
By Lara Porter

Published on Nov 28, 2020




I started trying on women's clothes a couple of years ago. I'd often wondered what it would be like to wear a dress and looking at pictures online had finally persuaded me to take the plunge. I bought a few garments via eBay and enjoyed the feel of them. Sometimes I'd force myself to stop wearing them – it was wrong after all and what would happen if anyone found out? Yet the desire to wear them always won out.

My big problem though was that my body was not exactly feminine. I was pretty hairy and my efforts to shave weren't a great success. My frustration finally spilled over as I looked at myself is a beautiful negligee I'd bought and all I could see was hair poking through. Yuk.

I joined a forum for cross dressers and posted my frustration. The overwhelming response was to find a salon that did waxing for men and come up with a convincing cover story (my partner doesn't like hair etc). I mulled over the idea and eventually decided that I had to try. I located a salon that had good reviews online and plucked up the courage to make an appointment for a full body wax.

On the day of the appointment, I arrived in plenty of time and was met by the therapist, James. I explained that I was fed up of being hairy and wanted to take the plunge and have it removed. James was a pleasant young man and talked me through the process. I'd reached the point of no return. We agreed that as a starter he'd wax my back, which would confirm if I had any extreme reaction. If not, we'd book another appointment for two weeks later.

As it turned out, I had no ill effects and it felt great being free of the hair. I booked my next session and headed for the door. On my way out another guy was entering the salon and said hello. His name was Graham and he was a friend of James. He'd popped round to drop off some stuff but we ended up talking for quite a while. He was really friendly and asked about why I'd been in. I explained my reason (well the one I'd given James that is) but I got the feeling Graham didn't believe me. He gave me a knowing smile and I blushed a bit. In fact I was sufficiently flustered that I made an excuse that I needed to head back to the office. Graham said he hoped to see me again soon at the salon and asked when I'd be back. Despite my embarrassment, I gave him the details of the appointment. He was really nice and part of me wondered if he really did know.

The next two weeks flew by and I went back to the Salon. The whole procedure took a couple of hours and I felt great. I was looking forward to trying on my dresses when I got home. I booked my next appointment for 6 weeks to keep myself hairless. The only disappointment was there was no sign of Graham.

Just as I was leaving James came over with a parcel for me. He told me it was from Graham. I must have looked a bit flustered and James smiled suggesting I open it when I got home if I was worried.

I quickly headed home and opened the parcel. Inside was a really gorgeous pink babydoll along with a matching thong and a pair of fishnet stockings. All in my size. Oh my God, Graham had guessed my secret! I was seriously worried but at the same time I so wanted to put the clothes on. I slipped them on and felt really sexy. As I was admiring my firm figure in the mirror, I noticed a letter sticking out of the envelope.

" Hi there", it started "I hope you're not too shocked at the clothes but I suspect a waxed you in those would be a really lovely sight. I'd imagine you're a seriously sexy lady. Hopefully one day you can show me the real you. Graham".

Wow. I was really frightened and felt I should give everything back. I couldn't find a number or address in either the letter or the parcel though. I really didn't want to have to hand it back to James though in case he opened it or asked too many questions. I was also trying desperately to deny that I was turned on at the thought of showing someone the other me.

I decided over the next few days that I'd carry on my plans for my waxed body by buying some new clothes and also getting some make up. My early experiments weren't a great success but as the weeks went by, I got better at it. My hair was naturally long and the make up gave me the look of a sexy young woman. My favourite outfit was a floral summer dress with a pair of pink hold up stockings on underneath. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if Graham saw me like this. To my surprise the thoughts started to get me very aroused and my cock began to poke up through my dress. I quickly got out of the dress and started to play with myself all the time thinking of Graham. My other hand began to toy with my asshole and I slowly inserted a finger. I soon exploded in a very gooey mess, panting uncontrollably. I'd never orgasamed like that in my life. I pulled my sticky fingers to my mouth and took the first taste of my cum. It tasted wonderful and I knew then that I wanted to explore further.

My clothing experiments from then on regularly accompanied by playing with myself. I began to think of my cock as a clitty and my ass as a pussy. I began to wonder what it would be like to be a woman with Graham. I must admit the thought of playing with his hard cock was starting to appeal to me.

My next appointment was soon upon me. As I lay down James asked me if I liked Graham's parcel. I went several shades of scarlet. James just smiled and said Graham had left another parcel for me.

"He said to give it to you if you were interested" said James. "It's obvious you are. I don't know what's in it but I'm sure you'll look very pretty in it."

I was now really dying of embarrassment and wanted to run out of the door. James assured me it was ok and nobody else knew. We spent the rest of my waxing in silence. I was terrified that my secret was out. After we finished James tried to reassure me and gave me the number for his sister Beth who specialised in makeovers at home. I took the number as well as Graham's parcel (a bigger box than the last time) and left without making another appointment. I felt I'd made a dreadful mistake and would never venture back down this road.

Of course any such plan was undone by Graham's box. Opening it, there was a long red dress with a pair of red stockings, garter belt, bra and panties. My resistance was instantly broken and I rushed to try them on. Yet again they fitted perfectly and I was in absolute heaven. I looked for a letter and sure enough there it was:

"Hi baby. If you're reading this then I didn't scare you off. I hope you like this outfit. I'd love to see you wear it soon. Give me a call". His phone number was underneath. I thought about it for half an hour and then gave in and made the call. We agreed to meet for a coffee the following day.

While the meeting would have to take place in my boy clothes, I put on a pair of animal print panties on underneath. Before we met, I headed to a store and bought some makeup and some more underwear. I hoped my bags might interest Graham further.

We met in a small coffee shop. I found Graham sitting in a corner. We ordered some drinks and started to talk. At first we skipped round the obvious and chatted about every subject but. Graham was a really nice guy. He was in his mid thirties, clean-shaven with a fairly toned physique. My dreams were still very much alive as I looked at him. Eventually the subject came round to the inevitable.

"So did you like the clothes?" asked Graham.

"Yes they were lovely thank you. I still can't believe you thought of me."

"When I saw you I thought that's why you were getting waxed. I'm glad I was right"

"Well you probably knew more about what I wanted than I did."

Graham smiled at that then leant across and whispered:

"I'd love to see you in that dress. How about we make a date?"

"I'd love you to see it too. When do you want to meet?"

"Shall we say Friday? I know this restaurant where the food is good and everyone is very discrete."

To say I was excited at the thought of a date would be a bit of an understatement. My smile must have told Graham so and he leant across and whispered

"I'm hoping if I'm a good boy I may even get to see that underwear".

I don't know what came over me at that point but I told him that if he followed me to the toilet I could give him a sneak preview as I was wearing panties. His eyes bulged at the thought and so I headed quickly to the restroom with Graham closely following. Once inside I dropped my pants to reveal my cute panties. Graham smiled appreciatively and let his hands roam the material. He cupped my buttocks and squeezed gently. I was on fire.

We couldn't stay long in that position so we said our goodbyes and I headed home. On getting back I put in a call to Beth. I explained I had a hot date on Friday and needed to look my best. Beth agreed to come round on the afternoon to in her words make sure I looked so hot he'd be putty in my hands. I knew now this is what I wanted more than anything else. Graham was the one for me and I'd do almost anything to get my hands on him.

In the few days before my date, I struggled to concentrate as I dreamt of what might be to come. I masturbated regularly at the though of sucking on Graham's cock and even of him fucking me. I began to put more fingers in my pussy and the sensations drove me crazy. By Friday morning much of my girly underwear was in the wash having got very sticky.

Beth arrived mid Friday afternoon and went to work straightaway. She put me in the shower and removed a few loose hairs then began to perfume me. My make up took much longer than normal but Beth did a sensational job. By the time I put my frock on I looked gorgeous.

"It seems such a shame to go to all this trouble just for someone to want to get you out of your clothes" chuckled Beth. I blushed but smiled. God, I hoped she was right. I felt seriously horny.

By the time Beth had finished, I didn't have to wait long for Graham to arrive. I was getting nervous and was grateful Beth agreed to wait with me. Finally the doorbell went and I went to let the man I hoped would be my lover in.

"Wow. Oh my God, you look absolutely stunning. I had no idea you could be so beautiful." stammered Graham.

"Thank you darling. You look very handsome as well."

"So what should I call the new you?"

"I like the name Lara so let's go with that".

"Lara it is then. I'm so glad you agreed to go out with me. I've wanted this so badly since I first saw you."

We headed off to the restaurant, Gianni's. Graham was right when he said it was discrete. I noticed a few girls like me with their lovers. One of who gave me the biggest shock of the night – Tina was a young girl barely out of her teens with beautiful short black hair, a beautiful black dress and long sparkling earrings. She was sitting hand in hand with James from the salon. Graham noticed my surprise.

"James met Tina at the salon a few months ago. I've been so jealous of him ever since. I just hoped the right girl would come along for me"

"And has she?" I teased.

" I think we can safely say she has." Graham put his arm around me and I leant into his shoulder. He kissed my hair gently. I felt like the luckiest girl alive.

We ate a wonderful meal and could barely keep our eyes off each other. Eventually Graham leant over and kissed me gently on the lips. I opened mine and his tongue accepted the invitation. The kiss probably only lasted a few seconds but it felt like hours in the state of bliss it gave me. As we broke apart, the waiter was pouring our coffee. He gave me a knowing smile and told Graham he was lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend.

Soon it was time to go and Graham drove us back to my place. We sat in the car for what seemed an eternity just kissing and stroking each other's faces.

"Lets go inside and get more comfortable. You've been a good boy Graham and I did promise you the underwear if you were."

Graham took my hand and we walked up to my front door. We were barely inside when we started kissing again but this time our hands wandered further. Graham stroked my breasts and squeezed my nipples through my dress; his hands then wandered down to cup by cheeks and draw me ever closer to him. I could feel his cock raging against his pants. I had my hands under his shirt and was now exploring his hairy torso. I had never been so turned on in all my life.

I decoupled myself and unzipped my dress, letting it fall to the ground. Graham had his first look at the underwear and almost immediately his hands were now making contact with my bare flesh. I pulled him to the bedroom as quickly as I could.

Graham sat behind me on the bed and gently kissed my neck. One had stroked my face while the other stroked my thigh from the top of my stockings to my panties. I whimpered in pleasure as he gently ran his tongue down to my shoulder. Eventually he turned my head to face him. He leant forward and his tongue parted my lips. This kiss seemed to have even more passion than before.

His hands moved down my body. His left hand fondled my breast through the lace material of the bra. His right carried on down and stroked my legs, the inside gently brushing my enlarged boy clitty as it did so. I broke the kiss and began to kiss down his neck, my hands trembling as they started to unbutton his shirt. As it came away I started to hungrily kiss his masculine torso, breathing in the manly smell. My hands went lower and cupped his butt. I ran my tongue down his stomach and then planted a kiss on the growing bulge in his pants.

Graham pushed me back on the bed and removed the rest of his clothes. His cock looked enormous and the feelings of lust I felt went into overdrive. Graham lay down by me and started to kiss me again. I reached for his cock and touched it for the very first time. Graham set to work on my breasts, taking them into his mouth one at a time and teasing my nipples with his teeth. I squealed in delight and held his head close.

Graham's hands moved to my panties and reached in to stroke by boi clitty. I was like a bitch on heat now but more was to come as his other hand started to stroke my ass. His fingers gently touched my crack and gently parted my cheeks. One of his fingers started to stroke the edge of my boi pussy. My breathing was now off the scale and I begged him to touch me more. As I begged, Graham's index finger slowly began to force its way into my hole. He left his finger in and moved his tongue towards my clitty taking it in his mouth. He teased me for a moment and then began to fuck me with his finger. I was in heaven and pulled Graham tighter to me.

By now both my hands were grasping Graham's cock. Graham removed his finger from my pussy much to my disappointment. However it did allow me to move down to bring my lips to the target of my desire. I gently kissed the tip the allowed my tongue to run over it. My hands clasped his balls and I began to work my tongue down the length of the shaft. I felt his cock twitch with excitement, which gave me confidence that my first attempt wasn't too bad. I moved my mouth to cover the end and slowly lowered my mouth to take as much in as I could, my tongue teasing it as I did so. I then began to release his cock until it popped out of my mouth.

I looked up at Graham for reassurance. He had a big grin on his face and stroked the side of my face. I took that as a sign to continue and went back to licking his cock like a lollipop. My fingers began to gently tease the sides as I did so.

Finally I decided that I'd teased him long enough and took his beautiful prick into my mouth again and began to work up and down delighting in the feeling of pleasing my man. Graham was quickly groaning and I realised it wouldn't take long before he came. I could feel his body stiffen as he shot his lovely goo into my mouth. I swallowed as much as I could and loved the taste. This was the best feeling I'd had in my life.

Graham pulled me up to face him and kissed me passionately on the lips. Our hands explored each other with greater urgency. Then Graham lay me on my front and began to kiss my back while running his hands up my legs. I loved the feeling and purred with pleasure. Graham's kisses continued down my back, his tongue teasing my spine as he went. Finally he reached my ass and began to kiss around it as his fingers teased the crack.

He parted my cheeks and began to kiss me inside. I jumped in delight at first but Graham didn't seem to notice as he continued. Slowly he began to press his tongue against me hole until it parted and let him in. He then began to probe inside and slowly began to tongue fuck me. I had never felt anything like it in all my life. His efforts were having a serious effect on me as my clitty exploded with my juices while my hands were nowhere near.

Finally Graham stopped much to my annoyance. I was panting and pleading with him to continue. He kissed me on the head and went to retrieve something from his trousers. I quickly realised it was the lube and I knew that I was about to complete my journey to be a woman.

"I love you Lara" Graham whispered as his finger gently lubed my hole.

"I love you too darling, " I sighed. "I can't wait to have you inside me.

Graham stepped back and placed the tip of his cock against my hole. It hurt at first but Graham was gentle and took it slowly. The stinging began to subside, as I took more and more of him. Soon he was buried deep inside me and slowly began to lift himself back. Then he moved forward and started to gently fuck me. I was quickly in total ecstasy. I was begging him to go harder and faster as I loved the feeling of him sliding through me. I could hear his quickened breathing in my ear as he gently kissed my neck.

To my dismay at one point he stopped and pulled out but only to turn me over as he said he wanted to see my face when he came. Hi re-entry was easy and my thighs gripped his legs to ensure he couldn't escape again. We kissed passionately as he began to move with quickening speed. With his free hand he started to stroke my clitty. I was now in a state of total ecstasy. He fucked me quicker and harder every stroke giving me more pleasure than I'd ever known. Finally, I felt him tighten and his load engulfed my pussy. Graham's working of my clitty also brought its rewards as I shot more juice over my tummy and his hand. I grabbed Graham's hand and licked it clean with my tongue, tasting my own juices for the first time.

Graham withdrew from me leaving an empty feeling behind. We kissed and cuddled for an eternity then our blissful exhaustion meant sleep finally took hold.

I knew in this moment of passion that Graham and I had a great future together and there would be many more adventures. Perhaps one day I'll tell you what they were.

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