Wards Shoes

By Dick Love

Published on May 18, 2011


Ward's Shoes By Dick Love apussyboy4u@yahoo.com

Tags: Gay: Authoritarian, High School


This story is copyright protected and remains the property of the author.

This is an adult story with sexual themes. If you are not of legal age to read this where you are accessing this story or it is illegal for you to do so for any reason, or if you find material of a sexual nature of any kind offensive, you should exit the website where this story is posted immediately. This story is only intended to be viewed by those who may legally do so and who enjoy this kind of literature.

Your comments are welcome. Please email me at the above email address.

*************************** Ward's Shoes -- Lesson 9 -- Part One

Ward's Introduction

So, what do you think fellas? Did you think Wardy would move this quick? I'm only here since Friday, and already I got Jimmy sucking my dick, eating my asshole, kissing my feet, and drinking my fucking piss. I got him going around in tighty whities and putting on an apron and becoming mommy's little helper. He knows he's a faggot, a cocksucker, a baby, a little girl, a sissy, and my fucking slave. And, now Jimmy has been completely shaved except for his eyebrows and his long hair, which will look more and more like a real girl's head of hair as it grows out. Eventually, I may even shave off those boyish eyebrows and make Jimmy use eyebrow pencil, maybe mascara and lipstick too, but there is plenty of time for all that. Jimmy is gonna be my bitch for a real long time, so I can have a lot of fun with the little wuss without rushing to do it all at once.

Jimmy is really behaving himself lately, like a good little baby and a goody-goody girl, But, I can't allow the bitch to be too good for too long or Mom and Dad may get the idea that Jimmy has learned his lesson and doesn't need all the `special attention' he's been getting. Yeah, I love getting the respect and obedience that a Master has a right to expect from his slave, but Jimmy is really due to have a great big tantrum and make a nice scene, so Mom and Dad will be even more sure that Wardy knows best when it comes to correcting their little boy's behavior.

This Sunday was a blast for me, as you will find out from Jimmy when he tells you all about it. I had a private meeting with Dad in his study while Jimmy was helping Mom get breakfast ready. I decided that these meetings were needed to keep Dad on the same page with my plans to control Jimmy, and for me to find out things from Dad that would help me make new plans.

When I heard from Dad that Mrs. Henderson had been invited to come over for lunch after we got home from church that got Wardy's wheels spinning and I came up with some cool ideas for getting Mrs. Henderson more involved in Jimmy's training, and Wardy's entertainment. I knew I could really have some fun from the neighbor's unexpected visit, at Jimmy's expense, of course.

I also asked Dad more about the Church we were going to, and he told me about the parochial elementary school that was attached to the church, and how Jimmy had gone there before going to public school starting with fifth grade. He said that they also have some rooms for Sunday School in the same building. Dad got to know the head nun at the school, Sister Mary Joseph quite well. She had warned Dad that despite Jimmy being so smart and good with his school work and appearing to be well behaved, she expected him to turn into a real problem once he got to public school because she could see how he thought he was so much better than the other kids, and got the feeling that he really thought he was smarter than his teachers too. She got many reports about Jimmy attempting to correct the nuns who taught him. The only reason they let his remarks go was that he usually backed off if he saw one of the nuns getting angry, and every one knew Jimmy's Dad made some very sizeable contributions to the school beyond just the tuition, and Jimmy's grandfather had actually made the biggest contribution years ago when the school was going to be built. I suggested to Dad that Sister Mary Joseph might be eager to help with getting Jimmy back on the right track, and put some other ideas in Dad's head too.

I just love these little chats with Dad and how they help me get Ward under my thumb and keep him there. I've turned Mom and Dad into real allies who help me with my plans, but I also know that I have to be careful. If they ever find out that I turned Jimmy into my cocksucker, or about me fucking his butt they would go crazy, but I know I don't really have to worry. Jimmy loves sucking my dick too much to blow things up, and I'm sure that he really has enough sense to keep a lot of things secret. I'm pretty sure at this point that Jimmy likes having me in control enough that even if I make him do things he hates, like going outside in his tighty whities, or even if I do things to him that he thinks are nasty, like making him drink my piss; Jimmy will go along with it all because that's the way he gets his kicks. Jimmy never knew he was cut out to be the slave for a guy like me or that he would become his mommy's little girl, but he's learning fast and he's really getting into it. Jimmy's story continues:

Wards Shoes -- Lesson 9

When I walked into the kitchen where Mom had already started on breakfast, she very quickly got an apron for me to wear and tied it behind me.

"I still feel a little funny when I see you walking around the house in your `tighty whities', as Ward calls them, Jimmy, but the apron makes you look real nice, like my little girl should look. You know, Jimmy, when I was carrying you, I was really hoping for a daughter. I even had all my friends give pink clothes as gifts at the baby shower, and for the first year you were always dressed in the sweetest little pink outfits and dresses. I couldn't let them go to waste, and you were so adorable dressed up that way. Oh, I was happy I had a boy too, but now it's even better because, like Ward told me, I have both now, Jimmy. You are my little girl and also my very bright boy who I am so proud of, sometimes. I'm so glad Ward is here to help you grow up right. You really need a big brother like him, dear, and you make him even a better little sister than you do a brother".

Mom went over to attend to something on the stove. She sure could go on and on talking. I couldn't believe what she was saying about when I was a baby and me wearing pink and all. And, the way she had really embraced the things Ward had told her about me being a girl. Wasn't this supposed to be play acting? It seemed like Mom was taking it awfully seriously. And the aprons, I never noticed them before with Mom wearing them, but they were flowery and frilly, and so-o very feminine. I felt foolish and humiliated having to wear them, but at least I felt a little more dressed up than I did in just my tighty whities.

"You are really lovely, Jimmy, in that yellow apron with all the daffodils on it, and it is real breakfasty, just so perfect for the morning. You know if you had been a girl I was going to name you Jennifer, isn't that a nice name, Jimmy".

"It's a very nice name, Mother, but I'm really glad my name's Jimmy.".

"But, I would like you to be Jennifer, or at least Jenny, just when you are wearing an apron, while we are play acting that you are my daughter. The rest of the time you can be Jimmy, but not when you have an apron on. Isn't that okay, just when you are wearing the apron, dear?"

"I don't know. I'm not really keen on that idea, Mom, although Jenny isn't as hard to take as Jennifer. I really don't want to be called by a girl's name, Mom"

"I could ask Ward what he wants. I'll bet he would tell me to call you Jennifer if I want to".

"You don't need to ask, Ward, Mother".

"You always call me `Mother' when you are upset".

"Just like you call me James, I guess".

"I tell you what, dear, if you let me call you Jenny I won't call you Jennifer, and it will only be when we are play acting that you are a girl. That is a deal for you, and I won't have to ask Ward what he thinks. That is my final offer, dear".

"You win, Mom. I can see it's really a big deal for you, so all right, but only when I'm wearing an apron".

"Or at any time that we are play acting that you are a girl, Jenny. Isn't that right?

"Okay, whatever you say, Mother".

"That's my girl. Jenny. I can't wait to tell Ward and your Dad".

And of course that was the first thing Mom announced when we sat down to eat.

"That's great" Ward said. "I'm so glad you are getting into this play acting thing I suggested, Mom. I can tell it makes you happy and it's good for Jimmy, or should I say Jenny"

"That's Mom's thing, Ward. I would rather it was left for her to call her that name, Ward" Dad said sounding a bit perturbed.

"Yes, Dad, but I'm proud of Jimmy that he didn't get upset about it".

I was sure that Ward picked up on the fact that Dad had referred to me as 'her' without realizing it. I sure as hell didn't miss it.

"Yes, Ward, my Jenny agreed to me calling her that. I have such a sweet little girl.".

"Is that right, Jimmy? I'm surprised you didn't make a fuss about that".

"I wouldn't do that, Ward. Mom told me how important it is to her, so I had to agree"

"I bet there is more to this story, but since Mom is happy, let's just leave it alone for now".

I was glad Ward left it at that. I wasn't real happy with the deal Mom made with me, but I sure preferred Jenny to Jennifer because at least it sounded a lot like Jimmy.

Then Ward let Mom and Dad know about how he had shaved me.

"Since Jimmy is such a baby, and also your little girl, Mom; I decided to do something to help him get into his roles a little better. So, this morning I let Jimmy know what I was thinking about, and he was so enthusiastic about my idea, that I could hardly believe it. He begged me to do what I had suggested right away."

"And what was your suggestion Ward?" Dad asked.

"Jimmy why don't you tell Dad and Mom about what you asked me do this morning to make you feel smoother and more like a baby, or like Mom's little girl?"

There it went! At the same time Ward spoke to me his foot pressed down on my own. I knew I better describe how Ward shaved me as if it was more my idea than his, and make it seem like I loved the idea. I was nervous about telling Mom and Dad about being shaved and I felt really ashamed, but I knew Ward would be upset if i showed how I felt. Luckily, I'm a pretty good actor.

"As soon as Ward suggested to me that since I'm now a baby, I ought to be smooth like one, and how it might be a good idea for me to be shaved and get rid of all my hair, except on top of my head, so I would look more like Mom's girl for her, I knew it was a great idea. I begged Ward to shave me right away. I was glad to hear, Dad, that Ward had asked you to borrow a razor and shave cream. My skin feels so soft, and Mom you gotta see my legs."

"I thought there was something different about you this morning, Jenny" Mom said "You looked more like you could really be my daughter, but I couldn't imagine why I thought that. Now I know."

"Jimmy, I can't believe that you were so excited about the idea of being shaved. You should be ashamed to be shaved and to be even more like a little baby and lo be less like a boy than you were, and more like a girl than ever. But, since that's how it is, from now on we will all call you Jenny. Since you think it's so cool to be a girl, I think we should all help you become one. I didn't like the idea before, but now I love it, even more than you being a baby, but it's fine with me to keep you in diapers too. You've been asking to be treated like baby, and also like a little girl, for a long time, Jimmy, or let's say Jenny, by your actions and your attitude. Now, you are actually choosing to be a baby and a girl. So, I'm going to get behind the idea completely, and from now on it's no game. You better never ask me or your Mom or Ward to treat you like a boy ever again, or all three of us will take you over our knees and each give you a sound spanking. Do you understand me, Jenny?

"Yes, Sir, Dad. I understand I don't have any say about it anymore".

"Right! You made your decision, when you begged to be shaved, so you could be more like a girl, and a baby. Ward, did you shave his pubes?"

"Yes, Dad, he insisted"

"You mean `she' don't you", Mom interjected.

"Yes, of course, since she's is Jenny. I remember now if you had a girl her name was going to be Jennifer'. Well, Jenny is short for Jennifer, so why I say it's okay to call our naughty little girl either Jenny or Jennifer when we are alone with her. Of course out in public, we will still use Jimmy'. What do you think, Ward?"

"Well, since Jenny wants to be a girl so bad, we shouldn't disappoint her, but do you think it's all right for me to share my room with my sister?"

"Absolutely, Wardy, We know your sister is too much of a baby to have her own room, and because you raise the question yourself, I am even more confident that we can always trust you do the right thing. Your Mom and I are sure we made the right choice when we put you in charge of our daughter".

"Besides", Mom added, "we owe it all to you that we have our little girl, and because we also have you, Ward, we have the best son any parents ever could have. What do you say, Jennifer?"

"Its fine, Mom, I guess if I'm your girl, I can look up to Ward without being jealous".

"Good thinking, Jennifer" Dad said, "because Ward is our only son now, and you are our little girl. I think this arrangement is just perfect. And if you have second thoughts about it, that's just too bad. If you ever don't want to be a girl, you are stuck with it. Then it will become the kind of punishment you will have earned".

Dad made it clear, there was no going back. Things just keep getting weirder for me, and I keep feeling more uncomfortable about things, and yet here I am, sitting at the table wearing only tighty whites and a flowery woman's apron with a raging hard on making a small hump in the middle of the apron. I felt silly, and ashamed, and horny all at the same time.

Ward pressed down again on my foot with his shoe as he said, "Jenny, be a good girl and get up and show everyone how cute you are in your pretty apron, and let everyone admire you pretty shaved legs".

I di8dn't want to do it, but I got up and showed off the apron and my legs. Ward asked me to curtsy, and turn around slowly, which I did. Mom commented about how pretty I was getting, and Dad whistled, and said that Ward was going to have to look out for his little sister or all the boys would be trying to get things on with me. I blushed, but refrained from saying anything.

There wasn't a lot of conversation at the breakfast table after that. Everyone was too involved in the food. Besides the coffee that Mom and Dad drank, there was fresh squeezed orange juice. I know it was fresh squeezed because I squeezed it myself. There was a wonderful fruit salad, homemade biscuits with wildflower honey, a sausage and mushroom stuffed omelet with extra sausage patties on the side. The biscuits were super and so I ate two, but Ward stepped hard on my foot when I started to reach for a third. And when Mom said at the end of the meal that if anyone was still hungry there were some nice bakery danish with almond filling and some cranberry orange bread she could bring out, I felt Ward's foot again, and answered by saying "It was a wonderful breakfast, Mom, I couldn't eat another thing. "Well, I'll have some cranberry-orange bread" Dad replied, and "I'll have a danish", Ward said, and "I will too" Mom answered.

"I'm so glad Jenny is not making a pig of herself the way Jimmy used to do", Dad commented.

After we ate, I helped Mom clean up, Mom and Dad went to get dressed for church, and I went with Ward back up to the bedroom so we could get ready too.

Ward went to the closet and took out the one sport jacket he had, his white shirt, a pair of gray dress slacks, a tie, and a pair of black Italian loafers. He laid all this out on the bed before getting a pair of argyle dress socks and a pair of dark blue briefs from the dresser.

"Ok, bitch, now I got what I want to wear all together, it's time to for you to perform your duties as a good servant and slave and dress me. Afterwards, I will pick out your outfit for church".

Before, I could dress Ward, I had to take off the t-shirt he was wearing, but once I did that Wardy insisted I lick his arm pits before continuing.

"I can't wait to make you sniff and lick my pits when they are nice and sweaty. I'm sure you will appreciate your Master's B.O., faggot, won't you, dickface?"

I assured Wardy I would love his pits and his body odor because I knew that is what he wanted to hear, but I didn't know if I really would.

When I took off Wardy's underwear, he made me sniff them in both the crotch and ass area. I loved the smell of Wardy that came from the crotch. Ward had put on yesterday's underwear again after his morning shower, knowing, I guess, that he would be changing for church. They smelled strongly of Wardy's sex and sweat, and I got an instant erection sniffing them. I found myself inhaling deeply several times. I almost got a kind of high as I breathed in the most wonderful scent I could possibly imagine.

Ward obviously noticed how much I was enjoying sniffing his underwear. "That's cool, faggot. I'm happy my skivvies turn you on. You'll get to smell them lots. Turn them around and smell the ass area, dickhead".

I didn't think I would like doing that. I wasn't sure I wanted to smell the area of Ward's under shorts that came up against his shithole because they were sure to stink, but I was wrong. The ass area of Wardy's underwear had a kind of spicy smell that also got me boned, but it was more intense than the crotch area. I don't like to admit it, but I wanted to just hold on to Ward's shorts and spend a long time sniffing, but I had to move on to taking off Ward's sweaty white gym socks. He also made me sniff them. They were more stinky and unpleasant, but they made my little dick react too.

Throw that dirty stuff in the bathroom hamper. If you are a good little faggot today, I just might let you sniff my socks and underwear every time before I throw them in the laundry. How would you like having my smelly shorts to take to bed with you, faggot? You could sniff them until you fall asleep."

I let him know I'd like that. The smell of Ward was wonderful. It really worked me up.

I finished dressing Wardy, and then he made me sit on the edge of my bed while he went into my closet and dresser to pick out clothes from me. When he got finished, he laid them on the bed next to me. "Get dressed!" Ward ordered.

I couldn't believe what Ward had picked out for me to wear to church. There was an old Bart Simpson tee shirt that showed Bart riding a tricycle. It was now too small for me and didn't quite cover my belly button when I put it on. There were shorts which were even worse because they were bright red and extremely short and fit real tight, so that even my tiny dick showed in outline through them. Then, there were the knee socks, which looked like those I had seen girls in school wear, but never boys. And for shoes, he had put out the Donald duck house slippers I had gotten from Aunt Gertrude at Christmas. I had worn them around the house, but would never let anyone outside the house see me in them. Aunt Gertrude had no idea of what was appropriate for a fifteen year old guy. The might as well have been Goofy slippers.

"I'm not going to church dressed like a freak!" I said, raising my voice defiantly. " I''ll look like a fool".

"You will look like the baby you are, dickhole!" Ward shot back. "Now get fucking dressed before I get pissed off".

I pouted and sat still. I didn't even begin to put those clothes on"

"Oh so you think I'm playing with you, faggot?" Ward grabbed and pulled me up and dragged me into the bathroom. He pushed me to my knees in front of the toilet. Then, he pulled out his dick and started pissing in the toilet, while commenting about me being an asshole and a fucking bitch, and other choice names. When the toilet bowl was filled with bright yellow piss, Ward grabbed my head and plunged it into the toilet and held it there while he flushed the toilet. Then he pulled me out of the toilet, while i sputtered and coughed and choked. I had accidentally breathed some toilet water into my lungs and swallowed too.

I hated this punishment that Ward called a `swirly' and that he had warned me about before. After he did it to me I felt miserable and dirty. I know i stank from having my head submerged like that in a toilet bowl filled with piss.

"You see, faggot, you don't get to win when you get smart with me. You get punished. Now you will dry off and get dressed. You don't get to wash up either. You can go around like that today. My piss will be like cologne for you. And that's not all. Tonight, before you go to bed you are going to get your ass beat good. Now dry off and throw the towel in the hamper. Then get dressed fast. I don't want to hear another fucking word out of your mouth, or you will get it washed out with soap."

I knew I better shut up and do what Ward told. Even though I felt ridiculous, I got dressed. When I had everything on, Ward said, "You look like a Kindergarten baby dressed like that, Jimmy. Yeah, I know I called you Jimmy', not Jennifer'. Your Mom and Dad renamed you; not me. So in front of them from now on you are Jenny' and Jennifer, and whenever I feel like calling you those names I will. But it depends what I want to do. You are my slave and my servant. You are a baby, a pussy boy and a wuss. I will never forget, Jimmy, that you are a queer and a fag., and i want you to know that too. You are also my bitch. You will never be a man, Jimmy, so in a way that means you must be a cunt, so you gotta spend time as a girl, just because it's a fucking hoot to sissify you, but you will always also be Jimmy, bitch. It just depends on my mood, dickhead. I like to keep my options open. Stand up, Jimmy! Let me do inspection. Yup, you look ridiculous, like a nerdy faggot, and a freaky little boy. You are just perfect for an outing. Let's go downstairs. It's time to go to church!"

Mom and Dad did a double take when we joined them in the living room, where they sat waiting for us"

"Is that the way Jimmy is going to church?" Dad asked.

"It's Jenny", Mom said, "and I'd rather see her in a pretty dress with a ribbon in her hair".

"That might be a good idea, Mom, and maybe you can buy some nice outfits for Jennifer, but right now there isn't much we've got for your girl to wear. We had agreed on shorts for when she went out, and there aren't any dress shorts, so we got her dressed like a baby, and anyway outside the house she's still `Jimmy'. That is what Dad said."

"You're right Ward. Jenny looks fine. We can talk about some outfits later, but I think it would be really nice to dress Jenny up pretty some other time".

"Yes, Mom, with girl's panties and a bra and everything. You should have your girl the way you want her. We can talk about it later".

"Yes", Dad said " but right now let's go. I don't want to be late for Mass"

Mom held my hand as we walked from the parking lot to the entrance to the church. Ward had suggested that while we were riding in the car. I felt ridiculous and completely ridiculous dressed the way I was, and having my mother hold my hand besides. When we entered and the usher led us to our seats, it seemed everyone was staring. There were raised eyebrows and even some sniggering. I looked around in horror, hoping that I wouldn't see any classmates from school, or other people i knew. I recognized only one boy i knew, Jerrod, who was in my homeroom. Jerrod was a class clown, and I knew he wouldn't lose the opportunity to have some fun at my expense. Who knew who else was there in that church that might have recognized me, but it didn't really matter because one smart ass kid like Jerrod was as good as fifty other people. I knew I was fucked. I know I should not have been thinking in foul language in church, but I couldn't help it.

An usher came back up the aisle and stopped next to Dad, and signaled to him to go with him through a side door. When Dad returned a few minutes later, he told me that I couldn't stay in church for Mass, but that I would go to Sunday school while he, Mom, and Wardy stayed in church. They would all see me after the Mass was over. I actually was relieved to get away from all those gawking people in the sanctuary. Sister Mary Joseph was waiting outside the same door Dad had gone through earlier. Of course, I remembered her. She scowled down at me. , as Dad turned me over to her. As soon as Dad went back into the church, the nun looked down at me and said, "Your father told me about all the behavior problems he and your mother have had to deal with, and how they are punishing you by making you dress like a very little boy. I let him know you can't be in church that way, but you can be in Sunday school. So, take my hand, Iwill lead you to the most appropriate class".

Sister Mary Joseph put out her hand, but I hesitated. It was bad enough that I had to hold Mom's hand on the way into the church. Sister Mary Joseph did not hesitate. She slapped me in the face, not really hard, but it hurt enough to get my attention.

"You do as I say, young man. You did not get away with anything when you were in school here, and you won't get away with disobedience or any bad behavior in Sunday school either. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Maam, I'm sorry".

"Give me your hand. You will be very sorry if you disobey me again!"

I put my hand in hers, and she gripped it tight and practically dragged me towards one of the classrooms. When she led me inside, I knew I was screwed yet one more time. The class she brought me to was made up of about fifteen little boys who appeared to be way younger to me. My guess was that the youngest was about five years old and the oldest no older than seven or eight.

Sister Mary Joseph introduced me to Sister Angela who taught the Sunday school class Sister Angela raised an objection saying I appeared to be a much bigger boy than any in her class.

"I know, Sister Angela. I can see with my own eyes that Jimmy is older than your other children, but he belongs here, at least for now because he is a very immature and naughty little boy. Your other boys are in many ways much bigger acting boys than Jimmy. You know how to deal with naughty little boys, Sister. Let the other boys shame him, make him sit on a chair in the corner. Spank him in front of the other children if required. The only lessons it will be important for Jimmy to learn in your class are disciplinary lessons".

"Yes, Mother Superior, I will make sure he gets what he needs from this class".

"And don't get in the way ofd the other boys interacting with Jimmy, Sister. I am convinced that it will be helpful to let the other boys come up with there own ways of socializing with Jimmy. Do you still have that baby bonnet you put on boys that misbehave in your class?"

"Yes, Mother Superior " "Don't hesitate to make Jimmy wear it, even in response to the slightest infraction".

Then, Sister Mary Joseph turned to me and told me she hoped I enjoyed Sunday school before leaving the classroom.

"I bet she hopes I enjoy being in here with the babies" I thought to myself.

Sister Angela directed me to sit on a blanket next to a little boy who told me he was Tommy, while she went to the front of the room where she announced she was going to read a Bible story.

It was about Daniel in the lion's den, and since I enjoyed that story, I sat and listened politely. Tommy didn't feel like listening though, and kept sticking me in the side with a finger. Then he started pinching me in different places, I tried to just ignore it, especially because the teacher didn't say anything. I thought "It's only s matter of time before she catches the little bastard". Finally, Tommy whispered in my ear "You're a dumb bell and a jerk". When I didn't answer, Tommy punched me in the stomach. "Ugh" I replied.

"What is going on?" Sister Angela asked. "Tommy punched me in the stomach", I answered.

"No, I'm sure Tommy wouldn't do that. You are a much bigger boy than Tommy. I am sure you stared it. Tommy, what happened?"

"He started it, Sister Angela"

"I knew it. Come up here, Jimmy" she commanded.

I went to the fron of the room. Sister Angela made me hold out my hand, and she whacked it with a ruler. It really hurt and I yelled `ouch'.

"Who told you to say anything, you naughty little boy? You wait!"

Sister Angela went to her desk and came back with a pink baby bonnet that was big enough for a fifteen year old head. She put it on my head roughly and ties it under my chin. The other boys laughed, and I heard remarks like "Look at the little baby" and one boy even called me sissy' and another called me fairy'. Even little Catholic boys know names like that. Sister Angela simply pretended not to hear what they said.

"Now all you boys go out on the playground, and you, jimmy, behave yourself and keep that baby bonnet on during the recess. If you behave, I'll let you take it off when you come back in. children you have free play for fifteen m ininutes".

"The boys went running outside. I didn't feel like one of them, so i walked out onto the playground more slowly. Sister Angela followed with a book and sat on the steps where she could read and keep an eye on her class.

Out on the playground things became very unpleasant for me. I was taunted and made fun of by just about every boy out there. My larger size didn't deter any of them, That pink baby bonnet really made the center of attention for all these little brats. Tommy came up to me and punched me in the stomach three more times, and when I reached out to grab him, another boy came up behind me and put me in a headlock, while Tommy hit me in the balls. While i was doubled over with aching nuts, the largest boy in the group gave me a swift kick in the ass, and called me `a homo punk". All the while Sister Angela sat reading, and pretended to see nothing. Tommy approached me one more time, but i stopped him by slapping his face before he could land another punch. Sister Angela saw that one and blew her whistle.

"Recess is over" she announced.

She grabbed me by the ear as we I went through the door, and she dragged me to the front on the class, where she pulled down my pants and pulled me over her lap. I got at least a dozen good smacks on my behind, while the boy laughed and made crude remarks, while i yelled out in pain.

I spent the rest of the Sunday school class sitting on a stool in a corner with the baby bonnet still on my head.

Sister Angela would not allow me to leave before I apologized to Tommy for hitting him and behaving so badly. Tommy said he forgave me because Jesus told him he should, and told me he hoped I would come back to Sunday school next Sunday because he was looking forward to playing with me again.

In my nicest tone of voice, I apologized to Tommy for hitting him and thanked him for helping me understand what Jesus expected, and told him that I learned a lot, and would think about coming again, but it depended on my Mom and Dad and my big brother and what they all wanted, The i thanked Sister Angela for allowing me to visit her class

Sister Angela let me know I would be welcome to her Sunday school class every week if that could be arranged, and said she would let the Mother Superior know how much she enjoyed having me in her class. "I think I could teach you a great deal, Jimmy, and would enjoy having the opportunity to do so"

I could read between the lines, and knew she just wanted the chance to make me miserable every week, but I held my tongue because I didn't know if might ever have to go back there, and I didn't want Dad to hear something really bad from Sister Mary Joseph.

Surprisingly on the way back home no one asked me much about Sunday school, but later Ward asked me to tell him all about it, and seemed to feel my experience was hysterically funny.

Mom was so involved with the luncheon she had invited Mrs. Henderson to once we got home from church, that she pretty much forgot about me on the ride home; and I guess Dad was too busy listening to Mom. Personally, I was not looking forward to lunch today because I saw it as one more chance to be embarrassed and humiliated.

(To be continued)

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