Wanted Dog Walker

By Ash Eater

Published on Dec 5, 2023


He wasted no time in asserting his control over me, He removed the backpack from my mouth and the holdall from my back. "

"On your knees. Ok first rule you know address me only as Sir Damon, not Sir but Sir Damon. It's my name and I rather like it. I understand you had a name once didn't"you"? "Yes Sir Damon" I answered hesitantly, it had been such a long time since I'd been called by my pre slave name. Even my inner monologue had stopped using it. Master and the men I had served called me many things, It, slave, Boy, dog, cunt. If they didn't use that name I had no reason to .

"Good. You still need to make amends for the satisfactory attempt you made at cleaning my trainers last night."

I looked down at his dirty work boots."Don't get too excited they are coming later. You need to be punished first for last nights piss poor attempt. Come closer, and take this off"

It took a while Ito realise he was talking about his belt. I reached up and started to remove it. It loosened it and removed it from the buckle. " From now on you just use your teeth. t was then I realised how tall Sir Damon was, I had to stretch up to get a grip on the leather . Removing one it between one belt loop at a time. He was extremely patient with me, and did not seem to get annoyed that I was struggling to make sure that I obeyed his instruction. Finally all that remain attached to his trouser was the buckle. I took the metal in my mouth and slowly pulled. Finally it was all free.

"About fucking time" He held out his hand I dropped the belt which I knew he was planning on punishing me with "Go to the sink, and bend over."

I shuffled over and slowly and apprehensively got on my feet. The sink was full of cold dirty water. "You might want to grip something" I helped on to the side of the kitchen worktops. Just in time for the first whack of his belt against my buttocks. I let out a yelp. "Scream as much as you want, Mike will be listening out for it."

Another half dozen whacks came in quick succession. Heat was radiating from my buttocks. It was a struggle to keep my grip, and the temptation to place my hands over my butt to protect it was strong.

The next hit my calf., as did the next and the next. Before he returned to my butt. One whack, the he walked over and started to run his nails down along the marks that his beating and created.

"Watch" He leant over me, As he ground his groin against my arse I watched as he doubled over the belt. "Kiss it" I moved my head forward and kissed the leather. "Now the punishment beings, are you ready?"

I didn't even have the opportunity to count the number of whacks administered they came quick and fast, I started to sob, "Please Sir, stop Sir." He continued my pleading just led him to beat me with increased vigour. "Shut up. Screams are fine but no talking, and don't ever just call me Sir again"

He walked and pushed my head into the cold dirty water. I was still spluttering when he picked up a dishcloth from the sink, and shoved it in my mouth. "That should shut you upon"The taste of dirty soapy water made me want to vomit, but it had the impact of stifling my pleading. The tears began to sting. Sir Damon's contempt for me was obvious. "Final Ten" He counted as he administered each one, finally slowing down the pace, but this made it even worse as the agony was prolonged. "Two , one"

He came behind me, and began to drawn his fingers across the cheeks, I winced with each millimetres if movement. "I enjoyed that.I hope you are going to give me plenty more reasons to punish you " I flinched as he breathed on my neck. "God you stink." He pushed my head back into the water "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" He released me pulled the plug.

I watched the water drain, as the final centimetre went down the plug I felt something wet being poured over my head. "It was some of the piss mix that SIR Damon had brought home with him. "Now isn't that better, you like smelling like an urinal don't you" I muffled a "Yes Sir Damon" before he removed the dish cloth. He pulled up my head So I was upright and handed me a glass. He rubbed my back gently "This will get rid of that nasty taste" I was still recovering from the brutality of the beating, and was nervous and the tenderness of his touch.

"Are you hungry" "Yes Sir Damon " He unzipped his holdall, and puller out a polystyrene box.

You liked the chips Mike gave you last night so I bought these at lunchtime, I'm sorry I've not trod in them so you are going to have to eat straight from the box.

He placed the box of six hour old cold chips one the floor. "Eat whilst I shower."

Before he had even left the kitchen I was nose first snuffling up the cold fried potato. It was disgusting, but it was food and I was grateful that my nutritional needs were being taken care of.


I was on my knees when Sir Damon returned from the shower. A towel around his waist, for the first tome I noticed that he had a well defined chest. He walked to the fridge and poured himself a glass of wine. Holding the glass and bottle he instructed me to crawl into the living room,

He threw the towel on the floor and sat down, he pointed to between his legs, "Sit down ad get going on those" He pointed to his work boots. Still filthy from his day on a building site. I sat between his legs the dark hairs that covered them from ankle to his thigh a distraction from the pain that sitting down on my still sore arse, O lifted his boot and held it in front of me twisting it in the light admiring it knowing that it had been worn by this Man who was now temporarily in control of my every moment.

I looked at the treads, lumps of mud lay between them. But only briefly as they were soon swallowed as I began the task of worship. Over the next hour I did my best to make sure that each boot was as clean as it possibly could be.

Sir Damon was watching telly more or less ignoring me, except when he instructed me to put my headlock and open my mouth when he would spit a mouthful of wine into the open chasm .

"A much better job. A shame I had to beat you so hard to get the desired result." He moved his right foot so it was resting on my groin, for the first time in ages I was conscious of a hard on. "Looks like your little friend is excited. Did it enjoy the punishment? Did you?"

At this stage I was now unsure, it had hurt like hell, but I was grateful for the effort Sir Damon had put in to correct my behaviour, and I was grateful for the opportunity of licking his boots. "No need to answer I think I know" It's time for bed.Come on"

I crawled after hime expecting to be pointed to the kitchen, or possibly the bathroom, but was led into the bedroom. "Get in" "The bed Sir Damon?" I was so used to the idea of sleeping in a proper bed the idea almost scared me. "Of course"

I sat on the bed, nervous having almost forgotten how one actually slept in one. Before I had a chance to think anymore, I was dragged so my head was hanging over the end.

"You didn't think you were actually here to sleep did you. Get working on this. HIs large hard dick was in my face. "Open up" He slid his cock in and began to fuck my throat. "Sir Damon's phone was looking directly at me. "iIm going to film this, so look pretty, and make sure you look as if you are enjoying yourself.

The next thirty minutes was an unrelenting attack on my throat. His dick seemed twice as large and as thick as it had been yesterday. The only time his dick left my mouth was when he either decided to slap my face with it or on the three occasions when I choked and coughed what seemed like a pint of slimy spit. The slime trickled down from my mouth towards my eyes. My vision was now serious reduced, and I was hoping Sir Damon would finally cum. I was at the stage that I didn't even care if I'd get to taste it, all I wanted was some relief from the battering. Finally he removed his dick, he still towered over me, I watched as his hand slid along the shaft pulling his fore skin right back . It was such a sight I was now regretting the fact that I was no lower being able to serve and worship it.

"Ready Boy?" " Yes Sir Damon" A river of cum hit the middle of my face. He moved closers and spread it across the surface, finally allowing me to taste a tiny bit of it My slave instinct meant that I tried to take the dick back in my mouth.

Sir Damon slapped my face. Not now Bitch. He left me there as he picked up the phone and left the bedroom. I heard water run in the bathroom , he was cleaning up. This made me more conscious of the fact that my face was now covered with what seemed like a gallon of saliva.

He returned. "Up and off". He threw his damp towel at me. "You can sleep on that. You honestly think I was going to let you share my bed did you?" I didn't answer as I was reluctant to admit that he had got my hopes up. "The that to the hall and you can sleep there, and don't you even dare think about washing that face."

The light in Sir Damon's room went off, and I was now in near darkness a distant light coming through the bathroom window was the only illumination available to me . I settled down to sleep, thinking about how much I wanted to be back with Master.

it was early dawn when I was kicked in my side and in my half asleep site dragged to the bathroom, instructed to hang my head over the toilet bowl. Fresh piss soon was dripping down the back of my neck and over my forehead. I was yanked back up Sir Damon's face was level with mine. He spat into it. "I think I've won my bet with Mike, I've made you a pig before breakfast" He pushed my head back in the toilet bowl. "Drink I reached down when I felt his foot on the back of my head pushing me further in, quickly followed by a gush of cold water as he activated the flush.

"At least you are clean now. Or as clean as you will be whilst staying with me"

He dragged me to the kitchen. I knelt there silently my head bowed. "Eat" a bowl was placed before me. The fact it wasn't cold chips , but a standard bowl of corn flakes made me so happy. Not even the finest of fine dining menus I had had in my old life would have been as welcome.

I ate every flake, and swallowed each drop of milk. "Thank You Sir Damon"

"That thanks better apply everything that I've done for you since you entered this flat, as you are going to experience it all again when I'm back from work, " He was now in his work clothes the boots that I had locked clean last night were back on his feet.

"Follow me, " I crawled after him. He opened a storage cupboard, In. He handed me the bottle of piss that he had brought back with hime from work the night before , "That will keep you from dehydrating " He closed the door. I was alone t, five minutes later he light bulb above me was switched off.

"See you in six hours. You'd better be ready for your punishment. "

Next: Chapter 48

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