Warm Rain

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Aug 1, 2006




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



When the first drops of rain hit my body, I moaned. "Ah, shit!" I said. Some women nearby, plump female turds in bathing suits that did nothing to hide their protruding stomachs, asses and breasts, giggled as they gathered up their towels and hitched back into the hotel. Me, I just took my towel over to a small sunscreen that was sitting nearby. Sort of like a beach umbrella plus some, the sunscreen was built like a pup tent with one of the large sides cut away and lifted into a horizontal position, so that you had a portable rectangle of shade some four feet by seven feet to lie in. Perfect for full body shade on a sunny day...or to escape the tropical rain.

I got under the sunscreen and put the towel down on the sand and sat on it, looking out at the rain. Shit, wasn't this supposed to be the dry season? You spend four thousand dollars on a trip to a tropical island, you expect sun and surf and beach and palm trees...but not rain!

Only good thing about this rain was that it was warm. The rain you get in the States is usually cold, at least colder than the air around you, so that being hit by it is like being pelted with pebbles. But this rain was as warm as a mother's kiss, so that even when the rain hit you, you weren't that disturbed by it...other than being pissed, like me, at losing my chance to get some real, unadulterated and unfettered sunshine! It had been partly cloudy all day but I had gone out to lie down and get my body tanned. If I was to go back after a week's vacation to the office with no tan at all, everyone would think I had taken my vacation money and blown it on the slots in Vegas!

The rain settled into one of those slow, steady downpours that says its going to be there for a while. I watched how the rocks steamed from the rain, they had picked up the heat of the sun and now were transferring it to the already-warm rain, turning it into a light steam. The palm trees hung where they were like damp mops, about as happy with the downpour as I was.

This was turning into a totally sucky vacation! First, Clint had changed his mind about coming at the last minute, so I was stuck with the full price of the room all by myself. Clint was like that. Have you ever had a lover who chases you nonstop until that moment that you turn around and say, "All right, you caught me?" and then he turns around and backs off again, leaving you wondering what happened? Clint was like that...witness that I'd dated the guy for over two years, and I still wasn't sure if he was my "boyfriend" or not! He'd pressured me to move in with him for the first four months, then when I'd said yes, he suddenly vanished for six weeks, then came back and patched things up with me. He'd been playing his game of "get closer, get closer, get real close, now get away, get away" ever since. I'd come close to dumping him a dozen times in those four years...but somehow I just never quite did. So I had booked a romantic trip for two, and came on it alone instead, just the latest chapter in the soap opera of my love life! And now my little enjoyment of the beach and sun was being ruined by a completely unseasonal, quite unfeasible and totally unreasonable rainshower!

"How long is it going to rain, anyway?" I demanded from the heavens.

"Should be over in a half hour or so." came the answer, and only its vibrant mundaneness kept me from thinking I was hearing a heavenly voice. Instead, I turned around and saw to one side of me, one of the resort's staff. His name was Ty, which was probably not short for "Tyler" but something long and exotic with lots of vowels.

He was dressed in the way that the native islanders had never dressed. He was native, or at least a deep brown tan color, and his body bore the seashell necklace and colorful loin wrap with a practiced ease. His body was a mass of smoothly curving arcs of muscle, around which the raindrops chased each other happily. His face was cleanly regular, his smile wide and friendly, his eyes twinkled with a merriment older than time, like the entire world was one big joke and he was in on it. I'd noticed his big body moving about, carrying drinks to the lounging sunlovers, or tossing a frisbee with some of the younger crowd, or putting sunblock on a slender, pretty thing in a pink bikini. I envied her, not him, that little duty, the thought of those hands running over me all greased up with sunblock was enough to get me to throw an erection that would tent out my swimtrunks revealingly.

"Rains never last long this time of year." He concluded.

"Oh! Thanks!" I said. "Maybe I'll wait it out after all."

"Mind if I join you in there?" Ty asked me.

"Sure." I agreed. "But won't your boss mind?"

"Nah." Ty shook his head. "In a rain, everybody runs inside and sits at the bar or in their rooms and watch television. He's got a staff to handle that. My job is to keep the people outside happy. At the moment, that's just you." I scooted over and he sank onto his knees on the towel, sat back on his heels; resting that way seemed to come naturally to him.

"I can believe it." I said. "I ought to go inside and get tanked with everyone else, but damn it, I came here to get some sun and maybe surf a little, and here it is raining! Isn't this the dry season?"

Ty shook his head. "Dry season and rainy season, that's something you get on the mainland places like India and Africa, but on the islands of the Pacific, it rains pretty much all the year around, or at least some. It doesn't rain very much this time of year, but we get some rain. A good thing, too, because otherwise, we wouldn't have any water to drink."

"Really?" I asked.

"Sure, all the fresh water on this island comes from captured rainwater." he verified. "One reason not a lot of people have ever lived here. Kept us secluded and safe from the missionaries who came to convert the heathens and stayed around to take all the land from the natives they were converting, like they did on Hawaii."

"Yeah?" I said.

"Sure, every large landholder in Hawaii is descended from some missionary or other." Ty stretched out onto the towel, not crowding me, but taking up more room. He rested himself on one elbow and his head was down by my knees (I was sitting cross-legged at the moment), and he looked up at me. "Then they needed laborers, and they imported a lot of Asians like Chinese to work for them. Didn't leave a lot of room for us, except when they wanted some entertainment. So we've been dancing our tribal dances and performing our ancient rituals for their amusement ever since."

"Gee." I hadn't thought about it that way. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, you didn't do it." Ty said. "You just came to get some sun and maybe a few waves and maybe something else if you could. Tourists are fine with us, you come, you buy, you leave again. Better than the alternative."

"Okay." I said, feeling more relieved than I ought to. I looked out at the rain, which was still coming down with an unending sort of sluggishness. "You sure it's going to stop raining before long?"

"Sure." He said. "Rain never lasts very long unless you have a typhoon driving it, and the clouds are too light colored gray for that. You just watch, in a half hour from now, the sun will be shining again. You can get back to working on your tan, and I can get back to entertaining the women who want to catch a bit of island fever."

"Catch it how?" I wanted to know.

Ty shrugged. "A little flirting, maybe a feel of this," he made a muscle by bending both his elbow and his wrist, like an Egyptian figure painted on a wall might, "maybe a kiss and a grope to see if I'm wearing anything under my loincloth."

"Are you?" I asked.

"Nope." he grinned. "I could say it's like the Scots and their kilts, but in actual fact, I just like the feel of the wind blowing in underneath on a day like today."

"I can believe that." I said. "So you walk around all day with your dick wobbling about and let the ladies grope you a little. That's an unusual way to make a living, but if it works for you."

"My job is to entertain the customers." Ty explained. "My boss doesn't much care how, as long as they're happy and entertained."

"Sounds better than my job back in the U.S." I said. "You got anything to entertain me while we wait out this rain?"

"I could think of something." he said.

"What?" I asked. "A story of your ancestral gods? A song your mother taught you? Playing an instrument of some kind?"

"Some kind, yeah." he said and his hand which had made that marvelous muscle to show me its beauty came over and touched my thigh just below the line of the swimsuit.

I made a hiss of breath through my teeth at that touch.

Ty looked up at me and grinned that easy grin again. "You got the instrument and I'll play it."

I licked my lips in lieu of an answer and Ty took that as a yes. I guess it was and his hand contacting my crotch found a healthy boner waiting for it to get there.

"Mmm, yeah, that's the kind of organ I can play real easy." he said. "I saw you shooting a hard one when I was greasing up that bit of jailbait this afternoon. Been wondering how to get a chance at it ever since."

"Uh...I don't know." I waffled.

"I thought you'd want to." Ty said. "Looking at you looking at me. Have you got a boyfriend?"

Now THAT was the sixty-four dollar question! My lips opened and found an answer. "No, I don't." Until I said it, I didn't know what I was going to say.

"Good." he said. "So let me inside that."

I got up onto my knees and fumbled hastily inside my swimsuit. The tie is such a sensible thing to have until you want to get it open in a hurry, then it sticks and won't let go for beans! But I got it undone and the suit tucked down under my balls. "There you go." I panted.

"Nice." was his comment as he regarded my seven-inch, thick, cut pud jutting out at him. And his lips were a pink-lined oval that dove onto it like a falcon onto prey.

"Uuuhhhh!" I moaned as those lips clasped my shaft and skinned up it with easy agility. "Uhhh!" as he went down again and "Uuuuhhhh-Huhhhhh!" as he moved upwards once more.

"Mmmm!" Ty sighed as he released my cock for a moment. "That's one nice piece of pink man-sausage, all right." I'd never thought of my cock as "pink" before, but compared to the dun-colored monster he was fondling underneath that floral-cloth wrap, I could see how he'd think it so.

"You don't have such a bad one yourself." I said.

I didn't have to say more, he slid down further, exposing it for me.

I went over onto my side with an ease I hadn't felt in making love since...since before Clint had first pulled his vanishing act. Lovemaking with Clint had been such a furtive, careful act ever since, I never knew when he would break it off, act offended, leave me, only to come back the next afternoon with flowers and apologies. This time, I didn't feel that at all. That brown tube of Polynesian prick was waiting for me, and wouldn't be taken away.

The taste of it going down was like honey. A sort of heavy sweetness lay upon it, not sticky or fake like that, but an honest sweetness of the flesh, it was smooth and fluid and warm upon my tongue. Warm as the rain that surrounded our little haven on all sides, beating down and covering us like a blanket. I took him down easy and deep and his dong settled into my throat like the hot dog inside its bun, made for each other.

"Ummm-hmmm!" Ty said around my cock, and he buried my cock deep within his own. We held each other like that, it was like each of us was waiting for the other to release first. I wobbled after a good minute, and he took that as my surrender, and he returned to his long, deep, slow, loving strokes upon my prod.

Oh, God, so good, it felt so good after so long of...of something less than so good. Clint could be a marvelous lover when he chose, but it was like he dangled that over me like everything else in his life, giving it to me in tastes small and so rare that I mostly knew only the lack of it when we would get in bed together. This, though, was the full-throated, full-blooded, full-force thing itself, given without grudge or half-heartedness, I could take it all, and it would all be there.

Knowing this, feeling this, I threw myself into the cocksucking with a fury that surprised me, I was like an eager virgin on his first time, unable to get it in me far enough, or fast enough, I was determined to wring him dry in just a few seconds if I could.

Ty's response was generosity embodied, he plied my own tool with a similar ferocity borne of skill, we were a pair of slavering demons upon each other's manhood, draining at the vitality of each other with every ounce of our being, I wanted to drive that dick of his deep into me and keep it there forever, let it pulse and burst forth anew over and over again. I had to chuckle to myself at that conceit, what do you say to the customs man when you have a mouthful of native dick in your mouth. Anything to declare? Mrgle-muph, muh-gmple!"

And as I chuckled, so did he, a warm, natural sound, and it was verbal happiness at the joy of our bodies together, he loved doing this, he had waited for this chance to be with me, he had seen me with his greasy hands upon the nubile girl's body, looking at him, not at her but at him, and my bulge declaring my desire, and he had known me to be his for the taking, and then it was only a matter of waiting for this chance, for the warm rain to come and offer him the chance to be with me alone and he had come to me, confident and virile, ready to wash away the stains of Clint's pain with the simple cleanness of his desires.

And my passion building, I threw myself into that vat of his making, I felt the magnificent cleansing power wash over me, building up into a triumphant declaration in my brain, and with that triumphant horn-blow of power, I gained my orgasm, and it assaulted me with a hundred tiny probing fingers across every nerve ending of my body at once, but most of them, ah, most of them were with his tongue and mouth around my cock!

"Mh-gmma-kmm!" I warned Ty as best I could, and then my only sounds were of my climax, I groaned, roared, screeched and wailed and I ejaculated with one swift burst into his mouth, a harsh wash of my sperm that could have overcome him.

But with the expertise of his life, Ty recongized my noises for what they were, and when I shot my load into his mouth, he clung on and sucked at me, drawing the fluids out of my cock and into his mouth and throat, drinking it down as fast as I could produce it.

When I was done, wrung dry, Ty lay still, his hard dick still in my mouth, and I knew that he was waiting for me to decide. What did I do, now my own delight was passed? Would I simply let go of him?

I forced my body into action and resumed my assault, and he grunted in gratitude, and his tongue kissed my balls in appreciation as I nursed his pud to its warming height.

Slow, easy, unaggressively, Ty reached his climax, and his orgasm was a pre-warned joy to me, I found his jism flowing slow and easy into my mouth and it was easy to capture it as it came out, and I could slurp and savor every morsel without being knocked down. His sighs of pleasure, too, were genteel, muted things, and I when I was done, and kissed him dry of my saliva, he moaned softly and said, "Thank you."

"And thank you." I returned. "You just made this day a lot brighter for me."

As if the words brought the deed, the world brightened, the sun had come out from behind the clouds that had been raining on us. The sky was still filled with clouds, but the sun had found a way through them and was beaming its yellow benediction upon us.

Ty got to his feet. "I had better get back to work." he said. "When the sun comes out, so do the guests."

"Even onto a wet beach?" I queried. For the sand was deep brown and damp now.

"That's why we have towels." he said and went off, presumably to fetch an extra supply of towels. I would have to ask around, try to find out his last name, get him some small gift to mark his special service to me. I didn't have to, mind you...but I wanted to.

But for now, I stayed where I was. I was still in shade, but the world was golden around me, and that was plenty. I sat and watched the rocks as they still steamed from the warm rain that had visited them so briefly and so thoroughly, leaving them refurbished, clean, and shining like beloved jewels in the renewed light of day.


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Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM.



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