Warren's First Gay Affair

By L W

Published on Feb 3, 2001



This is a true story of my first love affair with a man. I hope you enjoy it and will send me your comments at woody141@hotmail.com


Warren awoke smiling from the same recurring dream he'd had since that glorious fifteenth summer with Paul. This warm spring morning was already showing signs of THE perfect California day. Feeling good, he climbed out of bed and headed into the bathroom and to relieve himself and get a quick shower. Then what? Well, he figure that out after breakfast.

As the water began to pour down on him, Warren thought back to his dream about Paul, the youthful minister who used to work at the youth pastor in his uncle's church in rural Oregon. They'd lost track of each other since Paul moved to Idaho to take over a struggling young church. He was perfect for the job Warren thought. Young, enthusiastic and full of life, whatever that life might be.

Warren also recalled their last night together and how he cried in Paul's arms knowing in his heart they'd never see each other again. After Paul calmed him down, he went down on his hard cock and gave Warren yet one more fantastic blow job. Then they kissed, showered together and went off to breakfast at the local family restaraunt. Paul's treat.

From that first really serious situation at 15, Warren had had only had a few casual sessions with a couple of other bi boys he knew. Aside from those his life was pretty "normal" as a teen boy. To cover his growing desire for sex with males, Warren began steady dating with a girl he really liked. This way he could put up a good front as a typical teen boy and still have what he really needed on the side.

Warren's dad was in business with a college friend, Greg, and he was pretty busy most of the time. His partner seemed to handle business much more easily than dad, and he had time to go to some baseball games and even a movie now and then.

One Saturday Warren walked in on dad and Greg were again hard at work on business. After a little small talk, he asked dad if he could get away and take him to the ball game downtown. Dad seemed distracted and told him that he had a lot of work to do. Maybe next time. Warren had heard that before! He turned and stalked out of the room.

A moment later Greg came out and said, "Hey, I'm finished with my work. Why don't you and I take in the game together." What a surprise. Warren was nearly speechless but he managed to stutter out a lame, "OK." Greg looked at his watch and said, "Why don't you give me a minute and then we'll leave. Get in early and eat a couple of 'dogs. OK?" he said. "OK." he went back into the room and a few minutes later, they left for the stadium.

Traffic was unusually bad so by the time we got parked and walked to the gate, got some food and into their seats, the game was almost ready to begin. It was a great game with their team leading then trailing then leading again. Finally the last run came in and their team walked victoriouos from the field. Greg and Warren were nearly hoarse from screaming and the game was over. They felt really good and pumped up. Of course, there was the usual traffic hell in getting out. But they were high on victory so they didn't care.

It was still early, in summer the sun doesn't set till nearly 9:00 so Greg suggested they go over to his house and use the pool. Warren was happy just to be with him at the moment so he agreed. A short drive down the freeway and we turned off on the street toward his place.

Greg had a nice place in a neighborhood of big houses. As we drove slowly through the neighborhood Warren was always amazed at the size of these places. How could a single man live in such a big place. Ah well, another mystery. They pulled into his driveway, the garage door opened and he pulled in. Behind them the door quietly closed. They got out and Warren followed Greg into his home.

As they passed through the kitchen, Greg, reached into the fridge and pulled out a couple of beers. "Want one?" he asked. Warren took the can from him and popped the lid. Greg treated me like a real person when we weren't around others. We both walked into the TV room and looked out at the big swimming pool. "Ready to take the plunge?" he asked. Warren didn't realize until later what he meant.

Then Warren remembered. he didn't have anything to wear to swim. Greg said, "It's just us men, so why don't we go in the buff?" And without waiting Greg grabbed him by the shoulder and pushed Warren off to the bedroom. "We can undress here and grab a towel." Greg was nearly stripped before I'd taken off my shoes. As Warren pushed his shorts down and stepped out, he couldn't help but admire him.

It was obvious that Greg managed to work out. Not a muscular guy but a good physique and not much flab. Greg smiled and winked, "Come on! Let's hit the waves." Then he laughed and walked out of the room. As Warren came out Greg was grabbing towels out of the wall closet. Then he turned and handed Warren one. "Now let's get into the pool." And brushed by Warren.

As they walked pasted the kitchen Greg stepped in and grabbed two more beers.

"I need another and you will too in a couple of minutes." He slid open the door and we walked out into the still warmth of his back yard. High stone walls kept prying eyes out of his yard so we had no concern for peeking neighbors.

Putting his beer on the table and walked to the pool. he jumped in with a huge splash. Warren grinned and ran to follow him into the pool. In a moment we were horsing around grabbing and trying to dunk each other. Somehow Greg grabbed him and pressed them together. It was at that moment that Warren realized Greg had a hard on. The thought of being held against an erection, made Warren's horniness rise and in a moment, he could feel their two cocks collide. And at that moment, they stopped thrashing and Greg looked at Warren.

Since we were in the shallower part of the pool, we could stand easily. His hand slid down my belly to find my erect penis. Instead of grabbing it as others had done, Greg's hand caressed it; his fingers sliding up and down the length lightly with the tips of his fingers just brushing Warren's balls and up his shaft. The feeling sent chills running up and down Warren's body as Greg gently kissed his neck and chest. Between the erotic feeling of Greg's hands caressing his cock and balls plus his tongue and lips teasing Warren's neck, he was harder than he'd ever been before.

Greg pulled back, looked at Warren and said, "Let's get out of the pool and sit. It's too hard to suck cock under water." The he swam to the ladder and pulled himself up. Standing there above Warren, he had time to admire Grg's body. Not your beautiful model types that so many stories have but a body kept in good condition from his work outs and jogging. Slightly browned by sessions at the beach, he had only small amounts of hair on his chest and belly. His slender runners legs were nearly free of hair as well. His erect 6" cock stuck straight out as in salute to Warren. The most spectacular sexual aspect of this man was his balls. Large and heavy they hung down between his legs. Warren'd seen his dad's and some other men while dressing down for the pool or showering after and none of them compared to Greg in the testicle department. Just beautiful!

"Are you gonna stare or get out?" Greg said smiling at Warren. Grinning sheepishly Warren climbed up the ladder asGerg reached out his hand to help him out. Geg led him to a chair and sat down. "Stand right here, babe," he said as he lowered his head to meet Warren's extended and very hard penis. He opened mouth and lowered it over Warren's cock until he could feel his cock head bump against the back of greg's throat. Then Greg slowly closed his mouth, until his lips wrapped just lightly around Warren's cock until they enclosed his 6". Greg began to suck and pull on Warren's cock. Oh, god but he was so good! Warren moaned with pleasure as Greg's hands reached behind his legs and slowly moved up and down the inner thigh. His touch was so good, so erotic. Warren was in heaven.

He paused, released Warren's cock and looked up at him. "You have a beautiful cock, Warren. But I don't want you to cum too quickly so why don't you suck me?" he asked as he rose from the chair and invited Warren to sit. Now Greg stood bdfore him with his gorgeous cock pointing directly at Warren's mouth. Warren realized he was so very hungry for this man and his body.

He tried to duplicate Greg's sucking method by putting his cock all the way into his mouth but nearly gagged as Greg's cock head hit the back of his throat. "Take it easy, Hon," warned Greg. "There's plenty for you to eat." He could feel Greg smiling at his efforts but backed off a bit and closed his mouth around Greg's gorgeous and thick cock.

There is something glorious about sucking a cock. About a man being with another man and savoring his body in any way. This is the ultimate form of love to take a man's most personal part into you and give him pleasure while at the same time loving the feel of a hard shaft with all it's wonderful tastes of the flesh and the slow drip of precum.

Warren felt every bit of these erotic and sexual feelings and tastes as he tried to give back to Greg the delightful feelings he'd given me a moment ago. Or was it a lifetime ago. Time felt oddly skewed as he realized this was what he really wanted; to be: a man's lover. No, not just any man, but Greg's lover. Mmmmm... what a delicious thought.

Greg broke Warren's reverie by pushing him back as he pulled his cock from Warren's hungry mouth. "I'm very close to cuming, Warren. Time for us to go to bed for more." Greg took Warren's hand and pulled him from the chair. Giving him a quick kiss on the mouth, he lead Warren away from the pool and toward the glass door leading into the house. They entered and he closed the door, said to Warren, "I hope you're enjoying this." Oh, he was! Warren was so happy. "Yes," he replied. "How could I not love being with you, Greg. You're making me so very happy." Greg pulled him close and looked into his eyes, "You've made me happier today than I can recall being in a long time. I'd like this not to be our only time together." We kissed again. This time more deeply than before as though sealing our pledge to continue.

Warren spent the night with Greg after a quick call to his dad. He was learning more about sex with an experienced man and finally getting all the sex he wanted for one day. The next morning they awoke and sucked each other off one more time before taking a shower together.

Over breakfast, Warren confessed his confusion to Greg about the feelings he had for him as a friend and now as much more. Greg told him he felt the same way and would he like Warren to be his lover. His only lover. He'd been lonely for some time and found that even though Warren was much younger than he was, he enjoyed being around him both socially and sexually. He especially liked his desire for experimenting which he enjoyed teaching. Then he drove Warren home.

When they arrived at Warren's house, Greg parked and came in too. Dad was just finishing up some morning tasks and put them aside as they came in. He greeted us both and invited Greg to sit down for some coffee. Dad asked how the game was and if we'd had a good time together. His eyes were twinkling as though he had a secret. Greg and Warren glanced at each other wondering what was going on. Then Warren said, "It was great, dad. One of the best days ever." Dad handed a cup of coffee to Greg, came over to me and gave me a hug. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. You'll probably want to do it again, huh?" After a few more minutes Warren left the two men and went to my room to relive those beautiful hours Greg and he had spent together.

Warren would have many more days like this spent in Gregs arms and thrilling to his touch. He felt so lucky!

As a footnote, Warren later learned that Greg had approached his dad asking if he minded if Greg seduced Warren. Since Warren's dad already was very aware of Warren's tendency for men, he quickly agreed. He felt is was far better to have a trusted friend instruct his son in the beauties of male sex as an older friend had taught him too when he was young.

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