Wanted Dog Walker

By Ash Eater

Published on May 20, 2023


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Master gave me a look, he was sat in his garden it was a warm evenIng, and the early summer sun was beginning to set. From my kneeling position I was fixated on the glowing embers which ignited each time he drew on the thick cigar that was in his mouth. I watched was the length of ash slowly got longer.

He was on the phone.

I was close enough that the scent of the smoke had already taken me into that specific space of total submission all I wanted was to inhale the smoke and taste the ash. Master's look meant I was allowed to get closer. The smoke burned my eyes, but my instinctive guttural response was to push my head forward so I would get engulfed by the next cloud.

"Come here Boy" I crawled over towards him, I had done this so often that now the gravel path that was under my knees barely registered as I did so. His dick was hard, and getting harder as he stroked it. "Want this Boy" I nodded. As I reached him he tapped the side of his leg with his hand. I began to lick his leather trousers. After a few minutes he spoke. "Up" I lifted my head There was now a good head of ash on the end of the cigar. I opened my mouth . He leaned forward and spat. "Get it nice and wet Boy". I tried to create as much saliva as possible knowing what was to come. When I thought I'd succeed I opened my mouth and looked up at him. He reached across, and looking me in the eye placed the ball of ash on my tongue.

"Yeah, it's just sitting there waiting for me to give it permission to swallow" A laugh came from the other end . A familiar laugh. "Swallow" I closed my mouth and swirled it around . Master clicked his fingers towards the bowl that was on the floor besides his chair. "Cold piss, two day old piss" Master had decided a week earlier after I had spat out some of his fresh piss that until he decided otherwise the only piss I had access to was cold and stale. He laughed whenever he filled a water bottle, knowing that I was eager to drink it straight from the source. "Not yet" he would say as I whined and looked at him longingly.

I took two mouthfuls. He then reached and grabbed my collar. He looked down his cock was as hard as it would ever get. The head shone from the leaking precum. Some spit hit it. Without saying a word I took it in my mouth and began to worship. Master forced my head into his crotch, making me choke and gag. The voice at the other side of the phone conversation laughed. " I had no idea how long my worship of Master's cock lasted for but he tapped my head, there was more ash. I leant back and opened my mouth, this time I squirmed slightly as the heat of the ash hit my tongue. Master smiled as he closed my mouth and missed me on the forehead. "Good Boy. Now get to the boots"

I bent down ad started to lick Master's boots. This was the first time he had worn this pair since a few weekends ago when he had , had them cleaned by a willing bootblack, who he paid by subjecting him to a thirty minute flogging session. As I arched my back to make sure I was able to pay proper attention to the shaft of the boot he moved forward to make sure that the tail shaped butt plug was securely in place. As he did so I could hear the faint bark of a dog in the background of the caller.

"Looks as if your Boy need's attention. I suppose I should let you go. It's been good talking to you." The voice at the other end raised his voice "Yes, I'm expecting a visitor shortly. Let's see how this one turns out. Goodnight Boy, goodnight Phil."

Master ended the call with "Night Boy Night Kyle"

Master flicked some ash on to his boot. "I think I made the right choice on which Boy I wanted here. Don't you? Happy Anniversary. It's been a year." Master added some spit to the boot. A year? Was it really a year since I had in a matter of minutes stopped being Master Kyle's property and become Master Phil's dog slave. A year where I had barely left the confines of Master's house and extensive garden. My long term memory was now with some exceptions tried , and it was sometimes difficult to remember what had happened the week before. Most days were similar to each other. Waking in my dog basket in Master's kitchen waiting for him to come in, licking his boots, eating his cigar ash and running round his garden. It was over a year since I last had a proper human meal. Ash, cum and piss were provided daily, unless I had misbehaved. Master also made sure that as well as my throat my butthole was also well taken care of. After years of having a tight hole it now took his thick dick without any problem and the size of the buttplug tail that I was expected to wear for much of the day was four times the size of the one that I wore originally. He regularly said that he'd have to replace the dick with his fist.

As I licked the boots I recalled the last few months of life with Master Kyle. They were as great as that first day when I returned from the park with Boy and told him that I was ready to be his slave and obey his every order. I made sure that he was proud of me, the house was kept spotless, I made sure mu mouth and throat were ready for his dick whenever required, and overnight I was ready for a punishment be it a flogging, a belting or a series of hard spanks across my butt. At weekends I would be made available for whoever wanted to use me in the local leather and sex clubs, my presence apparently promoted by my Scruff and Recon profiles. Profiles I had long ceased to have access to but were maintained by Master for this very purpose. He would seek out feedback. If it was less than satisfactory I'd be punished. Once when it was reported that I used my teeth too much when giving a blow job, he took the decision that I had to be trained to stop it happening again. He spent an hour a night over three succeeded days fucking my throat with the longest dildo in his collection, battering my tonsils and stretching my gag reflex to failure, i'd go to bed each night blinded my the spew that I brought up through out the session. My teeth were never again an issue.

Sir Phil came and stayed twice during that period and brought Boy the dog with him. I noticed that on each occasion that Master was much happier , but also that when he left he was much sadder. It was clear that Master missed Boy, and Boy also missed Master. It was then I took the decision to make a change that I hoped would make Master Kyle happy. I had prepared Master's dinner, and rather than place some of the same food in my bow which was beside him on the floor. I reached into the food cupboard and took out a tin of dogwood, I opened nit and placed the contents in the bowl. Although I wanted to gag I managed to eat it all. Since then other than the occasional morsel given as a treat my meals have consisted of nothing but dog food,

It was around this time I stopped talking, the only sound I made was a woof, or something else that sounded like a dog barking Even when Master Kyle entertained, his guests once the got over tier bemusement got used to the next stage of my transformation. Sir Mike one day brought over a puppy hood, and a few days later a new tail snapped butt plug. By the end of the night I was no longer a slave but a dogslave. It was however clear that Sir still missed Boy.

One weekend Sir Phil as I still then knew him came to stay bring Boy the dog with him. On both Friday and Saturday Master Kyle stayed in whilst I accompanied Sir Phil to East London. He wasn't drinking so we would drive. On both nights we were close enough to the bar for me to walk on all fours, in boots, a pair of leather shorts my tail and hood. The fear of being discovered far less than the fear of standing and walking and risking reverting to being just a slave again. On both night's I was well used, Master Kyle having made people on Recon aware. If I wasn't serving a Man individually I was surrounded by them, a mass of leather towering over me, waiting to be called on to eat ash, from a cigar or off the floor. "It's like an excitable puppy" By the time I crawled back into the car for the journey home in the early hours of Sunday I was a happy of tired dogslave.

The next morning Boy and I were in the kitchen as our owners ate breakfast. Boy was spoiled with tasty treats, my breakfast was a bowl of dog-food, topped with the ask from Master Kyle's cigar the night before. "Want some piss Boy?" Sir Phil asked , I yelled and opened my mouth ready. I always said yes when offered, as I feared that one day as I sunk deeper into the status of dogslave such delights would be denied me.

An hour or so later we were all four off us outside walking. Both Men had decided that I would have to stand, but I was still prohibited from talking, and the tail plug had been replaced by a standard one. I'd been warned that if it slipped out I would have to face the consequence. Thankfully for the two hours that we were out it stayed in place. Master Kyle and Sir Phil were deep in conversation throughout those two hours, I was more or less ignored, unable as I was to run up to them and get my head rubbed, unlike Boy the Dog. As I turned to look at them I saw that they were both looking serious, and whatever they had agreed was signed off by a firm handshake.

Back at the house they had some tea, I was fed some cake from the hands of both, men. "I think it's time we went. It's going to be a long day for it otherwise" Phil and Kyle usually decide Boy the Dog as him , so I assumed that this was a slip of the tongue, having been co infused by the presence of both of us over the last couple of days.

"I understand. Ready to go Boy?" As Master Kyle asked that he reached towards me and patted my head. He pulled at the chain around my neck, and without warning opened the padlock, and removed, it. I whimpered . What did this mean? "Here Boy" Phil said calmly with a quiet authority. I approached him. "Put you head up and look at me" I obeyed. As I did I felt something around my neck, unlike the steel that had just gone this was leather. "Good Dog. I'm your Master now"

As the memory of the last time I saw Master Kyle faded, a ball of spit fell on the boot. "You've not answered me. DO you think I made the right choice, when deciding which Boy to take home?"

"Woof' I replied, before returning to licking Master Phil's boot, knowing before the end of the night I'd have swallowed more cum and ash than a dog like me deserved, and I hoped fresh warm piss.


Back in London. Kyle opened the door, He was wearing full leathers. In front of him a young man in his late twenties. "Yes"

"Hi Are you "Mr Stephens ? I'm James, I've come about the advert for a dog walker"

"Come in Jimmy, you're in the right place. "

He opened the door wide and ushered the young man in. "Boy's down in the kitchen walk towards the barking. the name's Kyle, but you can call me Sir"

Kyle sensed a change in the way that the young man walked."I'll give this one two weeks before he surrenders." He thought as he followed him and took out a cigar.

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