Washington, DC, Winter 2010

By Benjamin Ashton

Published on May 26, 2014




I woke up in Tom's hotel room sweating profusely. It was freezing and overcast outside, but neither Tom nor I had been able to work out the remote for the heating system before we went to sleep the night before.

I always loved staying in a hotel in a city where I lived and Tom's visit in DC for a three-day conference offered such great opportunity. The conference was at the Hilton and Tom had gotten in town two nights before. I lived not too far, in Logan Circle, and I had walked to his hotel after having drinks with a couple of friends. Tom had had some networking duties his first two evenings, but last night's event was finished early enough for me to drop by and hang out.

I had been friends with Tom for ten years. He was originally the best friend of one of my first boyfriend. We had instantly hit it off and had managed somehow to keep our quite animal attraction towards each other in check. When I became single, he was dating someone, which kept me from pursuing anything. Yet one drunken night, after an evening of our legs rubbing under the table at a dinner party and a frantic making out session in the bathroom, we had found a way to end up at his place, alone, and had finally been able to relieve the built up sexual tension between us. I felt awful afterwards for his boyfriend, he didn't, yet we decide to try and keep our hands off each other and the possibility of building something together for later, more auspicious times. This never happened, even if we did hook up periodically. We lived in different cities, our relationship statuses never matched and by the time something like a budding romance could have materialized, we had become the perfect fuck buddies.

Tom was three years younger than me, tall and thin, with dark hair and a devilish smile. He was fun, wild, daring and insatiable. A lot of our discussions or correspondence was about sharing and explaining at length our sexual experiences and fantasies. He took me to a sex club a couple of times, we cruised online together to find a willing prey, I fucked him in every position I could imagine. Tom had kinks and fetishes that I didn't particularly share, but he was so enthusiastic and exhilarated when he talked about sex, that nothing did phase me or turn me off.

So when Tom emailed me he was going to be in town for a three-day conference, I had become instantly horny at the prospect. When he opened the door of his room that night, wearing nothing but his boxers, I felt my cock slightly hardening. He closed the door, took me in his arms and kissed me hungrily. I laughed and pushed him away; I had layers and layers (as well as gloves and hat) to protect me from the cold and the room was very warm.

As I got in and undressed, I noticed his laptop was switched on, on his desk. He wasn't' watching porn, he said before I could ask it myself. He was giving a presentation tomorrow in the morning and was finishing up work. He sat back at his desk and began to type furiously. I took all my clothes off, kept my briefs on and sat on the bed, resting against the head board. I was watching him work, watching his shoulders, the back of his head, his naked hairy legs. I was very happy.

While still typing, he told me « I have to tell you about last night ». I laughed. Tom had the libido (and the stamina) of a seventeen year-old ; I don't know anyone else who has had so much sex.

He slammed shut his computer, said a loud and resounding « Done », leaned towards the minibar, threw me a beer and got himself a tiny vodka bottle. He then jumped on the bed, sat next to me, planted a big smooch on my crotch, put his hand on my thigh, and started to tell me about his previous night. He was at the opening reception, here at the hotel, chatting up the people that he needed to. He kept flirting with one of the waiter (« Tyler. Hot name », he said) and, as the room was emptying, he went and started to talk to him. Tom is very direct and his blunt, sexy charm usually works in getting him what he wants. Especially towards the end of the evenings, I should add.

This was no exception, apparently, and Tom convinced Tyler to take him somewhere semi-private (« Something like a broom closet, maybe ? »). The eager waiter led him to the restaurant's Assistant Manager's office, which was never locked, and Tom found it sexy and thrilling enough to fuck Tyler (« Hard, and fast, and really fun ») with barely any foreplay.

Tom's cock was hard, just by recounting the story ; so was I, just by hearing it and watching Tom's horny smirk. Tom lowered himself to take me in his mouth and started sucking me, slowly and expertly. After a while, I repositioned him into what I knew was his favorite position : lying on his back, his head hanging on the side of the bed. I stood up, placed my dick in his mouth and face fucked him deep.

It was so good I had a hard time refraining myself from cumming. So I pulled out, rolled him over, climbed on the bed and inserted my dick in his ass. We fucked for what seemed like three hours (but which turned out to be thirty minutes), before both standing up, hugging and jerking each other off.

We came at the same time, on each other's chests, and stomachs, and pubic hair.

We crashed on the bed, panting. It was so hot. We fiddled forever with the remote for the heating system, but it seemed to be broken. There was no way we'd call for maintenance now, we were too tired, to naked and too full of cum. So we just lied there, holding hands, and fell quickly asleep.

I took a cold shower in the morning ; it was still very early and the sun hadn't set yet. Tom opened one eye and muttered : « Why don't you have breakfast with me here ? Great buffet »

« Will you sneak me in ? »

« Yeah, sure. »

« I kind of want to see you give your presentation. Mind if I sit in the audience ? »

« Nah. It'll be hot to know you're close. Just don't distract me ».

« I won't. Let me go home and change my clothes. I'll call you from the lobby when I'm back, ok ? »

« Great. See you in a minute ».

I called in sick while walking home, brushing off the creeping pang of guilt. Live a little, I thought.

Soon enough, we were having breakfast, a little exhausted but still exhilarated from the previous night. While Tom ate, he was concentrating on his notes, getting ready. As he finished his coffee, Tom scanned the room and his eyes grew wide. "That's Tyler", he said, nodding towards one of the waiters. Tyler's looks were pretty much as Tom had hungrily described them. I tried not to be too obvious, but Tyler saw us across the room and veered towards our direction.

"Hey guys", he said, in a soft, hushed tone.

"Hey, how've you been?", Tom asked.

He blushed a little, before saying "Well, this has definitely been an interesting week. You guys at this conference are quite the horndogs".

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I almost hooked up with another attendee last night. Hot guy, who kept checking me out. I slipped him a note with my cell number on it. He texted me ten minutes later with his room number!"

"Did you go?"

"Yeah. When I got there though, he was all like nervous and freaked. Turns out he's married and he is all confused and tormented and all that. He kept babbling about it. Total turn off."

"So, nothing happened?"

"Well, I opened my fly at some point, just to relax him or to shut him up. It did the trick. He started to blow me. Nothing like I had during my time with you, though. He started to jerk off, but then his phone rang and he freaked out because it was his wife. For a moment, I really thought he was going to answer! So I took over and sucked him off a little. But the dude came as fast as a thirteen year old! He was even more freaked out after that. So I just left, with major blue balls."

"Anything we can do about that?", Tom asked, his attention then firmly away from his notes.

"Nah, that's cool. I jerked off at home with some good porn. Thanks though. Well, you guys have a good day".

"Wait", I said, "is the guy somewhere here?"

He looked around, then said "Yeah, actually he is. The dude there, at the buffet, by the toast machine?". We both looked and saw a tall, very handsome, somewhat serious looking man, in his thirties, wearing an impeccable suit and tie combo. "His name is Simon something. You guys should break him in; he really needs to loosen up and get laid big time".

I recognized the guy, I had seen him passing me by in the lobby and heading towards the restaurant. He didn't look very social, a bit shy and austere. Since Tom and I had been sitting at our table together, I had noticed he seemed to glance at us constantly, but hadn't figured out whether it came out of lust or of some sort of curiosity, like a Mormon accountant who had never seen gay guys before.

Tyler left us, returning to work. Later, we made our way to the conference room, I wished Tom the best and went sit in the audience, third row - not too far, not to close from where Tom and the rest of his panel would be seated. A few minutes later, as I was scanning the room, I noticed this Simon guy entering and heading to the panel. He stopped in his tracks for a split second when he saw Tom sitting there. I could tell he was a little flustered and looked around him - only to catch my staring at him. He quickly turned his eyes away and resumed walking towards his designated seat, which happened to be just next to Tom. It is then that Tom looked up, saw him and instantly turned to me, with a huge grin on his face. I stopped myself from laughing, but winked at him. He winked back, with his sexiest, most winning smile. I discreetly raised my hand and made a pretend high-five. He did the same.

Tom and Simon introduced themselves politely; Simon was trying to be collected, but it was now obvious that the numerous glances I had caught from him were indeed from the lust variety.

Tom was first to speak, his presentation went perfectly. Simon was second. He was nervous, a bit sweaty, but got into his business groove quickly enough and became the handsome, serious, sexy, young businessman that fit his good looks and conservative clothes.

When he was done, Tom whispered to his ear "very nice" and put his hand on his shoulder, just for a moment. I could see, almost feel, Simon shudder. The rest I know from Tom, who later filled me with all the details. Tom started to press, very gently, his leg against Simon's, while looking straight at the room. Then Tom went for the test: he gently pulled back. Yes, Tom thought, his leg is now definitely trying to catch mine back. Tom pressed back and both, their legs were now touching and rubbing slowly. By a movement of his eyes downward, Tom made me understand what was going on and I smiled at him.

This went on for a while. Then Tom looked discreetly towards Simon's crotch. His erection was obvious, a perfect outline in display. Tom couldn't help but wink at me to let me know. I smiled back. Our exchange, however, was noticed by Simon, who whispered "who's your friend?". Tom told him "Someone you need to meet. The three of us should really try to spend some time together before this conference is over". He was obviously extremely horny; Simon was not blushing any longer, more like trying to stay focused and not cum in his pants. "I'd like that", he said.

Carefully, and as discreetly as possible, Tom's hand reached the very tip of Simon's hard cock. With just two fingers, Tom caressed it and made slow circles around its head, all the while pretending to be absorbed by the third speaker at the podium. "Don't!", Simon said in a breath. "Please don't". Tom could feel and see Simon's cock throbbing, and his cheeks becoming very red.

The panel moderator cast them a disapproving glance. Apparently, chatting was frown upon, while the presentations were going on. Tom rubbed his legs again, then took a small sheet of paper and a pen. I saw Tom scribbling something then passing it on to Simon. He read it, blushed, then looked away and pretended to listen to the speaker. After a while, I saw him taking a pen too and furiously making notes on Tom's sheet of paper. After he passed it back, Tom read it, smiled mischievously, folded it in two and grabbed the attention of one the waiter, standing by with a jug of water. Tom gave him the note, whispered something to him and pointed at me.

The waiter made his way towards my row, while Simon witnessed this, looking both curious and terrified.

I received the note and unfolded it. I could spot Tom's handwriting on the first line, and figured Simon wrote the rest. It said: "NAME THREE THINGS YOU'VE NEVER DONE AND WANT TO TRY

3some // swallowing semen // being deepthroated"

I looked at both of them and nodded, smiling.

The whole session seemed to drag on forever, even if, with very few questions from the audience, it was over quite soon. Tom had rubbed his leg against Simon's the whole time, occasionally glancing at his erection coming and going. When the crowd started to disperse, I walked towards them. Simon seemed a little disoriented, but made an effort to stay stern. He was very sexy. Tom, I could tell, was so horny, he'd be ready to blow us both right there right then, if I didn't take charge and deflate the agonizing sexual tension between them two. After introducing myself, I said, "Why don't we go and get a drink at the bar. It's noon, it's early enough".

No one said a word the whole walk to the bar. We sat at a booth, Tom in the middle, and as soon as we were settled, Tom spread his legs, pressing them against both Simon's and mine. I took his hand, squeezed it and quickly whispered to his ear : "Tom, you're always sexy, but never more so than when your cock has taken complete control of your body and of your senses. I really want to kiss you right now". Then I guided his hand to my crotch, and rubbed my dick with it for a second. We all assumed straight faces and composure when the waiter came to get our order. Simon drank beer, I notice, some foreign brand I never heard of.

Someone had to say something. "Tell us about yourself, Simon", I asked.

"Well", he said, "I'm 35, I'm from Connecticut and...".

"Simon", Tom interrupted, «this is not a job interview. Relax. Tell us how come you've never been deepthroated". Simon laughed. Something had clicked. He started talking with more confidence.

"I'm married. We met in College. Our life is fine, but well, I've been feeling awkward towards her for a long time. Our sex life was never great but it's just non-existent now."

"Because you crave cock?", Tom asked.

Simon laughed and said "I guess, yes. I crave cock. It's odd to say it out loud."

"But you've done gay stuff before?"

"In college, yes. A good buddy of mine. We kissed one night, really drunk. And we fooled around after that, a bunch of times. But it was always jerking off to porn together. It made me uncomfortable at some point, so I stopped. But I was obsessed by the bathroom stalls in the library, the ones people were telling stories about. I would go there all the time, but nothing ever happened."

"Maybe you got the floor wrong".

"Yes, maybe. Now, I just spend a lot of time jerking off. It's been like an addiction. I don't travel much, but my wife does. Every time I have a few days alone at home, I barely go out. I get drunk and masturbate for hours on end, I spend the whole day and night in front of the computer, I fantasize, I experiment."

"You experiment?"

"Yeah. One day I found a vibrator in my wife's drawer. I freaked out and felt really guilty. You know, like I'm not satisfying her? But one day, I started using it on myself. It was incredible. I dunno. I feel like I'm sick sometimes. I masturbate all the time. At work, I almost got caught twice in the office bathroom. Sometimes, I'm on a craze for days. I have to jerk off and leave my cum everywhere. I'm semi hard all throughout my workout at the gym and I have to jerk off in the shower before I'm done. I was once at a friend's house a few months ago. In the middle of the dinner, I excused myself and went to their laundry room and jerked off sniffing his dirty underwear, cumming in the laundry basket. I am pretty fucked up".

"What else?"

"What else??? I don't know. I fucked myself with a cucumber once. Isn't that pathetic?"

"Only if you ate it afterwards".

"Right." Simon smiled at Tom. He was now completely relaxed. The transformation made him even sexier, more masculine, calm, and easy-going.

"Okay", I said, "but tell us about an experience that you really enjoyed, even if you felt weird or guilty".

"Last year, my wife was away and I was cruising the net. I found this thing, this group of guys that were having circle jerks and it was a town just ten miles away from my house. I got so excited, I almost had a hard time breathing when I realized I could actually go there if I decided to. There was nothing to prevent me. I hesitated but I went. There were about fifteen guys, all older than me, like in their forties and fifties. Some of them actually not bad looking. They were all going at it already when I got there. The one in charge looked at me appreciatively when I entered and started to boss me around. Which, I dunno, I kinda liked. All the guys were indeed in a circle, on chairs in the living room. They were all dressed, stroking their dicks, with their pants at their ankles. He told me to join them, on an empty chair. Then one guy started to stand up and went in the middle, undressed completely and jerked off. I was mesmerized. He started to cum profusely and licked his fingers afterwards. He then went back to his seat. Then, I don't know what came over me, but I stood up and started to do just what he had done. Except, as soon as I was starting to jerk off, three guys began to groan and ejaculated. It totally turned me on that I had made them cum. One guy told to come nearer him; I did and he started to touch me, all over my body. The guy sitting next to him reached his hand and massaged my butt, the one on the other side reached for my cock and jerked me. It felt like I had hands all over my body. The other guys started to say that I was there for everybody, not just them. So I went back to the center and, it was weird, it's like I started to give them a performance. I totally lost myself in the moment. I was moaning, fingering myself, closing my eyes, masturbating very slowly. I heard at least six guys cum during the whole thing. Then I erupted, really violently, it felt like I had never cum so hard and so much. But, well, then I freaked out; I picked up my clothes and left in a hurry."

There was silence after that. Simon was lost in his thoughts, reliving the experience. Tom's jaw was slightly dropped, his eyes fixed on him. I could tell Tom was so incredibly turned on and horny, it was leaving him speechless. Simon had been talking non-stop and our drinks were empty. I suggested we all went to Tom's room and chill together. We walked up there in a silent daze. There was no hesitation on anyone's part, least of all Simon's, who was a different man than the hesitant, blushing, confused "straight" guy from the panel. He walked decidedly, smiled warmly at us and looked stern but serene.

As soon as we entered the room, we three started to kiss. We were huddled together, our hands all over each other, alternating pairs kissing. We alternated rhythm and intensity, and these long long kisses seemed to last forever. Simon stopped, pulled back and looking straight at us said, softly and lustfully, "Let me undress you; I've watched from a distance since this morning. I've been wanting so bad to see what's underneath your clothes".

He started with Tom, removing his suit, loosening his tie, caressing his cheek while looking straight into his eyes. He unbuttoned Tom's shirt, ran his hands on his chest, kissed his nipples, took off his tie, took off his shirt. He made Tom sit on the bed, kneeled and took out his shoes, then socks. He lifted Tom back up again, unfastened his belt, unzipped him, slid his hands in his underwear. He felt Tom's very hard cock, squeezed it. He made Tom's pants slide down to his ankles, pushed the underwear down and made Tom get out of them. The he slowly and softly kissed him all over his body: Tom's neck, chest, nipples, stomach. He licked the bellybutton, the shaft of Tom's dick, kissed its head, caressed his balls, squeezed his ass. Then stood up and did the same to me, taking all his time.

We undressed him together, taking as much time as he did. He was in heaven and so were we. We moved to the bed, lied down together, and resumed our three-way and multiple two-way kissing, our legs entwining, our hands all over each other. It was obviously getting too much for him and he asked to slow down. So we lied next to each other, naked and a little sweaty – it was still very hot in the room. He said "Tell me about yourselves. What's your story? What are your hottest experiences?".

And for the next two hours, we talked. We shared with him all of the stories we've shared together. We raided the mini bar and got a little drunk while recounting our past experiences. There was some kissing, there was some cock stroking, there was a lot of touching. But we talked and talked. He told us more about him too, confessed to his miserable experience with Tyler the day before. Tom told him about his much more satisfying one.

At some point, I could feel how horny Simon really was and told him "You need to cum, you need some release before we do anything else". Simon was lying between us and we both put an arm around his shoulders and watched him jerk off. He didn't take long, a few frantic strokes and he ejaculated copiously all over his chest, with a rapid succession of muffled grunts.

When he recovered, he started talking again: "You know, I hear you guys fuck, bang, screw, piss, suck, blow and all, and I want that, I so want that, I've only had a few fucks with strangers, but I wonder how it is to have sex with someone with whom you actually do connect?". I looked at him and told him : "Let me show you".

I moved over him and lied on top of Tom. Our two extremely hard cocks were touching and it was electrifying. We started kissing slowly, our hands running all over each other. Then I turned Tom around, on his stomach and positioned my cock on his hole. Tom was so turned on that it slid in a couple of inches without effort. I kissed Tom on the neck, licked his ear, my sweaty body pressed on his sweaty back. I pushed in and soon my whole dick was inside him. I started moving in and out, just barely removing the head of my dick before plunging it back in. It was driving Tom crazy and he started bucking and shaking. My kisses got more intense, I pressed myself against Tom even harder. We were both lost in each other, my moans muffled by burying my head in his neck and hair, his muffled by the pillow into which he was biting.

Simon was mesmerized. He lied on his stomach and moved right next to Tom, their two bodies completely touching. He managed to kiss Tom all over his face, while Tom was being pounded increasingly fast.

I pulled out of Tom, and moved to the side to mount Simon. He was a little harder to get in. Tom noticed it, so he spat in his hand and massaged Simon's hole. This made it easier and soon enough, I was in. I started fucking him just as I fucked Tom. They were kissing. I raised Simon so I could fuck him doggy style. He was going wild. Tom rammed his dick in Simon's mouth. Tom was so turned on that very soon after, he was about to cum; Tom locked Simon's face on his dick, making him gag, told him gently to relax and started squirting down his throat. Simon gagged again a little, but swallowed it all.

I pulled out of his ass, to give him some time to recover. Tom told him: "That's the second thing off your list. Now I want you to fuck me". Tom lied on his back, raised his legs holding his ankles and Simon was very quick to penetrate him. He was a natural and the fuck was apparently amazing. He found his rhythm, got really into it. I put my dick in Tom's mouth and Tom blew me the fantastic way Tom always does. After a while, I positioned myself behind Simon again and started fucking him while he fucked Tom. It didn't take long for Simon to gasp, "I'm gonna cum again". "Wait", Tom said, "we need the third item off your list".

Tom moved around and put his head on the edge of the bed. I guided Simon to stand up and stuff his cock in Tom's mouth. Tom took him in completely. Simon was in heaven. When I sensed him edging, I told him "My turn now" and replaced his cock with mine.

We kept at this forever, each of us pulling out before we cum and letting the other be sucked by Tom. When I sensed we were getting to the end of our ability to edge, I moved and sat down on an armchair, by the window. I spread my legs and told Simon to come ride my cock and thank Max with a great last performance. Simon moved towards me, sat on my dick facing Tom; his hole was so wet and sloppy that I slid in instantly. He started moving, shaking, bucking wildly, bumping on my lap, getting fucked deep. He looked straight at Tom often, when his eyes were not closed, lost in ecstasy. Tom was jerking off, watching my hard cock sliding in and out of Simon's ass and Simon now close to complete exhaustion, resting his body on mine, jacking his dick. I couldn't hold it any longer and I started erupting in Simon's ass. Simon was still riding me and Tom could see my cum dripping out of Simon's ass. My convulsions sent Simon over the edge and he started cumming all over his chest, in violent quixotic bursts.

We were both spent and were just lying there. Him with his eyes half closed, vaguely staring at the ceiling. Tom walked towards us, still jerking. Simon and I were both panting and sweaty. His chest was full of jizz, so were his ass cheeks, my balls, our thighs. Tom lorded over us and started cumming all over our faces. Simon numbly, hypnotically opened his lips, to receive some of Tom's junk in his mouth.

We all fell asleep on Tom's bed, naked, sweaty and sticky, entangled in some complicated ways. It was a great, beautiful, peaceful nap. Tom opened one eye two hours later and woke us. He had to pack to catch his flight at Reagan early evening. So did Simon. We warmly exchanged parting kisses, three corners of a solid triangle dislocating a little abruptly. I walked home in the freezing cold, thinking about how lucky I was to have Tom in my life.

Comments, suggestions, reactions are welcome: benashtonvilla@yahoo.com

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