Warm Southern Breeze

By Jack Doe

Published on Apr 18, 2009



Please check out my other story, Sailor Captures Flyboy. Feedback is welcome and encouraged!

I was sitting on the patio with my longtime friend, Nate. The warm southern summer breeze was blowing through the yard and were quietly polishing off a case of beer We were friends from a young age all the way through high school. We went our separate ways after high school, although we both joined the military. He followed in his father's footsteps by joining the Air Force and I decided to see the world with the Navy. We stayed in touch and were lucky to find some time to visit the our little rural town at the same time. My parents were living in another town so I was staying at Nate's family home. We visited with his parents for a day and then they took off on a vacation of their own. We spent a couple nights carousing with old friends, drinking and chasing girls. We were pretty successful at catching a few too. Its funny how girls that wouldnt give us the time of day when we were young were suddenly interested in us. But then again we looked pretty good when our main competition was a bunch of deadbeats who had no prospects and were still living in their own personal Groundhog Day.

Thats not to say we unpopular in high school. We had friends and various girlfriends and being from a small town there were few people that were geuninely what would be called the uncool kids in a larger school. Nate was definitely the more successful of the two of us. While I was the objectively better looking guy, he had a certain charisma and boldness to him that served him well. He also used to attribute his success to his claim that he had a very large dick. I always thought he was full of shit and never saw proof otherwise. As we reminisced about the old days the subject of past conquests came up. As always at one point Nate started bragging about his equipment. I decided it was time to call him on it.

"Dude you always say that. I dont believe it for a second. I certainly dont remember hearing any girls talking about it. Seems if it was so memorable they might say something about it."

He laughed. "Hey, girls dont like to kiss and tell, you know that."

I responded, " Well they like to tell their girlfriends about stuff like that and then it usually gets around."

"Fine", he said, "you want to see it?" I almost dropped my beer. I had expected him to back down and let me enjoy my victory in the verbal exchange.

"No I dont want to see your junk", I exclaimed. "Did you turn gay in the Air Force or something?"

"You're one to talk to about being gay Navy boy, " he responded.

I laughed. "Touche. But no I dont want to see it. Geez man, I believe you. You win. Happy?"

He grinned. "No I think you need to see it. That way you'll never doubt me again."

I replied "No dude, seriously its ok. I'll never doubt you again. Ok?"

"No I think I'm going to show you, " he said. With that he stood up and pulled his jeans and underwear to the floor in one swift motion.

"Aw Christ man, " I shouted. "What is wrong with you?" But I looked. I wanted to end this stupid argument once and for all. If he was bold enough to show it then I would look. We were long time friends so I reasoned that taking a look wasn't going to hurt anything. So I looked. It took me a very short time to decide that I wasnt going to be the winner in this argument. Nate's cock was enormus. It was probably six to seven inches long soft. There was no telling what it would be hard.

"Ok pull up your pants man, you win, " I said with resignedly. "You really didnt need to do that though." I took long swig of my beer and tossed the empty can aside.

"No yet, " he said. "Let's compare."

"Are you fucking kidding me? " I asked. I wasnt about to get in dick measuring contest with my best friend. For one thing I was getting very uncomfortable with the situation and two I knew I was the loser of that contest. I wasn't blessed in that category with my barely six inches fully hard. And I knew there were no doubts in his mind as to who would be the winner. How could there be with that monster? He just wanted to rub in his victory and gloat. It was one of his not so great qualities. He couldnt just win and leave it at that. "No I'm not doing that, " I said firmly.

He stood there with his hands on hips and a grin on his face. "Just do it man. We've been friends forever, what's it going to hurt?, " he asked, echoing my own thoughts from a few minutes ago. I thought for a second. Knowing Nate as long as I had I knew that a quick capitulation was probably the best way to stop this nonsense and get back to our carefree bullshit session.

"Fine, " I said curtly, "I'll show you and then can we end this nonsense?"

He nodded. I took a deep breath and pulled down my jeans and looked past him not wanting to meet his gaze. I treated it like getting a shot from a doctor. A quick moment of pain and then it would be over.

He said, "Why do you have a hard-on?"

My heart started pounding as a I looked down and realized to my horror that I was indeed hard. Because of my growing buzz and focus on ending this uncomfortable diversion in our night I had completely missed the fact that I was sporting a rock hard boner. My face was flushed with embarassed. "Oh thats probably just from being buzzed or something, " I stammered. I really didnt know what caused my erection but it certainly looked bad to have an erection while looking at your best friends dick.

In a serious voice he asked, "Are you gay man? Because its cool if you are. I have friends in the Air Force that I know are gay. I'm not a homophobe like my Dad."

I definitely wasnt gay. I had gone to a tranny show with some buddies on a lark one time. Frankly they were better looking than a lot of girls I knew but I certainly didnt think I was gay. I just liked their tits.

"No man I'm not gay, " I snapped at him. I willed my erection to subside but my willpower was apparently not very stNateg.

"Well then why do you still have a hardon?" he asked. He looked at me intently. "Do you want to touch my cock? " he asked. "Because I'm getting the feeling that you want to, " he said. He had a flat tone to voice that scared me. I swallowed nervously. I knew that tone of voice. Another one of Nate's shortcomings had manifested itself from time to time throughout our long friendship. He had a definitely alpha male complex and every once in a while it got a little ugly. I could still remember times when we were play fighting as young men do and he would get a little too rough. Or the time he locked me in a closet when were little and wouldnt let me out until I begged to be let out. Nothing really huge but he definitely liked to assert himself a little too stNategly. I didnt like it much when he had that tone in his voice. That tone was not my friend who would give me the shirt off his back and do anything to help me out in a time of need. That tone was bad news.

"No I dont want to touch your cock. Here have another beer", I said in an attempt to refocus his attention.

"I dont want a beer. I want you to admit you want to touch my cock and then do it, " he said. It was becoming clear that he was fixated on this idea like a cat stalking a bird. I knew that it was going to be hard to convince him that no was the answer. But quick capitulation, or capitulation of any sort, wasnt an option. I figured I might even have to fight him. He stared at me as if he were looking into my brain.

"No way man. I dont want to and I'm not going to, " I said defiantly. I kept surreptitiously looking at his cock. I still couldnt get over the size of it. It was like something out of a porno. I couldnt believe it.

"If you dont want to then why do you keep looking at my dick? " he asked quietly. So much for surreptitious

By this time I was fully drunk, having guzzled down the beer I had offered him. It had pushed me over the edge of inebriation. I rationalized with myself, not really wanting to get into a physical confrontation with him, that it would be alright if I just touched. Once again, a quick surrender looked to be the best option. It wouldnt be any different than touching my own.

"Ok fine I'll touch it and then this over. Got it? ", I said.

"Tell me you want to, " he demanded.

I sighed with exasperation. "Ok, I want to touch it."

"Ok, " he said.

I stepped forward and reached down. My hand brushed his cock and I quickly pulled away. I started to pull up my pants.

"No, " I heard him say. " you got me hard. Its not nice to tease a man like that." Again that tone. This was not good. I paused and looked up from my bent over position. He was indeed erect. His huge dick had grown and it was probably almost nine inches fully hard.

I shrugged. "Sorry man, can't help you there, " I said.

"I think you can. You were the one who was staring at my cock like it was a steak and gettting hard."

I started to doubt myself as I usually did when we seriously argued about something. Of course we had never argued about something this serious before. And he was right, I did stare at his dick and had fooled myself into thinking he wouldnt notice me looking. With the sort of rationalization only given to the truly drunk, I decided it was best to let this thing run its course. It would be a one time thing and it wasnt like he could tell anyone about it. Just get it over with I told myself. "What do you want me to do about it? " I asked.

The corners of his mouth turned up ever so slightly. He beckoned to me and then sat back down in his chair. He said, "I want a blowjob. Its been a while since I had a good one and the last girl that looked at my cock the way you did gave me the best blowjob of my life." I felt like I was in an 18-wheeler hurtling down a steep mountain pass with no way to stop. I took a deep breath and knelt between his thighs.

His cock was up close and personal now. I could see it pulsing slightly as the blood fed his erection. I grasped it by the base and lowered my mouth to the tip of his cock. As I slid my lips over the head I felt a slightly sweet taste spread through my mouth. Precum I thought. I started to slowly slide up and his cock with pursed lips. My jaw felt slightly stretched but the length was the kicker. I bobbed up and down trying to gauge how much I was getting in my mouth. I figured it was just about five inches or so. This clinical dissection of what was happening was helping me ignore the fact that I was giving my best friend a blowjob.

Then I heard the sound of a beer being cracked open. I glanced up and saw him taking a long pull on the can. I was suddenly angry. I was on my knees servicing him like a garden variety slut and he was calmly drinking a beer. Right then I decided I was going to give him the blowjob of his life. If I was going to do this I wanted him to focus on me. I would make sure he would never forget this experience. I started to suck more vigorously and reached up to start massaging his balls gently with my free hand. I heard him let out a soft gasp and I was pleased.

I was now in a rhythm. I had read somewhere that the key to deep throating was to relax your throat. I focused on allowing my throat to fully open so I could get more of him in my mouth. It wasnt an easy task but I was able to get a few more inches in my mouth. It wasnt a full deep throat, but it was probably the best I could do at that angle. I continued to gently squeeze and massage his balls. Judging by the sounds he was starting to make, I had his full attention.

He moaned. "You are a really good cocksucker. Dont stop, " he pleaded. I had no intention of stopping. From far away I could feel my dick throbbing almost painfully. I was caught in the moment and my doubts were a fleeting memory. I sucked and squeezed. He grunted and moaned. It was a symphony of lust. He started talking to me the way I'd heard him to talk to girls in bed before when we fucked girls in the same room. Slut, bitch, whore. He called me all that and more. I didnt care, it was what I felt like at that moment.

His moans were becoming more pointed and insistent. "I'm going to cum, " he said, "and I want you to swallow it." I didnt care, Whatever he wanted. He wouldnt forget this and he would always want it and would never get it again. This was my revenge on him for forcing this on me. His cock jumped and quivered in my mouth. With a loud moan - "Oh God!" - he exploded into my mouth. I swallowed and swallowed as his cum gushed into my throat. I felt the last spurts hitting my throat and his dick began to get soft. I gave his balls one last squeeze and sucked gently for a moment and then sat back on my legs. I looked at him and waited.

"That as the best blowjob I've ever had, " he said.

I stood up. "I know, " I said, "It'll probably be the best you'll ever have."

I pulled my jeans up over my still hard cock. I started to walk inside and I felt his presence before I heard him speak.

His hand touched my shoulder and I stopped as he whispered into my ear, "Dont for a second think I'm gay. Only a woman could give a blowjob like the one you just gave me. I'm looking forward to helping further your discovery of that part of you."

That tone.

I knew I was in trouble.

As I lay in bed while the warm southern summer breeze blew through the open window, I thought back to the tranny show I once went to. Maybe it wasn't just the tits I thought as I drifted off.

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