Wards Shoes

By Dick Love

Published on Apr 4, 2011


Ward's Shoes -- Lesson Five By Dick Love apussyboy4u@yahoo.com

Tags: Gay: Authoritarian, High School


This story is copyright protected and remains the property of the author.

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Your comments are welcome. Please email me at the above email address. Additionall chapters (lessons) will be posted soon

Ward's Introduction:

I felt like a million bucks this morning. I had shot two good loads and given Jimmy some much needed training in being a cocksucker. I even had gotten him to start kissing my ass, without any whining or bitching. It seems to me the little peckerhead is eating' right out of my hand. He's in love with my dick. The queer bastard may even be in love with me.

Yeah, the day started off real good, and it didn't go by without Jimmy learning a little more. I scored some more points with Aunty and Uncle too. Yup, Wardy is pretty damn well pleased with things so far. And as for Jimmy, .... well, he will tell you all about our first Saturday together. Go ahead, Jimmy, tell the guys about the fun we had today. If you do a real good job, I'll let you suck me off an extra time tonight. You gonna blow me tonight, bitch? There's no need to answer. Of course you are. cocksucker!

Jimmy's Story Continues:

Lesson Five

By the time Ward and I took a shower and got dressed, it was nine o'clock. To save time Ward suggested that we shower together, and I readily agreed. Actually, it turned out to take just as long that way because before I got to wash myself, I had to take the washcloth and soap and do Wardy from head to toe. First, he had me shampoo and rinse his hair. Then, I proceeded down his body. I washed his face and behind his ears, and his neck. Then, I lathered up and scrubbed Ward's back. He turned around and I focused my attention on his well- defined chest and his strong arms and finally his pits with their little tufts of very dark hair. I love Ward's sexy body.

Wardy, then told me to kneel and get down and wash his feet, and proceed up his legs. When, I got to his cock, I gave it a big slurpy kiss before lathering it up and washing it thoroughly. I was still on my knees, when Ward turned around and put his ass on the same level with my face. Because I knew it would please him, I gave a kiss to each of his ass cheeks. Then I finished washing him, going upwards from his ankles to his calves and upper legs, and finally I used the washcloth to scrub his ass and then the ass crack.

I started to get up when I was finished bathing Ward, but he wouldn't let me yet.

"Now my ass is nice and clean, Jimmy. Just let me rinse off and you can kiss my asshole again. Will you do that for me? Will you spread the cheeks and push your face right up against my puckered up hole, and kiss it again, faggot?"

"Yes, Sir, if that's what you want, Ward? ", I answered.

"Then go for it, dickhead!"

I spread Ward's ass cheeks and pushed my face as far into the crack of his ass as far it would go. My lips were once again pressed against Ward's asshole. But this time there was no smell at all coming from Wards butt. It was clean as a whistle.

"Kiss it, and lick up and down the crack, Jimmy. Lick my ass just like you would an ice cream cone!"

I didn't really relish the idea of running my tongue up and down a guy's ass. But, Ward was right, it was nice and clean, and I didn't want to get Ward angry by refusing to do what he wanted. So, I pushed out my tongue and licked Ward's ass going up and down the length of it maybe two dozen times before Ward told me to stop.

"Press your mouth right up against my butt hole again, faggot, and this time I want you to actually suck on my sweet rosebud, and then work your tongue up inside it and French kiss it. I want you to show my asshole just how much you love it, dude"...

But I didn't love it... Making love to Ward's dick was one thing, but the idea of sucking and tonguing another guy's asshole was disgusting to me. I pulled my face out of his butt.

"I can't do that, Ward!"

"You can't do what?"

"I just can't!"

"I just can't, Sir!!! That's what you say, faggot! And you only say that after asking my permission to speak, asshole. You are still learning, so I'll give you another chance and a choice. You can either suck my asshole now when it's nice and clean, or wait `till tonight before I shower when it stinks. Then, when you push your tongue way up inside, like you are going to do, you'll probably get to taste my shit. Is that what you want, faggot?"

"No, Sir".

Well, you broke three fucking rules, dickface. One, you didn't say `Sir'. Two, you didn't get permission to open your face hole to speak. And three, you didn't do what I ordered you to. Now, you've given me three reasons to punish you. And I'm going to think all day about how I'm going to teach you a lesson. But I will give you some good advice, faggot. Be on your best behavior today, and do as you're told and maybe you'll only get punished once instead of three times. Do I make myself clear, fuckface?

"Yes, Sir Ward".

"Good. Then start eating my ass the way I told you to, punk!"

I didn't dare talk back or disobey again. I pushed my face deep into Wardy's asscrack and puckered up my lips as they met the brownish- pink lips of Ward's puckered up asshole. I sucked his hole just like I was expecting to get some milk or juice or something as a reward, except I didn't want anything to come out. All I wanted was for Ward to feel the suction and know that I was taking his order seriously and doing my best to obey him. After sucking his butt hole for what seemed like way too long, Ward told me he wanted to feel my tongue inside his asshole. So, I stuck out my tongue and licked up and down his ass a few more times, and then I rolled my tongue up and began pushing it into his butthole.

"Deeper, bitch. Shove it in as far as you can. Get a good taste of my ass, faggot!"

I kept pushing my tongue further in, and although Ward's ass had been scrubbed well during our shower, I still got an unwelcome taste of his ass slime. It wasn't pleasant, and I thought I might start to retch. But somehow I got through this ordeal. Ward finally told me I could quit, but I dreaded thinking that this was something I would probably be forced to do again. Why couldn't Wardy be satisfied with having me suck his cock without this other stuff?

"K, asshole sucker, get up and get dressed! You got your appetizers. Now it's time we go downstairs for breakfast."

Mom was at the stove cooking, and Dad was seated at the kitchen table, reading the morning paper. Wardy said good morning first and I followed suit. Dad put down the newspaper.

"Good morning, boys. Sit down. I think Mother's just about ready to serve breakfast", Dad said.

"Do you need any help, Aunty? Me and Jimmy would be glad to do whatever you need done".

"Oh, good morning, Ward. No, everything's ready. I have it under control. Good morning to you too, Jimmy".

"Good morning, Mom".

Mom brought orange juice to the table and filled the glasses she had already placed on the table. Then she carried over the plates of food; scrambled eggs and sausage. She put a plate in the middle of the table with hot homemade biscuits, and butter and a jug of honey to go with it".

"What a great breakfast, Aunty! These biscuits are the best I ever ate."

"Why, thank you, Ward. You are so nice to say that".

"Yeah, Mom, this is almost better than breakfast at McDonald's"

"Gee. Leave it to you to say just the right thing, Jimmy", Mom replied, while shaking her head at the same time.

"You know, Uncle, Jimmy and I were talking and we thought it would be really fun if you let us wash and wax your van today. We thought we would spend some time this morning cleaning our bedroom, but after that we could do the van. It's what we would really like to do, but of course if there is something else we can help out with that you would prefer we do, that's okay with us too".

"It's your first day here, Ward. Why don't you let Jimmy take you around the neighborhood and introduce you to the kids? No reason to work on your first day here".

"Really, there is nothing I would rather do today than wash and wax the van. I love cars and trucks. To me that isn't work. It's fun. And, Jimmy can take me all around tomorrow after we get home from church".

"Dad had to work for almost a year every weekend, and we kind of got out of the habit of attending church. But it would be nice if we could all go together tomorrow; wouldn't it, dear?" Mom chimed in.

"Sure, as long as we go to the eleven o'clock mass. I like to sleep in on Sunday mornings", Dad replied.

"So, how about the van? Do we have the go ahead to wash it, and wax it too? Please, I would love to do it, and I just know that Jimmy is as anxious as I am?"

"I bet he is! Sure thing, Ward. If it will give you so much pleasure to do that, how can I say `no'?"

"And I am so happy that you and Jimmy are going to clean his room. Jimmy doesn't often seem enthusiastic about doing that. I guess you are a good influence on our son, Wardy", Mom said.

"Don't forget it's my room now, too. And while I'm here, I hope I can be like a son to you, but one you don't need to keep after about things like cleaning the bedroom."

"Ward, you are a blessing. I don't know how we managed without you."

"Shucks, Aunty, I'm just so happy you let me come to stay with you".

"Our home is yours too, Wardy. And you are right. That is your room, and you are part of this family. Dad and I, feel the same way. You are like another son to us.

"I know it's awful soon, Aunty, but you and Uncle are just so wonderful, and I love you heaps. You are really my second parents; my mom and dad while I am away from Mom and Dad; if you can understand what I mean. While I am here, which may be for quite a long time, would you mind if....Oh, how can I just come out and ask it?....Maybe you won't like it if I do."

"It's all right, Ward. Your aunt and I want you to tell us what you have on your mind. We won't get upset at you for honestly sharing how you feel".

"Well....okay...Here goes! You two are just the greatest. I feel so much like you could be my parents. If I were to dream about the ideal mother and father for me, you guys would be in that dream. Not that I don't love my mom and stepfather. But Mom's so sick, and it's been so long since I got to spend any real time with my stepdad, that it's really hard. That's all. So, well the thought crossed my mind that it would make me feel more a part of the family and just make feel a lot better if....you would let me call you Mom' and Dad'; at least while I'm living here".

"That's so sweet, Wardy. I've got tears in my eyes. What do you think, honey?" Mom answered.

"We are your parents, while you are here, Ward. Granted, we are just filling in. It would never be our intent to replace your folks, unless, God forbid, something terrible happened; and then of course we would step in. We want you to know that you always have someone here for you, so you don't need to worry. And, I can't tell you how moved I am by what you just asked us. But, my first reaction was to say no' because it somehow didn't seem right when your parents are alive. But, you are already very special to us both, Wardy. So, if you really would like to call us Mom' and `Dad', go ahead and do it. We would be honored'.

I couldn't believe my ears. Ward hadn't even been in my house twenty four hours yet, and he had already gotten my parents to accept him as another son, one whom it seemed to me they liked a little bit more than they did their own flesh and blood. And I knew Ward was just sucking up to them. Hadn't he told me the night before how he was going to have my Mom and Dad eating out of his hand? Well, I could see it happening, but felt powerless to stop it. I saw what happened when I said something about Ward before, and besides now I was Wardy's cocksucker. What would Mom and Dad think about that? I did feel jealous, but I also was attracted to Ward. Yeah, I was even hooked on his dick. So, I didn't want to do anything to get Ward so pissed off that he wouldn't let me blow him. I was all confused, so I just sat there until Dad said something to me that required an answer I couldn't take back.

"Well, Jimmy, how do you like the idea of having Ward for your brother?"

For a moment I didn't say anything. Then, I realized that I was on the spot, and had to answer Dad's question.

"I've always been the only child, Dad, and I've dreamed about having a brother".

"Ward is younger than you, but it seems like he will be more like an older brother to you. He is so grown up for his age. But it seems like you don't really mind listening to Ward. You didn't make your usual fuss about cleaning your room, and I can't remember you ever wanting to wash my van. I can't ever remember you being so cooperative with your mother and I. Maybe a brother like Ward is exactly what you need. What do you think, Jimmy?"

Dad really had me boxed in now. If I didn't agree with what he said I would be in trouble with everyone at the table, but if I did agree Dad would let Ward have even more control over me than he already had asserted. If I wasn't careful I would find myself agreeing to `listen to Ward' and having him tell me what to do as a permanent arrangement.

As I thought about how I was going to answer Dad's question, I suddenly felt a hard pressure weighing down on my right foot. I glanced down under the table and saw Ward's shoe on top of my sneaker. I knew he was signaling me, letting me know once again that I was not free to say and do as I pleased anymore, and that there would be consequences to pay for any words or actions that displeased Ward. I felt like saying something to Ward to get his foot off mine, and to just back off in general. But I also noticed that as soon as he began stepping on my foot, my dick started getting hard again. I still don't get what's happening to me. Can a dude really get a charge out of being stepped on? Hell, I was letting Wardy walk all over me, but I couldn't stop him, and wasn't even sure I wanted to. In the meantime, Dad just kept looking at me waiting for an answer, which I finally gave him.

"Sorry, if I didn't answer you right away, Dad. Having Ward for my brother is a big and sudden change in my life. Like I said before, I have always dreamed about having a brother. I've thought a lot about the stupid things I said last night, Dad, and I know I was very wrong. As always, Dad, you know what is best for me far better than I do myself. Ward is about the greatest dude that I could ever imagine having for a brother. I know I am very smart in school and all, but I screw up a lot when it comes to a lot of things, and there is stuff that I just don't know anything about. I can help Wardy, and he can help me. But basically, you are right, Dad. I find myself looking to Ward to help me behave better and do more of the right things. I haven't been very good at that, have I?"

All the while I was talking to Dad; I felt the pressure of Ward's shoe stepping on my foot. As soon as I finished, Ward let some of the pressure off, but his shoe was still there on top of my foot pressing down.

"Jimmy, I don't remember ever hearing you say anything that made as much sense as what you just said", Dad replied, "So, I'm right. You do look up to Ward like an older brother, even though you are really older than him? And that doesn't embarrass you or anything? I know that most kids have the attitude that they are smarter than anyone younger than themselves. And, you Jimmy....Well, I'm used to you thinking you are smarter than anyone, even me or your Mom."

I felt Ward's shoe press down harder again as I prepared to answer Dad's questions. It made me very aware that Ward was listening and that I better do a good job of replying to Dad, even if it meant eating humble pie.

"Just watching what Ward says and does, Dad, and how he behaves, makes me see how inconsiderate and smart alecky I've been, especially to you and Mom. You're right. Ward is more like an older brother. It wouldn't make sense for me to tell him what to do, unless maybe it's something about school work. About almost anything else he knows more than I do, so I ought to listen to him and let him help me do better. I don't mind Ward telling me what to do. As a matter of fact, he can probably do a lot to take a load off you and Mom when it comes to dealing with my behavior. I have been a real brat towards you guys, but I know that Ward has already helped me see how asinine I can be. And I am really sorry for the bad attitude I often have had lately, but right now, and I'm ashamed to admit it, Dad, without Ward there to help me, I'd probably be copping an attitude again."

Again the pressure from Wards shoe on my foot lightened up as I finished my remarks.

"You don't know how pleased I am that you see all of this, Jimmy. And, Wardy, I need to thank you for the wonderful influence you have on Jimmy. It seems that I not only have gained another son, but thanks to you, Ward, I finally feel proud of my other boy. I think you should listen to and obey Ward like you would a big brother, Jimmy. You seem to agree with that, Jimmy. So, I guess we all are on the same wavelength. Am I right, Jimmy?"

Once more Ward's shoe pressed down more firmly on my foot. My dick was really poking inside my pants as I answered.

"Absolutely, Dad! Mom, not to change the subject, but I'd like to help with the breakfast dishes."

"No", Ward said, "I'll help Mom while you start on the bedroom. You can get the bed made and pick up all those clothes you have scattered around the room. I'll be there in a few minutes to see how you are getting along".

"Sure, Ward. That sounds like a plan. I'll go start on the room right away"

"That a boy!', Dad said, "I'm very happy to see you so anxious to do your chores, Jimmy" And so that was how my Saturday began. I felt like I had been fucked, although I was still a virgin, and really couldn't know what that would feel like. I guess one day soon Wardy might change that too. The crazy thing is that I derived some pleasure out of getting fucked, or I guess I should really say fucked over; and even if I didn't enjoy it, somehow, my dick did. It's rock hard even now as I'm writing about what happened. About the only way I'm going to get rid of this erection is to hit it with a stick. I'm just kidding, Wardy, Sir. I sure hope I didn't give you any new ideas.

(End of Lesson Five)

Next: Chapter 6

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