Wanton Desire I

Published on Dec 30, 1996



Organization: Kryptonian Mind Institute

Camps have an attraction all their own - especially when they come with an attraction in the form of a stud like Pete. A couple of months ago, I was invited to a training camp to do some seminars. The place had two-man huts that were decked out like mini apartments. I was given a room with this guy whose name was Pete (I seem to be surrounded by Peters in my life!) He was 22, toned, black hair and blue eyes that melted you on the spot. We got on like a house on fire. The first week was hectic and we didnt have any spare time in the week, but the second week the pressure eased and we had to last few nights of the camp to ourselves. The TV and vid was situated so that you could only see it from the queensize bed in the corner. Obviously whoever designed the leaders huts liked watching Tv in bed. I think it musta been a one-man place originally and they put in the other bed in the other room later. We decided to check out some vids Pete had so we ended up on my bed to watch em.

We were both in our boxers and tshirts. He was feeling the cold so he pulled a blanket around us and he fell asleep at some stage. Anyway I watched the vid until it finsihed and then turned it off. Suddenly it struck me that I was in bed with a dude whose warm bod felt real good next to mine. Lust got the better of me. I pulled the blanket back and looked at him in repose. My hand played over his bod beneath his Tshirt to see if I would get any reaction. I knew he was a heavy sleeper. But he didn't stir. The light from the TV shone, casting an eerie glow over his gorgeous bod. I moved my hand slowly down across Peter's body. I moved close to him, taking in every detail of his bod and face. I touched his lips and they parted slightly. I wanted to deep throat him but didn't in case he bit my tongue off as a reflex in his sleep.

The shadows caught Pete's bulging package and made it's contents so noticeable that you didn't have to use much imagination to know what lay beneath. Pete's breath was shallow, and there was a slight moan that singled that he was asleep. It was just too much for me to take. So with a slow, nervous, movement I reached for the cotton covered crotch. Leveling my hand over Pete's package I applied the slightest pressure. There was a small response as the cock pushed back. It took little encouragement and Pete's dick swelled to full mass beneath his underwear. There were several times where I halted my movements because of Peter quickening his breathing or a slight shutter through Pete's body caused me to think I might have awakened the dude. Each time, however, my fears proved wrong and I returned to that phallus of beauty which was straining for release for its cotton prison. I wanted so much to pull down those briefs and suck him off, but I didn't. At least not on that first night. The self control I have sometimes astounds even me. I woke up in the morning in Pete's bed. How did I get here? Then I remembered. Despite having a hot stud in my bed, I gave up the temptation to touch the forbidden fruit and sought refuge in Pete's bunk while he kipped in mine. I should have been a martyr.

But the spell had been struck. Whenever I looked him in those blue eyes of his, all I could think about was his bulging groin inviting me to touch it. Then my mind wandered to caressing that silky black hair and running my hand down that toned bod of his. Every thought I had of him, turned to sex. To him, though, nothing was wrong. He apologised for falling asleep and said we had to do it again tonight to make up for it. Do it again! I couldnt go through such torture again! But I so wanted to as well... He wouldn't let me back out of it So what was I to do?

That night was a replay of our previous encounter. When we were alone we stripped off to our bvds - I was in my boxers and tshirt while Peter, this time, was in a pair of boxer briefs. Dont ask me why we didn't just lie on the bed in our clothes, it didn't occur to me until now. But we were comfortable with each other. Again we watched the videos he had brought and again he fell asleep sometime during the second video. Afterall it was late when we started to watch them since we had to make sure the rest of the camp was bedded first before we got time to ourselves. I got up, went to the loo, and turned off the video. There he was once more in quiet repose.

My senses seemed to be heightened by my desire for him. My eyes lovingly roamed over that gorgeous body, without fear of being caught doing so. Silky black hair clung in sweaty strands around his forehead as he lay stretched out on the bed. The beauty of him grabbed at my nuts like a fist and I wanted so much to hold that masculine body in my arms. His groin was a magnet to my hand. I moved over on the bed and lay down onto my side facing him, and breathing heavily across that cotton bulge that seemed to grow with each passing breath. My dick was already hard just looking at Pete. Daringly I took off my boxers and freed my dick from its confines. Once more I reached out and palyed lightly over his soft skin and hair just above his waist line. With each gentle caress, my desire for him increased ten-fold, wanting to touch him more with my whole body and not just my hand.

His imprisoned dick had grown semi-hard under my gentle ministrations as I lovingly caressed his soft smooth stomach, rising and falling with each deep breath. As my lust increased, I placed a finger beneath the cotton of his boxer briefs until I could feel flesh upon flesh. As my fingers fished around under that tantalizing cotton mould, the object of my wanton desire grew to full hardness. This was more than I had ever hoped for. I couldn't stand it any more. I had to see it. I had to feel it fully in my hand. Carefully my fingers gripped the cotton on either side of Pete's slender hips, and slowly, slowly, drew them down. An inch at a time, and then stopping to make sure my lovegod did not stir. Inch by inch they travelled down those hips, while I carefully watched Pete's face for any sign of life. Suddenly he moved slightly, I let my fingers lie still for as long as I could. I could not get out of this alive. But he did not stir any further and I resumed my lustfull task. The cotton moved freely over that luscious skin until I had that dick free and flowing in the air. I wanted to pull those briefs all the way off but I dared not. Instead I was content to wrap the waistband beneath the orbs of my lovegod's desire.

It wasn't a huge piece of meat, but it was mouth watering. I carved to devour it whole, but fear held me back by a mere thread of discovery. I place my hand around it. Feeling its warmth. Gently squeezing it with the slightest pressure as the dick pulsed in response. I couldn't believe that I had Pete's dick in my hand. The number of times I had dreamt of doing this was beyond counting. Now here I was with this throbbing member begging to be touched, felt, licked, and devoured. With deliberate slowness I began to stroke this lovepole. Slowly working down to the base where the bottom of my hand came into contact with Pete's ballsac and pubes then back up and over the uncut head and back again. The slowness got quicker as I began to pull his cock in rhythm with my own. It was a joy beyond belief; but a one-sided joy since Pete was still lost in blissfull slumber of appreciate the sensations.

After stroking his dick for awhile, the light from outside sparkled on a pearl of precum that formed at the head of Peter's throbbing member. It would not be long before he shot his wad. One juicy pearl became many as the nectar leaked over my hand on the next upward stroke. I needed to taste that which was a part of this stud's essence. I drew the hand to my mouth and carefully lapped it up. Like biting the apple, I knew that I had to have more. I scooted down the bed so that I could rest my head on his abs while looking into the eye of the snake. His tip was only inches away from my mouth and when a large drop of precum appeared, my tongue snaked out of its own accord and licked it. That was it! I then took his cock's head into my mouth and my tongue twirled and licked it, savouring its texture, taste, and essence. I knew that he would shoot if I kept this up, and the last thing I wanted Peter to wake up to was to have me with my lips wrapped around his dick. It was a supreme effort, but I managed to take that prick out of my mouth despite wanting to devour it all night. Instead I turned to my own throbbing member and got off while this dream god lay beside me with our bodies in contact, flesh upon flesh. It was an orgasm to rock the world and I was content, for now. A gentle kiss on his cheek and I turned and went into a blissfull slumber with dreams of Peter and me.

It was those dreams that woke me again,dreams of Peter playing with my dick while I rested beside him. As consciousness drew me from my dreams I noticed that throbbing that could not be contained within my pants. I should have stopped right there but I couldnt keep my hands off him. The magnetic attraction held me. I turned over onto my side so I could play with Peter's throbbing member while admiring the slender form laying beside me. It felt too right for this to be wrong. I leaned over and brushed my lips lightly against his shoulders, and continued down an arm and over onto his chest while lovingly stroking his member. I was so absorbed in what I was doing, I failed to notice that Pete's breathing was no longer as steady as before. "You're playing with me!" those words struck me like a thunderbolt from heaven that sent me to hell. "Ahh.. umm.. wrong one.. sorry.." Cant you believe I said that?? Guilt sent me running like a dog with his tail between his legs. Lust wanted me to get him off, especially now that he was awake, but guilt sent me to the other side of the bed wrapped in a blanket of worry and concern over what he might think and what he might say. My world had suddenly crumpled before my eyes. I lay there for some time listening to Peter's breathing and wondering what was going through his mind. At some stage I fell asleep, I dont know when. But the next thing I knew it was morning and Pete was still sleeping in the bed beside me. Was this a dream or was this for real?

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