War of Hearts

By drety yuiop

Published on Jun 7, 2005



All around me I hear bombs, gunfire, shouts, and screams. I can hardly sleep now-a-days. Too many memories too much Darkness. My name is Carlos. I am a very light brown skinned complexion, low hair cut, and a slender build. Don't get me wrong I do have some muscles, just not many. It all started the day I had my first kiss. I didn't want it. I didn't want a lot of things that day, but I still got them...

His name was Jacques.

Jacques was my age, 16, and he was a lot lighter than me. Some would even say pale. He had a much masculine build than I did. He, like me, was very active in sports. We met playing football as kids. He was always the quarter back, I being the fastest in the neighborhood, played as a running back.

We were on our lunch break at school. It was Jacques idea to stay inside instead of going outside to eat. I followed him out of second block. He was leading me down a semi-deserted corridor. Once it seemed we had reached the end, he turned left and opened a door to a small classroom. The room was being excavated, I noticed from the white sheets and buckets of paint everywhere.

"Where are we?" I asked, clueless to my surrounding.

"The old music room." Jacques answered, pointing towards a piano covered in dust.

I looked over the room, my eyes shifting from, wall to wall, then back to Jacques. Jacques had made his way over to me somehow. We were now standing five feet in front of each other. I knew what he wanted from me. It wasn't the first time we had done it.

"Carlos," as I was called. "Come on, one more time!" Said my life long friend, Jacques.

He acted as if it were normal for us to kiss.

"I don't wanna." I refused, afraid of being outcast by my actions.

After about a minute of me denying Jacques, I felt his lips upon mine. I didn't know what I was feeling at the moment. It was like a huge part of me wanted to do it, and another was afraid of being caught, afraid of being disowned by my loved ones. I felt Jacques hand slide down my back. I stopped him. I didn't want to do this anymore. I didn't want to kiss him. I felt his embrace become more aggressive. I tried to move my face away, he held on.

"Jacques..!" I said through his kiss.

"What?" He mumbled, not breaking our embrace.

"Stop!" I said pushing him off me.

He looked at me confused.

I smiled to let him know I was ok, to give him the false sense that what we did was okay.

"Someone might catch us. Let's go." I said heading out the room. He followed behind.

We went for the cafeteria. All of a sudden our principal was on the loud speakers.

"All students please report to your classes immediately!" Said Mr. Roshburner in a panic.

Suddenly the whole school was in chaos. People began to crowd out one door pushing and pulling to gain access.

"Teachers, please be aware that there are multiple trespassers, on the grounds, be alert!!" Said Mr. Roshburner once again.

For some reason the loudspeakers were still on. After what sounded like static and struggling, heard overhead, everyone heard a gunshot echo through the halls.

I looked at Jacques stunned. We both knew what had just happened. In less than 5 minutes, our principal was no more...

It has been about two weeks since that bloody day. Two weeks of nothing but running, fear, and despair. We later found out that "Our land", as I now called it, was being taken over by our "neighboring country". It turns out that on that bloody afternoon that "sparked our dilemma" over 50 people were killed, just in our school.

I didn't understand why "our land" was at war, if you want to call it a war. To me, it's not a war if our "neighboring land" invades our defenseless country, and begins to kill everyone for no reason. To me it's a fucking genocide. That day I lost all hope, all strength, I almost lost the will to live had it not been for Jacques...

Jacques and I managed to escape from the school, along with everyone else. There were a few kids who were caught, and shot on the spot. Amongst them, was Jean, a close friend of mine and Jacques'.

We heard his plea for help before being murdered. Jacques and I were too afraid to help. We kept running. I was unconsciously running to my house. My mind was set on my family. I hoped that they were alright. The once beautiful city that I adorned was destroyed. Jacques lived across the street from me. He followed close behind. Before we reached the Corner of our street we stopped. We didn't need to go any further. What we saw, was devastating. Every house from as far as I could see was torched. Set on fire. All the cars were still in the driveway. So I know nobody escaped.

Those animals, those murderers, I will never forgive them. My whole family was home that day. My brother wasn't even old enough to know what death was. How could hey take his life away?

I felt a tear drop from my eyes. My one tear became multiple. Jacques didn't cry. I knew why too. His family wasn't "the ideal family" to him. His parents were interracially married. He saw them as idiots, although they loved him more than anything. He never went home. He was always at my house. My mom called social security one day because Jacques had about a months worth of clothes in my room from spending the night.

I looked Jacques in the face. I saw my face in his eyes, I looked horrible. He hugged me. I took comfort in his embrace. Whatever solace I had at the time was lost, because no further than twenty yards in front of me stood two of those brutal bastards. I could tell by their distinct faces, and their hairy appearances. They wore military uniforms with their Red, and yellow stripped flag emblem, on their shoulders. Each of them carried assault rifles. I sure we were about to die right then and there. Jacques turned around and saw what had me motionless. He was quick to act before they noticed us standing there. Jacques grabbed me and we both cut through an ally we always played in. We had been spotted by one of the guards. He yelled to the other soldiers who were with him. I heard boots following us at a quickened pace. For a long time we were running through the streets, afraid of turning the every corner.

"We need to get out of ****** (our land)!" Jacques said pointing to some mountains covered in trees.

"You want to leave? Actually leave, for good?" I asked afraid of leaving my homeland, and everything I loved.

"Carlos what the hell!" Jacques eyes grew wide with anger. "What the hell is here for us? Nothing! Those bastards took our friends, our neighbors, our fucking families!! Don't you see? We have nothing here anymore. We need to get out and escape.

I gave it a moments thought. "You're right. Sorry, c'mon lets go."

That brings us to where we are now, in the hills of a forest. Trying to escape, pain, fear, chaos. Trying to escape Death it's self...

Authors Note: This is the first chapter of my master story. Can anyone guess what country in talking about in the story? I think that I will publish this story. Please Please Please let me know what you think of it.

Chapter 2: Jacques and Dre's Past is explored. Jacques and Dre share an intimate moment with each other. Mail your comments to me: Megalabray07@yahoo.com

My other works include:


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