Watching You Without Me

By Aaron .

Published on Jun 19, 2001


Well here we are, Chapter 14. Wow, I'm getting down to the end, huh? There will be about........5 chapters after this, then the story will end. Awww! I'll be sad to see it go, BUT, I'm working on another story, SO I'll have another baby to work on. :) Thanks for everyone's support so far. Enjoy Kiddies! :) (and WHY is all the good BSB fic being replaced with all this NSYNC fic?)

Shitty Disclaimer: Disclaimers suck. This story isn't real, blah blah blah, if you think it IS, then give me a call and I'll be happy to bop you on the head with the Don't You Wish stick. And no, Nimm isn't fucking Nick Carter

"Watching You Without Me"

Aaron DeLorean

Chapter Fourteen

"Can't let you know What's been happening. There's a ghost in our home, Just watching you without me. I'm not here." --Kate Bush _________________________

The 767 touched down with a lurch. A.J. had chartered a private plane, and I thanked him for it profusely. He would chock it up to a business expense for the production of my album. I loved him so much.

We hurriedly deplaned, and retrieved our bags from the luggage carousel. We rushed out to the long-term parking garage, and reclaimed my Acura. It hadn't been started in over four weeks. I put the clutch in and turned the key. "Come on baby." I pleaded. It shuttered a bit then revved to life. I have got to trade this thing in, I thought to myself. I pulled into the driveway, which slanted downhill at a forty-degree angle. I got out of the car.

"Jesus Aaron, how do you get out of the garage?" A.J. asked. I laughed.

"Just tromp on the gas." I explained. He nodded.

I stuck the key in the lock. I stopped suddenly. A flash of intuition suddenly bubbling forth from my mind.

"What is it?" A.J. asked. I took a deep breath.


I turned the key and the deadbolt slid back with a click. I opened the door and switched on the light for the front hall. I dropped my bags and quickly punched in the code for the alarm. I checked the Aifone unit, and then decided we were safe. A.J. hugged me.

"It's ok babe, you're safe." He assured me, reaching to turn of the Aifone. I sighed,

"I know, I'm just paranoid."

I walked into the living room. I heard A.J. gasp behind me.

"Fuck me up the ass!" He shouted. I laughed. I had lived here so long I forgot what a shock my house can be to new visitors. I was not a conventional person, and the decoration of my house was not conventional by any means.

"This calls for Tori." I said, walking over to the stereo. I dug through the racks of CD's until I found the one I was looking for. I dropped "Boys For Pele" on the CD changer. I turned the stereo up until the living room, kitchen, and the rest of the first floor were filled with music. A.J. eyed my impressive CD collection.

"Wow, I see Aaron likes music." I laughed,

"Wait until you see the library."

I walked upstairs to the bedroom to change. A.J. followed me; gasping at each new intriguing piece of art he found hanging on my walls.

I opened the door to the walk-in closet and switched on the light. A.J. screamed.

"OH MY FUCKING LORD ALMIGHTY! Your closet!" His eyes were as wide as saucers. I burst out laughing.

"Yes, I know, it's huge. Don't cream yourself yet dear, I'm just gonna change then give you the grand tour of the house, such as it is." He nodded, and then commenced drooling over my shoes and glasses.

"Christ, you like glasses more than I do!" I smiled and pealed off my black "FREAK" shirt along with my red pleather pants. A.J. looked up at me.

"That's much more exciting than glasses." He said. I smiled and turned red. He came up behind me and kissed my ear. I shivered. It was freezing in here. A.J. ran his hands over my stomach, caressing me.

"I love your stomach, did I ever tell you that?" I looked down at my stomach.

"Hun, I have no muscle tone whatsoever in my stomach. It's flat!" He placed his finger on my lips.

"Ssshhh," He whispered in my ear, "You're so beautifull, I love you so much. I want to make you feel safe." He grabbed me and picked me up. I gasped.

"What are you doing He Man?" I laughed as he plopped me down on my Queen-sized platform bed.

His lips met mine. I opened my mouth and his warm tongue was suddenly there.

"Oh god I missed you so much this week Aaron." He purred, running his hands down my hips. He slipped his hand between my thighs and caressed me softly. I shivered.

"Why is it so fucking cold in here?" I asked, shivering again. A.J. took my dick in his hand.

"Alex! Hun, wait a second I'm gonna go turn up the heat." He sighed and lay down on the bed.

"Alright, hurry." I rolled my eyes,

"You are so horny." He winked,

"I don't hear you complaining." I grinned and made my way downstairs.

I examined the thermostat. It was set at 58 degrees. That's weird, I thought to myself. I thought I had set it at 72 when we came in. I shrugged my shoulders, and set it back to 72. I walked back upstairs.

I walked into the bedroom and A.J. was nowhere to be seen. I furrowed my brow. Where had he gone now? I wondered. Suddenly the door behind me slammed shut and someone grabbed me from behind, slapping their hand over my mouth before I could scream. I smelled A.J.'s cologne. He dropped me on the bed again.

"You freak!" I laughed out as A.J. handcuffed me to the bed, grinning wildly.

I couldn't sleep. I looked at the clock beside the bed. 2:09. I sighed. I needed a cigarette. I slipped from A.J.'s grasp, and went downstairs to find my pack of Marlboros. They were on the kitchen counter. I slid one out, lit it, and inhaled deeply. My muscles relaxed noticeably as my body received its much anticipated nicotine fix. I took another long drag. I eyed the fax machine sitting on the desk in the corner of the room suspiciously. I was not going to accept any more crazy faxes from lunatics. I walked over to the fax and unplugged it roughly. I smiled at my victory. There. Now they can use the phone like normal lunatics.

I was just finishing my cancer-fest when the front doorbell rang. I jumped out of my chair.

"Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed hotly, "Who the fuck is ringing the bell at this time of night?" I demanded. I walked into the front hall and angrily snatched up the phone on the Aifone unit. "What?" I bellowed out harshly.


My brow furrowed as I turned on the Aifone and pressed the button for the front door zone. I gazed into the video monitor.


No one was waiting at the front door. I did not like it one iota. I made sure that the alarm was set. I turned off the lights in the foyer and walked back into the kitchen to turn off the lights there.

A pair of arms grabbed me from behind.

I rolled my eyes. A.J. must have heard the bell and come downstairs to investigate. I did not find his little game amusing, though, when I was so keyed up.

"A.J.," I informed him, "Would you knock it off. I'm already freaked out enough as it is!"

"It isn't A.J."

The harsh, accented voice chilled me to the bone. I whirled around and came face to face with my stalker.

My breath caught in my throat as I looked into the crazed eyes of Brian Littrell.

~To Be Continued~

Next: Chapter 15

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