Wards Shoes

By Dick Love

Published on Mar 23, 2011


Ward's Shoes by Dick Love apussyboy4u@yahoo.com

Tags: Authoritarian, High School


This story is copyright protected and remains the property of the author.

This is an adult story with sexual themes. If you are not of legal age to read this where you are accessing this story or it is illegal for you to do so for any reason, or if you find material of a sexual nature of any kind offensive, you should exit the website where this story is posted immediately. This story is only intended to be viewed by those who may legally do so and who enjoy this kind of literature.

Your comments are welcome. Please email me at the above email address. There are several additional chapters (lessons) that will be posted soon

Ward's Introduction:

Hey; I'm Ward, Jimmy's cousin. He is the faggot, not me. But I'm the fuckin' star of this story. There wouldn't be none if it wasn't for me. So, I'm just gonna sit back here in the most cushiest chair in Jimmy's front room with my feet up on his hassock, and chill out and listen to the punk tell you people all about him and me, and stuff. And if he don't tell it right, I'll kick his ass. By the time he goes thru it all, he'll have learned a whole bunch of lessons. Cuz he likes school so much, it seems like that's a really rad thing for the little nerdy sissy boy to do. So let's start the freakin' show with lesson one. That's the one before the new kid on the block arrived in town (in case you morons don't know that kid is me). You're on, Jimmy, so open your mouth wide and start talkin' before I change my mind and decide to shove something in it that will plug up that hole in your face and keep you from runnin' your mouth.

Jimmy's Story Begins:

Lesson One

My name is Jimmy and I just started my sophomore year at Central High. I've made the honor roll every semester so far, and with the exception of physical education and shop class, I think school is great. I love my teachers, and am great friends with the Principal, Mr. Proud, who told me just the other day that he thinks I'm the smartest and best behaved boy in the school. Whenever I see some kids doing something that is against the rules, like running in the hall or swatting each other with towels in the locker room, any kind of horsing around at all, I let Mr. Proud know about it because we are in school to learn not fool around. Of course I am real careful that I only tell on other kids when they can't be sure who informed on them because obviously I don't want some tough guys beating me up on my way home from school. Lately, I've overheard kids talking and saying that they think I might be the one tipping off Mr. Proud about this or that. So, I've decided to back off a little and let a few things slide, even though I can't stand to see some of the boys behave so badly.

We've been back to school for two weeks now, and I already aced three tests. The one in English was so easy. I got 100 on it with my eyes practically closed. I aced the Biology exam too. Today Mr. Smythe gave a history test that was all multiple choice. It was way too easy. I bet at least a quarter of the class got A's on it. I would rather have had an all essay exam. That is were I really shine and my knowledge and intelligence stands out ahead of all the other kids. Last year, on one of the all essay exams that Mrs. Bookbinder gave in Civics class I got to read my answers to the class after we got the tests back. The teacher told everybody that I was the only one who answered every question perfectly and she wanted them to listen to how they all should have answered. The other kids did so badly, that Mrs. Bookbinder used a curve to grade their tests. Mine was the only A, of course, and was so much better than all the rest that even using the curve, the teacher couldn't give anyone else higher than a C. Of course I don't want to brag or anything, it's just that I was born smart. I have a near genius IQ and just naturally excel at school work.

But today didn't go so well in another way. There is this one guy in my history class, Danny is his name, and not only is he a wise guy, but in my opinion, he is just too dumb to be in the same class with me. I have told Mr. Proud that there should be advanced classes for the brighter kids because losers like Danny make it hard for excellent students like me to cover as much material and learn as much in the classroom as we might do if the teachers didn't have to explain everything a dozen different ways to try to get the dumb kids to understand things. Mr. Proud told me he is trying to get things changed the way I want them, but that he has to deal with the Board of Education, and that often their philosophy about how things should be done is not the same as his. Anyway, if it hadn't been for Danny I would have had a much better day.

Danny has the seat next to me in history class, and he tried to look over onto my test paper during the exam so that he could copy my answers. I covered my paper with my hand, but I didn't appreciate his audacity. I thought of telling the teacher about Danny's attempt to cheat, but I was afraid that Danny and some of his pals would gang up on me and beat me up later on, so I didn't. So, we finished the test and I made sure that Danny couldn't see anything on my exam paper that would be of any help to him.

In the afternoon when I was at my locker getting the books I needed to do my homework before heading home, Danny came up to me.

"Why wouldn't you help me out when we were taking that test today?" he asked.

"That would be cheating, Danny. You need to learn your lessons, and then when you take an exam, you will know the answers and won't need to look on somebody else's paper to get a good grade".

"Yeah, that's easy for you to say. I try but I just can't seem to remember all that stuff. You know, because you wouldn't help me out, I'm gonna get a fuckin' F on that lousy test."

"Well, that's too bad, Danny. You'll just have to try harder next time. If you get an F it will because you earned it".

"I know you are real smart, Jimmy. I'm not knockin' that. It's great you can do so well, but did you ever think you could help some of your friends that need it sometimes. Maybe we could get together sometimes and do our homework together and stuff. You could help me learn stuff I can't learn by myself. And then maybe you and me could hang out together; you know, become buds."

I looked at Danny. He is a very good looking guy with nice muscular definition. A lot of the girls go crazy for him, except for the really smart ones of course. He is just too dumb.

But sometimes when I sit a little to the side and behind Danny in some class, I find myself forgetting that he is such a dummy and then I get to admiring his looks. I hope you won't tell anyone, but a lot of times when I start looking at him that way a bulge starts to form inside my pants. None of the girls in school affect me that much, so sometimes I start to wonder if I'm gay. But then I tell myself that I'm much too smart to be gay. If I were gay it would complicate my life much too much, and there is no way I could allow that. And yet, when Danny mentioned about hanging out together' and becoming buds' I found myself daydreaming about Danny coming home with me and what he might want me to do for him besides helping him with his homework, and it made my dick get real stiff thinking about it. I was hoping that Danny didn't notice how my chinos were pushing out in the crotch area. That's all I would need is for him to think I was queer. He did excite me, but like I said; Danny is too dumb, and we don't have anything in common. I pushed that silly fantasy I was having out of my head.

"So, Jimmy, what do you say? Don't just stand there, tell me something. Do you want to get together tonight? It can be at your house or mine. It would be so great for me to have a smart guy like you to help me with my homework".

"I don't really have the time tonight, Danny. Let me think about it, though. Maybe we can get together some other time".

"Like, when, dude? Tomorrow, next week, when?

"I told you I would think about it!"

"Yeah, asshole, think about it and think about how badly you want to suck my dick, you faggot. I can see the way your dick reacts to me, homo. So you think about it and when you are ready to do something for me, I'll do something for you, something you really need, pussyboy....Danny's big fat cock down your fuckin' throat! That's the kind of lesson you need, Jimmy boy".

I just stood there unable to say anything in reply, while Danny looked me up and down with a smirk on his face. Finally, he just turned and walked away.

As I walked home alone from school, I kept thinking about my encounter with Danny, and how I reacted to his idea of the two of us getting together to do homework. I tried to convince myself that his idea had been ridiculous, and that the only thing for me to do was blow it off the way I did. But then I found myself daydreaming again and wondering what it would be like to suck another boy's cock, especially one who was a super stud like Danny. If I had agreed to help him with his school work, maybe I would have found out. Danny would have approached it so much differently if he wasn't pissed off at me like he was now. He wouldn't have told me off like he did, and I probably could have been buddies with him and he might have taught me how to give him the first blow job I ever gave, and keep it between just the two of us, as our little secret. Nobody would have to know ever except Danny and me.

Why did I keep fantasizing about sucking other boy's dicks, and always the tough boys at school at that? It's crazy to think such things. I'm not gay, and I wouldn't want to blow Danny for real, so why do I keep thinking about it? Maybe I should have taken him up on his offer though. Now, I may never find out for sure about these feelings I've got, at least not with Danny. Oh well, I guess I will have to chalk that one up to experience. The next time I have an opportunity though, maybe I'll handle things better than I did with Danny.

(End of Lesson One)

Next: Chapter 2

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