Watching My Son's Fun : My Son's Journey

By Dennis Dean

Published on Apr 5, 2005



I had a busy day at school with working out after gymnastics. I kept wanting to look at all he guys for some reason. I had sort of always had these feelings for guys but they seemed to be more intense. I saw the guys from the our completive gym from the city north of ours. I saw them with more lust than I should have. I was in grade twelve and had just turned eighteen as some strangers. When I looked their backs were to me so I didn't see their faces so couldn't judge their ages. I just knew they were tall. They had baggy pants and t-shirts so couldn't even tell what their bodies looked like.. My dad had been young when he had married my mother and was only thirty six himself and looked great as he had worked out all the time in the gym. They did glance back at me but it was so fast and I didn't pay attention to these guys faces but I heard two guys whispering something and I could have sworn they said something about me. I saw one tall guy from the back and they stopped our assistant Coach Paul who was in his late twenties. They were talking and then Paul looked over at me and was nodding his head. I wondered if he was talking about me or maybe I was just being paranoid. I never saw the guys faces just their backs and then they were wearing baggy sweats and from behind I didn't see much of them at all. I knew if I met them again I wouldn't even recognize them. I didn't really care anyway all I wanted to do was to get home and flop in front of the TV as soon as my school bus came that is.

I changed into jeans, t-shirt and just sandals not feeling like wearing socks. It was early by a good hour and decided to go to the study hall before waiting for the bus. Then Paul the assistant coach approached me. "Your finished early Eric. I have to head to Port Bruce. If I take the old gravel road doesn't that pass your place?" He asked. "Would you like a ride?"

"Gee thanks." I answered. "That would be perfect." I was going to ask him why he had been talking to the older guys from the gym but figured it wasn't my business. The way Coach Paul was looking at me made me feel strange. But maybe it was just my imagination. I followed him to his car and got in. We were soon speeding down the gravel road to my place. The coach was quiet and seemed to have something on his mind. Then he asked me the oddest question. "Your dad is out tonight isn't he?"

"Yea he said he was going to some kind of meeting. Why do you ask?" I answered.

I believe that is the same meeting I am going to. Just wondered if he would be there. That's all. Oh here we are Eric." Coach Paul said pulling up the long laneway. He stopped the car and I got out. See you Monday Coach." I said just before slamming the door closed and heading up the stairs to the house.

Once inside as usual I took my shoes off at the front door and went into the living room where I turned on the TV. The door to the next room was ajar yet in complete darkness. For some silly feeling I felt dad's vibrations coming from the next room but knew that was impossible he was at some kind of meeting. I sat down put my feet up. Just then to my surprise I heard the back door open. Then in walked six hot looking men probly in their late twenties early thirties. They were wearing tight jeans and muscle t-shirt that emphasized their muscular bodies. Of coarse right off the bat I figured they had come to rob us. But we didn't have anything valuable and dad kept very little money at home. . "Hay boy are you alone?" One of the guys said.

"Yes." My I said. "What do you want. We don't keep money

"No kid we been watching you at your school and we saw you lived away from the beaten path and know your dad won't be home for hours. We need to get our rocks off so strip for us." The tallest and most muscular of the six said.

"Come on guys I'm a boy you guys want some hot girl to take care of your needs." I said.

"Don't tell us what we need or don't need kid strip and do it now." The hot looking man in his late twenties said or maybe you would like to be punched out instead."

"Okay, okay." I answered my head still spinning because these hot guys were proposing something I had sort of dreamt of, but I knew I couldn't tell them.

I heard a creaking sound I knew came from the next room and for some reason I guessed dad was in there. He must have come home early after all. Then the blond six foot man said. "What was that?"

"This is an old house it is always creaking." I said trying to cover the noise my dad made. I was imagining dad was trying to get to his desk to call the police. Deep down I wish I could tell dad to not bother with the police. I did as the guy told me taking off my sneakers and socks and now pulling my t-shirt over my head

"Now that your nude help me strip boy." This hot blonde guy said. I went over to him after he kicked off his loafers and stood in bare feet. He told me to help him with his jeans. He had pulled his t-shirt over his head revealing his hairless smooth muscular chest. I saw my son on one side of the hot man undo the top button of his jeans and pull down the zipper. He tugged the jeans from the top and down came the jeans and under shorts the same time to his knees. His cock bounced out. It had to be a good thick nine inches. I just starred at that huge cock with amazement.

I pulled the guys jeans down the man's legs to the floor and he stepped out of them. He was now as nude as myself The other five stripping as well. Each in as great shape as their leader all with huge thick cocks. "Okay boy your going to wrap your lips around my cock, but first I want you to get busy on my balls."

"Waite until I tell dad what your making me do." I said.

"Shut the fuck up." The man said.

I didn't hear any noise for a few minutes from the other room. I had great hearing and at my position now on my knees I could hear into the room. I couldn't believe what I heard but it was sort of turning me on. "Suck it son. Take those balls in your fucking mouth.." I heard dad whisper. I wondered if he knew I could hear every word. I held the cock in my hand and suck my tongue out and licked those wonderful balls. "Yea lick my balls boy." He said. "After you work all our cocks in that mouth of yours I'm going to take that ass of yours boy. Bet it will tight because you are a virgin.

"Go ahead lick those balls son." I heard dad saying.

I really licked the man's big balls looking up at the same time and took his balls in his mouth. They were delicious and I knew what I had been missing all those years. Now I only wish dad would come out and join in and be the first to take my ass.

"That's the way kid now I want you to suck my cock." The man said.

"Open your mouth son." Man wish I was there taking your fucking cherry ass son. Bet you're a hot fuck." I heard from the other room.

I wanted to yell out then get out here dad and take my ass. But I knew dad for some reason didn't want any of these guys to know he was in the other room.

"Suck his cock you fucking fag." I heard from the other room.

"Damn I thought you're the pervert dad. Watching me getting raped and not helping me. I know I love it but you don't." I thought.

"Oh yes kid keep sucking Mark's cock. He hasn't exploded in days." Another guy said as Mark plowed his cock in and out of my

mouth his big balls slapping my bottom lip. He suddenly seem to freeze and say. "I'm Cumming swallow my cum fag boy. Swallow it all you fucking homo."

"Okay Paul it's your turns to screw the fag's mouth. Get over here guys your all going to enjoy this homo's mouth." Mark said. "Sam your after Paul."

"Take my cock boy down your throat." Paul said.

"Yea." I heard my dad whispering. "Take it you fucking fag. You love it I can hear you. Yea son take that thick black cock you fag." I wandered what dad was doing in the next door as he continued to put me down unknown to him I could actually hear him.

"I'm Cumming man. Oh yea I'm shooting." Paul said his black cock ramming in and out of my mouth. "Oh man he's a great cock sucker."

" Man I never did this before to a guy but seeing that kid today as we passed the house I knew we had to have that kid." Mark said. "Do you think we did the right thing guys?"

"Man you have that right Mark." Jason said now walking up to me as Paul pulled his cock out of my mouth. I could feel cum dripping down my chin. "Your turn Jason.

"Suck my black cock" Jason said. "Fuck he's a great cock sucker." Now I knew all the hot men's names. There was Mark, Paul, Sam, Jason who I had sucked so far. There was Ted and Hank waiting for their turns. There were three white guys and three black men.

"Ted your going to love his mouth man and the fucking kid gets to suck black cock yet again. Then Hank gets you boy." Paul said.

"Fine with me." Ted the other black man said. He was a good six two. "Right on." A good six foot blonde man said. He had the same athletic body. A body to kill for. He must have worked out as much as I did with a body like his. He stepped up as now Jason shot his load in my mouth. "Take my cock you fucking boy queer."

"Oh fuck his mouth is great." The third black man at least twenty eight said.

The both plowed my son's mouth and ass with great lust. They must have been saving up for a week and just wanted to shoot their love juices because they were both moaning with in minutes.

My mouth was still wrapped around Ted's black ten inch thick cock and Hank standing beside Ted waiting to get his cock sucked.

"Holly shit Mark look over at the door theirs a guy watching us."

Ted's cock came out of my son's mouth and my son looked in my direction. "Dad?" I whimpered actually knowing dad was there all the time but didn't these hot guys to know I knew dad had been watching. "What are you doing?"

Dad stood up from a crutching position with his hand still around his big hard cock. Man I wanted that piece of meat up my ass. I wanted dad to take my cherry ass.

"Come and join us." Mark said. "You seem to like your son taking cock so come and get some in on the action. He's a hot fag pops." Hank said.

I wandered what would happen next.

At long last it was Friday and even better I was caught up with all my paper work. I had worked out at the gym during lunch hour so decided to go right home from work. I was a single dad my wife having left me to so call find herself. Now it was just me and Eric my eighteen year old son. My son was smaller than the boys his age and he could easily pass for fourteen or fifteen. At least he enjoyed the gym so was in good shape. He had sandy colored hair and hazel eyes like myself. I was in good shape having worked out at the gym four days a week. I had just celebrated my thirty eighth birthday the month before. I wasn't dating any woman wanting to spend as much time as possible with my son after work or weekends watching TV or playing basket ball with him.

I had to drop my car off at the garage for it's annual check up so took the bus that stopped just a couple blocks from my house. I lived on the outskirts of the small city. I had found a nice size property on the outskirt of our small city. There wasn't another house around for at least a mile in each direction. I was lucky the bus traveled out so far. I got off the bus walked the few blocks to the house and went in the side door. I decided just to go into my small office and partly close the door that opened up into the living room so I could just lay back and rest. I took off my shoes, my suite coat and tie. Then I flopped into my easy chair. I could just see into the living room from my easy chair. My desk was behind me.

I was falling asleep when I heard the door open. I knew Eric wouldn't know I was home and he would most likely watch TV before doing his homework. I lay back in my easy chair again as I heard the TV silently in the back ground as my eye lids closed. Suddenly I heard the front door open again. I could see out into the living room and knew because of where I was situated no one could see me. I saw six men I would have guessed to be in their late twenties or early thirties come in. In my half asleep stupor I heard one of the guys saying. "Hay boy are you alone?"

"Yes." My son said. "What do you want. We don't keep money or valuables in the house so your wasting your time if your going to rob us."

"No kid we been watching you at your school and we saw you lived away from the beaten path and know your dad won't be home for hours. We need to get our rocks off so strip for us." The tallest and most muscular of the six said.

What the hell could I do? There were six of them and only my son. Could I surprise them and over take them or would I putting my son in even more danger as well as myself by surprising the men. I could call the police I thought. I heard my son say. "Come on guys I'm a boy you guys want some hot girl to take care of your needs."

"Don't tell us what we need or don't need kid strip and do it now." The hot looking man in his late twenties said or maybe you would like to be punched out instead."

"Okay, okay." I heard my son say.

I had to maneuver myself somehow quietly to get to the desk and the phone. I pushed forward in my chair making the chair creak. "What was that?" I heard another man say. He was an inch shorter than the first man that had ordered my son to strip about six feet tall with blonde hair.

"This is an old house it is always creaking." My son said taking off his sneakers and socks and now pulling his t-shirt over his head. His firm young chest came into view. I had never thought much about my son before but looking at him being forced to strip for the hot six I caught myself licking my lips. "What the hell am I doing?" I thought to myself. I put my hand on my crotch and realized my cock was getting hard. "Man what kind of perverted father was I?"

"Now that your nude help me strip boy." The first guy said. My son went over to him after the guy kicked off his loafers and stood in bare feet. He told my son to help him with his jeans. He had pulled his t-shirt over his head revealing his hairless smooth muscular chest. I saw my son on one side of the hot man undo the top button of his jeans and pull down the zipper. He tugged the jeans from the top and down came the jeans and under shorts the same time to his knees. His cock bounced out. It had to be a good thick nine inches

I knew I had to get up and go to the phone and call the police but I couldn't take my eyes off what was happening only yards away. The jeans slipped down the man's legs to the floor and he stepped out of them. He was now as nude as my son. I saw the other five stripping as well. Each in as great shape as their leader all with huge thick cocks. "Okay boy your going to wrap your lips around my cock, but first I want you to get busy on my balls."

"Waite until I tell dad what your making me do." Eric said.

"Shut the fuck up." The man said.

I caught myself whispering. "Suck it son. Take those balls in your fucking mouth.." What the hell was I saying. I watched as my son get on his knees and hold the man's huge cock. "Lick my balls boy." He said. "After you work all our cocks in that mouth of yours I'm going to take that ass of yours boy. Bet it will tight because you are a virgin.

"Go ahead lick those balls son." I once more caught myself say.

My son licked the man's big balls looking up at the same time and took his balls in his mouth. I could swear I could see a spark of lust in my son's eyes or had I imagined it.

"That's the way kid now I want you to suck my cock." The man said.

"Open your mouth son." I whispered. I had forgotten all about calling the police as I leaned forward I pulled my own cock out of my pants. "Man wish I was there taking your fucking cherry ass son. Bet you're a hot fuck." I caught myself again realizing what I was whispering. But damn I was only telling the truth, seeing my son on all fours his ripe young ass in the air was giving me a boner. I don't know why but suddenly I wanted on top of everything else to humiliate my own son. "Suck his cock you fucking fag." I whispered now actually on the floor looking thought the door at what was going on. I realized I had taken off all my clothes watching the men one was pushing his big cock in my son's hot looking ass hole. I could hear my son moaning I didn't know if it was in pain or in enjoyment as the cock went further into his ass.

"Oh yes kid keep sucking Mark's cock. He hasn't exploded in days." Another guy said as Mark plowed his cock in and out of my son's hot mouth his big balls slapping my son's chin. He suddenly seem to freeze and say. "I'm Cumming swallow my cum fag boy. Swallow it all you fucking homo."

I knew at that I should have ran out and stopped what was going on the guy named Mark from rapping my son's mouth and biw Cumming in his mouth. But there was only me and I was lusting over what my very own son was having to go through. "Take my load you love it homo. You love my cum you fucking queer." I saw Mark move away from my son. "Okay Paul it's your turns to screw the fag's mouth. Get over here guys your all going to enjoy this homo's mouth." Mark said. "Sam your after Paul."

"Take my cock boy down your throat." Paul said.

"Yea." I whispered now on the floor looking out into the living room. "Take it you fucking fag. You love it I can hear you." I had my hand around my hard cock.

"Yea son take that thick black cock you fag." I whispered.

"I'm Cumming man. Oh yea I'm shooting." Paul said his black cock ramming in and out of Eric's mouth. "Oh man he's a great cock sucker."

" Man I never did this before to a guy but seeing that kid today as we passed the house I knew we had to have that kid." Mark said. "Do you think we did the right thing guys?"

"Man you have that right Mark." Sam said now walking up to my son as Sam pulled his cock out of my son's mouth with cum dripping down his chin. "Your turn Jason.

"Suck my black cock" Jason said. "Fuck he's a great cock sucker." Now I knew all the hot men's names. There was Mark, Paul, Sam, Jason who was screwing my son's mouth now and Ted and Hank waiting for their turns. There were three white guys and three black men.

"Ted your going to love his mouth man and the fucking kid gets to suck black cock yet again. Then Hank gets you boy." Paul said.

"Fine with me." Ted the other black man said. He was a good six two. "Right on." A good six foot blonde man said. He had the same athletic body. A body to kill for. He must have worked out as much as I did with a body like his. He stepped up as now Jason shot his load in my son's mouth. "Take my cock you fucking boy queer."

"Oh fuck his mouth is great." The third black man at least twenty eight said.

The both plowed my son's mouth and ass with great lust. They must have been saving up for a week and just wanted to shoot their love juices because they were both moaning with in minutes.

My son's mouth was still wrapped around the Ted's black cock and Hank standing beside Ted waiting to get his cock sucked.

"Holly shit Mark look over at the door theirs a guy watching us."

Ted's cock came out of my son's mouth and my son looked in my direction. "Dad?" He whimpered. "What are you doing?"

With being spotted and all I leaned forward pushing the door all the way open and realized all the men and my son could see me nude messaging my cock.

"Come and join us." Mark said. "You seem to like your son taking cock so come and get some in on the action. He's a hot fag pops." Hank said.

What was I suppose to do?

THE END of Chapter 1.

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