Wanted Dog Walker

By Ash Eater

Published on Feb 6, 2021


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Down Boy, Mr Stephens was releasing me from the cage for the second morning running. It was Friday morning I had now spent two successive nights with my dick locked away from harm, but not spending my time wanking I had time to concentrate on more important matter.

Mr Stephens was only half dressed, his office shirt, knee length socks, and a pair of underpants Sleep well? "Yes, Mr Stephens" I replied, relieved at the brief release that I was experiencing. Thirsty? Of course you are. Mr Stephens lifted an empty pint glass, and aimed his dick at it. It slowly filled with his piss straw coloured

Before he handed it to me he lifted it up admiringly to the light, what do you think? He placed his finger against my lip, a sign that no response needed to be vocalised. Now drink I took the glass and began to drink. Not too quickly as I wanted to savour the taste, something that I had realised wasn't always possible when I drank it directly from his dick.

Today marked five days of being Mr Stephens; employee as well as his Dog walker. Most of my waking hours were now spent either in his company or close enough that should he require it , I was close on hand.

"You must really be impressing him" said Tim, as I Ieft Mr Stephens office for the second time that morning. The taste of his piss still fresh on my tongue. I'd not be surprised if he takes you on permanently, `I wish" I replied honestly, I felt comfortable and useful at SB Data "If I was you I'd consider what training Mike can offer" it was then that Mr Black walked into the office. "Talking about me are we Tim" "Just telling Pete here about your approach to training and development" "I think he's getting a good idea about that already, don't you?" Before I had an opportunity to answer he disappeared into Mr Stephens; office.

I turned down Tim's offer to join him for lunch, as I hadn't been able to check out Mr Stephen's view. I was therefore out in the office alone, when Mr Black appeared at the door. "In here Now" I jumped off my chair and hurried into the office, as soon as I was though the door, I fell on my knees, "You have some unfinished business: He lifted his right foot, and tapped his shoe."There's one problem Mike" said Mr Stephens. "He cant use the same polish, no wanking for him for some time" "You spoil everything, never mind, I have an alternative." Pulling out his dick he began to wank. "What about it?" he directed the question to Mr Stephens. "I always give Boy a fresh bone to gnaw on, on a Friday, so why should he be treated differently?""Go on " Mr Stephens said encouragingly to me "you know you want to" I approached Mr Black's groin and took his dick in my mouth .

Mr Black gripped the back of my head firmly and began to forcibly fuck my throat. As I gagged I began to salivate, when suddenly I felt the telltale sign that he was about to cum."What ever you do . Do not swallow" As he exploded it filled my mouth I began to cough."Don't you dare spill a drop" "Mr Stephens said firmly from his desk.

Mr Black slid his dick out of my mouth. "Now there's your polish. " I fell on the floor and emptied the contents of my mouth on to his shoe. "Do you think I should have warned him I was a heavy cummer?" "Responding to unexpected challenges are a requirement when working here , so why should you ?" This conversation took place above my head and I wasn't; fully paying attention, to the implication instead I was concentrating on proving to both Mr Stephens and Mr Black that I could be dependable and hard working. I devoted my concentration to the shoe, ensuring that my saliva and his cum were fully absorbed into the shoe.

"That's enough, stand up" As soon as I did Mr Black pulled down the zip on my trousers, and slid in his hand. "My dick was hard , he slid his thumb over my pis slit, he pulled out his hand, and sniffed his thumb, then offered to me to suck" if only there was a way to control such emissions, but we cant have everything"

The afternoon went quickly, most of it was spent at my desk, not much work was done, I was however hungry and I hoped that tonight I would be fed by Mr Stephens. At 4pm and email came round , there was going to be a post work drink session from 5pm. At 4.50 I was summoned in to Mr Stephens.

Although he was alone in the office I went down on my knees, from there I could see that he had taken out his dick. I crawled over and took into in my mouth, I think you need something to line your stomach before we head to the pub. As I gulped down his urine he spoke" I've no idea how long we will stay tonight but I don't want you getting drunk, we may eat we may not, it will depend on how I feel. It will however be a good test , as I've yet to see how you are with many people around in a social setting"

"I've finished, now wait for me we can go over together."Yes Mr Stephens, Thank you". I was grateful for the way in which he was looking after my well being and helping me settle in. It was 5.15 by the time he came from his office, everyone else had gone, so I was even keener to have Mr Stephens lead me into a new environment.

It was a very crowded bar, and I felt rather overwhelmed, until Mr Stephen placed his hand only back and guided me through the throng. The team was already sitting down, there was one from stool next to Mr Black. Naturally this was taken by Mr Stephens Without thinking I sat rather knelt on the floor between the two of them. "Well done " they both whispered in unison

Drink Boss? asked Tim "Beer please' "Pete? "Lime and Soda? replied Mr Stephens with just the right intonation so that it was a question " "Yes Lime and Soda please Tim" My drink arrived and I thanked Tim, and when the obligatory clicking of glasses happened I also Thanked Mr Stephens. I barely spoke for the next hour as the conversation veered from work project to the home lives of the staff, a second drink arrived, this time a vodka, which Mr Black had suggested I might like. Another three rounds of drinks were bought, Mr Stephens had decided that I didn't want anything else. The team was getting a bit louder and had splintered off into small conversations, this was when I felt the back of my neck being managed, as if I was being petted It was at first a strange feeling but comforting too, it was a struggle not to put my head against Mr Stephens' knee. Tim and the others ordered some bar food. From my position on the floor the table it had been placed on was out of reach, and I had set been given an indication if Mr Stephens was going to eat. It was a relief when he picked up a sewer of meat. "

Hungry? "Yes, Mr Stephens" I said nodding. "I know you want to eat it from the floor, but that won't be sensible .Give me your hand. He slid the met of the skewer onto my open palm, I bent my face down and swallowed. I was grateful for the food, but wished I was in Mr Stephen's kitchen being allowed to eat properly.

Mr Black stood up." I need to go I've got a badminton game in the morning" The chair beside me was now free but I remained where I was until Mr Stephens suggested I'd be more comfortable sitting down. I took him up on his offer, keeping inside the thoughts that I was happier on my knees. Another drink appeared another Vodka. As Mr Stephens handed it to me he said that we would be going home as soon as he had finished his drink .

I was now quite tipsy, so was relived when Mr Stephens said that he was going. I eagerly followed him out of the pub. Outside he hailed a taxi. Mr Stephens conversed with the taxi driver throughout the return journey. A conversation about work, and the difficulties as a business owner in getting the right staff turned into one about dogs, and how best to train them. As the conversation moved from the former to the later his gaze moved from the driver's rear view mirror to me

"Once you have demonstrated that you are boss, you are guaranteed obedience and devotion" said the driver Mr Stephen's agreed, whilst firmly gripping my upper thigh, relaxing the grip slightly only to pat it every few minutes. I didn't say a word, but after a days work and an evening of drinking felt that I needed to ie down and sleep.

We arrived outsideMr Stephens house. He opened the door, I followed him in and closed the door behind me and followed him down the hallway. He turned round and looked at me. I think we are forgetting something. I must have looked puzzled. "Clothes" "Why are you wearing them?" "Sorry Mr Stephens , I felt embarrassed at the oversight, after all why did I need clothes when I was inside?

I followed him into his lounge and knelt beside him he had already poured himself a large whiskey. He stuck his finger inside the glass and gave it a star. "Come here. I moved closer, and he slowly slid the finger inside my mouth, pushing it further until I gaged. "Have I found your limit, at least I know what I'm working with" He looked down," Enjoyed that I see" he said as his foot played with my balls. "Time to say goodbye until Monday morning. Why do you look so surprised, made it clear that you would be unlocked during work hours when I was closely to supervise, Other than Boys walk you won't be working this weekend so naturally you are going to be locked. He reached down and gave my balls a hard squeeze. But before that I'm going to have some fun, increasing the pressure as his grip tightened.

Next: Chapter 11

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