War Stories III

By Ernie

Published on Mar 15, 1998



War Stories III is simply a chapter from my novel War Stories, currently in progress. If you enjoy it and would like to see more, drop a line to ernies@ionia-mi.net and I will try to accommodate.

War Stories III

By Ian DeShils

The sound of running feet awoke Jim. "Not again," he groaned, rolling over to hide his head in the pillow. Every fucking morning its the same thing, Eaasy and Vienna. Who did those two think they were fooling? Bill always caught the Sausage man and Vienna always let him.

"On your knees!" Bill growled

"Make me!" Vienna shrilled defiantly.

"Will you two SHUT UP! Jim yelled, "Can't a guy get any sleep around here?"

"Hey Fisher. Sausage man's gonna give me a blow job, want one?

"Fuck you! " Vienna squealed as he dodged around a footlocker.

A minute later, Bill had Vienna by the neck and pushed him to the floor. Jim raised his head long enough to see Bill stuff his big limp cock in Vienna's unresisting mouth. What a pair! he thought. They actually enjoy this shit!

It was always a wonder to Fisher how an airy fairy like Vienna ever got in the Army. The guy had a regular thing for sucking cock and he acted so faggoty it didn't seem possible he could have gotten passed the shrink.. "Probably blew him too!" Jim muttered. Jim also wondered why the fuck Eaasy carried on like this when all he had to do was ask! One of these days that pair would get caught. Unlike Stony who sometimes let Vienna do his thing, Bill screwed around in broad daylight. Fisher hadn't seen an officer in these quarters in the five weeks he'd been there, but it was bound to happen someday and if this was going on, he didn't want to be around to see it.

Jim tried to think of things other than Vienna mouthing a limp dick and focused on his enlistment. Only six more months. Fisher relished the thought, only six months and he was out of the Army forever.

Vienna's unconvincing moaning annoyed Jim. He raised up on one elbow, looked at the all too familiar tableau and said,

"Hey, Vienna, why don't you just shut up and get at it! What's the matter, you got to make all that noise so old limp dick can get a hard on?"

"Mind your own fuckin' business, Fish." Eaasy shot back, "Or you'll get some too."

"Oh, man, I'm shaking in my boots. Limp dicks scare the shit out of me!" Fisher retorted sarcastically as he rolled over and covered his head with the pillow. Jesus Christ, he thought, I'm here only because this is supposed to be light duty. Get lot's of rest the doctors said. He almost wished they'd sent him back to Korea.

Fisher couldn't figure out if Eaasy was queer or just enjoyed degrading Vienna, but he had Vienna pegged right enough. Sausage loved the rough stuff Eaasy did. The guy almost came every time Bill added some new little twist to his morning torture. The thing Jim couldn't understand was what Bill got out this ritual? He always stuffed Sausage with a limp dick. Sausage moaned and groaned over it, maybe even got his rocks off, but he doubted Bill ever did. Not only that, but when Vienna wasn't playing hard to get, he was Bill's kiss ass gofer.. It boggled the mind.

Finally the moaning stopped and Jim heard nothing more but some low whispers and a laugh. He force himself back toward sleep mode. Thumping the pillow, he rolled to his side and pulled the blanket up. Suddenly the bedding was stripped away and Eaasy's big hands hauled him flat to his back.

"Do him, Sausage!" Eaasy barked as he quickly straddled Jim's chest pinning his arms tight in an unrelenting clamp of knees. Jim's shorts were jerked down. Sausage grasp him and began playing around. Amazingly, the sudden attack aroused Jim intensely. he never expected that force could bring on erotic excitement, but it did. When Sausage dropped his mouth around him and began swirling about with a knowing tongue, a thrill shot up Jim's spine that left him gasping. Eaasy still clamping firmly, pulled out his oversized cock squarely in Jim's face and began stroking it, rubbing the heavy tip across Jim's lips. Jim turned his head. Bill grabbed a handful of hair and pulled Jim's lips tight against his throbbing cock. No limp dick this time Eaasy's cock was hard, very hard and very big and Bill began jacking off. When he came, he stuffed that cock even tighter against Jim's lips, forcing a taste inside, then he used his jacking hand to smear the remainder all over Jim's face. Jim didn't protest, At that moment, he was in the mindless throes of ejaculation and for a time, nothing else mattered.

Eaasy dismounted quickly. "I told you to mind your own business! Here, you want another little taste?" He said waved his cock. Jim was on his feet in an instant and with a balled fist punched Eaasy in the gut with every ounce of strength he had. The man went down writhing in pain. Jim pulled back his foot intent on adding a little something extra when Sausage hauled off and punched him in the ear. For a moment Jim saw stars. More than anything he was astonished that skinny little Vienna could punch so hard.

"God Damn!" He swore as he stepped aside and crouched, ready to take on Vienna too, only Sausage didn't follow up. Instead he turned and dropped to the floor to cradle Eaasy's head. "Are you OK?" Are you OK?" he kept asking over and over.

"Dumb fuck! Do I look OK to you?" Eaasy demanded, rubbing his stomach. He could breath again, but made no attempt to get up. Jim was ready for that. Eaasy's size made him a formidable opponent and Jim had no intention of letting him up.

Furious not only over the attack, but for actually enjoying it, Jim's voice was as sharp as glass .

"If you ever come near me again and I cut your fucking throat!" He growled "This ends here, you understand? When I want that kind of action, I'll find it myself." Then realizing he had said too much, he shook a fist at Eaasy. "You got that?"

"All right already." Eaasy groaned, putting extra emphasis in it. Down but not cowed, he hadn't expected Fisher capable of a punch like that, after all, the guy was just out of the hospital. A wound in Korea followed by an infection had nearly done him in. For someone still on medication and looking gaunt he had a punch like a mule kick! Yet, even fogged with pain, Eaasy caught Jim's faux pas. I knew it! he said to himself, . You can't kid a kidder.

Eaasy's games with Sausage had always been primarily for the benefit of Fisher. Fisher turned him on like no one else ever had before, his handsome face and hard body had become the focus for all of Eaasy's masturbation fantasies. He knew he went too far with this last gambit, way too far and maybe he'd ruined things completely, but at least now he was sure. He had ideas about Fisher from the time he moved in, not by anything he said or did, but by the way he accepted Vienna. Sausage didn't upset him in any way, so Fisher had to know more than he was letting on.

Eaasy would definitely need a different approach. From now on, he'd be the buddy, the guy who cozies up after being whipped. Eaasy had no doubt he could take Fisher in a fight if he had to, but he would sure have to be on guard against a first punch. Damn that was quick, he thought. Fisher never signaled it at all.

"I'm sorry, man. You made me mad and I got carried away. It won't ever happen again. I promise."

"You bet it won't!" Fisher replied "And neither will the horse shit you and Vienna do every morning. I don't give a fuck what you guys do, just do it someplace else!"

The next morning, Fisher slept uninterrupted until almost noon. If Eaasy and Vienna stayed in the room at all that morning, he didn't hear them. Strangely enough, Jim actually liked Bill Eaasy, or at least he had right up until the morning before. Now he wasn't sure exactly how he felt about the guy. That attack turned him on, more than anything or anyone since Steve, yet the thought of masochistic sex turned him off. He now figured Eaasy as the kind of guy who just liked to fuck and who didn't give a fuck about anything more complicated. Not Jim's style. To him a relationship had to be more than just sex, not love necessarily, but at least in should contain a certain amount of friendship. Anyway, he didn't want any involvement's right now. He was worried sick about Steve. No one could locate him, not even Steve's lawyer knew where he was or what had happened to him. When Steve went to Los Angeles, he disappeared and all Jim's efforts to reach him since had come up empty. He couldn't understand why he left New York in the first place. All the plans they made together were based there. Maybe Steve found someone else he thought sadly. After all, it had been more than a year since they last saw each other. Steve's letters never indicated a change, but letters don't always speak the truth. He didn't write Steve about that one night stand with Ralph, so maybe Steve had a few secrets as well. The one thing the lawyer did tell him was that the apartment was still there. Steve had not changed anything in his will, Jim was still sole recipient and the apartment was his to use until the law office received word to the contrary. That disturbed Jim even more. If Steve had found someone else, wouldn't he have at least taken Jim's name off everything? He didn't want to think about all the things that might of happened to Steve, so instead he blocked those possibilities out of his mind compleatly. The lawyer was searching anyway and there was nothing could do until he got home.

Over the next few days both Eaasy and Vienna were more sedate. Of course, Vienna was a hustler, on the move all the time but he toned it down around Fisher. Eaasy acted repentant and went out of his way to make sure Jim got plenty of rest. He hauled Jim's uniforms to the laundry, even put a spit shine on his guard boots and Jim mellowed under the attention showered on him. Bill was a handsome man with a wonderful smile, humorous and sexy and it was quite beyond Jim to stay mad for very long. In a few days they were again joking and talking like friends

It was ten days before Vienna did his thing in the room again and that was at Stonemen's request. If Stony didn't get laid on a regular basis, he turned to Vienna and Vienna always accommodated, and as Fisher had so recently learned, with great skill. That night, Fisher lay listening to what was going on in the next bunk and thinking about Steve. God he missed him. He stroked himself fantasizing about all the nights they'd spent together, only somehow the picture of Steve faded to be replaced by that of a brawny handsome man astride his chest and Jim doing to him exactly what Vienna was doing now to Stone. Jim rolled back the covers. When Stonemen was satisfied he intended to ask Vienna work his magic again.

Bill Eaasy watched those dark shapes and slowly masturbated. He'd thought of nothing but Fisher for days. From the corner of his eye he saw the white flash of the sheet being flung aside and a moment later heard Jim's whisper. When Vienna turned away from Stone, Bill slipped from bed pushed Vienna out of the way and went to Fisher himself. He started by kissing Fisher's stomach, licking the sensitive spots above the hip bones and Fisher ran his hands lightly through Bill's hair. Immediately he realized this wasn't Vienna. A butch cut. It was either Eaasy or Stoneman. He slid a hand down to make sure. No one but Eaasy was hung like that! Jim hesitated only a moment before urging him into bed. They lay head to toe, or more accurately, cock to mouth and Fisher began working on that great member with utter abandon. Deeper and deeper he drove it into his throat while Eaasy did the same. As much as he wanted it to last, he couldn't slow and Eaasy came hugely, a great flood of hot saltiness that made Fisher swallow time and again. The flood and Eaasy's hard thrusting spasm brought Jim to simultaneous climax. He shuddered as it overtook him and Eaasy moaned as he received Jim's smoky offering. For awhile the both lay holding each other in warm mouths unwilling to admit the finish. Finally Jim did something Steve had taught him. He released Bill with a little swirl of the tongue that brought forth a final gasp of pleasure and then tugged the man up into his arms. They kissed deeply for a long while, then lay together for an hour, just stroking each other, neither saying a word. Finally Bill kissed Jim for one more long moment before slipping back to his own bed. Throughout it all not a word was voiced, yet somehow an understanding developed. It was the unspoken knowledge that this was just the beginning. And for the second time in Jim's young wounded life he found himself sexually involved with someone he thought of as a friend.

The next morning Jim was out of bed with the sun. He stepped across the aisle to Eaasy's bunk and just stood looking down at him. They were alone in the room. Both Vienna and Stoneman were on duty today while he and Eaasy were starting their two days off. He watched him sleep, a face free of worry so unlike Steve and without thinking reached over to touch Bill's brow. Bright blue eyes opened to fix him in a gaze as a smile built on Eaasy's lips.

"Hi," Bill said in the quietest tone Jim ever heard him use. "Care to join me?"

"Ya, I would, but I'm not going to. Get dressed.


"Because you can't go to town in your shorts."

"That's true," Eaasy replied, "But I'm not wearing any. See? He said throwing back the covers to expose his hardened cock. Grasping Jim's hand he placed it on that heavy member, while his other hand slid up the leg of Jim's boxer shorts. Jim laughed.

"So, you think I'm Vienna huh? Just show me a little cock and I fall to my knees?"

"Whadda mean 'little cock?' This is the biggest thing you ever saw!"

"Yeah, and ain't you proud of it. Now get dressed or your little cock is gonna be awful lonesome. I'm heading for a hotel. Do you want to come?"

"Oh, I'm gonna come all right." Eaasy laughed, "I'm gonna cum all over you."

They spent an hour at breakfast and making plans, gathered the needed supplies and then hardly came out of the hotel room for two days. Jim couldn't get enough of Eaasy and Eaasy couldn't keep his hands off Jim. It was a wild time. They no more than closed the door when Jim began undressing Eaasy. The uniform went in the corner and his soon followed. With the man naked, Jim slowly took that great cock in his mouth scrubbing it thoroughly with his tongue, then he lay Eaasy down raising his knees while lubing himself with the antibiotic cream from a prophylactic kit and slowly slide between Bill's legs entering gently, a little at a time until he completely inside. Eaasy moaned as Jim began to thrust. He allowed himself to come very close, but pulled out before it was too late. He lay beside Eaasy, resting for a moment, and then dropped down on that big cock, even larger now than it was before. He wanted that cum, he wanted his mouth full, he wanted the taste, the texture on his tongue, but Bill wouldn't allow it. He pulled away, pushed Jim into the same position he had held a while before, did what Jim had done with the cream and worked that huge cock in where it fit tightly. Slowly and with great care he opened Jim up. This was not to hurt, this was to dominate and above all else to make Jim want more. The power Bill felt in doing so was indescribable. Jim was at this moment his slave and he now knew he could have him at any time he wanted, yet there was more to it than that. He also had the power to please Jim and he found that power even more enticing than the other. Jim moaned in pure ecstasy as Bill began to pump slowly, then faster with obvious intent. Bill saved an inch or so of his formidable length for the final thrust and Jim reveled in the sharp little pain as Bill emptied himself inside. A short rest and Eaasy removed his weight from Jim. He slid out and in one smooth motion dropped down to give him one of the most languorous, sensuous blow jobs Jim ever received. Eaasy's tongue swirled, his fingers found the vacated spot and entered there to rub the special place. Jim came in a mighty gasping outpouring while Eaasy greedily took it all savoring the taste of the conqured one, the one he would have died for these last five weeks.

"Oh My God!" Jim moaned as they lay in each others arms. "I've never felt anything like that before."

"Never?" Bill asked as he nuzzled closer.

"Not in my entire life."

"Does that mean this might last longer than a two day honeymoon?" Eaasy inquired seriously.

"You keep that up and I'll be dead in two days!" Jim declared. "Besides, who said anything about two days? Unless that's all you want. I got the idea last night it might be something more."

"It is as far as I'm concerned. I can't get you out of my mind, hell, I've jerked off in the shower so many times thinking about you that now every time it rains I get a hard on. And it's all your fault. Jim laughed as he pulled Eaasy closer. "Well, don't do that any more. I want you hot. From now on we trade it, understand?"

They dozed for awhile, arms around each other until that old urgency built again and then continued discovering new pleasures for the entire two day pass..

Bill Eaasy was a sex machine. Jim was right when he judged Bill as someone who wanted to fuck all the time. He did, but there was also another side to Bill. He didn't want to fuck just anyone, he wanted only Jim and now that there was something between them, he could hardly keep his hands to himself. Even on duty. When Eaasy finished his eight hour stint he would spend the next few hours with Jim out on the lonely rear gate and many a night more went on out there than guard duty.

Vienna and Stoneman knew what was going on between Jim and Bill. They could hardly keep their affair secret in a four man room were no secrets had ever been kept before. Stoneman didn't care and Sausage went on the prowl for greener pastures which he bragged about finding all over Tokyo. It was sailors one week, a half dozen he claimed, at the EM club bathrooms, then he had a string Aussies from the R & R camp nearby. He was always on the move fulfilling his dearest wish: To suck every available cock in Tokyo.

The 71st signal's guard company was perhaps the lightest duty company in Japan. One day on, two days off was the schedule, but in reality the one day on consisted of a single eight hour shift, not the two hours on, four off that was the Army's normal guard routine. The men of the guard detail set their own rules: Do your eight and disappear. Not from confines of the 71st, but from the guard shack anyway. As long as you remained on base you were within hailing distance and that was all that was required. This meant that even on the one day out of three a guard worked, he also could see the nightly movie or visit the library or the recreation rooms on post or just go back to his own quarters and catch up on sleep. The last option was used by many in the guard company. Tokyo was a city filled with delights for soldiers stationed there in the fifties. Small change was all that was needed to ride the trolleys and trains, and if you required a little extra cash, a quick trip to the PX followed by a visit to your nearest friendly black market dealer, doubled or tripled your money. Some guys made a killing in the black market, for most, however, it was a way of stretching meager monthly pay to cover the 20 days of free time. It took no intelligence to double your money and the Japanese black marketers loved the amateur. Jim was a real novice at it since before connecting with Bill, he seldom needed extra money. His occasional forays into Tokyo proper was for sightseeing and little else. Later, there became a real need for cash. The tab for 20 days a month even in the cheapest hotels, was beyond their combined income. This meant the black market and when Jim saw how it worked, he developed a plan that far outdid the amateurs. He sought out the most expensive items. In this case, the Cannon camera, made in Japan for export only. It was the hottest seller and quite difficult even for a GI to get his hands on. Each PX had a waiting list. Jim added his name to the list in every PX in Tokyo and Bill's, Vienna's and Stoneman's name as well. Vienna and Stoneman sold their rights for this deal for half of Jim and Bill's cigarette allotment. Neither smoked anyway, so that was no hardship. While Jim waited for the cameras, he went into buying toothpaste, film and cologne and was a sharp enough trader to know exactly what the point spread was. No merely doubling your money, he had quantity and his profits ran 400 percent. The money earned was more than enough to cover the expense of the hotels, so much more in fact, that he and Bill acquired a safety deposit in one of Tokyo's larger banks. When the cameras started arriving, the profits soared and by the time Jim rotated back to the States for discharge, the box contained nearly $20,000, a huge sum in 1952, and even more impressive considering it took Jim exactly 6 months to amass it. The amount of money left the men in a quandary until Jim thought of Steve's attorney. He wired the man telling him to expect a package he wanted held until he could pick it up. Eaasy still had three months to serve and Jim not wanting to leave Bill empty handed for those months, offered to split 50/50, but Bill wouldn't hear of it. He kept a thousand, the rest was sent to the lawyer . This was only a temporary separation, both men knew it and neither doubted it. The plans were already set for a reunion in Los Angeles three months hence. Beyond that, it was their dream to stay together for as long as their love affair lasted. No promises of forever, just a deep abiding feeling that it would last a very long time. And it did, but that's another story.

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