Wanted Dog Walker

By Ash Eater

Published on Dec 17, 2022


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Thanks to all who have commented and provided feedback on this fantasy over the last eleven months. It's much appreciated.

"Come on you fucks, get out and get home" It was Boss's voice aimed I guessed at the two skins who had been towering over me for the last ten minutes, it had been at least five since they had emptied their bladders

When they finally left he undid the piss gag, allowing me to breathe properly for the first time in hours, The Suit was being similarly released. I watched as he fell to his knees and began to slurp the piss that had built up in the trough. A ball of wet tissue paper having impeded its flow. I knew that I was expected to do the same,

"Look at them, thirty piss pigs, just wallowing in it" Boss said loudly, "Yeah you'd never guess what that one does for a living, and this" Boss's boot pushed my face further into the river of piss. "It has settled comfortably to a life of permanent slavery. Come on pigs, let me hear you Oink"

Suit and I both began to squeak and oink, not that I had to be coerced, after so many hours ok kneeling and swallowing an almost unending stream of piss, skinhead piss I was undoubtedly a pig a very happy piss pig.

"Get up, and get out to the bar" I followed Suit's lead who dragged himself across the floor of the bathroom, and the bar room , before getting up at near the entrance, head bowed and arms behind our backs.

I took the opportunity to consider the last few hours. Skinhead after skinhead had lined up to piss in me, on me or around me. The taste and smell was lodged in my nostrils. When not being pissed on I was kicked, slapped, and spat on. Suit was treated the same possibly even more so.

"Ok, that's it for tonight, if you are going to be any use to me tomorrow, you need to sleep." I looked down wondering I was soaked to the skin in piss, was Boss really going to let me sit in his car like this.

Suit fell to his knees and began to squeal, and move towards the bar "you too, follow the pig" I fell down and made unconvincing noises. Behind the bar a set of stairs led to the next floor. Boss joined us, Suit began to lick his right boot, I knew I was expected to do the same to the left.

"Get those clothes off now." We were soon naked , a sheen of piss glistening on our skin. Suit had a pair of pierced nipples and a huge Prince Albert, far too big I thought considering the size of his dick.

"Pig lead our guest to bed. You've been good so you can have a treat tomorrow"

Suit stank, I suppose I did too, and I was grateful that the mattress was big enough that I could lie down at a distance from him. He began to snore, even that was swine like in its noise. I finally had time to think. When was I going to see Master next? Would I be with Boss for as long as I had been with Sir Michael? Was I going to see Master again? I told myself to stop worrying as otherwise i'd never sleep and would be of no use to Boss in the morning. Bird song outside told me it was almost that and I turned over and pushed my face into a pillow.

It was bright outside when I was woken, my cock was unusually hard, I absent middle moved my hand, just as I realised that risked wanking a sloppy wetness engulfed it. Suit was sucking me off. He looked at me and raised a finger to his full mouth. An indication that I was to remain silent.

He continued to work on my cock, when not engulfed by his throat , it was being slowly teased by his tongue the tip, flicking back and forth across the piss slit. He continued to suck, and when I moved my hand to try and at least slow if not stop the assaults it was brushed away. Finally I couldn't take anymore and I exploded.

Suit slid his mouth slowly off my cock, and moved up towards my face, he opened his mouth, knowing what was coming I closed my eyes as he began to kiss me, emptying his mouth into mine, the explosion of cum swapping between mouths before dissolving and falling down both out throats. He pushed back, and gave what looked like a toothless smile.

Suddenly something damp hit us. It was Suit's piss soaked jacket and trousers from the night before.

"Oi you, go and get showered, Rick called he's on his way". Boss was already up and dressed, a large gut hanging over his tight bleachers.

Suit rushed off, leaving me alone with Boss. "That's him out of the way, now you can get started on this. He towered over me as he unzipped and presented his dick. I was soon on all fours eagerly sucking him off.

I have no idea how long I was sucking for but we were disturbed by the sound of Boss's phone. He pushed me off, get downstairs and get that. I ran down the stairs, I could see through the back door a tall blur. I opened, it before I could say anything I was pushed aside.

"You must be It, I'm Rick."Like Boss he was in his fifties, unlike Boss he was despite the bluntness of his language what I'd describe as posh. "Is Lou upstairs?" His heavy footsteps on the stairs were frightening.

By the time I was up Rick was in an armchair, Suit was grovelling on the floor licking his boots. "Thank you for allowing me to serve Master" He got back on his knees, I noticed he was back in his suit, not the same one as the previous night but a pristine pin stripe.

"Stand." As he did Rick handed him a box. Suit opened it. `Show It" He showed me the contents. A set of false teeth, which he slipped in his mouth. Suit looked at me, smiled. "Good morning" if anything he sounded even polisher half Rick. "We'd better get going, he's got a big day on Monday, so needs to prepare" With that Rick and Suit were half way down the stairs .

As the door slammed Boss spoke. "I bet you are dying to know their story" I nodded. "Richard works in publishing, and Percy's a barrister. Yes, his names Percy, Pissy Percy to his mates. They've been together for years, and once a month Percy comes here kneels in the bathroom and gets pissed on. Once a month for twenty-five years, he had teeth back then though. He still would have if he'd learned not to use them when sucking Richard off."

As Boss said that he stuck his finger in my mouth and felt round it as if he was counting my teeth. A shudder went down my spine. I wondered how the teeth were removed. Boss stood up opened a wardrobe and took out a hanger, he placed Percy's piss soaked jacket on it. He';s worn the same jacket and trousers once a month for the last decade. Stinks to high heaven, it would probably give a dry cleaner a heart attack."

Now you get showered, you need something to eat if you are going to get through the day.

I exited the shower, Boss was waiting outside, he was rummaging through the holdall. "I can't have you going out in a piss soaked suit for breakfast, lets' see what's here you can wear." Thankfully Master had packed a clean shirt and some jeans. "These will do, perhaps if you behave I'll get some piss on them later for you."

"Yes, Boss" I said, trying not to sound unenthusiastic. I was hoping that not all of my clothes would get pissed on. "Just get dressed and meet me downstairs. " Thirty minutes later we were outside a greasy spoon. "Two full english" shouted Boss towards the back as he pointed at a seat.

Only two other tables were occupied, one a party of four skinheads, I wondered if they had used me the night before, the other three workmen. It wasn't long before our breakfasts arrived. "Eat up" Boss commanded. I began shovelling the food down, not knowing when my next proper meal would come from. "Hi Lou, it was a great night last night " One of the skinheads said as they walked past to leave, He slapped my head as he did so. "Be careful, he's going to be using that later" The skinheads laughed, one of them ben t down to my ear and when "pssss" making it clear that he at least had used me. "See you later boy"

As they tormented me the workmen also walked by wordlessly . Boss and I were soon the only patrons left in the cafe. The waiter began clearing the tables. "Oi mate, don't take them back there just yet" Boss stood up and as I finished my breakfast walked over to the waiter. He was soon next to our table placing the plates on the floor beside us. He took both mine and Boss's and placed them on the floor too.

"I want to make sure you really are fed today, so get licking" I'm going out for a newspaper and some fags I want to see these clean by the time I'm back.

I got down on my knees immediately and started to lick.My cock hardened slightly, knowing I was in someone recreating life as it had become ay Master's. Some plates required more work than others, one or two had the barest hint of grease, whilst one had a mix of almost untouched baked beans and mashed potato, cold obviously but after being treated to a warm hot breakfast I wasn't going to complain, not that I'd have dared. I was licking the final trace of congealed egg yolk when Boss returned.

"Ok that seems good enough, thanks Pat he shouted towards the back, I'll have another victim next month" Something indistinguishable came from the back, Boss laughed and ushered me out.

Back at the bar, Boss ordered me upstairs, get your clothes off, and come back here. As I undressed I wondered what was up next, what ever it was at least it wasn't going to involve my clothes getting pissed on.

When I returned Boss was no where to be seen, "In here" He was in the toilet. "I open in monty minutes you have sixty too get this place clean. Beside him there was a mop and a bucket of water. "Before you use those I think you should show this some reverence" He kicked the trough with his boot. Grabbing me by my neck he forced me against the metal. "Go on lick" I stuck out my tongue and give a quick lick. "What the fuck do you call that" Tongue out" He dragged my head so it sent the whole length of the trough not one , but three times. "that's better, now stay from here and make sure every single centimetre gets worshipped"

As I began to worship the steel trough, he spat at me some of it hitting the steel some my back. When I seemed to loose momentum he pushed my head against the trough with the sole of his boot. "Come of pig, you've not got much time"

Finally I finished, "Took your time, I've got twenty minutes before opening, not enough time for you to lick those toilets clean. Get in the bar."

The doorman barman from last night was already there, "It's all set up Lou" "Cheers" I looked around, in the corner what looked like a cross between a stocks and a table had been set up. "That's where you are going to be spending the next few hours "

Boss dragged me over and pushed me down, my head and arms were secured. "From now until whenever you are nothing but two pleasure holes. I'm going expecting to have a bar full of cum heavy skins needing to unload, and you my man are going to help them. Now let's see how ready you are.

The barman stood in front of me, his dick was out, I knew what was next, behind me, out of sight Boss was gently rubbing my back, It was comforting although I knew hot was next was going to be anything but. I heard the unzipping of his jeans, a prelude to what I knew would be the first fuck of the afternoon,

"Remember, enjoy yourself and smile for the camera."

Next: Chapter 50

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