Wanted Dog Walker

By Ash Eater

Published on Apr 29, 2023


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"Twenty Sir" "Only another fifty to go"

Master was out of the house and had as he always did at the weekend entrusted my morning punishment to Sir Phil.This had become a ritual, over the last few months He had become a regular weekend guest after a visit to the leather club, and took charge of disciplining me. He had convinced Master that I needed a firmer hand, and that he was the man to do it.

He used a finger to wipe away the tears smiled and kissed my forehead. "Ready?" I nodded I was unable to speak as he had gagged me. Unlike Master, Sir Phil was less keen on the noise that a good discipline session would bring. "Good slave" The punishment continued. As Sir Phil counted each stroke I tried to piece together what had happened the previous night.

I was unable to say how many weeks or months as Master as other than being let outside to Master's back yard the only other times I was outside of the house was when at the leather club. Days merged into one and if Sir Phil didn't visit the weeks did too. I felt that the gap between each visit was longer than just seven days.

Inside he made sure that I didn't even catch the news on the TV or radio so I had no real idea which day it was.

The weekend journey on the tube became increasing scary, as I became unused to being surrounded by people. All I knew was that Master and Sir Phil were with me, he hand on my neck or shoulder as we entered the tube carriage being a calming influence on me "Good Boy. I'm with you " He'd whisper in a low voice. Reminding me of my status as a slave and the fact that whilst he was in charge, he had my welfare at heart.

Once inside the bar things would change, I sometime wouldn't see either Master or Sir Phil until it was time to go home, they'd announce at the start of the evening what my roles was going to be, boot licker, ashtray urinal, and on one occasion fuck pig. His only intervention came when one night someone tried to double fist me. "If that happens, to will be with me " he said before he slid in his cock and started to fuck me.

"Forty slave thirty to go" His leather gloved hand rubbed my back as he allowed me to take a deep breath he pushed me towards his groin. The smell of leather filled my nostrils, and calm soon returned. As he drew his finger across my back I winced, and remembered the reason for this mornings extend punishment

I had been assigned the role as ashtray. This involved extensive periods kneeling on the hard concrete floor , I wit the exception of a pair of shorts and the ever present collar naked. At this position I was always eye level with bulging leather crouches. Tantalising close but still out of reach, the forbidden desire to lick and taste only compensated by the smell.

An ashtray was placed on my head, months of practice meant that I was able to keep it balanced. Men came in and out of the smoking yard as the evening progressed, sometimes just one, at other time groups of three or more. Their use of me varied, i'd watch as their arms moved forward and tapped the ash into the receptacle on my head, other would just flock it so it would fall ion the floor in-front of me. Making it clear that I wasn't even good enough to serve as an ashtray. If I was lucky some would bend forward and blow smoke into my face.

Every now and then Master or Sir Phil would come out and allow me to stand and to stretch my legs, I welcomed each opportunity but I knew that each break was meant too be short as no sooner was I on my feet they would be looking at their watch impatient for me to resume my position.

As Master placed the ashtray back on my head a young American came over, "Does it swallow" The prospect of eating ash directly excited me, and I was pleased when Sir Phil replied. "Of course""Open wide slave" I opened my mouth and looked up as the think red-haired pulled the cigar from his mouth and reached down. The warm ash on my tongue was briefly uncomfortable but the American's smile as he withdrew the cigar made it worth while. "Keep it there" he ordered My mouth remained open as he placed the cigar back in his moth. "Is it yours" "Not quite" replied Sir Phil, belongs to a very good friend of mine. Don't you slave" I grunted. The ash was still on my tongue. Finally he addressed me again"Swallow " I closed my mouth and tired to create enough saliva so it would wash down into my stomach. "What do you say?" Sir Phil asked. "Thank You"I quickly corrected my self "Thank You Sir" "Good Boy" My eyes looked up although his muir cap obscured much of his face I knew he couldn't be older than mid twenties. I was being called Boy by someone who was young enough to be my son.

"Open" the American ordered. He knelt down and spat anatomy mouth. "No point in having an ashtray if you don't have a spittoon close by" He wafted his cigar closer to my chest the heat from the end was noticeable. He briefly continued talking to Sir Phil, before they both disappeared inside. I was for a moment alone outside i gingerly moved my knees, lifting my hands to steady the ashtray that was still on my head. I returned to the correct position just in time as some footsteps became audible.

A second pair soon followed, it was Master. As the conversation become clearer I recognised the voice of his companion it was Sir Michael. I had not seen him since my last visit to their office. "Hello Boy, remember me" "Yes Sir" I replied. He lifted the ashtray off my head and placed it on the floor. "The queue for the bathroom is way to long, so why not make use of the next best thing" He unzipped, and then loosened the belt before pulling out his dick. He then began to walk backwards, until he was leaning against the wall.

"Crawl and show me hope much you missed this pig" I heard Master laugh. "Come on slave squeal for him' I lowered myself so I was on all fours and moved closer "Oink" I grunted and squealed until I was up against him. Sir Michael clicked his fingers and I got back onto my knees, and took his hard dick in my mouth. "Drink up Piggy" he said as his bladder slowly emptied. He musky smell filled my nostrils as I held on to his legs, moving my hands up and down the leather.

"That's it done, you can fuck off now" He pulled out his dick and flicked the last few drips of piss in my face. I crawled back to my original position, backwards, silently at first but the lower kissing of the word "Pig" from my Master meant I was squealing and grunting until I was back next to the ashtray.

I looked down, and lifted it up, and inhaled the contents, there was a mountain of ash and three possibly four remains of cigars inside. I placed out on my head and braced myself for more service. Sir Michael walked back towards me, there was now sufficient ash at the end of his cigar, "Do you want this ? " "Please Sir" He laughed as he tapped it and I watched a shower of ash fall on the floor in front of me. He and Master both laughed, as Sir Michael walked back inside. "Your'e doing well "Master said inserting his leather covered thumb into my mouth. I suckled it briefly wishing it was his dick.

"Want more ash? I looked up unable to speak I hoped my eyes did yes. I removed the thumb and pushed my jaw down, he reached forward with his cigar when a burning pain on the back of my neck made me jolt and scream "Fuck" spilling the ashtray that was on my head on the floor. Someone who I didn't know had placed the burning end go os cigar directly against my flesh.

"What the fuck Boy?" I looked in horror at the mess below me, as the man responsible for my scream stood there"I thought you said it was an ashtray?" "It is. What are you going to do Boy?" I could tell that Master was displeased so I got down my face near the floor, there was no way I was going to get the ash back into the ashtray so I began to lick the floor.

Sir Phil laughed "See it's an ashtray, not a great one but it's an ashtray"

"Twenty left Boy" Sir Phil gently massaged my arse. "Your'e doing well. This arse really knows how to take a punishment" The final twenty were fortunately quick , the interval between each one so short that there was no real time to register the pain of each individual strike.

After he finished Sir Phil listed me up and took me in his arms "It's going to be Ok. You were a great ashtray last night, and the way you treated all that spicy ash was fantastic, but you swore. Slaves should never swear. Remember that. He removed my gag and kissed my lips. Now let's see how red that arse is, I don't want Kyle thinking i was soft on you. What do you think another twenty? "Make it thirty I replied Sir please":

Next: Chapter 63

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