Warrior Student Crush - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 1, 2024


Ivan had never felt as humiliated as he did after the Ranzi's triumphal march through Qing's capital city. Raynak had decided that he would process ivan in his full military uniform. When ivan dressed the morning of the march, he had to suck in his gut in order to button his shirt, close his plants, and struggled to seal his collar when he put on his tie. He looked at himself in the mirror and felt like he did the time he had put his clothes in a dryer that was too hot.

"Sir, I think they made a mistake with the uniform," he spoke to Raynax, who was standing, arms folded and smiling. "What mistake do you think they made, slave boi?" When ivan saw his conqueror's smile, he figured it out. Raynax went on: "there was no mistake, ivan. You've been defeated, and you need to be reminded of it because..." he walked up to ivan and began tweaking his nipples through his shirt "You're still not accepting it, and I know it." Ivan began to whimper: "Please, Sir. These people? They're my relatives, my friends, my colleagues..." Raynax answered "And I'm your conqueror. You're my prisoner. My slave. You'll do what you're told, and you'll wear what you're given." He squeezed ivan's nipples hard. "CLEAR?" Ivan winced even though he tried not to. "Yes Sir. I understand."

"Good. Then let's go. The march will start soon, and we need to stop and get claude." Yes, Raynax had bedded ivan the night before, and claude was in the barracks. He, too, looked very uncomfortable in his tight, naval uniform. It looked like his arms would burst out of his short sleeves, and the buttons on his shirt seemed to scream for relief. The tight white pants made his ass look especially spherical. "You really DO have the best ass of all the captives, claude. And everyone knows it." He got a sullen look back and a soft "yes, sir." Claude was having a harder time adopting to life as a slave than ivan was - or at least it seemed that way. Ivan was more discrete, and cleverer. He was trying to think of a way to get out of the situation he was in: surely there was a resistance that he could join? It was difficult to get information because all the prisoners in his barracks knew that they were watched, taped, and that any form of resistance would be punished. Still, he kept on digging for information. He didn't know that this was the last time he'd wear his uniform.

Ivan's humiliation continued during the march. Raynax bound his hands behind his back and then put a heavy metal collar around his neck. A chain ran from the collar to Raynax' hands. He held it taut: Raynax rode on a large, solid black horse, while ivan and claude, who was bound the same way ivan was , walked alongside the horse.

The five commanders who had led the campaign that defeated the Qing walked at the front with their chosen slaves. Only Raynax and one other commander had two slaves. As they walked, ivan heard the booing and the hissing, but did not see who was doing it. "I hope that the Ranzi spies whom he knew were interspersed in the crowd couldn't identify any of the rebellious . Later, he found out that at least some HAD been discovered. In Raynax' words, they had been "dispatched" that evening. When the march ended, Raynax chuckled as he pulled on both leashes. "I bet you boys are happy that we're not in the old days." He tugged on claude's leash. "What happened to important prisoners at the end of the first Qing/Ranzi wars, slave claude?" Claude gritted his teeth: "they were sacrificed to honor the gods for giving the victory, Sir."

"EXACTLY. You two, and the others who have been chosen, however, have been given a chance to live. As slaves, for sure, but you are alive." He seemed to realize that ivan was thinking "it might have been better to be sacrificed," as he pulled on ivan's leash now. "Had your forces won, ivan, undoubtedly, I'd be at the end of a leash just like yours, being humiliated in the same way. That's how warfare works."

"Yes, Sir. You're right of course." Ivan wondered how Raynax had escaped detection for so long, giving him the chance to rise as high in the Qing military as he had. He blushed as he had a thought: the cadets at the academy were like young men everywhere: they checked each other out. In lavatories, in the gymnasium, everywhere. The winged appendages on Raynax' cock would have given him away immediately, but he had instilled so much respect and fear in the young men that no one ever risked being caught checking out the headmaster on whom they all had crushes of one form or the other.

As the march was finishing, ivan couldn't help himself anymore. He relaxed his torso muscles and a button popped from the uniform shirt. The crowd was heavily pro Ranzi at the time it happened, and the laughter at "Raynax' bitch" was loud and sharp. Ivan could feel the blood rush to his face, and he even heard claude laugh. "BASTARD" he thought. He didn't know if he could trust claude, and his reaction didn't improve ivan's view of him.

They were both brought back to the barracks after the march. They were allowed to change: ivan to the mustard-colored t-shirt and camouflage pants that were part of a standard ground uniform, claude to the dark blue shirt and pants of a marine force member. They both found that, just like the dress uniforms, Raynax had switched out these clothes too and everything they wore was tight. One of their fellow prisoners laughed "How tight are your jocks?" knowing full well that Raynax did not have either of them wear a supporter, because the supporter could absorb unpermitted leakage and prevent him from knowing who needed punishment. Ivan grunted: "maybe he'll take YOUR ass tonight, seaman. He seemed interested in your ass." Claude looked right at him. "Maybe yours is too loose. How many times have you been his bitch? We can hear you begging for it down here: "Oh yeah! Fuck me, Master Raynax. Fill me with your cock. STUFF ME. Make me your bitch."

Ivan was embarrassed again, and he balled his fists to start a fight with claude. It was interrupted when guards approached. "You're both wanted at the ceremonial dinner. Highest General Saylek is in attendance, so I would advise you both to be on your best behavior. "

Raynax walked into the ceremonial dinner with ivan at one side, claude at the other. Both had their hands tied behind their backs and were dressed in white shirts and dark blue pants -- both as tight as could be fitted to their bodies. They saw a tall, very elegant man stand. He had a graying goatee, and a nose that was slightly pointed. His eyes were big and pale blue -- typical of the Ranzi.

"KNEEL SLAVES" Raynax whispered, and to the surprise of both, Raynax knelt as well. "Commander Saylek. It is an honor to have you here at our humble quarters. I do hope that you have found everything to your liking." Saylek smiled as he looked at Raynax' two captives. He had heard that it was hard to choose which one was more handsome than the other. He didn't agree, and his eyes lingered on claude.

"You have done well for yourself, Raynax. I was unable to attend the triumphal march, but my understanding is that it was well deserved. Indeed, some feel you did not take enough credit for engineering this victory." His eyes never left claude.

"All of the Ranzi soldiers fought well. All deserve your praise my grace." He looked up, puzzled. Saylek's fondness for his own sub, karyl , was well known. Saylek didn't travel anywhere without bringing karyl with him. (Some rumors were that karyl was the first captive that Saylek had chosen who was able to handle his enormous penis. Again, rumors were that it was a good 11 inches long, and more than two inches thick in girth).

"I see your gaze, Raynax. To those who DO know you, you are not that difficult to read. You are wondering where karyl is." Raynax smiled. "Indeed, I was thinking that, Commander. "

"Please stand. But you two -- remain where you are," Saylek commanded. "Let us just say that karyl was discovered to have been consorting with resistance troops. Of course he denied it, but when he was `put to the wheel' as they say," he grinned. "He confessed rather easily." As he heard that, Raynax imagined that Saylek was becoming aroused. In addition to being a dominating Master, Saylek was also known to enjoy cruelty: the most used item in his opulent quarters was said to be his lash. He began to be concerned because he saw how Saylek was examining ivan and claude.

"I have heard of these two. Both your former students. " He rose from his seat, came over to ivan and put a long fingernail under his chin as he lifted up his head. "Surely you consider it an honor to have been chosen by General Raynax. He can have his pick of essentially ANY prisoner in the empire, and he chose you." Ivan lowered his eyes. "If I were to be captured by any soldier, I would want it to be Raynax." It was true. In the last few days, as he considered his situation, ivan realized that he had had a crush on Raynax from the day he walked into the classroom of new recruits and began teaching. He lived for the moments when Raynax would either rub his earlobe between his fingers or squeeze his shoulder. Ivan had a healthy sexual appetite as a cadet, but the only man he ever dreamed of having sex with, was Raynax, and as his bottom.

Saylek moved over to claude. "Your prowess is also noted in our records, claude. It surprises me that with your expertise in physical matters, you chose to enter the naval forces. I ask you why." As with ivan, Saylek had lifted claude's head and as with ivan, claude lowered his eyes. "I wished to challenge myself further, Commander Saylek. I knew very little of maritime matters and wished to test myself. If I may, Commander, you flatter mentioning my successes. To the extent I have been successful, I hope I have been able to use them in the naval forces." Claude's eyes were lowered so he didn't see what Raynax saw: Saylek licked his lips. Now that he was without a sub, and one of his lower ranking officers had two, Raynax knew that it was only a matter of time before Saylek "asked" him for one of them. The choice would not be Raynax'. He breathed a sigh of relief. Karyl had been a wrestler albeit from a group foreign to Qinq. Saylek had always favored bigger, bulkier men. He was also known for DISFAVORING the practice of removing a submissive's hair: he preferred to shave his subs himself, taking a very slow, measured approach, usually combined with some form of torment like a vibrating rod, or a set of clamps on the sub's body. He ran his hand through claude's hair.

"A shame it is, that you've been treated to remain smooth. That gives no chance to your Captor to enjoy a great pleasure." He looked at both of them: "do you enjoy being smooth? And please do not provide me with the canned answer that all slaves give: `my pleasure is irrelevant . What matters is my Master's. That is self-evident." Raynax suppressed a sigh. He hoped his slaves would not disappoint him.

"I did not think I would be happy with it, General," ivan answered. "But I did not realize how sensitive my body would become. And the time it would allow me to gain back with the need for grooming now irrelevant."

"I hate it, General," claude answered. "If there were a way to regain my hair, I would undergo whatever were needed to do so." Claude was not stupid: he had understood precisely what was happening -- as had ivan -- and he saw this as a way for him to finally surpass ivan: he would be the slave of the Commander of the empire, while ivan would be with a subordinate. When they met, he could lord it over his nemesis.

"Lord Saylek, it is horrifically selfish for you to be without a slave while yours truly, your humble servant, is blessed with what one might consider wretched excess. I have certainly not trained slave claude to your standards; however, I would be honored if you would accept him from me in gratitude for your leadership. At least during the time you are here and perhaps permanently." For different reasons, both claude and ivan felt their hearts beating and while both were caged, their cocks grew.

"You are most generous, Raynax. This is a gift that will not be forgotten." He turned to claude. "You. Stand up." Claude rose. "You will sit beside me tonight, and you will accompany me to my quarters after the repast. What happens thereafter, we shall see." Ivan kept his head down so that no one could see his slight smile.

As they walked back to Raynax' quarters after the meal, Raynax spoke. "I believe that went extremely well. EXACTLY as I had envisioned it would." He put his hand on the back of ivan's neck: it was cold, and his grip felt like steel.

"I don't understand, Sir" ivan answered, and now Raynax laughed. "Ah, you boys who only studied the military arm at school. Diplomacy is where the more challenging battles are fought, ivan. And at the highest level, it is almost like chess. Perhaps even more cerebral."

"I was never good at chess, Sir," ivan answered as he felt Raynax' fingers dig into the sides of his neck. "Yes, I remember that. It is part of your charm, ivan. " He took a deep breath. "You are of course aware that each side has spies in the other's territory?"

"Of course, Sir. It's one of the first things we learned at academy."

"Well, what no one wants to admit is that even within a kingdom, there are spies. Seylak has spies on me, and I have spies on him. I was well aware of his lack of a companion. And I also knew that he had heard of my riches. He is jealous of me, ivan. I am the strongest competition for his rule. And for the leader to have none while his underling has two...no, Seylak would not have that. Indeed, had I only one, and he had none, he would not have that either. However, given the options, one who knows Lord Seylak's tastes would know immediately whom he would prefer. He is the ONLY one who would have had a claim to you that would be deemed valid. And now... HAH HAH. It's time to celebrate." They had gotten to the bedroom chambers. "I want you naked and on all fours, ivan. On the bed." Ivan tried to turn instinctively, to look at Raynax, but his captor tightened the grip on his neck. "DO AS YOU ARE TOLD. Do not make me feel more generous" Ivan gulped. "Yes, Sir." He stripped down and got in the position he had been told to take, feeling his swelling cock bang up against his cage. He heard Raynax come in. "We will celebrate tonight, ivan. You will be rewarded with a treat few have ever experienced." Ivan didn't know what Raynax meant: he had already been fucked by Raynax at least two dozen times. He assumed that was what would follow as he felt Raynax behind him, and he felt the man separate his butt cheeks. Then, he felt something he had never felt before: as if a serpent had entered him and had begun to squirm in his ass.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH," he moaned as whatever it was, went deeper. He wanted more and pushed back. It stopped. He heard Raynax voice. "Do not be greedy, ivan. I fear that if you have too much, you will faint, and I want you awake for my cock."

"Yes, Sir. I understand, but..." Raynax laughed again. "You did not study enough anatomy, ivan. You have learned, of course, that the Ranzi are sometimes called `the snake people,' and you have undoubtedly felt the prongs on my penis that you enjoy as much as you do. " He paused. "At the early stages of the war, men who were suspected to be Ranzi spies were examined to see how their tongues ended: it is another peculiarity of Ranzi anatomy: our tongues narrow to a point, not unlike that of a serpent. A giveaway to enemies, and a gift to our sexual partners." He growled in a way ivan had never heard, and then ivan felt his tongue deep inside of him again. He could only moan, and when Raynax took a break and stopped, he felt a collar put around his neck. Raynax pulled it. "Just one more round of this before I have full pleasure of you." He pulled back on the collar as he dug into ivan's ass, and ivan did, indeed, nearly faint. Then he withdrew, slowly, charging each nerve ending in ivan's canal. "On your belly, slave. It's time." Ivan felt his legs being pushed apart and then Raynax shoved his full sized, erect cock into ivan. "FUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK" came out of ivan, involuntarily. He repeated it at least three more times as Raynax took his pleasure. At one point, ivan felt Raynax pull half of the way out and then stop. He swore that he could hear the side appendices on Raynax' cock spread and move separately from the cock itself.

"Education. To lead out. To make a student aware of his own talents. That is what a good teacher does, ivan. And your education is continuing. For all of your cocky assurance, a submissive bottom has been waiting for someone to bring those qualities forward." He shoved his cock into ivan even more deeply. It hurt, and ivan winced, even as he released: Raynax was right. This was, after all, everything he wanted. "WHO IS YOUR MASTER, IVAN?" Raynax screamed. Ivan whimpered "You are, Sir. You always have been." He heard a howl come out of Raynax that was unlike any noise he had ever heard before, as his captor released a load, deep inside of him. "I'm a slave," ivan said to himself. "I'm the slave of a superior man. It's my destiny," while Raynax thought "it has been worth all the years of waiting. He's mine."

When ivan woke up the next morning, Raynax wasn't in bed. That wasn't unusual: his Master often had early morning meetings. What WAS unusual was that Raynax had locked the door so ivan couldn't leave. He had also left a set of clothes out on the side table with a note: "Get dressed. I'll be back at 11." Ivan looked at the time piece on the wall (slavers were not permitted to have their own because of concerns about what they might do with them). He had 40 minutes to wash and get ready. He could do it: at the academy, 20 minutes of time to prepare was generous, and he didn't have all the usual military gear to get on. Instead, he had a pair of tight dark pants, a thin white shirt, also tight, heavy socks, and sneakers. When he got finished, he noticed that there were suitcases in the corner, already packed. He wondered what was going on.

Ivan heard Raynax' footsteps coming back down the hall. He heard the key in the lock and then Raynax entered. "I hope you got enough sleep, ivan. Some of us didn't."

"I'm sorry, Sir," ivan answered. "I would have gotten up had you woken me." He saw the sneer on Raynax' face. "You're going to have to learn: develop a sense of when your Master wakens. You should be ready in case he has...needs." He pointed to his crotch and ivan saw: Raynax was hard. "Take care of it, slave." Ivan muttered, "Yes Sir" before he dropped to his knees, opened the snap buttons on Raynax' pants, and got his mouth wrapped around the hard dick. He heard Raynax begin to moan. "AH. Your technique has improved, ivan. That's good to know, in case you ever have to seek work as a pleasure boy. " He shoved his cock down ivan's throat. "As long as you improve, however, you have no worry about that."

"mmmmmph sir" snuck out of ivan's mouth. He paid careful attention to the projections on Raynax' cock. They didn't cut his mouth, but they made it challenging to suck all of Raynax. Still, ivan knew that his Master truly enjoyed the stimulation of having them tended to.

"That's right, boi toi. Do what you've been taught to do. " He moaned. "I should have bound you before we started but I was too eager." Ivan thought he saw Raynax look at his watch before he started sliding his cock back and forth, faster, and faster. Ivan felt Raynax' cock head begin to swell. He prepared for the pump and then...it happened. Jizz started flowing down his throat. He felt Raynax push his head all the way down on his shaft and felt the hair of his balls against his lips. His own dick begged for relief. Maybe if he had gotten up on time, Raynax would have drained him.

"Well done, slave. Now, we have to prepare. There have been some political decisions. Seylak is clearly jealous of my successes here, and he has decided that he will take over as commander of Qing. I have been sent back to Ranzi. That means YOU are going to Ranzi as well.

"I'm sorry, Sir. Is it anything I did?" ivan asked. Raynax laughed. "There is nothing to be sorry about. Again, you lack a sense of strategy, which may be a reason you are my slave, young man. Seylak's jealousy has led him to make a serious error. Much of the ruling machinery is in Ranzi. With him here, and my presence in Ranzi." Ivan saw a glow in Raynax' eyes unlike anything he had ever seen before. The only time he had seen anything close was the first time Raynax spread eagled him and fucked him. "Very soon, you may be the personal sex slave of the leader of the Ranzi empire. Now, let us get ready. Go say goodbye to your barrack mates. I will meet you at the exit of the compound. It's a long journey." He leered at ivan. "You will regret not being up sufficiently early for your needs to be addressed. " He left the room. Servants came in and began picking up the luggage. One lingered. He handed a slip of paper to ivan, which he read quickly: it was in code, but it said that a band of resistance fighters were stationed about 60 miles from the compound. They were in ambush to stop Raynax' convoy, and to release ivan. Ivan immediately had mixed feelings about what he had read: what would happen to Raynax after the ambush and, well, what would happen to him? Events had moved too quickly. He knew Raynax was waiting, and he didn't dare say anything about the ambush. He gulped, went down to the barracks, and said his goodbyes.

Less than half an hour later, he was in a car with Raynax. His wrists were bound in front of him, and there were leg irons attached to his ankles. Raynax had his arm around ivan's shoulders, and he was toying with the man's nipple. "Suffer, stud boy, suffer. There are rewards waiting. At least for me." He squeezed ivan's nipple hard.

Next: Chapter 8

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