
By Jezebel

Published on Feb 17, 2005



I know that Tim is telling you his side of this story, he wanted to get the truth out there and set the record straight, but he never tells it right. There are always bits that he leaves out or decides should be bigger (although I hope that he hasn't exaggerated how small someone's cock is - I especially hope it's not me).

Oh, right. I should say who 'me' is. I'm Justin Timberlake. Yes, that Justin Timberlake. You've heard of me? Well that's good, I don't need to tell you too much of who I am.

A story starts at the beginning, at least that was what my tutor told me and with a 4.0 GPA I should know, so here goes.

My name is Justin Timberlake and I am gay. That sounded like an introduction from one of AJ's meetings, but hey, it's true. I'm comfortable with who I am now, but it wasn't always that way. That is where our story should start I guess. With why I went to a strip joint to pick up guys in the first place.

It was my birthday. I was 21 and Josh and Lance had decided that I needed to get out more, specifically that I needed to get out and meet a man. They were tired of me moaning about how horny I was and how depressed I was at being single. So they sent Chris and Joey out to a club with a couple of the bodyguards and we snuck out after curfew.

Josh told me that it was a rite of passage, that all men did it, straight and gay and that I was no exception. How we ended up at that particular club I don't know but I do know that we were settled into a private room before I even had time to change my mind.

The room was not as gaudy as I had expected. There was no stage with a pole or mirrored walls and for a strip joint it was decorated with some class. The neon lights and gold lame that I had expected were nowhere to be seen and instead there was a large, curved sofa and an area in front of it that was set up like a dance floor. All in all it was like a much smaller version of a nightclub rather than the straight lap dancing club that I had once snuck into with Chris when I was still only 18 and had just been figuring out I was gay.

Josh and Lance had told me that it was sorted out, that we had a quiet and discreet guy who would come in to dance for us, more specifically for me, and would be open to the suggestion of other extracurricular things if I was interested. Josh was pretty open about all of this although it made me nervous just to think about what 'extracurricular' events they were talking about.

When he came in it was like one of those moments that only happens in a harlequin novel. It was like instant attraction and I felt my throat close just looking at him as he confidently walked into the room.

"Hi. I'm Tim. I'll be your dancer this evening." He said amiably as he stood there, no discomfort at what he was about to do and completely composed. I on the other hand was already both dreading and anticipating what was coming next.

"Hi Tim. We wanted something a little special for our friend's birthday." Lance told him in a similar tone. "He's 21 today."

"Happy Birthday." He said, and this time I knew that it was directed at me.

I could feel myself colour as he said the words and I was sure that my virginity was written all over my face. Would he think less of me because I was inexperienced? He didn't seem to mind.

Tim winked at me slightly and then took to the centre of the room, he fumbled with the stereo and gave us a good flash of his ass as he did so.

"Nice." Josh said approvingly as he saw the guy and I felt a little jealous. I wished that I was that comfortable, to be able to openly appreciate the guys that I wanted.

As the music pumped and pulsed through me I could see him begin to move, he had a similar pattern to a dancer and was more talented than I would have expected. I though that he would just take his kit off but this was much more entertaining. He was actually moving and working the area that was his stage as a professional would, a professional singer or dancer that is.

I could hardly believe it when he got down to his thong and was wearing just that and a bow tie. He had a great body, one that probably took a lot of gym time to maintain, and one that I was sure Lance would be jealous of. He was always complaining that he needed to tone up more. This guy was buff.

I nearly swallowed my own tongue when he moved closer to me, moving so that he was in my lap and giving me the dance that I knew my friends had paid handsomely for. I was already hard and was scared that I would come in my pants just from this contact with him. I was breathing in short bursts to try and control myself and I didn't want to embarrass myself here, not in front of my friends and certainly not in front of him.

I couldn't believe that he got completely naked, his cock and balls swinging freely between his legs as he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

"Happy Birthday." He said to me as he finished his dance.

I was speechless as I watched his retreating figure. Josh however had other ideas and had touched the ass, I felt as if it would violate the sensual mating dance he had performed for me if I actually touched him. Josh didn't seem to have those qualms.

"Did you like that?" Josh teased as he saw the way my mouth hung slightly open and my eyes were wide.

"It was...he was..." Damn. How was I supposed to be articulate after that performance. "I loved it. I loved him." I said.

Josh smiled.

"The best is yet to come." He said cryptically.

"Thanks." I said more audibly so that the dancer, Tim, would hear me.

It felt stupid to say but I had to at least acknowledge him. After a moment and a nudge from Lance I stayed behind knowing that I had to speak with him again.

"Thanks." I said again looking down at my feet.

"You're welcome." he replied softly.

"Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks." I added before leaving.

I had wanted to do what Josh had insinuated and ask for more, but I couldn't. There was something in me that was stopping me, something more than the nerves of being a virgin.

Josh made that decision for me and after a brief argument he asked the guy to come home with us and he did. Well, I say home, I meant back to the hotel, but that was our home most of the time. And with Tim with us it certainly felt a little more homely.

The fact that Tim was with us didn't help the fact that I was still not sure what to do. I just hoped that it would come to me when we got to the bedroom and that I would not make a bigger fool of myself than I already had.

Josh and Lance escaped pretty quickly, wanting to leave me to my conquest, or at least what they had expected me to do. I was far too nervous to do anything but stand there staring and wondering what he expected me to do.

Tim was kind, he told me that it was okay to be scared, that we didn't have to do anything and that he would talk to me, dance for me or whatever I wanted. Part of what I remember most that night is that he kept reassuring me that this was all my choice and that I was the one that held the power. It wasn't that he was submissive it's just that he wanted me to know that I was in control. I guess that was what I needed.

I remember through my nerves suggesting that we play video games. To this day I still think it's one of the stupidest things I've said, and believe me, in my career I've said a few of them.

Tim suggested a massage instead and it led on to other things.

All the time he was gentle with me and almost loving. He never treated me like I was a one night stand but more as if I was a fragile ornament to be revered, and it wasn't the type of celebrity reverence that people have either, it was as if I was special just for being me. No one else really made me feel that before, it was always to do with my music or my career, never to do with just me.

I bet that Tim gave you all the horny details, he was better at putting stuff into words than me, especially the sex stuff. He's the dirtiest talker that I know, and a lot of it is pretty hot, but I'm not that astute.

I do remember lying in my own bed after the act though. It was my first time and he was in the bathroom cleaning up.

I could smell his essence, our mingled sex, on the air and I remembered wondering if I was a virgin anymore. There had been no penetration but I felt more confident, less chaste and virginal, but it didn't feel as dirty as I had expected. It felt almost grown up to be waiting here for my lover to return from the bathroom.

Not that he was my lover, but I remember pretending it a little bit as I heard him washing up in the bathroom. He had told me that he would come back to my bed for a bit, I wondered if we would cuddle and maybe sleep a bit, just like lovers would. Maybe for tonight I could pretend. Tim wouldn't mind and if I didn't tell him he wouldn't ever know that he had stolen a little of my heart and taken it into him when he had swallowed my seed.

Next: Chapter 5

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