Washing the Car

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Mar 21, 2004




by Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I looked at the beautiful brown body laying across the bed. His back, seamless, smooth, glowing, was laid out in a graceful arc that went from his head straight on the pillow (face buried in to block out the sunlight) and his legs angled out to left corner of the foot of the bed. I'd had to learn to sleep with my legs pulled up! The covers were down to just below his waist, enough to see that he wasn't wearing any underwear. His black hair was lying in halves, one to each side of his neck in a pair of silken triangles, the only time I would see that hair not caressing his shoulders. Beyond him, the clock radio declared the time, 11:15am.

Smiling on one side of my face I leaned over and took careful aim and landed a slap right on those pert little buttocks of his, and they answered with a delightful "pop!"

"Mph!" was his response and he buried his face further into the pillow.

"Come on, Diego!" I said. "You promised!"

"Brph, urph, mph!" he said into the pillow. "Mrph, Hmmm!" And settled down again.

"Come on, babe!" I said. "It's springtime and then some. The temperature's going to get up into the eighties today. And the car needs to be washed and waxed."

"Do it tomorrow." he mumbled into the pillow.

"No, we're going to do it today." I said. "Now, come on, get out of bed. I've laid out a nice brunch, toast, juice and some pineapple and apple slices. Just the thing for a warm Saturday, don't you think?"

"Oh, all right." Diego rolled over and sat up in bed, wiping his face blearily. Now he was a brown triangle covered with black lines, the lines of his muscles, the lines of his legs, the black triangle at the junction of his legs. "I'm up, damn it."

"Good." I smiled at him and he managed a smile back. "Come on, it'll be a nice day. We can go to the beach when we get done with the car."

"Water will be too cold." he predicted.

"We'll just lie in the sun and enjoy working on our tans." I just said that to niggle him.

"Your tan." he said. "You're the one who needs to work on that blond butt of yours."

"So we'll hit the nude beach." I said.

"Give everyone a good look at us." he agreed. "Pardon me, I have to hit the head."

I smiled as those brown buns of his wiggled their way to the bathroom. Diego was right, we made a nice pair, me all Caucasian pale, blond-hair, him the dark Brazilian stud, both of us tall and muscled and totally together. We'd been together for eight months now, and I was beginning to really believe that it was going to last forever. God, I'd been so lucky!

An hour later, we had the Corolla out of the garage and into our back yard. We had timed it just right, the temperature was well into the 70's, nice and warm but not hot yet. I was wearing a pair of red swim trunks and an orange t-shirt, Diego had on a light blue t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts, not cut-offs but neatly seamed and flat. They would have been tight on almost anyone else, but on Diego's lean lower body, they hung easily, just enough slack to make them comfortable for him.

First we sluiced water over the car, wash away as much of the dust as we could. Southern California is so damned dusty, all the trees and palms and concrete doesn't faze that much dust, even in winter when it's too cold to do anything more than run some water over the car and promise the paintjob you'll do it better next time. Fifty-five degrees doesn't sound so bad...until you are no longer used to it, when your days are filled with seventy-degree days. But along with the rest of Los Angeles, Diego and I blossomed when spring finally arrived, as it usually did, with a burst of warm weather before it settled down to more sedate temperatures. So this weekend was golden, a chance to start your tan and brush out the winter cobwebs, and to give that car the long-promised gleam, bring back the shine.

Diego worked up a bucket of soap for us, soap flakes mixed with water to make a sudsy mess. Sponges would let us slop it onto the car, and then it was work the rags. This was the fun part of it for me, the soap makes the rag glide around so easily. And it was a chance to watch Diego's body in motion, slow and smooth, his arms a brown poetry of flex and stretch, bulge and recede.

"Hey." Diego said, looking up at me. "Get back to work."

I looked at that face of his, sweating a little now, breathing a little heavy from the sustained motions (not panting, just the open-mouth of exertion), his nose a sharp angle in the middle of that face and as he looked down again, I said, "You missed a spot."

"Where?" He said, looking up at me again.

"Right there." I said, tapping that nose. Of course, my finger was loaded with soap, it left a nice blob of white on that brownness.

He looked at me without expression and he said, "And there's one there." and got me on the side of my face with his hand...soap-loaded, of course.

I slapped his face with the rag in my hand and he did the same. A quick impromptu duel ensued with the rags, and then he bent down and came back up with...the bucket of soap!

"You wouldn't dare!" I said to him.

And that bucket of soap moved like a bird in his arms, an elegant curve, and the white soap came out like a swan's wing. I jumped back and it got me right across the chest. "Yow-ow!" I shrieked. The water was cold!

"You son of a bitch!" I said to him.

"What's the matter, can't take it?" he chided me, his teeth a gleaming set of pearls set in dark glory.

"Get ready to pay, you scoundrel!" I said. Because at my feet was...the hose!

The hose had a small switch at the nozzle to turn it on, I flipped the switch and proceeded to trounce the varlet! He laughed, dodging and fishing for a weapon of his own, but there was nothing but the soap on the car, he scooped up some and lobbed it at me and he managed to get me on the hair.

Then he came over and tackled me and that strong body of his lifted me up on to the trunk of the car and nuzzled my neck. I think he would have kissed it, but I was awfully soapy. Then he rubbed his nose against mine and said to me, in intimate tones that dripped in golden vowels from his tongue. "What happened to washing the car?"

"Hey." I said to him. "We're washing it. We just got to the best part, that's all."

Diego just smiled and reached for my lips and we kissed as his arms stroked my shoulders. We were wet, we were soapy, we were sticky and a total mess...and right then, I didn't give a damn!

My hands felt Diego's back, so strong, so warm and smooth. I envied him that skin of his, not a blemish or a pimple anywhere on it, just smooth and brown and moist beyond the spray of water which was now only the sog in his shirt and shorts.

And his hair, it drizzled water onto me when he raised his head up, each strand feeding a solid clear line of water that hit my shoulders and my neck. "Ready to go inside now?"

"Why?" I said to him in my softest tones. "Nobody can see us out here. They never have."

"We should sunbathe nude out here." he decided.

"Sunbathing sounds good." I said. "After."

His hands answered that, as they found the waist of my swim trunks and tugged them down. His only problem was that my cock was hard inside them, he had to worm them off my shaft and let it spring out and then they slipped easily off my hips. His hand gripped my manhood and pumped it in slow, languid movements. "You should have come back to bed with me this morning." He said. "I was having such a wonderful dream before you woke me, I was all nice and hard."

I remembered those vibrating buttocks of his when I slapped them. "Wish I'd known." I said. "And that you'd been on your back."

"You like my butt." He said indifferently. "Always you wake me up by touching it."

"You're always on your stomach." I said. "What else am I going to touch?"

I closed my eyes and sighed, his hand was sending me into the tenseness of excitement, the sigh helped me focus. "Maybe tomorrow I'll won't slap it, then. Maybe I'll just pull down the covers and slide it in."

He shrugged. "If you want to." he said and the thought of that made me harder than ever.

"I think now you are ready." he said to me and reached for his shorts. The zipper hissed down and there were no briefs under it. I looked at that proud Latino tool arching upwards with the cockhead as its prow, a sword with which he could impale me. "How do you want it?"

"Just slap some soap on it." I gasped. "I think that'll be enough."

He did, he scooped some of the soap globs from the car and greased his cock with it, the soap squished and made sucking sounds as his hand moved back and forth. Diego gasped and threw his head back.

"Hey, don't get carried away." I chided him. "Get it in me."

"Yes, now, now." He breathed and his cock was held downwards in its arc by one powerful hand and he pressed it against me. "Are you ready?"

"God, yes!" I sighed. "Get it in me."

I felt the strength and size of him as he pushed against me. After eight months of living with a lusty Brazilian stud, I still savored this moment, the sheer size of it burrowing into me. Every night he pushed this pride of maleness into me, every night I suckled at this tower of strength, every night I felt its heat and its need like a firebrand in the dark, lighting up my senses by its potency if not its radiance.

Now I had it by day and outdoors, this was the first time we had done it outside the confines of our bedroom, hidden by the discreet curtains and cushioned by the accommodating bed, now it was the hard fiberglass body of the Corolla under me, and it was daylight, nearly noon, the sun blessing us with its warmth, this first taste of the heat that was to come, the taste that was nectar because it was new, and the heat was to be embraced and loved, we unfurled our wings of happiness and sunned them in this beneficient light, and in that benediction of the new spring sun, Diego's cock breached the barrier of my sphincter and pushed into me and my only sound was a gasping sigh and a shuddering moan.... Good! So goo-oo-oo-oo-ood!

"Oh, God, Diego!" I breathed! "Oh, man, that's good!"

With the swaying that mimicked the palm trees in the breeze, Diego's hips began to move and his power and his godhood plunged into me, the ecstasy that spoke of a thousand tropical nights transplanted here to Southern California and finding the soil fertile and the climate warm, it had bloomed here for me! So often I looked at Diego and myself and saw opposites, but now I felt like him, so very like him, we were more than brothers under the skin, we were more like two sides of the same coin, and the differences were nothing, for we shared all of ourselves.

Diego leaned over and his thrusts into me took on a more insistent tone. Diego is like this, his passion begins to drive him and he loses himself in his desire, he lets his strength, held so carefully in abeyance, take him over. A more frail lover than myself would have flinched or begged off, but me, I only wanted more, more, more!

"Oh, ah, gah, Diego!" I panted as he drove into me, his hips beginning to slap at my buttocks with every stabbing of that man-knife into my bowels. "Yes, gah, uh, huh, yes, gah, huh, uh!"

His eyes looked down upon me and they saw and yet did not see me, I knew my Diego, my love, was rapt in his passion, he would soon crest and then, only then, would he make a noise, a small whispering sigh that he had confided was born in his childhood, when he would masturbate in secrecy in the room he shared with his brothers and cousins, he could make that sound, that solitary sigh, and it would pass unnoticed; too many times before he had made more than that sound and had been taunted by his cousins for his pleasure. I hoped to teach him to call out to me in his pleasure, but that was later, he was doing more than he had before simply by making love to me here in our enclosed back yard.

"Come on, Diego, fuck me harder!" I said to him thus, hoping my voice would urge him to imitate it. "Come on, you big Latin stud, fuck my pearly white ass, fuck me raw, papi, fuck me raw!"

And he did, he sighed, but not one sound, it was more like, "Ah! Ah, ah, ah, ah!"

"Yeah, come on, fuck me, stud, fuck me!" I called to him.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah-ahhhhhhh!" And that stifled sound ended it for him, though his face showed the height of his delight, and his body pulsed with the jerking convulsions that wracked his noble tan body, over his golden form the pulses of his orgasm raced, I could almost see how they traveled, how they tormented him with a hundred different tracks of pleasure, and I felt the hot spurting seed of him pouring into me, loving the stinging tang of it as it assaulted my bowels, and I delighted in this, all of this, and my own passion was forgotten for a time.

And then he was done and clung to me in what could have been called weakness by callous siblings, but was his expression of his love for me, I knew that, knew as he nibbled wearily at my ear, determined to give me another kind of pleasure to take the place of the one he was done with.

My own organ throbbed upon his stomach and he looked into my face. "You are so hot, my love." he said to me. "You bring me higher each time we make love, each time it is more than the time before, until I think one time I shall be lost inside you forever."

"I feel that way too, when you make love to me." I said.

And he did then another thing for the first time, he only rarely played the submissive to me in any way, but now, in that glare of broad daylight, my big, strong, dark Diego slid down onto his knees and his mouth caught my cock and swallowed it down.

My Diego sucks cock so rarely that he has little talent for it, not like his fucking which is experienced and strong. But that timidity and inexpertise has its own delights for I know it for the rare gift of himself that it is, and he sucked me as best he knew how and I forgave him the rest, and my cock pulsed with joy, rose with delight and I urged it higher, faster, quicker, my dear Diego would not, nay, could not maintain this for long, give this to him, my body, give this to him!

"Oh, God, Diego, I'm coming!" I gasped out for he would often when sucking me (those few times) pull away when I was close, finish me with his hand, and I gave him this chance, not daring to push him, but my Diego, my brown lover, held on and sucked me still and my climax roared inside my brain and I gave out a last, desperate warning groan and I creamed in that dark mouth, feeling the hot mouth of my lover covering my ejaculation, capturing it all into himself, and he shared with me this way, as I was filled with him, now he filled himself with me and he swallowed my jism as I spurted and he took it all and I sobbed in my spent ecstasy and my gratitude, my eyes teared as I realized the enormity of this gift he had given me.

My Diego, my dear Diego, held onto my dick until every last erg of my climax was done with me, and then, only then he released me and let my cock flap soggily upon my stomach.

"Diego, Diego." I breathed. "God, man, I love you so much!"

"I love you." Diego said to me. "I love you, as well."

He lay his brown body on top of mine and we held each other for a time, and then I lifted those wet hairs of his away from his face so I could see him, and I saw his eyes looking down upon me in liquid hues of love.

"We rinse now." Diego said to me.

"Huh?" I said.

"We need to rinse the car." Diego said. "The soap, it is drying on the car."

He was right, the sun had evaporated the water from the soap, it was turning into a white film instead of a cleansing agent.

"Oh, yeah." I said. We pulled up our shorts and got back to work, I wielded the rag while Diego plied the water, and we got the car rinsed off. Done, I looked at the car, shining with a thousand diamonds of droplets under the sun and I said, "That does it for now."

"For now?" Diego asked.

"Sure." I said. "We have to wipe it dry and then give it a wax job. Can't leave this job half done, you know. If you're going to keep a new car up, you have to do it right."

"You are right about that." Diego said and I knew he wasn't thinking about the car. "If you want to keep something, you must do what you can, keep it right."

My next hours were going to be exhausting, getting that car waxed so that it would shine in the light of the spring sun. But I wanted it shiny, wanted it gleaming in the sun, a beautiful sight.

And it was beautiful, almost as beautiful as my Diego sitting inside it with me as we drove it on our way to the beach later that afternoon.


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail me at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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