Wanted Dog Walker

By Ash Eater

Published on Feb 2, 2021


Although it had only been a week it was odd being back on the tube. Mr Stephens had wished me good luck in the new job. I had mixed feelings, I really needed the money, the ten quid a day I got for walking Boy wasn't going to support me, but feared that the job would distract me from my dog walking responsibilities.

The stiff collar around my neck would be a reminder I said to myself. As the tube rattled along the track I surveyed the carriage, or should I say cruised. It took a while for me to realise that my eyes were now settling on a very different type of commuter than a week ago when I last made the journey. No longer was I eyeing up the lean late twenty year olds with their lean torsos. I was now far more taken by the heftier late thirties and forty somethings, possibly older, especially those dressed in smart shits and well knotted ties. Men who reminded me of Mr Stephens

As often happened the carriage emptied slightly at Oxford Circus, and I managed to get a seat. Opposite me sat one of the men who I had been eyeing up. I found myself debating would I be happier with my head between his thighs or lying down at his feet. For the first time in ages I was conscious of my dick as it hardens at options. Before I could decide I was at Kings Cross, my stop.

I had plenty of time, to kill. Time the old me would have spent in a coffee shop drinking a coffee and eating a muffin. As I walked toward the exit my phone burst back into life. "Check your emails" I hurried toward the gates, swiped my card at the gate and was soon outside. I opened my email app. "Today's instructions" "As its your first day you can take it easy, eat and drink as much as you want and when you want, if you need the bathroom just go. I however want you here by 7"

With forty minutes to go I rushed into the nearest Nero and got myself a large black coffee, triple shout, and pointed to the largest muffin on display. As I drank and ate I sent Mr Stephens a "Thank You," I appreciated his concern for my well being, and I was looking forward to seeing him that night .

I felt out of place initially when I entered the office. It was on the third floor of a modern business block, SB Data was etched into the glass on the door. The dress code was clearly casual, but I told myself that the stiff high collar of the shirt was there for a purpose, and to start thinking otherwise was to be disrespectful to Mr Stephens. It turned out the job was going to be a mix of filing and data entry to fill in for a couple of people who were off on holiday. Enough to keep me occupied but also enough for me to spend thinking about Mr Stephens.

I'd been filing for an hour when the coffee I had earlier suddenly began to take effect. I clenched my legs hoping that the urge to go away, when I remembered he email. Being allowed to piss as and when I wanted was already a novelty, and I told myself not to get to used to it, as Mr Stephens standard would be reimposed quite soon. It was also a novelty to be able to fully decide what and when to eat. Possibly the what as I was persuaded to join in two geeky types to have lunch with them. Over the sandwich and diet coke they commented only dress sense.

"It's certainly not the usual get up for this place, but the Bosses will be impressed. If they had their way we would all be dressed like you, smart stiff collars, ties" Tim the geekier of the two said.

Lunch over I needed the toilet again, another piss, but in my eagerness to return to my work I tucked myself in too early and I felt a dribble of piss streak down my leg. Rather than be mortified it was strangely reassuring, as it reminded me of Mr Stephens' regime. At the same time a text came through asking how my day was going. Back at my desk I crafted a lengthy response. I just pressed send when Tim appeared. "Oi Pete, the Boss would like to meet you." I got up from my desk and followed him. He knocked the door, and left me there. I began to shuffle nervously when the door opened. Standing in front of me was Mr Stephens

He returned to his desk, I was still on the doorway. Are you just going to stand there? Come in. I entered the office and closed the door behind me. He looked at me closely. "Pissed yourself" "Yes Mr Stephens" "I understand" He pointed to a corner, and indicated I was to turn round way from him .

Ahead of me could just about see a clock tower, I watched as the minute hand moved slowly forward. At times the only noise was his deep breathing, at others he was in deep conversation." Requirers further training, becoming obedient, follows orders, doesn't question" I`d been standing there for thirty minutes when I heard the door open and close. I could sense that there was an extra person in the room. "Almost done"

"So how's the new boy?" "You've met him, what do you think?" My stiff collar meant it was impossible to turn my head even slightly as the conversation continued. "Probably will do, still need to see an example of his written work though, gas failed to provided it despite the chances i've given him" "We can discuss that later Mike, I've got a solution"

Mike, I suddenly recognised the voice, it was Mr Stephens friend from Saturday morning Mr Black. A click of Mr Stephens fingers was all I needed to turn round, he was dressed in a bespoke suit, and hand made shoes, as expensive and as unique as the leather he was wearing when I first met.

So we have a problem said Mr Stephens. Mike here has sent you four messages to your recon account. Care to provide an explanation as to why? In fact why were you looking at that site at all? I couldn't think of an answer so remained silent.

Now how do we make amends. "Sorry Mr Black, I stammered" He shrugged. I think you can do better than that. Let's start with what you wanted to do on Saturday. "Not now Mike" "Really" I thought you like my training technique. "Just one thing then" Mr Black walked towards me. "Down" He placed he hands only shoulders and forced me to my knees. I was facing his crotch. Now if I had my way you d be making amends right nw he said rubbing his dick through the fabric of his trousers. But apparently I need to take it easy. But from now on unless there are others present, you will always be on your knees when I'm in the room. Understand? "Yes, Mr Black" "Good" I watched as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a packet of mints, he unwrapped one and dropped it on the floor besides him. I didn't need to be encouraged I dropped down and ate it.

Fuck you were in ages. Temps are usually in and out Kyle must really rate you. What the fuck did you talk about. "My training needs" I said off the top of my head. "another coffee." It was almost 5pm when Mr Stephens walked passed my desk. I'm off, having a good evening boys. "Evening Kyle"shouted the others Evening Mr Stephens I shouted. Tim looked at me and laughed. "That's very formal, goes with the suite and tie I suppose. See you tomorrow?"

I hurried towards the tube station Although I had plenty of time to get back home take a deep breath and still get to Mr Stephens in time I had a fear that I'd be late. I got on a crowded tube, and secured myself right by the door into the next carriage. I closed my eyes and began to think about the day . I was not expecting to have Mr Stephens as my boss, and tried to think how that would impact on the relationship I had with him out of work, would it change his attitude towards me, would mine towards him change? I also thought about Mr Black, what was his role in all this.

The train jumped, I opened my eyes with a jolt, I almost felt as if I was in a dream state. The train was still relatively full , it would be another stop before emptying out, and another four before I'd be home. I had a look around the carriage for a quick cruise, when half way down I noticed Mr Black sitting there looking at me with an intense glare. I tried to avoid it by looking at my phone. It briefly picked up a signal as the train stopped and the doors opened. I looked at the icons for the dating app, and was about to open Scruff when I thought better of it. Two stops to go, the carriage was now empty. He continued to look at me. I looked down at my shoes. Suddenly I was kneeling, tying my show lace. The not was perfectly sound but it was something I was impelled to, not once but three times. When I was happy O stood up, Mr Black was still looking at me, with a grin on his face. He nodded at me, and then went on to open his newspaper.

It had just turned 6.15 I had almost an hour to kill before I need to leave the flat for the evenings walk. My phone went. "Come Now" Being summoned in such a way got me excited, too excited perhaps as I almost came in my trousers.

I looked in the mirror making sure I was presentable, and hurried out. I had early touched the door bell when Mr Stephens stood in front of me still in his office wear. Boy's ready, be back by 7. There was no indication or acknowledgment of the events earlier in the day. Boy must have wondered what I was unto as I hurried his walk, as I felt it was important be back in Mr Stephens' presence.

On our return the door was open, I let Boy off his lead, and let him in, I waited to be summoned. It was almost instantaneous. "I've had a hard day in the office, you can cook" On the work surface there were two steaks, and a packet of prepared salad." Medium rare for you , rare for me " I turned on the gas, when he suddenly spoke. I've decided I want you naked whenever you are in here from now on. I looked at him, and could tell that he was serious. How thoughtful he was, trying to make sure my clothes didn't get dirty when cooking.

Clothes off I began to cook, I made mine firsthand placed the almost still raw meat on a plate. I then took care to ensure that Mr Stephens' steak was cooked to his specific requirements. Mr Stephens was sitting waiting, I put the plate in front of him. He looked at it, and lifted an empty wine glass . I went and opened a bottle and poured. I then waited for further instruction, He took two mouthfuls and "Get your plate, sit and eat"

I didn't have to be told where to sit I knelt besides his chair, holding the steak in my hand I began to chew.

"Thirsty?" "Yes, Mr Stephens" I said with a mouthful of raw meat, reverting instantly my rudeness. He got up, and opened the fridge. "Here you go, you seemed to have enjoyed it last night " It was a glass of piss . I took a mouthful "Thank You Mr Stephens"

"There's a plentiful supply of that you know, almost always on tap, either here or in the office."

The rest of the meal was eaten in silence. Mr Stephens went through my phone as always. I was grateful for each alarm he set as it helped structure my day. "Ok now to tackle that discipline problem from earlier" " I don't know which I am most upset about the fact you have been looking at dating apps, or the fact you refused to respond to Mike"

I opened my mouth. "SSSHH i won't want your excuses, I have solved it, I've gone in and deleted them, removed your profile entirely" Now get dressed, go and I'll see you in the morning. i think we should aim for a 6am, start don't you

Yes, Mr Stephens I said buttoning up my shirt collar relieved at the security to brought me.

Next: Chapter 9

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