Wanted Dog Walker

By Ash Eater

Published on Jun 20, 2021


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As was now customary I was awake with the dawn chorus,

I had been kneeling outside Master's back door waiting . I had time to consider the day before where the final outward appearance of Peter was gone for ever, I knew that even if Master allowed me to grow any of it back it would be at his whim, each strand of hair now a sign of his control.

My balls started to itch , Master opened the door, naked, just as I started to scratch. "Turned on are we?" I started to stammer an answer, but before I could he aimed a kick at them ."DO" "NOT" "TOUCH" Each word separated by a kick. "Understand" "Yes Master." "Good now get in and have breakfast."

On the floor were three bowls one of water, one of my oat based gruel, and Boy's bowl empty except for the streaks that indicated he had just devoured a full bowl of dog food. Master towered over me"Eat" I looked up, and then placed my face into Boy's empty bowl, licking up the remains, before starting on my own breakfast.

"Well, done" I heard Master leave , and walk up the stairs. By the time I had finished my breakfast and drank the water he was fully dressed. In Shirt and tie, he was going to be in the office today. This meant I could likely be left alone.

Suddenly the doorbell went. "In here lads" The tone of his voice change" Out here now" I scurried out of the kitchen into the hall way. "Dan, Daz, meet it" "It, Dan and Daz, are doing some building work next door over the next couple of days, and have agreed to hep you out" He opened the door to the room where the boxes I had brought with me , or rather the boxes Peter had brought with him, were kept. I'd not had a chance to decide what I wanted to keep before I declared myself Master's slave.

"These have been cluttering up this place for far too long, Pete the sub was taking far too long to decide what he wanted to keep, but now it the slave doesn't need anything, only what I chose to provide, so they are all going into the skip. " I watched as the two young men lifted two boxes each and headed outside, Master indicated I was to follow, I reached the front door, and saw all four boxes being unceremoniously being chucked into the skip. Three more trips and every single former possession of mine was consigned to a future as landfill.

"Kitchen, now",I crawled back to the kitchen , and took my position kneeling waiting. "So which one of you wants to try him first?" I looked up nervously and saw Dan and Daz jostle each other, nervously. "Come on lads sticking your dick in his mouth won't make you queer,"Daz eventually approached, unzipped, for a few brief moments his dick just hung there, waiting. He was still reticent, so I took the initiative, without using my hands I gently took it in my mouth and waited. I looked up, when our eyes met the snarl on his mouth turned into a panicked nervousness.

He withdrew quickly a stream of piss land onto floor. Master looked at me "Get to it" I bent down and lapped it up. "See easy, and unlike the piss you spill on the toilet seat, this will lick it up. " It was Ok," Daz said nervously, until I saw his eyes. "It not his" said Master, "Not an insurmountable problem. You have duct tape don't you?"

"Of course"said Dan. "Go get it" Master looked at me with a stern eye, as we waited for Dan's return . "Got it?" Dan threw something Master, who caught it with one hand. "Close your eyes" I obeyed. I then heard a ripping sound, followed by something tacky being stuck to my skin. This was repeated another three time. "Open" My vision was now obscured by black tape some peripheral movement was still visible but nothin else.

"OK, its all yours and, remember it's not just a urinal, have fun" "You, get up " I got up, difficult with reduced vision. "You better not let me down, I'll be home by 3"

I suddenly felt myself being lifted by my arms, I felt the warmth of the sun on me, which indicated we were outside, then without warning I was dumped on the ground again. The cold tiles indicated we were probably next door,

"Look lads, a gift from next door, a human urinal." "What the fuck are you serious" I guessed that there were another two men in the house along with Dan and Daz "Now let's see if that tape makes a difference" It was Daz. He roughly prised open my mouth and inserted his dick. `Mate you need to try this, now you cant see its eye you could almost forget its human.

I have no idea how long I was left alone after Daz used me, but a hard slap to the face and a stern "Open up" meant that I knew I was about to make myself useful again. "Das you were right, beats pissing into a bowl anytime. No sooner than had he removed his dick then another replaced it. "I don't want a piss I just want a warm mouth round my cock. Get sucking"

I obeyed the order, although sucking every a large dick like this was difficult when unable to see it. I realised that the only way I could successfully do so was to ensure that I kept as much of it in my mouth at any one time.

"I thought you gays were meant to be great at cock sucking" He slapped my face hard, and withdrew his dick. "Well?" :"Sorry Sir" "Let's try again" I spend my mouth and the dick slid In. He grabbed the back of my head and started to guide my sucking movement. "That's much better"

For the next five minutes he fucked my throat, as I gagged and spluttered. Even without vision the tell tale signs of his humming was evident by the heavy breathing and the pulsating dick. The thick cum hit the back of my throat.

"That's better, now to use a proper toilet for a piss. If you wanted to taste mine you should have started off better" A hard slap to my face , and then footsteps. For the next hour or so all I could hear was footsteps, and banging in another room, as they got on with their work.

"Lunch break" Das said as he entered the room where I'd be deposited. "We're off out don't get up to mischief"

"How do we know he won't ?" "It's It remember not he. Anyway I have an idea. Grab its arms." Both of my arms were lifted up. I heard the round of duct tape being ripped, before being wrapped around first my right hand then my left. "At least that will stop it wanking that pathetic excuse of a dick"

With that I was left alone. Five minutes later the front door opened again. "I took my hammer with me, not really needed in a greasy spoon. You can help keep it safe." It was Dan, He pushed me forward, I felt a finger against my arse hole. "A bit tight, nothing some grease and some pressure won't fix" A minute later I felt something cold being applied to my hole, before it was invaded. Dan was firmly pushing the handle of a hammer inside me, stopping only when I could feel the head against my flesh.

"Now keep that safe, and don't lose it, I'm too busy to take you to A&E.

The next hour was agony, the pressure against my prostate was making my dick hard, I of course could not wank , not that I would have, or so I hoped. Eventually they returned. "Let's see how you got on" With little ceremony i was pushed forward, and the hammer was yanked out of my hole. " I'd better clean this before I start using it again"

"Open wide and show me your tongue." The handle was wiped across my tongue , and then inserted in my mouth. "Close it, show it the same respect as you would a dick" The handle slowly went into my mouth I have no idea how much but any further I would have gagged. He gently withdrew leaving behind the taste of grease and arse juice.

"I'm dying for a piss, that tea has just gone through me. " "Me too""And me" "I'm bursting" The last voice belonged to the fourth man, who had yet to use me. "Fuck we can't all use the mouth at the same time. "Grab it and lay it in the floor' I suddenly found myself on my back "Get that mouth open" I felt four kicks, one to each of my shoulders and both my lower arms. "Ready?" Suddenly four streams of piss were hitting me, two worked their way up my chest, two hit my face, eventually my mouth began to fill up with liquid. Eventually the stoped, a few more kicks I was again left alone. Lying there in puddles of piss.It was then that I heard another voice. "Looks as if you have been having fun." It was Master.

"Dan, Daz can you lift it up please? " I was lifted back on my knees. "Have you been wanking?" Master lifted up my left arm, which was still bound. "No Master." "Then explain this."

"Precautionary measures, we left it alone for lunch" "I approve, although why it would bother I have no idea," Master's boot lifted up my dick and balls, just in case I had any doubt what he was referring to.

"I have my own way of dealing with such behaviour , so that can be removed now" Once the binding was removed and I was given the opportunity to get the circulation back into my hands, Master spoke again. "What about the eyes?" "After three " "3, 2 1" The strips of tape covering my eyes were ripped off swiftly I stifled a "fuck."

Blinking I saw the four men who had used me as a urinal, I bent down and kissed each of their boots, "Thank You Sir" I then kissed Master's shoes,"Thank You Master" "What are you thank ing me for "

"For allowing me to serve these men, and prove my usefulness to you Master" "Whatever! Now get back next door" I crawled out, last week I would have been scared to have been outside naked, now I didn't care as I knew it was what Master wanted. I saw the skip, now piled up with junk , knowing that at the bottom of it lay Peters possessions.

I waited outside Master's house for five minutes, before he caught up with me and let me in. He left he front door open ."Get to the kitchen" "You know where it is" Daz was standing above me."I need another piss mate, open up.and look me right in the eye" As he emptied his bladder a grin turned into a sadistic smile.

Next: Chapter 32

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