Watching, Learning, Doing

Published on Aug 25, 1998



He woke up with a start hearing the door bang open. Jeremy was home from yet another party and had someone with him. They were shushing each if not to wake him up. But of course that was too late. Laughing, falling down and scrambling for the john, they tripped over trash cans, books, chairs and even his desk.

Martin wasn't a bookworm by any definition, but he had been up late working on a paper..and knew that when he awoke later, he'd finish it. It was due on

Monday and here it was Friday night...or rather Saturday morning. Jeremy on the other hand had been going nuts this past two weeks. Something happened, Marty didn't know what. But Jeremy was suddenly going out almost every night to go dancing or to a bar or just "out".

He invited Martin along a couple of times..but when Martin declined, Jeremy said he didn't know if it was really Marty's "thing" anyway. Martin hadn't decided what his "thing" was. He was a freshman trying to adjust to living away from home, pursuing his education, learning to be more social and dealing with a constantly hard cock.

At times he felt like he was still 13 needing to jack off every hour of the day and night. He saw other students around him wearing shorts, looking fit, looking sexy and he got hard.

The other problem was that his got hard looking at men. Even in high school, his cock seemed to pop up whenever he was attracted to a smile, eyes, arms, chest, butt or overall physique of teachers, students, strangers, models in ads, men on television, athletes everywhere.

That problem continued on campus. His roommate, who didn't seem modest at all, kept his cock hard as well. Jeremy usually lay around the room in his jockey shorts of a towel.

More then a few times, Martin would come to his room and find Jeremy buck naked laying on his bed, reading. And when he saw Martin, he'd just smile and act like nothing was different.

He and Jeremy would meet people, go out, play touch football, hit the beach or just study like everyone else. But a couple of weeks ago, Jeremy went to a bar, he said and never returned the entire weekend.

Just when Martin was about to report him missing to campus security, Jeremy bounded into the room carrying his tee shirt and stripping down to get a shower while babbling on about this bar he went to. He never said where else he had been that weekend.

And after that weekend, Jeremy seemed to turn into a party animal..going out all the time and returning just as jubalient as he had that first weekend.

Martin, welcomed the privacy so he could study, jack off, take walks, jack off, look out the window at the parade of men eveyrwhere and jack off.

Jeremy and the other person fell back into the room. Martin pretended he was asleep.

To his amazement, marty watched Jeremy strip totally naked and so did the person he was with. It was another guy. The two were giggling about stripping and then started to hug and kiss. Jeremy was queer, Martin suddenly realized. "What about him?" the new person asked.

"Dont' worry, he's asleep and if he wakes up, he likes to watch" Jeremy said as he was kissing the other guy's neck and chest..moving his mouth down the guys belly towards the hard cock that awaited him.

Martin feigned sleep, but kept watching the two students across the room. The campus light shown just enough through the window to illuminate their bare buttocks, legs, arms, faces and cocks.

Jeremy fucked then got fucked, He sucked the other guy while the guy sucked him. And finally, they collapsed on top of each other.

Jeremy was alone in the morning when Martin woke up. He dressed and started to leave for breakfast.

"Hey wait up for me" Jeremy said pulling his naked body out of bed. Even tired, run down and after a night of drinking and sex, he looked good.

Martin pulled his shirt and shorts off.

"Hey I thought you were going to breakfast" Jeremy said as he held his own shorts about to step into them.

"I am" Martin said and reached for his roommate.

The kisses were hesitant at first then more passionate. The hands reached, felt, explored, held and gropped.

As the two boys expressed their pent up desires for each other, the Saturday sun shone, the birds sang, other students walked across the grass, half naked boys played frisbee and many wondered what might be going on inside the dorm rooms nearby.

Martin and Jeremy had been out there wondering the same, wishing for many things and wanting something they thought they'd never get.

Now they had all they had wondered, wished and wanted in each other.

Martin was new at all this of course, but based on his night of watching his roommate and the other guy, he had learned plenty and gladly demonstrated it all.

"Whew" Jeremy said "I thought you were a virgin"

"I am, but I learned everything by watching" Martin smiled and returned his mouth to Jeremy's cock.

He liked watching..but liked doing even more.

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