Warrior Student Crush - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 15, 2024


"Sir, can we maybe take off my handcuffs?" Ivan asked Raynak about ten minutes after they had started driving.

"Why?" Raynak asked. He pinched ivan's nipple a little tighter and ivan sucked in his breath. "Well, Sir, I'm not gonna get away, that's for sure and, well, I'll need to reach down to scratch my shins and... excuse me for complaining, Sir, but it's uncomfortable. The car is warm, and I'm sweating."

"Indeed you are, big man," Raynak grinned. And your sweating is making me horny. But I guess you'll still sweat without the handcuffs. I guess you're right: we don't need them. Just don't make me regret it." He reached over and opened the cuffs, then took them off. "Thank you, Sir," ivan replied, and felt Raynak getting close to his face. "I think a kiss is the appropriate response for that, ivan. And maybe opening just one more button on that shirt." Two were already opened, and like all of his shirts, it was tight: fairly straining to hold together. Raynak popped the third button and then stabbed his tongue into ivan's mouth. He moved it around and, "DAMN IT" ivan thought. He was REALLY trying to control himself, but he was getting stirred by it. Raynak grabbing his free wrists and pinning them together didn't help either.

Raynak finished. "You're going to LOVE the new city, ivan. Things are much more liberal than in Qing, and we'll spend a lot more time in public. That means, of course, you're going to need to spend more time keeping fit -- I don't want anyone to think I've taken a lazy sub, or an unattractive one." He looked at ivan. "You are SO FUCKING HOT, slave boy. If this car opened up into a bed, I'd be fucking you right now. " He paused. "Maybe I should have them stop the car and have you suck me at the side of the road." Ivan stiffened for a minute. There was a plan in place, and it depended on the motorcade getting to a specific place at a specific time. If they weren't there...

Raynak noticed ivan's reaction. "What? All of a sudden you don't wanna suck me?" Ivan blushed. "No, Sir. It's not that, it's just that, well, I was hoping we could get to the destination as soon as possible so that I could, well, show my appreciation for taking off the handcuffs." Raynak smiled. "What did you have in mind?" Ivan smiled "I'd try to keep it a secret, Sir, but I know how good you are at getting men to divulge those. Can I just say that some of the other men in the `dorm' had some interesting ideas on flexing muscles once they're filled with cock and, well, when you were at meetings, I tried them out with toys. I think you'll be pleased." Raynak moved ivan's hand to his crotch. "I think you can tell, I am." Raynak then felt the car start slowing down and pulling over to the side. "Driver, is something wrong with the car?" The driver called back: "No, commander, nothing with the vehicle. I just got a message from security. They'd like you and your slave to join them at the side of the road. You need to see something." Raynak shrugged his shoulders. "Very well. I hope that this doesn't take very long." He put his hand on ivan's bicep: "No escape attempts, remember?"

"No, Sir," ivan answered, beginning to sweat even more. The ambush site was about 3 miles away, and he didn't know what was going on. When they got out of the car, Raynak was joined by Captain Menziz, one of his most trusted aides.

"Menziz, what's going on?"

"I apologize, Sir. I know you want to get to Ranzi as quickly as possible but...you were right to be cautious, Sir. We DID find a group of rebels, set up to ambush us. Armed very well, and at least 100 of them. " He smiled. "We sent a detachment ahead of us and, I'm happy to say, we broke it up. Some casualties on THEIR side, Sir, but about 60 prisoners. They should be marched through just about now." As Menziz finished, ivan felt Raynak pin his arms behind his back. "Well done, Captain! " He began to chuckle. Ivan couldn't see his face, but he heard Raynak say "It's a shame that so few people take proper care to make sure that they're not `heard' in some way. " He tightened his grip on ivan. "Don't you agree, slave boy?" Ivan grimaced "Yes, Sir. I do."

"Good. Because they you'll appreciate that whoever planned something like this, indeed everyone who participated, will have to be punished." Ivan tried not to show his fear: he had been communicating with the underground through a channel one of the newer prisoners had shared with him and now...

The captured insurrectionists began to be paraded by. It was a mixed group: citizens, some men who looked like soldiers in the defeated army, all bound, collared, and being led in a single file to a point where, well, something would happen, but they didn't know what.

"Was the commander captured?" Raynak asked, and Menziz smiled. "Indeed, he was. And it was a surprise, at least for us, but a quick DNA test confirmed it. Commander Kerry Snowe." When ivan stiffened, Raynak asked "You know this Commander Snowe, ivan?" Ivan gulped. "Yes, Sir. He was a few classes after you had retired from academy. I didn't know he was still free."

"Of course you didn't. Bring this Commander Snowe to me. And if he was captured by an individual soldier, have him join us." Menziz nodded "Right away, Commander." When he left, Raynak whispered into ivan's ear. "I'm going to explore your involvement in this, ivan, and trust me, I will be brutal. " The man they brought in was probably in his late thirties. He had a head of silver hair, a moustache, and a very angry expression.

"Slave Kerry: you were the one person of interest who was still on our list." Snowe struggled in the arms of the two soldiers who held him. "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU KNOW?" Raynak smiled. "Oh, we shall explore that topic in due course, slave." Ivan saw how Snowe reacted: not unlike the way he did the first time he was called "slave." "Effective disguise. You were always known for your clean-shaven face, and your jet-black hair. Now I understand how you avoided capture." There was a third soldier present. "I know you. You were one of my students at the Ranzi Institute." The younger man smiled. "Yes, Commander Raynak. I am Guerro. Third class infantry." Raynak spoke "Well, consider yourself second class infantry from now on, Guerro. And of course, via the rules of combat, you captured him yourself, so it is your choice: should you wish to keep him as your personal slave, you may. Else, he will be sent to the common barracks at Ranzi. I think he will be very popular there. Think about it on the trip home, soldier. Good work."

"What happens to the others, Sir?" ivan asked. "Oh, it depends. The slave masters will have first pick: the more desirable ones will go to the various common brothels, at Qing, and Ranzi. Any who looks suitable for work after that first selection will be assigned to various duties. And the rest, well..." He looked to Menziz. "You've let command know we'll be delayed?"

"I have, Sir."

"Splendid. Have our new captive ride with Guerro. And let's be on our way. There is much to be done."

The rest of the ride took about 90 minutes. Ivan could hear the new prisoners as they marched to wherever the Ranzi were taking them. He didn't see Kerry. "Let's get out of the car, slave. " Raynak opened the door and grabbed ivan's forearm. Ivan's hands were still free, but the leg irons were still on his ankles. "One second, bitch boy. " Raynak pulled ivan's hands behind his back and tied them. "I SHOULD put a collar on you too, but I'll save that for later. Move as fast as you can. A commander has his needs." Ivan felt Raynak's hand on the back of his neck, pushing him forward. The streets were even, so he could move at a good clip. All the while, Raynak was humming to himself and grinning. "A first interrogation for Menziz. This will be fun." He stopped and held ivan still. "And it's not gonna be you, fucker. You WILL be interrogated, but I'm saving that for myself." Then he began to play with ivan's nipples, right in the middle of the street. Ivan blushed red. People walked by and kept on walking. No one seemed to be all that concerned. Raynak worked ivan's tits harder, and he began to moan. "Oh, you're going to BEG for me to do something that gentle to you, ivan, trust me. You're about to experience some new levels of torment. " Ivan thought he heard Raynak growl a bit.

He didn't pay much attention to the new, palatial building they were in, because Raynak pushed him off to their bedroom suit. He unlocked the ankle restraints. "Kick off your shoes. I need to relieve myself fast."

"On my knees, Sir?" Ivan said it with a mix of defiance but also deference. Seeing the man who had defeated him in front of him was, well, arousing him.

"NO. You'll get on your back, bitch. AND YOU'LL DO IT NOW." Ivan gulped. He had learned to recognize certain vocal "tics" that Raynak had. When there was true anger in his voice, as there was now, the fucking ivan took almost always pushed him to the breaking point. He would begin to cry because of pleasure and pain. He knew that was coming now, as he felt Raynak claw at his jeans. When Raynak stripped down, ivan saw that his dick was fully engorged and the flanges on the sides were as stiff as he had ever seen them. Raynak grabbed ivan's ankles and pushed his legs in the air. "You have never been fucked until you've been fucked by a fully aroused Ranzian man, ivan."

"Sir, I don't think that the flares can... OH HOLY SHIT" Raynak had penetrated ivan. As he went in, the flanges folded back, but as soon as he got in, they opened again. Ivan thought his guts were going to be ripped apart: the sides would fold down inside him and then open again as they pushed in. And then....Raynak had learned where ivan's prostate was early after he had captured him, but those side appendices had never worked on ivan's gland. One did now. Raynak knew he had hit the spot from the looks on ivan's face, and he grinned. "We're only beginning, muscle bitch." He smiled an evil smile as he slide his cock back and forth.

"OH GOOD...OH SHIT... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" Ivan thought he'd pass out. Raynak was taking a quick breather, his dick right up against that spot, and ivan was squirming from pleasure and pain. Then, Raynak pushed in further. And further. Ivan didn't think he had ever gone inside him that far. He was making sounds that were high pitched, and desperate: whether to end things or to continue, he didn't know.

"Get used to it, bitch. When I fuck you from now on, you're gonna feel it. "

"Yes, Sir, but I've always felt it..."

"SHUT UP! You're lucky I didn't ship you out with the other prisoners. If you think you're suffering now, this is only the beginning , slave sub." When Raynak moved his hands up and began twisting ivan's nipples, it was too much for ivan to take. He didn't have permission, but he blasted a load that covered the part of his torso that was naked, his shirt, and got on Raynak too.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I'm so sorry." Raynak ignored him: he was coming close to a magnificent climax, and then, he shot into ivan. "It's gonna come out of your nose, bitch boy. As it should. Such a fine specimen, and now, ha, you've put yourself in a position where I have all the rights in the world to torture you. That will come later. For now, your friend Kerry Snowe is going to meet his own fate." He was still smiling as he pulled out of ivan. "Menziz has never interrogated a man before, and Snowe is not the ideal starting point for a beginner. That's why I'll be helping. And you'll be watching because... you need to know you're the reason he's suffering. And I'll make sure he knows, too. "

About an hour later, Raynak had ivan strip his shirt, and then he secured his wrists behind his back with metal cuffs. He wore very thin trousers, which allowed anyone who looked to see that yes, indeed, ivan had undergone the hair removal treatment. They could also see that his cock was flaccid -- even though he wore a thong, it too was skinny. As they proceeded, ivan saw that other men -- mostly younger ones -- were proceeding in the same direction. He heard enough of their chatter to realize that there had been an invitation to observe Master Raynak at work. "Menziz is a rookie at so many things, ivan. Slave Kerry is his first major capture. He has never interrogated a prisoner and, as far as I know, he still hasn't introduced another man to the joys of submission in bed. " He mock sighed. "An instructor's work is never done. " He dropped his hand to ivan's ass. "Have you ever heard of the form of interrogation known as the zipper, slave ivan?" Ivan had heard of it, generally, but he knew nothing about it. He told his Master, who shook his head. "Yes, it is not used often. Many find it too severe; however, I do not agree. I will soon be in charge of interrogation in the military, and we will be revisiting the old forms. They were SO much more effective. And it will be good for you to observe, slave. While I do not intend to use the zipper on you THIS time, your punishment awaits you. And you should know what you have...avoided. " He paused. "When I'm done, you may very well WISH you had received what slave Kerry is about to receive."

There were about 60 people in the hall: at least three or four of them looked like senior officials, each associated with a small cadre of younger soldiers. Ivan saw Kerry in the middle of the hall. He was naked. His feet were spread and secured to the floor, and his arms had been wrenched above his head, and bound to a beam. Menziz stood to the side, hands behind his back. "For your inspection, Commander." Raynak sat ivan in a chair where he could see everything, and then came to the center of the room. "Hmm. Ankle restraints appear to be secure." "I kicked two or three times to check the potential movement, Sir," Menziz answered. "GOOD. Good instincts. And the arms..." he inspected. "Excellent work. Just taut enough to prevent movement, but not too taut to allow extraneous matters to cause pain." He stopped and held kerry's jaw in his hand. "Where is the gag?"

"Sir, I didn't apply one. I assumed that since the purpose was interrogation, we'd want the prisoner to be able to speak." Raynak shook his head yes and grinned again. "A not unreasonable assumption, soldier. But if we still taught this technique -- and we WILL be teaching it again -- you would have known that there will be ample time for Captain Snowe to speak." He stared directly into kerry's eyes. "I assume you're familiar with the zipper technique, slave? The Qing taught US how it was done."

"FUCK YOU FAGGOT" Snowe growled back and spat. It missed Raynak. When it happened, ivan winced because if it HAD hit his Master, he feared for what would happen next.

"Fetch a gag, Menziz. I will observe your technique." "What type, Commander?" This elicited a smile. He turned to one of the groups and looked at the leader. "Repass, he is one of yours, is he not?" The tall, red-haired man answered. "Yes, Sir. I apologize for his lack of training." Raynak shook his head. "No, no. That is a totally appropriate question when the technique is not known." He turned to Menziz. "Do you favor a particular gag, soldier?" Menziz blushed. "Commander, I've never gagged a prisoner."

"AH. In time, young man, in time. For now, a simple plug gag will do." "YES COMMANDER." As he ran off, Raynak turned to the audience. "Anyone of you may ask slave ivan what my favorite types are. He will tell you, and be grateful he is not wearing one today." Menziz returned and extended the gag. "No, Menziz. He's your prisoner. You've done the binding, now secure the gag." Menziz smiled. "I am grateful , Commander." Raynak watched as Snowe pressed his lips together and moved his head away from Menziz. "Now, here is a tip that most of the senior officials know. Almost no one will keep his mouth shut if you administer a brisk smack right... HERE." He slammed his hand into Snowe's crotch. When he screamed, Menziz put in the gag. "MMMMMFUCK" snuck out, and ivan felt something stir in his balls.

"Now, the zipper. " He turned to a wheeled tray which held a number of clips, in different sizes and materials. "We will each take a side. I assume that you've studied the old manual I sent to you to understand how it is done."

"Yes, Commander."

"Good. Let's move the tray between us and get to work. The largest clips. They'll remain on the prisoner for ten minutes and then we shall remove them. Let's begin." Menziz' hands were shaking, and he worked slowly. He could hear Snowe grimacing in pain, but he was sure it was from Raynak's work and not his. "Let me take a look, soldier." Raynak looked at the side Menziz was clipping. He shook his head in disapproval. "Very sloppy work. And too much space between the clips. Look at my work." Menziz saw the even, close line of the clips on Snowe's left side. "You've heard the sounds of pain, soldier. You may think it's from my work. That's a mistake. Your uneven attachments are what is causing his pain. Now, I will watch. Redo the work." On the second try, Raynak said "Much better." They finished attaching clips to kerry's sides. "Now, perhaps the most important part of this technique is..." he turned to the students. One raised his hand: "penile attachment, Commander?"

"AH. Someone has studied. Correct. Now with clips this size, we won't be able to apply that many since Captain Snowe is, well, LESS than well endowed. Still, let's proceed. Find room for 7-8 on your side." When they were finished, Kerry was truly in pain, and when Raynak ran his finger down the clips, his scream escaped the gag and filled the hall. "Set a timer. Ten minutes before we proceed. During that time, we let the prisoner know what we expect him to tell us." Raynak began questioning Snowe, giving him a chance to indicate with a headshake if he were ready to talk. He received a vigorous "NO" each time. When the time had elapsed, he turned to Menziz. "Now, young man, we remove them. But not in the way you might expect." Menziz saw Snowe's eyes. They were pleading and scared.

"We do not remove them one by one. Rather..." Raynak picked up a metal bar and went to the top of the side he had applied. "One, two, three!" before he vigorously pushed down the clips. They went flying and the screams escaping from Snowe's gags were desperate. "Now, your turn, soldier. " Menziz gulped. "I don't think...." Raynak smiled. "Exactly what I said the first time. I think you can. Position the bar." Now Menziz looked scared. "ONE. TWO. THREE!" Menziz tried, but he couldn't muster the force that Raynak had applied. His clips did come off, but much more slowly. "Now you see, soldier. Doing it like that, concededly, causes more pain. But there is a point where one can cause too MUCH pain. Experience will tell you how hard to push. " He looked at the clips on Snowe's cock. "Now, for these...I prefer to remove them slowly, dragging them a bit. Do not be surprised if the prisoner throws wood. It is not uncommon. Sometimes, when I used this technique, I would remove the gag at this point. Premature, but...oh, those screams. When we turn to round two, that will be your choice."

"Round two, Sir?"

"Oh, yes. You see the array of different sized clips? Each is smaller than the one before it. They will hold less flesh, but you will be able to apply more. As Captain Snowe knows. " He took the captain's jaw in his hand again. "Round two, slave Kerry?" Snowe didn't make a move. "We will go to round two, but I will leave you and your cohorts to that. You may also remove all the remaining clips yourself." He turned to one of the group leaders. "Notify me when the prisoner has provided the information we want. I am going to begin the interrogation of slave ivan. He, too has information, and by splicing it together, we will have all that we need."

He took ivan out of the chair and brought him back to the apartment. Someone had equipped the room with a series of nipple clamps, and also vibrators, and butt plugs. "Do you see that the clips are of various sizes, ivan? Not unlike the clips being used on slave Kerry, these clips will have the same effect. He felt ivan shudder. "I would give you a chance to confess the information before we began, but you need to begin to learn. The command feels I have not been dominant enough in breaking you, and I have been chided to be more forceful. That begins now. SIT IN THE CHAIR." Ivan gulped. "POINT OUT YOUR CHEST."

"Yes, Sir," he stammered out. When he did, Raynak teased his nipples until they pointed out more. "Now, let's attach the first one." Raynak didn't use tit clamps often, so ivan was not that familiar with the sensation. Nor was he used to Raynak pulling the linking chain up. He began to scream in pain. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH." Ivan was confused, but when he saw Raynak preparing to slap him the way he had slapped Snowe, he complied." Raynak put the chain in his mouth. "NOW SHUT IT. AND PULL."

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGFICKCCCK" came out of the side of ivan's mouth. "Can you imagine what it will feel like if you drop it, ivan? And if you do, we'll just repeat the exercise. You will hold the chain for a total of five minutes. While you do that..." Raynak pulled two leather straps from the side of the chair and buckled them around ivan's middle. He inserted a large vibrator with the head just touching ivan's penis. "You'll ejaculate three times before we're done, however long it will take." Ivan whimpered, and when Raynak pulled out his cock and began playing with himself, he nearly exploded.

"Two more to go," was all Raynak said.

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