Wanting a College Boy

By Tricia

Published on Sep 19, 2005


Wanting a College Boy copyright 2005 by T. Owens

My gay fiction may be found on http://juxtaposefantasy.com.

You may not reproduce or distribute this story in any form without my written permission. You must be a legal adult in your place of residence to read this.

Colin took another healthy swallow of his drink, not because he was thirsty or needed the rush of alcohol, but because he hoped the concoction could somehow blunt the bone-rattling beat of the club's sound system. He felt the heavy bass vibrating through to his very bones. He thought, perhaps, he was going deaf. How did anyone manage to hold a conversation in here, anyhow? As if to illustrate the point, Danny tugged on his sleeve and yelled something at him. "What did you say?" Colin shouted back, holding a cupped hand to his ear. Danny smiled and leaned forward. Though he shouted mere inches from Colin's ear, Colin barely heard him. "I said, isn't this great?" Colin just nodded and smiled. He hated to think maybe he was getting too old for this scene, but maybe he was. He was thirty-four, after all. While he'd experienced his share of clubbing, he was no longer like his friends, all of whom were still in college and eager to tear up dance floors while simultaneously drinking themselves into nasty hangovers. Mike and Billy were sitting on the other side of Danny in the booth they all shared and both men seemed to be having a good time. Danny was flush with alcohol, so of course he was having fun. And as for Ashley -- Colin tried to identify his friend amidst the dozens of bodies gyrating in the darkness periodically pierced by blue lasers. Ash was somewhere on the dance floor, no doubt having the time of his life. Colin had never met anyone who could so consistently find a way to enjoy himself no matter where he was. Ash did whatever he wanted and didn't give a shit what others thought of him. Colin wondered what that was like. He'd met Ash at the car wash. Colin remembered the moment very clearly: a young man with the kind of brown curls you only ever saw in Raphaelite paintings was pressed up against the glass that allowed you to watch the cars going through the soapy gauntlet of spinners and brushes. Colin had noticed the young man's hair first, his tight butt next, and then the reflection of Ashley's eyes in the window. They were wide and brown and so fascinated with what was happening to his car that Colin had been able to overcome his reticence in picking up strangers by quipping, "Makes you wish you could run through there, too, doesn't it?" It had been a lame comment, but Ash had turned around and grinned at him. Colin had been hooked. Ashley later introduced Colin to his roommates Mike and Billy -- equally handsome studs -- but it had always been Ash who'd held his interest. Ashley, who had no idea Colin was interested in him. Colin dumped what was left of his drink down his throat and tugged at the collar that was beginning to feel a bit restraining. He should have relented and worn the silk shirt Ash had tried to press on him earlier. But black silk was more Ashley's style, not his. Ash was the bold, wild one. Let Ashley call him an old man all he wanted. Colin had limits. The wall of dancers parted and Ashley burst through, his white shirt glowing fluorescent under the black lighting. He fell upon the edge of their table, laughing breathlessly. Colin picked up his glass, though it now held only ice, and looked over its rim as he studied his friend. Ash's dark hair, somehow always a tousled mess, clung to his forehead and the sides of his cheeks in wet curls. The young man's wide brown eyes were crinkled with laughter as he impatiently shoved his sleeves up his forearms and fished in his front shirt pocket for a pack of cigarettes. "This is fucking great, yeah?" Ashley shouted, managing to insert a cigarette in his mouth at the same time. Colin knew he was staring as the younger man flicked his lighter, golden light dramatically highlighting the angled cheekbones. A second before the flame went out, Ash glanced at him, catching the perusal. The corner of his mouth twitched. Colin looked away, pushing his glass across the table. "Having a good time, old man?" Ash yelled at him. He took a deep drag and blew the smoke straight up. "You look about as excited as Billy when it's his turn to clean the bathroom!" "I think I've permanently lost my hearing," Colin shouted back, feeling his vocal chords strain with the effort to be heard. "What'd you say?" Ash laughed at the other man's scowl. "Well it's no wonder you're such a sour puss -- you're all out of drink. Can't expect to have any fun when you're sober. Hang on, I'll be right back." Before Colin could protest he'd had enough, Ashley darted between the bodies and was lost from sight. Colin sighed. He should have known this wasn't for him. He'd take a dark pub over this place anytime. If it weren't for the fact that it was Ashley who'd prodded and cajoled him to come along... Colin ran a hand through his hair, irritated. He was acting stupid. Ash wanted *everyone* to come along on his and his roommates' escapades. Ash liked to include people. He liked to make them feel like part of the gang. Just because Colin had thought he'd detected an extra note of interest in Ash's voice when he'd been invited didn't mean that there'd been one. Just like on the day they'd met, Ash was simply looking for a way to have a good time with as many people as possible. Colin had it in his mind to get up and leave, drink or no drink, when Ash stumbled back to their table, a cocktail in each hand, cigarette dangling precariously from the corner of his mouth. Just as he reached the table, someone bumped into him from behind, causing him to spill half the contents of Colin's drink down the front of his white shirt. "Shit!" Ashley cried out, ashes flying as his cigarette bobbed in his mouth. He looked down at his sodden shirt in disgust. "Well, Colin, looks like if you want the rest of your drink you'll have to lick it off me!" Colin glared at him as Danny and the others laughed, but he really wasn't upset. Well, maybe he *was* upset, but in a different way entirely. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off the way Ash's shirt, sheer with moisture now, clung to the younger man's chest. He'd seen Ashley shirtless before, of course. But there was something utterly erotic in the way the fabric concealed and revealed. Colin could even see the dusky circle of a nipple through the cloth. "Naughty, naughty, Colin!" Ash had caught him staring again and was laughing at him. Colin felt his face heat. Damn the younger man for making him feel like an old, leering man. He grabbed the half-empty glass from Ash and dashed its contents down his throat. Ash smiled but said nothing. Grinding out his cigarette on the tabletop, he took a quick sip of his own drink before setting it down and sliding backwards into the crowd. Colin expected him to disappear again, but Ashley stayed on the fringes of the dance floor. You asshole, Colin thought to himself. Then he asked himself why this should bother him. There was no way Ash was flirting with him. No way. Just because Ashley was swiveling his hips in an undeniably provocative manner, all the while keeping his eyes locked with Colin's...didn't mean anything at all. The alcohol was getting to Colin. Had they turned the music down? The beat didn't seem quite so barbaric anymore. It had taken on a sultry throb that Colin felt deep in his lower body. He allowed himself to relax, leaning back into the overly-cushioned booth. Beside him, Danny was deep in conversation with Billy and Mike. They seemed to have forgotten Colin was with them. He didn't mind. It took too much effort to be heard. He would rather sit back and watch. Watch Ashley. The abandon Ash exhibited in life translated well on the dance floor. He moved without conscious effort, his body twisting and gyrating as though the music pulled him by invisible strings. Long, lean limbs swayed with fluid grace. The wet fabric of his shirt clung and lifted teasingly from his skin with every motion. Ash moved almost seductively, if Colin dared allow himself the thought. He was the embodiment of temptation. Dancers moved around Ash, some pausing to try to entice him into matching their movements. All eventually peeled away when it became apparent that Ash's attention lay elsewhere. His eyes never left Colin's. The older man was surprised at how badly he wanted to believe what he thought he saw in the brown eyes. There had been nothing between them before this. Ash had always seemed oblivious of Colin's awkward, tentative overtures. Colin was sure the other man was gay, but he sometimes wondered if Ashley was aware that *he* was, too. Colin was pretty straight acting and never picked up one-night stands. But he'd also never mentioned a girlfriend to Ash. Colin knew he wasn't ugly -- his short black hair was wavy but cut well; he had large bluish-gray eyes and a face that had eased his way through many a job interview. He worked out when he could and thought he had a decent body . . . so why hadn't Ash shown an interest? Their friendship had been so clean, one of them may as well have been a woman. Ash smiled slightly, as if he sensed the other man's uncertainty. His slim hands drew up the length of his body, hovering over the wet shirt. Colin held his breath as the pale hands brushed deliberately across the hint of peaked nipples. Colin imagined his own hands upon the slender body, pinching the brown nubs until Ashley cried out -- "Looks like you're getting the best show in the house!" Danny yelled suddenly in his ear. Colin tore his gaze away with pained reluctance. "What's that?" Danny smiled knowingly. "Ash likes you," he teased. Behind him in the booth, Mike and Billy were watching Ash with matching smirks on their faces. Colin scowled. "Whatever," he grumbled. "He dances that way no matter who's watching." But Danny didn't hear him or else pretended not to. "Ash was really excited that you'd finally agreed to come with us," Danny continued. "Now I know why." Or at least, that's what Colin thought he said. As loud as it was, he couldn't be sure of anything. Danny turned back to the other two and began a drinking game. Colin shook his head. Nothing like a good game of quarters to remind him how very long ago he had played it. He looked back to the dance floor. Ashley was still there. And this time, the invitation in his eyes was unmistakable. Colin forgot all about the other men beside him. He swallowed around a throat gone suddenly dry. Ash laughed at the expression on his face. He extended his hands, coaxing. Some of Colin's excitement withered. Damn, but he could never go out there. He was athletic, sure, yet he lacked the coordiation to dance. He was also a chicken. He didn't possess the self-assuredness of Ashley. He couldn't make a fool out of himself and laugh it off. Not in front of *him*. Ash tilted his head, unwilling to be denied. *Come on*, he mouthed. Colin shook his head, dreading the next few moments. Now was when Ash would discover how impossibly different they really were. Quiet and contemplative -- the monikers Colin was usually saddled with -- didn't play very well at a dance club. Ashley took a step towards him, refusing to be put off, when masculine hands slid suddenly around his waist from behind. Bemused, Ash turned his head as he was pulled back into a loose embrace. Colin sat straighter in the booth as a blond-haired man about Ashley's age slid up alongside his friend. Ash's face was turned toward him when the stranger began speaking into his ear. Colin tried to remain disinterested as he watched Ash's eyes lower in response to what the blond stranger said to him. Don't be jealous, Colin told himself sternly, you have no right to be. But he couldn't help the pang of bitterness as the hands upon Ash's waist tightened ever so slightly. The stranger was still speaking. Ash's mouth had parted, his expression hidden beneath lowered lashes. Tell him to fuck off, Colin thought. But Ashley did no such thing. Colin watched, silently fuming, as the blond-haired man began to move against Ash, urging him to dance. Ash resisted, his eyes flicking to the booth. Colin knew he should stand and go to him. He knew in his heart that this was an important moment, that now was an opportunity he'd be a fool to pass up. But as it had always been in his life, fear of letting go and simply *being* cemented his shoes to the floor. He wasn't like Ashley, free in his physicality. Spontaneity in his fantasies counted for nothing here. He was a coward. What might have been disappointment shadowed Ash's face. After a moment's hesitation, he laid his hands atop the ones that encircled his waist. Slanting his eyes away from Colin, he leaned back into the stranger, and allowed his body to sway in synchrony. Colin felt sick. He reached for his cocktail and cursed when he remembered he'd already drained it. He really should be leaving. Instead, he hooked Ash's discarded glass and drank what it contained in one swallow. He gasped, eyes watering. He felt the alcohol go straight to his head. What kind of game was Ash playing anyhow? First he convinces Colin to go to a club he had no desire to attend. Then he flirts shamelessly, forcing Colin to shift around an increasingly uncomfortable arousal. And now this, a bald play to make him jealous -- or at least Colin preferred to think so. "Whoa, Colin." Danny whistled beside him. "What's with the look?" His bright blue gaze followed Colin's to the dance floor. "Oh, I see." "Forget it, Danny." "Hey, come on. That's just Ash. He doesn't mean anything by it." Yes, that *was* just Ashley. Lost in the moment, outrageously alive, refusing to be held back by anyone else's handicaps. Just as he was always Colin, he thought in disgust -- polite, thoughtful . . . master of restraint. Something in him snapped. He slid out from the booth, aware that Danny and the others stared after him in shock. "Colin, wait!" But once committed, he would not turn back. The music seemed much louder on the dance floor. Energy radiated in waves from the large crowd of dancers. Colin fed off it. This felt right. He was tired of sitting on the sidelines. It was time he became a player. The blond stranger was all over Ash. He may as well have just pulled Ashley's jeans down and fucked him right there. Colin tapped the guy on the shoulder a bit harder than he needed to. Ashley and the stranger both froze in surprise. Colin leaned close to the man's ear. "You've had your fun, now get lost. It's my turn." The surprise turned to contempt as the blond man gave him the once-over and sneered. It was as if he could tell, just from a look, that Colin was playing a role he never had before. "Honey, go back to the corner and nurse your beer. This little hottie's mine." Colin's face flamed with humiliation and anger, but one look at his friend's face made him relax. A wide grin was on Ash's face as he looked intently at Colin. "And *that* hottie is mine." He unwrapped the blond's arms from his waist. "Thanks for the dance, but I've been waiting for my friend to join me all night." Banished from the sphere of Ash's attention, the blond stranger melted away into the crowd. Colin stepped into the space vacated against Ash's back. Ash's body was hot against his chest. When he grabbed the younger man about the waist and pulled him back, Ashley stiffened in surprise. "Hey, Colin, you're not drunk, are you?" Ash asked with a nervous laugh. "I don't want you hating me in the morning." Colin pressed his face to the damp hair, his mouth grazing Ash's ear. "I won't hate you if you let me do what I want to you." He felt the shudder that passed through Ash. He smiled, thrilled that he had been able to affect the other man. Feeling bolder, his tilted his hips forward, letting Ashley feel the unmistakable bulge of his erection. "Colin," Ash sighed, rubbing his buttocks against the straining fly of the other man's jeans, "it's about fucking time." Colin was stunned, but he couldn't afford to think about it. Ash was practically purring in his arms. And the way he was rubbing himself up against Colin was slowly driving him insane. "Kiss me," Ashley demanded. Colin didn't like public displays of affection, but he was eager to make an exception. He bent his head over Ash's shoulder and covered the soft mouth with his own. Kissing Ash was heaven. Maybe because it was something he'd secretly dreamt of but never imagined actually happening. Or maybe simply because it was Ash. Ashley, who was always laughing, always passionate about something. Ashley, who was wickedly sexy yet somehow sweetly boyish at the same time. The mouth beneath his tasted of smoke and sweet rum. Colin plunged his tongue deep, wanting to taste as much of Ash as he could in case this was as much as he would get. Ash didn't shy from his aggressiveness; he whipped his tongue around Colin's with equal vigor. Colin pumped his cock against the curve of tight buttocks, feeling the vibration against his lips as Ashley moaned. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Colin reminded himself that he was in a dance club and that Danny, Mike and Billy were no doubt watching them and either laughing or memorizing the scene for jerk-off sessions later. But then Ash reached behind him to grab his buttocks and pull him closer and Colin no longer cared about who was watching. He wanted to be like Ashley -- he didn't want to think, he wanted to feel. He slid his hands down the front of Ash's jeans until his thumbs caught in the worn pockets. He let his fingers splay wide, framing the fly and the hard lump straining against it. He pressed his fingers into Ash's hips, outlining his cock through the fabric. With his forefingers, he teasingly rubbed the sides of the stiff ridge. "Ah, Colin!" Ash gasped, tearing his mouth away. "You fucking tease!" He swiveled his hips, trying to force Colin's hands into greater contact. Colin just laughed, intoxicated by rare power. "You forget, Ash. An old man like me needs lots of foreplay." "Old man, my ass" Ash burst out, his protest dissolving into a groan as Colin's mouth fastened onto the back of his neck and began sucking. "You'll have me on my knees in another second, here." "Mmmm. Maybe that's where I want you." Ashley caught one of Colin's hands and dragged it over the bulge in his jeans. He pushed his hips back as the other man squeezed him through the fabric. "Sorry to disappoint," Ash panted, holding Colin tight over him, "but if you're going to be inside me, I'd prefer a different entrance." Despite his new-found daring, Colin was momentarily shocked by Ashley's bluntness. Sensing the change, Ash looked back over his shoulder, worry making him look far too young. "I'm sorry. That was blunt. I've got a big mouth. I'm going to scare you off, aren't I?" Even if Ash's comment had turned him off -- which it hadn't -- the unexpected vulnerability on the younger man's face made Colin a willing prisoner. He was in love with Ash's passion for experience, true. But he was hooked by the boy Ashley hadn't quite yet shed. He pulled his hand free and turned Ash around. Wordless, he cupped the other man's face and pressed their lips together. He kissed Ash deeply, proving with his lips and his tongue and the breath that passed between them that Colin wanted him more than anything else in the world. When he finally pulled away, Ashley's face was rosy, his brown eyes dark and glazed. His pink tongue darted out to lick the lingering traces of Colin from his swollen lips. Colin slid his had behind Ash's neck in a purely possessive grip. Anticipation was an aphrodisiac. "Let's get out of here, shall we?" Ashley nodded. TBC Read more from me on http://juxtaposefantasy.com where my gay stories in several genres are archived.

Next: Chapter 2

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