
By Jezebel

Published on Jan 9, 2005


Title: Want part 2 Author: Jezebel the Temptress Feedback: eh_oh_po@yahoo.com

Disclaimers: I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned herein, this has no element of truth to it. This is no reflection on their true sexualities or personalities of Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, Lance Bass or any others mentioned. If you are underage for your area or if it is illegal for you to look at this why not go somewhere else.

*** Previously:

"Let me get dressed and we can go." I said as I realised that I was still in my robe. "Do you have a place?"

"Yeah." He said. "I think that we have somewhere."

Somewhere turned out to be the high class Regency Hotel, which boasted rooms starting at over $200 per night. I dreaded to think how much they were paying for this suite alone. Justin and I said brief goodnights to the other two, who I had found out on the journey over were called Josh and James, and then we were alone. He had barely spoken two words to me since the dance and now he was remaining stoically silent.

"It's okay to be nervous." I told him as I wondered what to expect of the night. I had not really thought about that and now I wondered what he was thinking too.

Justin turned and for the first time I saw the tears brimming in his eyes.

"Hey..." I said softly as I stood and went to him, holding out my arms and taking him into a hug. "There's no need to worry. We can do whatever you want, even if it's just staying up all night talking, or maybe a private repeat of earlier."

This made him laugh slightly, not perhaps the response that I had been going for but better than the tears.

"You must think it's weird me doing this. I mean you haven't said anything so I take it you don't know who we are."

"Should I know you?" I asked, not mentioning that as quite a novel club we got a few people that were media celebrities of one form or another and that I was not always aware of them.

"We're in a band. Nsync."

"You're Justin Timberlake." I said as the pieces fell into place.

He nodded shyly.

"Then you don't need to explain a thing to me." I said. "It can't be easy being around all of those young women and finding that you have questions about your sexuality."

"I'm gay." He blurted out and I realised that he was obviously more comfortable with his sexuality than I had thought. "I've just never..."

"If it's any consolation I'm a virgin too. Well, at least in the full sense of the word." I replied. He raised an eyebrow. "It's true. I don't get fucked, I figure that I should save something for the right guy or at least for a guy that I trust a lot."

"Yeah." He said and I knew that he was thinking the same.

"So, you want to do something?" I asked after a moment's silence.

It was not that I was pushing but I wanted him to enjoy tonight. First times were important for everyone and if I was going to be his first real sexual experience as Josh had implied then I wanted it to be special.

"Do you play video games?" Justin asked nervously. "Not all night," he quickly clarified, "I just need to relax a bit."

"How about a massage?" I asked.

It wasn't part of my usual repertoire but I had been told that I had good hands as well as an okay body. I liked to think that it would help with the seduction scene too.

I was glad when he nodded with a cute blush in his cheeks.

That decided I pulled him toward the empty bedroom that the other boys had indicated was Justin's and waited for him to follow.

I wondered what else the rest of the evening had in store for us. I guessed that I was about to find out.

Justin was anxious, I could tell from the rigidity of his frame and the deer in a headlight look that he had in his eyes. I wondered if maybe this was a bad idea. After all it was not Justin that had asked me to be with Justin but JC. Justin had seemed to go along with it up until now but maybe he was having second thoughts.

"Justin, are you okay with this?" I asked, wanting to clarify that this was indeed what he wanted.

I didn't want his first time to be rushed or to be coerced in anyway. It was always best for the first time to be good as it would cloud any and all further sexual interludes.

"Yeah." He said flatly, not sounding too convincing.

I knew that he needed to relax, that was why I had suggested the massage, but maybe for all the times that he stood on that stage he was not comfortable with other people on a one to one basis.

"Why don't you take off your shirt and lay on the bed?" I suggested openly. "Unless you want me to do it for you."

"You don't want me naked?" Justin asked slightly bemused, maybe that was what he was having so many problems with.

"We'll do whatever you feel comfortable with." I responded.

It was not that I was being a saint. I just had restraint. I was being paid to be here and this was not about what I wanted, it was about Justin's first time. Sure, I wanted to enjoy it but just being in a room with a hot guy, not to mention a celebrity was kind of doing it for me. It sounds shallow to say that now but I was 20 years old and wanted a lot of different things then, Justin Timberlake happened to be one of them.

"Okay." Justin said, he pulled off the shirt he wore, only undoing the cuffs and the few buttons at the top.

I have to say that I was impressed. The boy looked quite slender but under those clothes he had a gorgeous body. I was amazed that they didn't do more shirtless shots it would sell a hell of a lot of records.

Justin blushed and I felt a little bothered so I too took off the shirt that I was wearing, we were both topless and for some reason I felt as if this was still overdressed so I slid off my pants as well.

"What are you doing?" Justin asked. He seemed genuinely worried about this.

"Just getting comfortable." I responded with a small smile. "Don't worry, we won't do anything you don't want. You're in charge, remember?" I asked.

It seemed that he remembered at that moment. Whatever it was that clicked inside him seemed to come across in his manner as he moved to the bed a little more confident than he had been before. He lay down, resting his head on his arms and allowing me to see the back muscles that he obviously worked out to achieve.

Justin Timberlake, half naked and spread out on a bed waiting for me, that was an image that I would not forget in a long while. It was certainly one that is still with me today, that first taste of the forbidden is something that you're never quite able to forget.

I didn't have any oils with me. Condoms and lube I carried as a matter of course, not because I expected to use them but in case I needed them. Massage oil however was not something that would be in my everyday schedule. Instead I settled for a dry rub down.

Justin didn't seem to mind the contact, he groaned as I ran my hands over his shoulders. I was leaning over him, rubbing his shoulders as I bent over his horizontal body but this was not a position that would do my back good for any length of time.

"Justin, I'm going to sit on the bed. Is that okay?" I asked, conscious that I shouldn't freak him out or push things too far.

He groaned, I waited a moment, stilling my hands from their ministrations until he gave me an answer.

"Yeah, just don't stop." He said as I continued.

I moved so that I was sitting over him, my legs one either side on his body as I knelt but careful that no part of my body other than my hands touched his. I wanted him to be comfortable with this.

"That's sooo good." Justin said as I continued to rub his back and shoulders. I was glad that he was losing some of his inhibitions as I continued to work on his body. I was pretty sure that he was ready for more but wasn't sure if he knew he could ask.

I leaned in a little closer, allowing my lips to graze his ear gently before I spoke in a low seductive whisper.

"It gets better." I told him. Justin shivered, although whether from my words or my actions I was not sure. "Turn over if you like, I'll do your front."

Justin hesitated mere moments before shifting under me and turning. I could see that the rubdown had done more than relax him. Justin's nipples were peaked and his cock hard, it seemed that he was not only relaxed but aroused.

Justin licked his lips as he looked up at me and then I felt a hand reach up and cup the nape of my neck. Justin had obviously decided to take control and with a confidence I did not even know he had he pulled me down for a kiss.

I don't usually kiss people that are paying me for sex. It's a little too "pretty woman" for me to say this but it is too personal, I want something to hold back for my lovers and kissing and lovemaking are two of the things that I hold sacred. Everyone has their own personal boundaries and they are mine. I was pretty sure that this night with Justin would be an exception to any rule that I previously had. Then again it was already more mind-blowing than a lot of other experiences I had had.

The kissing was good. I assumed that Justin had kissed people before, I wasn't really interested in who they were, especially not when his tongue was circumnavigating its way around my mouth.

There was a groan and it took me a moment to realise that it had emanated from within me. I too was hard and while I wanted to show Justin the full karma sutra of gay sex if he carried on kissing me like this we would both come in our pants.

I pulled away, needing to catch my breath but also wanting to take a little more control over the situation, but in my need to take more air into my lungs I slumped forward and Justin and I made contact, bare chest to bare chest, hard erection to hard erection.

We both whimpered at the contact, Justin seemed to tense a little as I landed on him and I wondered if this was going too fast.

When I felt a hand sliding down my back I wondered where these mixed signals were leading us.

"What do you want Justin?" I asked. His hand stopped it's path to wherever it was going but instead of answering he pushed me off him and moved out of bed.

I was worried that he had taken my question in the wrong way. I hadn't meant it as a criticism, more as a prelude into whatever it was that he wanted to do. I had already told him that he could have anything, and while there were a few limits on that at the moment I was open to most of the things that he could possibly suggest.

My fears were alleviated when Justin reached for the buttons on his fly and began to undo them. When he had finished he pulled down both pants and boxers in one jerk and then kicked them off.

Justin stood, his erect penis bobbing in front of him as he moved back to the bed. I felt a little overdressed in my own underwear but would not remove it unless he indicated that this was what he wanted. This was Justin's show and he seemed to know exactly what he wanted.

When he reached for me and turned me so that I was lying on my back I wondered for a moment what he was going to do but he didn't attack me, at least not violently, instead he dove in for another kiss and allowed his hands to roam over the naked expanse of my body.

It was a while since I had made out with someone. I had forgotten the joy of kissing as for me it was usually something that was associated with a relationship, there had not been one of those in my life for a while and I was enjoying the kissing a lot. My dick was hard and I was sure that the front of my boxers would show the evidence of just how much I was enjoying the kissing but it was good and Justin seemed happy. I was not about to stop him, especially not when I was enjoying it so much too.

When Justin's wandering hands found their way into my boxers I was surprised that I did not come immediately. He rested his hands on my buttocks and didn't move them for a moment, he just cradled my ass in his hands. Then he slid the material off of me, I allowed him to do so and raised my hips as he undressed me completely.

"Wow." He said, speaking the first words that we had shared since the kissing had begun. I was caught between being flattered and being embarrassed, not sure if this was a compliment or not. When Justin reached out a tentative hand to touch my erection I whimpered before he had even made contact.

Justin laughed a little and kissed me lightly. Then he sat back on his haunches as if assessing me and deciding what to do.

"We have the whole night." I reminded him as I saw his mind seeming to flick between thoughts about what he wanted to do. I was pretty sure that I could get it up once more, maybe twice seeing as this was Justin Timberlake, I just wondered if he too knew that.

Apparently Justin did. Because he was fondling my erection as I opened my mouth to speak again.

I pulled away momentarily and shifted a little. Justin tensed when he saw my position and I wondered if he thought that I suspected something.

"I just want to do something for you." I said as I explained why my head was now down near his cock and why my cock was now near his head. "I don't expect anything from you. What you were doing was good, really good^Å" I told him and it was true. I didn't expect him to suck me, just because I was (and still am) a slut for cock it didn't mean that he was too.

"What are you going to do?" Justin asked sceptically and I realised that maybe he had not understood my intentions.

"I want to suck you." I said softly. "Can I?"

Justin laughed softly and then smiled.

"There are so many ways to answer that question but all of them are basically yes." He said.

"Thanks." I said with a smirk and then went about seeking what I wanted.

Okay, I was being a little selfish, I was all for this being Justin's night but I was pretty sure that he would enjoy this and I knew that I would. He wasn't the only one that could explore something tonight.

I started off just licking his cock, getting a taste for it. Then I took the head in my mouth and began to work on the length. I started with just the tip, getting it good and wet, then I let it go and blew gently across the sensitive head. Justin groaned and I knew that he had liked that. I took it back in my mouth, allowing myself more this time and then began to suck gently as I worked it in and out of my mouth.

Justin paused for a moment, then he began to stroke my inner thigh gently. His hand soon continued the masturbation of my cock and we built up a tempo that worked for us both.

I could feel myself coming close and knew that Justin was too, I figured that if I was about to come them he would be too. I took a little more of his cock into my mouth and then shifted slightly, moving so that I could accommodate all of him in my mouth and throat. It took a lot of concentration and patience to get to deep throating but the sensation was worth it, at least for your partner. I felt my own balls tighten as I came and then a moment later Justin too came, he shot his load down my throat and I caught it all, swallowing instantly.

I worked his cock gently until he had stopped coming and then pulled off him, waiting a moment before moving up the bed to lay next to him. We were both sated and happy, at least I hoped so because it would be a while before I was ready to go again. I might be twenty but tonight had been intense and even I needed a little time to recover.

"That was ... wow..." Justin said inarticulately as he tried to find the words.

"I couldn't have said it better myself." I said.

Justin leaned over and placed a kiss on my mouth. I was surprised he did considering I had just swallowed a load of his come. A lot of people would have rather I brushed my teeth or something first. After that he rolled back onto his back and lay silently for a moment.

I took a few deep breaths and then slid out of the bed.

"Don't go." Justin said and he sounded a little scared and a little disappointed.

"I'm just going to the bathroom." I told him as I indicated the drying come on my chest and thighs and he smiled as if he realised that he had caused that and that he was proud of it. I was glad that he had this confidence but hated to hear that fear in his voice that I would walk out on him after that amazing sex.

What was worse was that I was beginning to feel that way about him. I wanted to protect Justin, wanted to be around him and be his friend and if he wanted to, I wanted to have more sex with him too. I could quite easily fall for him and that scared me. Because after tonight I would probably never see him again and that was a hell of a way to lose your heart.

I hoped that the bathroom would give me some time to get things into perspective and help me claw back some control.

I decided to take a warm shower before returning to Justin. It might make me feel a little better and maybe I would lose some of the dirty feeling that I had as it hit me that I had almost deflowered one of Pop's self-proclaimed virgins. Somehow I don't think that Justin was ever the same again.

To be continued in part 3

Next: Chapter 4

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