Watching Trevor

By moc.liamretnuoc@noirorats

Published on Aug 8, 2023


Watching Trevor

My mom had made the job sound really easy.

"All you have to do is watch over him!" She had exclaimed. "It's only a one night- and Mrs. White will pay you very well!"

The Whites had just moved in to town from California. Both of them worked long hours at very demanding jobs and wanted someone to watch their son, Trevor.

I had only seen the kid once- but one look was all I needed for me to know that I wanted him. He was a multi-sport athlete, and excelled at soccer, swimming, golf, and basketball. His athletic build had turned heads all week at school.

"What do they need me to do? Just babysit" I asked, understandably hesitant of my newfound luck. I was the same age as him and wasn't sure why a kid his age would need to be 'watched' at all.

"Simple things," She answered. "I told them how great of a cook you were and they would like you to make sure he eats healthy while they are gone. Besides, I think the move is hard on all of them and it would be nice to have someone around who could give Trevor tips on school and sports."

I agreed, doing my absolute best to hide the enthusiasm that I felt. Mrs. White wanted me to watch Trevor on Friday night- only four days away.

Four days had passed by slowly. I hadn't been able to focus in class all week. I had Trevor in two of my classes, and I would do my best to steal glances at him when I thought no one was looking. He hadn't said a word to me all week. I didn't mind- just looking was good enough for me.

Friday afternoon, I threw a small overnight bag in the passenger seat of my car and began the drive to Trevor's house. The drive lasted twenty minutes, but it seemed to last only a few seconds. I couldn't help but think about Trevor and his athletic body. Most of all, I thought about why a kid so close to my age would need someone to watch him.

The White's house was big, isolated on all sides by a tall, dense forest. I pulled off the highway onto the gravel driveway. I parked my car, threw my bag over my shoulder and rang the door bell.

The door swung open. Trevor flashed a smile at me and I instantly felt my knees go week. He had short, blonde hair and the bluest eyes I had ever seen. He was barefoot, wearing a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt.

"Hey, you must be Griffin!" He greeted me cheerfully. His attitude caught me off guard. I was expecting him to be grouchy, rude, and unhappy that someone else would be watching him for a night.

"Hey, Trevor!" I answered, trying to match his enthusiasm unsuccessfully.

"Are you ready to go for a swim?" He asked.

His tone had suddenly changed. Even though he had asked it as a question, I knew he wasn't really asking. He wanted me to go for a swim, and wouldn't take 'no' for an answer.

"Sure" I told him. "I don't have a suit though." I looked over at Trevor- he could sense the hesitation in my voice.

"No problem at all, I'll be right back." He said with the same cheerfulness as before. He walked into another part of the house. He reemerged a minute later with a strange looking suit in his hand.

"It's called a jammer- it's what we were during swim practice." He explained. "Go ahead and change- I'll meet you out there!"

I quickly changed into the suit. It was a tight fit, and knew Trevor must have used it when he was younger. The thought made my cock expand. I panicked- I couldn't let Trevor see me with a boner. I waited until it had died down, then walked onto the pool deck.

Trevor was at the grill, flipping hamburgers in his boardshorts. I could clearly see his muscular, well defined chest and biceps, and I couldn't help but stare at the sight.

"I know my mom is paying you to cook for me tonight- but we can leave this between us, ok?" He said with a wink. I nodded, his burgers smelled delicious. We plowed through the burgers and asked those awkward icebreaker questions that you ask someone when you first meet them but aren't sure what to talk about.

After an array of questions like, "How was California?" and "Do you have any siblings?" Trevor put the plates up and we dove into the pool.

We played around for about an hour. We raced each other, played water-basketball, and talked.

"Hey Griffin, want to make a bet?" He asked.

"Sure," I said, unsure of what he had in mind.

"Lets have a competition, we'll run from that side of the yard with the basketball and try to make a goal, the first one to make it in wins" He said. I couldn't help but notice a small hint of mischievousness in his voice.

"What do I get when I when?" I rebutted with a smile.

"I'll do whatever you like until my parents get back tomorrow night, but if I win you'll do the same with me." He said seriously.

I nodded my head in agreement and we walked back towards the edge of the yard. We put our backs against the tall privacy fence that bordered the pool, basketballs in hand. I really, really wanted to win.

"Ready, Go!!" Trevor shouted, and we raced to the pool. We were neck and neck until we got to the edge, but when I threw my basketball, it flew in a curve to the left. My ball had completely missed the target. I turned my head to see Trevor release his ball. I cringed, silently hoping that he would miss as well. Trevor had amazing aim, and his ball landed perfectly inside the goal.

It was at that moment when I realized what I had just lost. I was supposed to be in charge of Trevor- instead, it looked like Trevor would be in charge of me. I couldn't help but gulp.

"I guess you know what that means," Trevor laughed. "Come here." He said those last two words as a command. I swam over to him and sat on the edge next to him.

"Look at me," He said. I complied, I looked directly at his eyes. He grabbed my hand and dragged it up and down his chest. I could feel his muscles, and my groin began to stir. I quickly let go of his hand and placed both hands down at my groin in the hope that he wouldn't see my growing erection.

"No, put them up!" Trevor commanded. "Put your hands behind your head, NOW!" I hesitated at first, but slowly lifted my hands up behind my head. Trevor smiled, clearly pleased with what he saw.

"It looks like you have a boner, Griffin" He laughed. "I knew you were into me the moment I saw you." He said, looking straight into my eyes with complete seriousness. "Unfortunately for you, none of the other athletes can know that I'm gay, so our relationship will be a secret."

"I know you want me, what would you be willing to do to get this?" He asked, pointing to his cock.

"Anything," I answered. I couldn't stop thinking about what kind of tool he kept under his shorts.

"Come with me." He said. I followed him into the house and down a flight of stairs. He opened a door and waved me in. The room was a large bathroom, and he motioned for me to go into the walk in shower.

"Hands up" He said. I raised my hands above my head while Trevor produced two handcuffs. He slapped them onto a bar above my head and smiled. He pulled out an old t-shirt and wrapped it around my head as a blindfold. The world became black- I couldn't see anything.

I felt Trevor applying something to my arms, then I could feel the light brush of a razor on my forearms. He shaved both arms, then moved to my armpits. I could feel the hair being removed and opened my mouth to protest. Before I could say a word, I felt a hand clamp down on my mouth.

"Don't say anything Griffin. You're mine now." He said into my ear. He moved down to my chest and treasure trail. He spent a substantial amount of time on my legs, making sure that every hair was removed.

I felt something cold go between my skin and the jammers I was wearing. I could hear the soft sound of scissors cutting the material away and could feel my skin become exposed to the air. He shaved all of my public hairs and balls. In a matter of minutes, I was completely hairless.

Trevor removed my blindfold. I looked at my arms, legs, and balls. I looked like a twelve year old and felt completely embarrassed. Trevor reached upwards to remove my handcuffs and I caught a glance at his watch. It was already midnight. Trevor motioned with his finger so I followed him into another room.

"Lie down," He said, pointing to a large bed in the center of the room. I obeyed and didn't resist as he handcuffed my hands to the bedposts.

"My parents will be home in a couple of hours, and I don't them to see us having fun like we are now." He smiled. "But I'm going to give you a gift so that you don't forget that you are mine."

He pulled out a device from a box on the floor. I had seen them online before- it was a cock cage. He placed it on me, ensuring it was locked and secure. He pulled pair of boxers out of my bag and pulled them up to my hips, going slowly to make me as aroused as possible. He uncuffed my hands and left me on the bed.

"Stay here," He said. "If you move before morning, I'll make sure that cage doesn't come off for a month!"

He left the room. I slid my hand under my boxers to feel the cage.

I had never been so horny.

Next: Chapter 2

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