Watching You Without Me

By Aaron .

Published on Jun 2, 2001


Well look at me! I'm back! :) After having gone on a two week hiatus, I am back. La-La land was great but now I'm ready to start writing again.

I'm sorry this chapter is so short, but you'll live. There are about four more chapters left and then this story is done. I already have another story swimming around in my head, so BEWARE! You have not seen the last of Aaron at the archive! :)

BIG huge thanks go to Nimmy for her invaluble support over these last two weeks (Shrek was awesome hun) Also, I want you guys to feel that you can e-mail me anytime. I am really a nice person and I'm not nearly as bitchy as the Aaron in the story. lol. Thanks to all of you who are reading my story. Your e-mails mean the world to me, and I always reply promptly to any mail I get :) Love Ya Kiddies! (Wasn't that BSB thing on CBS absolutely yummy?)

"Watching You Without Me"

Aaron DeLorean

Chapter Eleven

"Can't let you know What's been happening. There's a ghost in our home, Just watching you without me. I'm not here." --Kate Bush ___________________________________

Weight. I opened my eyes. A.J. was sitting on the bed holding a glass. I stretched. A cigarette was calling my name.

"What's in the glass babe?" I asked curiously. He held it up to my face. It was dark brown and carbonated. I caught a hint of a sweet cherry-like scent. Dr. Pepper. "Oh! Dr. Pepper!" I exclaimed as I grabbed the Pilsner. I pressed the cool glass against my lips and drank. I sighed and closed my eyes. A.J. kissed me lightly.

"I love you." He whispered into my ear. I grinned.

"I love you too hun." I put the glass down on the bedside table and made a move to get up. That almost-forgotten sharp pain made itself known between my legs. I steadied myself on my feet as the pain spread to my hips. I frowned. "Damn it Alex, know I'm gonna be hunched over all day." He smiled, clearly amused.

"Aww!" He grinned reticently. I play-slapped his arm.

"You try getting fucked up the ass and see how it feels the next morning!" He laughed,

"That sounds so nasty. I thought we made love." I rolled my eyes.

"We made love last night, this pain is from getting fucked." He considered it for a moment.

"I guess I was kind of rough, huh?"

"You think?" I answered sardonically, and then burst out laughing. "It was very, VERY good, I'll give you that." A.J. pounced on me and pinned me against the bed.

"How 'bout a replay babe?" he whispered seductively. I shivered.

"How about later? I've gotta get dressed: I have a shrinks appointment soon." I kissed him lightly on the lips and went into the bathroom.

I walked down the stairs gingerly, cursing Nimm for flushing my Vicodin down the toilet. I got to the bottom of the stairs and half walked; half shuffled myself into the kitchen. Tori and A.J. were talking quietly over glasses of orange juice.

"Hun, what exactly happened to YOU last night?" Tori inquired as she watched my hobble over to the refrigerator. I rolled my eyes and looking over at A.J.

"Ask He Man over there. He did it to me." A.J. laughed. I could tell he was proud of himself for putting me in this situation. I had to laugh at his sophomoric display of sexual prowess. I found a pack of Marb's on the kitchen counter and lit one.

I dug around in the fridge looking for another soda and stumbled upon one of A.J.'s Coronas. I thought better of it, but took it out anyway. I popped the top on the soda and the Corona both and poured them into a glass. I took a sip. It was still delicious to this day.

"What the hell are you concocting over there?" A.J. asked. I grinned and held up the glass.

"Victoria's Morning After Cure." Tori let out a laugh.

"Oh my god! I totally forgot about those!" she exclaimed as she took a sip from the glass. I put the cig back in my mouth and inhaled deeply. Ah, addiction, how lovely I thought to myself sarcastically.

The fax machine in the den rang. A.J.'s ear perked up.

"Sounds like I'm getting a fax." He stood up and went to read it. I sat down at the bar next to Tori. She took my hand in hers and looked into my eyes intensely.

"So what's going on with you two?" She inquired, smiling. I was about to open my mouth to tell her about the previous nights' events, when A.J. appeared in the doorway holding the fax.

"Um, Aaron, I think this is supposed to be for you." He announced confused. I got up and took the fax from his hand. My breath caught in my throat as I read the bold black letters. "I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM HIM." I dropped the fax. I fluttered to the floor as A.J. and Tori both stared at me. Tori picked the page up from the floor and scrutinized it.

"Well, the number is blocked." She said, indicating the little row of X's in the upper right-hand corner where numbers should have resided. I sat down at the table and sighed like there was no tomorrow. A.J. came over and put his arms around me. I turned my face to look at him.

"You remember that fan letter I got yesterday?" He nodded. "Well," I went on, "It said 'stay away from him'." I closed my eyes. Tori cut in,

"How many people besides Nimm and us know you two are dating?" A.J. considered it for a moment.

"Well, just the rest of the guys." He said, indicating the Backstreet Boys. He went on, "And I told them not to tell anyone, and I trust them."

"Well it didn't just appear out of thin air, it had to come from somewhere." I said, exasperated. A.J. looked at me for a moment.

"It could just be a prank." I shook my head,


"Well, hun, I'll call Jaycee and tell her about it and have her trace the fax line." Tori offered. "Don't worry hun, we'll get to the bottom of this." A.J. kissed me on the forehead.

"Yeah, just relax. We can stay in today and just hang out. Okay?" I nodded my head.

"That would be great."

~To Be Continued~

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Next: Chapter 12

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