Wanted Dog Walker

By Ash Eater

Published on Aug 26, 2021


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The Doctor had an apartment above the examination room. I followed Jim's lead and crawled up the stairs on all fours and then knelt besides a leather sofa that sat in the middle of the lounge.

"You go and order dinner, curry I think. You start worshipping these" He raised his right leg and pointed at his foot. I moved closer and holding the calf in my hands I secured the leg in position and began to lick the back of the heel. "I want to feel that tongue bitch, I've been on them all day, have hardly had time to sit down, so show them the respect and adoration they deserve" I inhaled the muskiness as I moved along the outside of the foot. I looked up and caught his eye, he was staring right at me, I immediately looked away. "Keep the eye contact bitch, I want to see the adoration in your eyes, the adoration and the fear" My eyes locked with his as I continued to lick the sole his foot, it felt as if they were drilling into my own soul. Very little emotion was being show but he was definitely making hot clear that as far as he was concerned I was lucky that he was allowing me to even touch him. "Toes, I want to feel that tongue in between them" I spent the next five minutes shrimping as my tongue worked its way between the gaps of each toe. Flecks of dirt, lint and skin filled my mouth. He raised his hand , and pointed to his left foot that was now raised of the ground. I regrettably released the right, and started to make a move to begin worshipping it. Before I had a chance to he had forced it into my mouth, forcing may jaw open.

"Slave where's my dinner" "Another five minutes or so Master"If it's not here soon this bitch is going to be eating the saliva it retches up from gagging on my foot" He forced it in further, and began to fuck my mouth with it. I had resumed eye contact, he gave a look of determination. Determination to make me suffer as I succumbed to the power of his foot. "Go on splutter some more, you like that don't you I can tell in your eyes. My mouth was full and reduced my ability to speak coherently, but I muffled a truthful "Yes Doctor." After weeks of generally being left alone by Master , I was relishing this side of being used property. He slowly removed his foot, but within seconds was pushing the sole hard into my face, so hard I thought may nose would break at any minute.

The door bell rang. "Just as I was having fun." Jim appeared Carrying two bags full of takeaway. My stomach started to rumble, I was hungry and was looking forward to eating. The doctor took the bags off Jim. "You have three minutes to get ready"

"Quickly, get on all fours, and wear this" he said handing my a blindfold "and make sure that back is flat, and do not say a word for at least the next thirty minutes" As he spoke he put on a gag, attached to which was an ashtray. It was clear I wasn't going to be eating just yet The Doctor announced his return, "You'd better be ready"

They next thing I knew, what felt like a plate was placed on my back, and the some warm plastic. "Your'e may table for the next half hour or so, don't you dare move and spill my food. I then heard him dress Jim. "Hand me my cigar and lighter" The noise of the igniting lighter was a precursor to the smell of cigar smoke hitting my nostrils, blocking out the smell of curry. I felt my dick go hard, the Doctor had also noticed it as he pushed it back to between my legs with his foot. "Smells turn you on big time don't they"

Jim had warned me not to speak, I didn't even nod as I feared that would impact on my balance. No other words were spoken the only noise coming from the serving of the of his food, and the inhaling of his cigar. All of a sudden I sensed the things on my back being removed, and replaced by two heels resting against my spine. "Well done, nothing was spilled, it's a shame but I don't think you are up for the another challenge. Do you agree slave?"

I heard an affirmative grunt from Jim. "Do you want to do it?" Another grunt.

"Ok, get ready" The blindfold was removed. "Kneel. Quickly" I got up into the position the Doctor had ordered, and the ashtray gag was attached to me. "Don't get too excited at the smell ? This is for my pleasure not an excuse for you to get a cheap thrill" Now that I was able to see I looked at Jim, he was pouring his Master a glass of wine. Instead of handing it to him, he placed it on his head, and waited.

Over the next half; hour the doctor alternated between inhaling his cigar, and drinking his wine. I was amazed that Jim managed to balance the glass on his head without it slipping and spilling the contents. I guessed it must have taken a lot of training and punishment before he finally got it right. "Three years." That's how long, and numerous beatings, and broken glasses" The Doctor had read my mind. "Each time he drops a glass he gets thirty whacks from my belt, doesn't really happen often enough these days." The Doctor picked up the glass and drained it.

"Ok, I promised you some food. I suppose you should get it." He left us both alone looking at each other. I had no idea what was happening next the look of resignation in Jim's eyes suggested he did,

The doctor placed two dog bowls on the floor, each one filled with the same meal he had eaten earlier, however it was obvious that ours was cold. He removed the ashtray from around my head, and I was disappointed that it wasn't being added to the meal.

"Go on eat," Jim and I dived into out bowls and ravenously attached the cold but spicy contents, I barely looked up the one occasion I remember doing so I noticed that the Doctor was wanking with one hand and slowly teasing his right nipple with the other."Eat bitch" following that I concentrated on emptying the bowl . As I swallowed the last mouthful a massive groan from the Doctor indicated that he had cum. I looked up and it was being directed not the ashtray. A few seconds later a strange voice . "Hello darling, hello Cunt, another new patient?" In his late thirties, early forties, a dark moustache, and well groomed hair, his suit was Wii fitted and obviously expensive. He approached the sofa and gave the Doctor a deep passionate kiss.

"Hello sweetie" The doctor replied The tone was so different from what I had experienced so far, gone was the sneering, replaced with affection. Jim remained silent he was by now back on his knees, his back straight upright, his head bowed."Yes, this is It, remember Kyle telling us about his dog walker Pete, well this is him, I mean It I've giving it one of my assessments." The Man pulled Jim's head back and spat in his face. "Thank You Master Martin "

"What's this mess, Cunt clear this up and get into that kitchen" Without a word Jim picked up everything and disappeared Martin looked at me, "so what is its' sucking technique like. Any good?" He loosened his belt, and unzipped his trousers. He pointed at me with his forefinger and without breaking his gaze moved it sort was pointing down at his erect dick. I approached cautiously his finger moved towards his balls, large balls I sniffed them and found myself growling, and began to lick, then suck, gently and deferentially.

"Now stay there, whilst I wank. I suckled the balls as I watched his hand slide the length of the shaft, his fulsome foreskin retracting with each downward movement exposing a pink dome of flesh. This went on for some fifteen minutes "Finished cunt?" He was addressing Jim. Whatever the answer was Jim did not verbalise it. "That's enough I'll carry on from here. He continued to wank, awkwardly for a while as he struggled to stand, I wondered what he was up to. He reached for the ashtray that was still full of the Doctor's ash and cum.

"Cunt clean me up" Jim approached Martin, who slapped him hard across the face, before taking the cock in his mouth, another hard slap to the back of the head a signal for him to finish.It was clear that his was no sexual aspect to this activity just one of orders and obedience, control and submission.

Martin sat down, and looked in the ashtray, he began to stir in with his finger, creating a soup of ash and two types of cum. Scooping up some he looked at me and held out his finger. "Eat, what ever you are" I opened my mouth and took the finger licking off the sticky mixture. I had no idea ion it was expected but I let out a "Thank You Sir" "Good boy" he stopped more up , this continued until the ashtray was empty. "Jealous?" He said looking at me but a question that was directed at Jim. "Of course you are"

His attention returned to me. "Stand. Turn around, bend over. spread those cheeks, come closer. pull back that foreskin, open your mouth "

Martin was repeating some of the inspection that the Doctor had put me through. "Those balls could be lower, that hole could be looser, such a shame I came home so late I'd have liked to have more fun working you out"

He looked at his watch,"It's gone passed the cunts bedtime, do you want me to lock them up"? The Doctor grunted. Martin stood his hard dick visible through the fabric of his trousers. "Aren't you going kiss him good night" The Doctor remained silent.

A few minutes later we were back down stairs. Martin opened o side room that went off the examination room we were in earlier. In it there were a number of cages. I hadn't really spent much time looking earlier, I noticed that the posters were all animal related . The Doctor was a vet. Martin opened an extra large cage, it contained a threadbare mattress nothing else.

"I shall leave you to alone, a few hours to get to know each, I'm going upstairs, you can let our guest know how you are here, I'm upstairs with your husband"

Next: Chapter 39

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