Wanted Dog Walker

By Ash Eater

Published on Jan 28, 2021


Thank you, to all of you who have got in touch, this is unfortunately pure fantasy, fulled by lockdown horn constrained by self imposed chastity. However I live in hope of finding Mr Stephens.

In the meantime please remember to donate to Nifty http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

This morning I had spent 30 minutes outside Mr Stephen's front door as he took possession of my phone. My trousers were still damp from the night before, thankfully the smell of piss was feint and not too envious. On my way back to my flat a new tone emitted from it. I looked, it was a text.

"I've updated your ring tones, now you will know which one is from me" "Thank you Mr Stephen" I was grateful for his assistance in making responding to his requests easier. A message came up."No breakfast today, wait until my next message" I returned to the flat, the stiff collar was digging into my neck, but discomfort was nothing compared to disappointing Mr Stephens.

I almost tripped up one the bag I'd left on the floor, I suddenly remembered I had been tasked with cleaning Mr Stephen's boots. I took them out of the bag , and lined them up on the floor five pairs, of boots. numerous brushes and tins of polish I found myself getting hard at the sight of them. Bing. It was his next text. "When did you last wank?" "A week Mr Stephens" "Good, good, take a boot and wank over it, send me proof" Until last week I would wank at least three time a day, suddenly I'd gone without for a week, I put it down to being busy with walking Boy, the early mornings, and the hours spent at Mr Stephens. Again I reminded myself I must stop annoying him by staying there for such a long time

I selected a boot, the left of a pair of cowboy boots, i lay it on the floor, and knelt in front of it. I unzipped and took out my dick and began to play. For some reason I grabbed the right of the pair and coated it with my saliva as I licked. My brain taking im to the last few nights where I had been on the floor picking up Mr Stephens ten pound notes, and the sight of his feet that greeted me each time . I turned it over and licked the sole. My dick got harder. I slowed down the pace of my wanking I didn't want this to be over too quickly . I then stuck my face into the boot. The scent of Mr Stephens's feet hit the back of my nostrils. Within seconds my dick exploded, some landed on ton my hand but thankfully enough on the boot that lay before me. I smeared what was in my hand over the boot, and took a picture. It was another hour before Mr Stephen's responded." Good now lick it off" I lifted the boot , some of the cum was starting to dry but I swallowed every trace of my cum off the leather leaving a sheen of saliva over it.

"Ready to start work?" "Yes Mr Stephens" "Go drink four pints of water", there'll be another message when you return. I gulped down the four pints, eager to see Mr Stephens' next message Five pairs of boot, all need cleaning. You have five hours. Make sure you devote the right amount of energy to each one". My room was heavy with the smell of boot polish, I was half way through third pair. A handsome pair of Wesco's, I spent ten minutes with my face inside the shaft, inhaling the smell of leather and Mr Stephen's feet. I placed my hand inside, and extracted some lint from the toe area, I examined it carefully, and placed it on my tongue . I lifted a brush applied some polish and got to work. How could I thank Mt Stephens for keeping me occupied on this follow period work wise.

By now I was getting uncomfortable the four pints that I had drunk earlier were desperate for a release. "Had a piss yet?" " No Mr Stephens" "Do you need one" "Yes please Mr Stephens"":You have five minutes" I rushed to the bathroom, and screamed silently as I released the contents of my bladder." I sent Mr Stephens a quick Thank You. And wished there were other ways of showing him my appreciation.

A text from MR Stephen's telling me I should have finished came seconds after I had finished the final boot. Seventeen inch high brown Chippewas, the amount of link inside indicated that Mr Stephens wore these often. As I swallowed it I realised that all I had eaten so far today was the funky lint that had collected in his boots. "Yes Mr Stephens, All polished." "Good take a twenty minute break, and drink six pints of water, wait for my next message".

As I turned the tap, I noticed that my finger nails were covered in boot polishI took the risk and washed them even though I had not be asked to by him. I quickly downed the six pints of water, and returned to my room. A text message notification indicated that his latest request had arrived. "Lick the boots, cover them with your saliva, that includes the soles." I will be back in 90 minute to check I lifted a boot and began to gently tongue it, spitting i spread the saliva along the vamp. pressing my face into the leather as I inhaled, turning over I licked the sole. My gratitude to Mr Stephens increased. Mr Stephens's notification tone came through as I was inhaling the inside of a pair of carry red DMs. "Take a selfie, with your tongue sticking out" By now he no longer has to ask me to send it to hime, I just did. I turned on my camera, looked at the lens and stuck out my tongue. It was covered in a coating of boot polish as was my face. I smiled knowing that this was proof of the work I had put in to keep Mr Stephens happy.

"Excellent job, I look forward to seeing them later" "As a reward you can have a piss, but drink another three pints straight after" "Thank You Mr Stephens" I rushed to the bathroom, and took advantage Mr Stephens kindness.

Hello Boy, had a good walk. Did he behave? the dog barked enthusiastically as he ran to the back of the house. Two questions. Last Saturday I would have been clear at who they were aimed, at now I wasn't too sure "Come in them." That i knew was directed to meI entered and closed the door behind me.

Mr Stephens had rearranged the kitchen, there was a clear space in the corner which he directed to me with a wave of his hand. Before taking my place I put my phone on the kitchen table. As with the previous night he at first ignored me as he attended to his dinner. My stomach at the smell the food made a large growl. Hungry Boy? Woof replied the dog. "and you ?" he turned a looked at me. Yes Mr Stephens. He ushered Boy out of the kitchen, and continued with his cooking. He finally to my relief put two plates on the table. "Sit" burger and chips. I watched as he cut his burger in half, there was only one set of cutlery on the table.

Eat then, you don't need a knife and fork, animals don't use them, so why should you. the latter part of the sentence was almost as an afterthought. I grabbed a mouthful of chips and stuffed it into my mouth. Mr Stephens I noticed are for more elegantly, a couple of chips at a time. I was so eager to eat however I paid no attention to the difference.

I cleared my plate, or thought I had, as i noticed a small spec of fat that had leaked from the burger. Without thinking I picked up the plate and licked it clean. Mr Stephens pushed his plate empty save fora streak of ketchup towards me. I didn't have to be asked, I picked it up and cleaned it.

Ok let's get down to business. He opened the rucksack of boots, and bulled out a pair of Wescos' He pointed to the corner, I returned to my station, as he left the kitchen. He was back a few seconds later. If you want to piss, do it before I get back. He was right I needed to pee badly, I was grateful for the fact that he was sparing my embarrassment by not having me do it in front of hiM. As my bladder emptied I felt the material of my trousers cling to my legs.

When he returned he was dressed head to tow in full leather. The stiffness of the first collar meant that I had to turn my whole body around to follow him as he waked the length of the kitchen. He was stunningly handsome, the close cropped salt and pepper hair, and well groomed beard complimented by his Muir cap. He sat down in the kitchen chair his legs laid out in front of him. Not a bad job, but I think they could do with a final polish don't you .

Open that , he pointed to the cupboard under the sink. Inside were some clothes that looked as if they were used for boot polishing. I have an hour. He pulled out a cigar and lit it. Come on get to it. I knelt down and placed Mr Stephens's heel in the cradle of my grain and began to polish.

Next: Chapter 6

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