new me. "What will your female name be?" she asked softly. "I think it should just be Paula."

"I hadn't even thought about that Katie," I said, "but you're right, it should be Paula."

"Well then Paula," she said as she finished her wine, "let's introduce you to the world."

We left the apartment, and drove to a small business district that had several outdoor cafes. Katie thought it would be pleasant to sit outside, have some coffee, and let me get used to the idea of people seeing me as a woman. Many people did just that, and in the process we probably got at least 20 pickup lines from guys. Several people asked if we were twins, which really made me feel good. Katie told them we were sisters.

She showed me how to sit and cross my legs in a ladylike manner, what to do with hand gestures, and how to talk as a woman. She said it wasn't so much a matter of pitch, although some women had high pitched voices. It was a matter of where the voice originated from. Most men form their words deep in their chest, whereas most women form theirs higher in their throat, with more of a light, airy sound. I tried it, and Katie nodded approvingly. She explained that femininity is as much a state of mind as it is outward appearance. Walking gracefully, with no sudden moves, shoulders back, soft hand gestures, soft voice, well groomed, carefully chosen outfit and accessories, well done makeup and hair, it was all part of the package. If you think you're feminine, and dress and act like it, than you are, she said. It was fun, and unfortunately we had to end it too soon, since it was a workday in the morning.

The week flashed by in no time, as I was busy with school work. Katie called Wednesday evening to say she had made an appointment for me at the beauty salon she goes to. They would do what was called a make over, meaning they would do a complete makeup job on me. Glamorous makeup, Katie said. The appointment was for 3 pm Friday. She reminded me to take a long bath again, use the bath oil, shave everything, and apply bath powder before going. She also said to wear the wig, so they could do a little styling. Just wear jeans and a tee shirt, nobody will notice, or care for that matter.

So, I bathed Friday after lunch, then went to the salon for the make over. It was a lot of fun, and the beautician was great. I looked even better than Sunday when Katie did my makeup. I paid careful attention to what she did, and what she used, so I could repeat the process myself later. I had brought my Orchid finger nail polish, which she applied for me, followed by a clear coat. She also applied my matching lipstick. I was told to keep my wig on, or the styling might be disturbed. Then, it was back home to get ready for the date of my life. I was nervous with anticipation over the coming evening.

I had a light dinner, then laid out my clothes to get ready. The garter belt and stockings went on easily, but I struggled with the black bra, finally twisting it around so the hooks were in front where I could see them. I then twisted it back into place and added the breast forms. I pulled on my panties next, followed by the black full slip Katie said I should wear. Finally, I slipped on my high heels. This was fun!

I easily hooked my necklace around my neck, but found I had to use the bathroom mirror to position my earrings correctly. Maybe Katie was right about getting my ears pierced. Hmmm. I placed my new rings on my fingers, and put the two bracelets on each wrist. They made my hands look really feminine.

Finally, I put on my new silk dress, which I hadn't had on since we bought it Sunday. Getting the zipper up proved difficult, but I finally managed. I stepped into the bathroom to get a look, making a mental note that what I really needed was a full length mirror in the bedroom. I looked gorgeous! Wow. the silk dress was stunning, to say the least. I touched up my lipstick and added a light coat of lip gloss. A couple of small shots of Este Lauder, and I was finished, and finally ready to be a woman for Wayne.

I scurried around, putting together the travel kit Katie said I would need, which contained off-black stockings, a full makeup kit, hairbrush, perfume, Tampons, and extra black stockings, in case I got a run. My silk blouse, black knit skirt, and belt were on a hanger together. I took everything out to my car, taking care to hang the outfit up in back of the seat. Then, back inside for a glass of wine to relax. As I sat down, the doorbell rang, and I answered it. It was Katie.

"I wanted to come by" she said, "to make sure you got ready in time, and that you're relaxed enough to do this. Wow, you look great. So gorgeous, and I love those bracelets." She poured herself a glass of wine, and we toasted. She was just beaming with delight at how I looked. "You are going to knock him off his feet when he sees you. I hope you two make sweet love tonight."

"I hope so sis," I replied, "I really do. I'm pretty nervous though. I hope it goes well."

"It will, Paula, it will. I promise. Just remember to be feminine, and relax and be yourself. This is your big moment." she said, standing to give me a goodbye hug, careful not to mess up my makeup. "Have fun, and drive carefully." With that she left, and it was time for me to leave as well. I picked up my purse and headed for the door.

As I approached Wayne's door I thought about what I might do with him this evening. It made me giddy with excitement, just thinking about being in his arms, in his bed, with him inside me. I felt wonderful at that moment, a woman, a very feminine woman, about to make love to her man. I was deliriously happy with who I had become for him. This was what I was meant to be. I knocked on his door nervously. The moment had arrived at last.

Wayne opened the door, saw me, and just froze, for what seemed like an eternity. "Wow," he finally said, "you look fabulous, gorgeous, beautiful. Better than my wildest dreams." He took my hand and pulled me inside, shutting the door behind me.

I smiled, said hi softly, and kissed him on the cheek, then slid into his arms as he kissed me passionately, over and over. Finally, he led me to the couch, and poured a glass of wine for me. I crossed my legs as Katie had taught me, kept my gestures feminine, and spoke in a soft, airy voice. I told him to call me Paula. He placed his hand on my knee and stroked my nylon stocking. Wayne went wild for it, for the whole package really. He kept saying over and over how beautiful I was, how lucky he was, how excited he was that I did what he had dreamed about. I had become a woman, a beautiful, feminine woman, for him.

We talked for a couple of hours, had several glasses of wine, laughed and flirted together. He told me about his home, in the Midwest, about his parents, about everything in his life. I told him I had grown up an army brat, and had lived all over the world. We held hands, kissed a lot, and just enjoyed being together, a man and his woman. I felt completely feminine, and completely at peace with the decision I'd made. He told me he loved my dress, he loved everything I had on, everything about me really, although he hadn't yet seen the best parts. Finally, I turned and said, "Am I spending the night dear?"

"Oh Paula, please, I hope so." he said. "You don't need to ask, you know."

As I reached into my purse and handed him my car keys I said, "Please be a dear and bring my outfit and overnight case in. I'll need them in the morning."

After retrieving my things, he settled back on the couch, and took a sip of wine. "You are so handsome Wayne." I said. "I am so attracted to you, I want you, want to have sex with you, can't stop thinking about you. And I want to be the woman you hoped for tonight." My hand slid down the inside of his leg, and he moaned a little. I moved my hand farther up, caressing his mound. "Wouldn't it be nice if this was to somehow find its way into my mouth?" I cooed.

"Oh god Paula," he moaned, "please, please do that." I undid his belt, and unzipped his pants. He helped pull them down to his ankles, along with his underwear. I stroked his already erect cock softly, exciting him further. Finally, I leaned down and kissed it, caressing it with my tongue, then took him in my mouth. It tasted wonderful, as I slowly began sucking his rigid erection. He moaned softly as I took it deep in my throat, driving him wild with desire. "Oh Paula," he moaned passionately, "please do that more. I love that, please take it deep into you."

I sucked harder and faster, sliding his cock all the way into my mouth, hot with passion. I wanted my man to come in my mouth so bad, I was wild with desire. I bobbed rapidly up and down, sucking passionately, hoping he would come. Wayne was trembling and shaking with uncontrolled desire, pushing on the back of my head to help me, as I sucked him deeper and deeper. His hips rose and fell, driving his cock deep into my throat.

"Oh god Paula," he moaned breathlessly, "I'm going to come. I'm going to come in your mouth baby, oh baby oh." Finally, he stiffened, his cock got bigger for a moment, and he came in a torrent of come, cascading deep in my throat, as I struggled to swallow all of it. He had come in my mouth, and I had loved every bit of it. Slowly he went limp, as I worked to clean him up.

Sitting back up, I smiled at him, gave him a deep, passionate kiss, and asked if it was good. "Oh Paula," he said, nearly out of breath, "it was great. I loved it so much." He got up, pulled up his pants, poured some more wine for both of us, and asked if I liked it.

"I loved it too," I responded, "and I can guarantee that won't be the last time." My eyes twinkled as I smiled lovingly at him, holding my glass up for a toast. I had satisfied my man with my mouth, taken his climax deep in my throat, and I was very happy. I now felt completely feminine, completely his woman. The transformation was complete.

We laughed and talked for another hour or so, and finally Wayne asked if I'd like to go to bed. I said yes, and we both got up to go to the bedroom. Wayne hung my clothes on the closet door, and put my overnight case in the bathroom, while I took off my earrings and put them on the nightstand. Wayne came up behind me and undid my necklace, placing it with my earrings. "Please unzip me dear," I said, "so I can take off my dress." Soon the dress fell to the floor, where Wayne picked it up and hung it on a hanger.

I turned to face him, standing in my black slip and heels. "How much more do you want me to take off? I asked, smiling.

"You're just right like that," he said, "but maybe the panties should come off. You are wearing panties, aren't you?"

"Of course silly," I replied, "I'll just slip them off." As I did, I laid down on the bed, breathless with anticipation at the prospect of having Wayne on top of me. I thought I should at least take off my heels. As I dropped my shoes on the floor, Wayne, now naked, laid beside me.

"Ummm, I like the way you look in that black slip, honey," he said quietly, "so you can wear it any time you want." He kissed me passionately, over and over, and I kissed him back, my arms around his neck. We kissed for what seemed like an eternity, consumed in our desire for each other. Finally, he slid his hand over my crotch, feeling my erection through the silky lingerie. "Nice," he said, as he slid his hand down my stockings, "very nice, very feminine. I can't get over how beautiful you are." He began stroking my hard cock, rubbing it, caressing it, fondling it. Finally, he slid the hem of the slip up, and stroked my bare erection softly. Sliding down the bed a bit, he began caressing it with his tongue, moistening it, preparing to take it into his mouth.

"Now," he said softly, "you get to come in my mouth baby." He slipped my throbbing cock into his mouth, sucking voraciously, up and down the shaft, as I squirmed under him. Faster he sucked, then slower, driving me wild with desire. My hands pushed on his head, my hips moved to push my cock into him, I was overcome with passion.

"Oh Wayne, please, please, I want to come in you baby." I said as my breathing got shallower and more rapid. "Oh god that feels good. More baby, more!" His sucking became more rapid, and deeper, as I squirmed and pushed with passionate desire. Finally, as he took me deep in his throat, I came with a rapid series of gushes, my come filling his mouth, as he tried to swallow it. I fell back, completely spent from the heat of the moment. I had never felt so drained, so satisfied, so happy to be with my man.

"Paula, that was great," he said softly, "but nothing like what's to come next." I was still breathing hard and shallow as he got up and retrieved the KY lubricant. "I want to fuck you baby, right now." he said.

I moaned passionately, then said "Make love to me Wayne, don't just fuck me. Make love to me baby." He smiled and kissed me again and again.

He put a large amount of lubricant on his erection, and an equal amount on my pussy, then moved up between my legs. I lifted them up for him, and he pushed with his arms as he prepared to enter me. I couldn't wait, breathless in anticipation. My ankles crossed behind his neck as his hard, throbbing cock slid effortlessly deep inside me. I gasped with delight as he began rhythmically pumping in and out, pushing all the way in, then slowly withdrawing. I was white hot with passion and desire for this man. Only this man, not someone else. I wanted him to come in me, deep in my pussy, while I held him tightly in my arms and kissed him. I wanted desperately to feel his climax as he pushed deep into my pussy. I wanted to satisfy him, make him happy. I wanted so badly to be his woman, to make love to him, to be completely feminine in every way for him.

"Oh baby, I love it baby, make love to me," I moaned, nearly out of breath with excitement, "deep inside me baby, make sweet love to me, over and over. I love it so much." His movement quickened, as he plunged his shaft deep into me, faster and faster now, as he tensed up, and finally came deep in my pussy, with spurt after spurt filling me with his seed. I kissed him passionately, over and over, holding him tight, trembling with desire. "I love you Wayne," I whispered to him, "I love you so much, I want you in me all the time darling."

Wayne stayed in me, his arms around my neck, and kissed me softly. "I love you too, baby," he said, "I love you more than anything. I want you, I want you to be my woman forever. I want to make sweet love to you for the rest of my life, baby." He kissed me over and over, sweet kisses, the kisses a lover gives his loved one. He was completely spent, satisfied, and in love with his woman. Finally, his limp cock slid from my pussy, and he rolled over to the side. He began rubbing my shoulders and back, stroking my hair, cuddling me in his arms.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom, where I inserted a Tampon as Katie had instructed me to do, leaving the string dangling out the back. That made me chuckle a little. I slid back into bed and took Wayne in my arms. We fell asleep that way, in each other's arms.

I awoke the next morning feeling delicious, knowing I was in love, and had made love as a woman with my man. Nothing could be better, I thought, as I stretched and yawned. I noticed my slip was off, so I looked around for it, finding it on the floor. I have no idea how it got there. Just then Wayne walked in, with two glasses of orange juice. So thoughtful, I said to myself, just a lovely man in every way.

He sat on the edge of the bed. "Good morning sweetheart," he said lovingly, "how are you feeling this morning?" He reached over and put his arm around me, drawing me into his chest.

"I feel great, lover," I said, as I looked into his eyes dreamily, "and very much in love with you." I kissed him sweetly on the mouth, smiled, then turned to take a drink of my orange juice. "I want to make love with you this morning, passionate love."

He laughed softly, and said, "I thought we were pretty passionate last night. I don't know if we can top that, but we can try, if you insist." He laughed again, a laughter filled with both love and maybe a little lust. He hugged me and kissed me several times.

I excused myself, and went into the bathroom, where I removed the Tampon, and threw it away. Worked pretty well, I thought, just like Katie said it would. I freshened my lipstick, but touching up my makeup would have to wait. Finally, I quickly gave my wig a light brushing. Not too much damage, I thought, which was good. Then I rejoined Wayne on the bed. I was wearing only my bra, garter belt, and stockings, and I thought I looked pretty sexy.

Wayne thought so too, as he drew me to him, and held me in his arms, kissing me over and over. My hand slid down and felt his shaft, now hardening. I stroked him softly, as his erection grew. "Oh baby,' he moaned softly, "keep that up." Soon, I was down in his lap, taking his hard cock in my mouth, sucking slowly and rhythmically. He loved it, moaning with desire and passion.

I turned and moved my leg over him, into a 69 position, with me on top. He took my cock in his mouth, sucking hungrily, caressing it with his tongue, plunging it deep in his throat. His arms were around my waist as he pulled me down into him over and over, and I bobbed up and down on his throbbing, hot cock in time with him, like a teeter totter. It was wonderful, as we filled each other with hot, pulsating cocks, sucking in and out. I couldn't get enough of this man and his hot, passionate love. Faster and faster we went, as we furiously sucked each other to climax. Finally, we both started to shake uncontrollably, as each of us came to an exploding climax, coming over and over in each other's mouth.

Completely spent, we collapsed on the bed, breathing rapidly. He took me into his arms, hugged and kissed me, told me he loved me, told me it was great sex. I was completely out of it, finding it difficult to breathe, light headed from the passionate embrace. Wayne massaged my back, getting me to relax, and said softly "I love you Paula."

"Oh Wayne," I replied, "I love you so much." We kissed passionately several times. Finally, I got up, and made my way to the bathroom, retrieving my necklace and earrings on the way. I knew I had to leave soon, as he had to go to work, so I set about fixing my makeup. With that finished I changed to my white bra, then sat on the toilet lid and changed into my off-black stockings. They look nice, I thought. I added a small shot of Este Lauder, to fill his room with my feminine scent. I put on my necklace and earrings, then returned to the bedroom. "Sweetheart," I said, "I'm going to go home now, so you can leave for work, okay? Call me later today, please dear." He nodded, as I slipped on the half slip, buttoned my silk blouse, and pulled on my skirt. After adjusting my blouse I put on my black belt, bent down and slipped on my heels, picked up my purse, and I was ready to go.

Wayne took my hand and led me to my car, while he carried my dress and overnight bag. He put them in the back seat, then turned to kiss me goodbye. "I'll call you late this afternoon, okay?" he said, as he gazed into my eyes, then kissed me.

As I drove off I waved to him. When I got home, I immediately called Katie. "Hi sis, it's me," I said, "can we go shopping today?"

Katie replied "Well, I guess it must have gone well, huh?"

"Oh Katie, it was perfect in every way. He told me he loved me, and I told him I loved him. He wants to see me soon, maybe tonight. I'm going to need more outfits, a lot more," I said, giggling, "and pierced ears." She laughed a little at that.

Katie agreed to go shopping with me, but insisted I go dressed as a woman. She said it would make things go much smoother that way. It didn't take much effort for her to convince me. We shopped all afternoon, finding several really nice outfits. I was becoming more feminine than ever as we shopped, talked and laughed. I had my ears pierced, and small gold studs installed. Later I could wear different earring, I was told, once the holes healed a bit. I couldn't wait. I told Katie how happy I was at becoming a woman, told her it was really meant to be, but only for Wayne. She was amazed at the complete transformation that had taken only a week, but agreed that this was what I was meant to be. Wayne called just after dinner, and wanted me to come right over. I was thrilled. I wore a stunning red, black and gold knit dress I had bought that afternoon. It was low cut in front, with a hem just above the knee. It had a zipper in the back.

The story above is true. It happened in September of 1963, when I was 20 years old.


Wayne and I dated steadily for nearly a year, with me always a woman. I can't count the number of times we made sweet love together. Our passion for each other didn't lessen a bit. In April of 1964, he took me to a bar for my 21st birthday. It was a lot of fun. He introduced me to all his friends, who commented how lucky he was to have such a pretty girlfriend. One night he took me to a bar that catered to homosexual men. Most of the young guys there didn't have partners, and just practiced random, anonymous sex. I felt very sorry for them. I also felt we had no business in such a place, and told Wayne. He readily agreed.

We met Katie and her boyfriend for dinner or drinks often, sharing laughs and good times. She had introduced me to him as her sister, which made me very happy. He said we must be twins. I thought the world of her boyfriend, and hoped they would get married.

Wayne and I had a blast, and the most passionate, intimate sex imaginable, until August of 1964 when tragedy struck, in the form of a terrible car accident involving his parents in Columbus, Ohio. He had to leave immediately, to care for them. I was crushed, and begged him to return as soon as he could.

A few letters followed, and I got an occasional phone call, but his return, for now, was not possible. Eventually the letters and calls stopped altogether. Once in awhile I would dress up as Paula, and either meet Katie for lunch and shopping, or spend an evening at the little cafe, having coffee on the patio, talking with people. Alone and heartbroken, I threw myself into my studies, graduating in June of 1965, with honors. Katie had gotten married earlier in the year, and moved to San Francisco. As soon as I finished school, I followed, as I had a need to be close to her.

I soon discovered how open and tolerant San Francisco was to alternative life styles. I fit right in, and quickly found an apartment. I had lunch with Katie a week after I arrived, completely dressed as Paula, and told her I was going to live full time as a woman. She beamed with delight, wanting so badly to have her sister back in her life again. I found a job working in an exclusive women's boutique, selling clothes. The owner thought a beautiful young woman would be good for business. She also wanted me to model the clothes the store carried, so each morning I came in a little early, selected an outfit from a rack, and wore it for the day. It worked, as sales jumped up 20% almost immediately. She was delighted.

I met Katie for lunch once a week or so, usually on a Sunday, as I worked Saturdays. We often went shopping together after lunch, and I began to acquire a great wardrobe. I also started growing my hair long, so eventual I could stop wearing my wig. That took about two years, but it finally looked great, and Katie suggested I get a perm every couple of weeks. I loved it.

I really didn't have much of a social life, outside of a couple of girlfriends I would meet for a drink now and then. Guys would constantly hit on me, because of my looks, but I wasn't interested. As far as I was concerned I belonged to one man. Finally, in September of 1970, with Nixon in the White House, the Vietnam war raging, and the country in chaos from anti-war protesters and rioters, I just laid low, under everybody's radar, and quietly went to work each day.

One evening the phone rang. I answered, and a voice said, "Do you have any idea how long it's taken to track you down?"

A voice, that voice! It was Wayne! "Oh Wayne, it's so good to hear your voice again darling. Where are you?" I said, shaking with anticipation.

"In Columbus, sweetie," he replied, "trying to wrap up my affairs. My folks passed away recently, so there's nothing keeping me here anymore. It took me three or four calls to your father before I finally managed to pry your phone number out of him. He kept saying something about a deviant lifestyle, or something. You're not deviant, are you?"

"No Wayne, I'm just the same as when you left." I said, trembling with excitement. "When can I see you?"

"Well, soon I hope." he said softly. "Are you still a woman?"

"Yes Wayne." I replied.

"Still my woman?" he asked.

"Yes Wayne, only your woman." I purred.

"Well, I love you, and I want to marry you." He said lovingly into the phone.

"Oh Wayne, I can't wait. Please hurry darling."

Wayne and I were married several weeks after he arrived here, in a ceremony attended by Katie and her husband, and all our friends. I had never been happier in my life. We still live here in San Francisco, in North Beach, in a big, 19th century Victorian mansion. We still have the passion for each other after all these years.

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