
By Jezebel

Published on Dec 15, 2004


Title: Want 1 Author: Jezebel the Temptress Feedback: eh_oh_po@yahoo.com

Disclaimers: I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned herein, this has no element of truth to it. This is no reflection on their true sexualities or personalities of Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, Lance Bass or any others mentioned. If you are underage for your area or if it is illegal for you to look at this why not go somewhere else.


I realise that this is the first part of my story but I haven't actually told you much more than my name. I guess I should start out by telling you what I was when this started. I was a stripper, an escort and when circumstances called for it I was a whore. I'm not proud of what I did but in some ways it was my destiny. Not that I thanked my lucky stars that I was going down on guys in the bathroom of the club where I worked but had it not been for my job I never would have met the boys.

It was a typical Thursday night, getting towards the end of the week and I was just about making enough in tips to cover the rent and the bills. That meant that it was a good week. When my boss called me in and told me that there was a party waiting for a private dance I knew what he expected. They were in the Private suite and that meant a complete strip, maybe a little groping if they wanted that too, who was I to question the fact that they were paying $1000 for half an hour of my time, especially when I was getting half.

I didn't start to worry until I got in there. I was used to this type of show and did them at least once a month. It was better than giving some old guy a blow job for the extra $20 I might need.

I had on black pants with Velcro down the sides for easy removal over a black thong, a black waist coat and just to finish it off a black bow tie that fastened at the back of the neck with a clasp. I always thought that this outfit made me look like a waiter who had forgotten to put on his crisp white shirt. It was a cheesy outfit but then they didn't pay to see the clothes that I was wearing, they paid to see me take them off.

As I entered the room that night I had no idea that this was going to be the night that changed my life.

I didn't recognise them immediately. I was young and gay but that didn't mean that I was automatically aware of the boy band members in my midst. It was only later that I realised who they were, but I am skipping ahead. As I entered the room I saw three young men, all in their twenties and dressed casually enough that they could have been out on a night out on the town or out for a few drinks with friends. My first impression was why on earth they needed to come here to get their kicks when they were so obviously gorgeous men that could get a date. Why did they need a stripper?

Still, it was not for me to judge and they were paying for a performance and that was what they would get. For all I knew this was a prelude to them going off and having a threesome. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and instead of imagining these three hot men together in some anonymous hotel room I dragged myself back to the here and now and to the show that I was about to put on.

"Hi. I'm Tim. I'll be your dancer this evening." I said. We didn't talk much, some clients were down right rude about it telling me to just get on but these boys were kind if nothing else.

"Hi Tim. We wanted something a little special for our friend's birthday." One of the three said, he had blonde hair shaped into spikes, although even then I was pretty sure that the blonde was not natural. No one had hair that colour without some chemical enhancement. "He's 21 today."

"Happy Birthday." I replied to the one that sat in the middle.

He had a slight blush when I said the words and I wondered if this was what he had really wanted for his birthday or if he had been cajoled into it. Either way I felt some sort of kinship with him and knew that it would be the best thing I could do to make this a good thing for him.

Walking back to the centre of the room I bent over slightly as I fumbled with the sound system, putting on the music that I usually used and as it started I began my routine.

I'm not much of a dancer, I prefer to think of my work as taking my clothes off, I'm glad that I didn't know then that these guys danced for a living or else I might have been a little more intimidated.

As I got a rhythm going I turned to face my audience and began to undo the few buttons on my waistcoat, I moved each side teasingly before pulling it open on a down beat to fully expose my chest. It wasn't much but I was proud of it, my pecs and abs were worked well enough that I get a good response. Then I turned and slipped it off down my shoulders, showing off the expanse of muscle that covered my back. I pulled it on again mischievously before turning to face my audience again and removing the item completely, throwing it down to the floor.

It was good to see that my audience were aroused and very aware of my movements. It was one of the things that I liked about my job, it gave me a power over men that would otherwise be pawing at my body for a few dollars, at least with stripping I was mostly in control.

I licked my lips playfully as I looked down at my pants, reaching for the button fly as I toyed with them and pulled undone the first button. Of course the buttons were superfluous seeing as the trousers pulled off but that was part of the surprise of the act. So I continued to play my part.

Instead of undoing the second button I first sucked on my left index finger, sucking it in and out of my mouth for a few moments before pulling it out with a soft, wet pop and trailing it down my body, snaking it past my nipples and tracing a glistening wet line down to my fly.

It had the desired effect, not only hardening my own cock a little but earning me a gasp from my audience whose attention was drawn to my crotch.

I pulled open the second button, toying with my audience a little with a few provocative moves and thrusts before popping open the third. This was met with an audible gasp from the birthday boy who had just realised that I was going to do it. At least that was what I thought.

I turned my back then, ready to dance the next part of my routine. I moved my hips suggestively as I turned, this swaying becoming a thrusting as I moved in time to the music. On the third thrust I reached down and ripped the pants clean off, leaving me standing with my back to the three men and wearing just a thong and a bow tie.

When I turned I knew that it was time to get more friendly. I had gotten nearly naked in the strip routine but now it was time to get more personal and move this closer to a lap dance than a private strip. I knew immediately who the lucky guy would be. It was his birthday after all and I could not disappoint him.

I moved in, snaking one hand behind him to grab the back of the chair he was sat in as I gyrated for him, his face was close to my crotch as I did so. There was a slight intake of breath as he realised what I was doing and then he settled as I began the lap dance in earnest. Using all of the moves that I had learned in my time at the club and the types of things that would turn me on.

The birthday boy seemed to be enjoying his present, he was sporting a hard on that would make a porn star proud and his breath came in short pants that made me think that he was trying hard to keep it under control.

I knew that I was supposed to go the whole way, but I did wonder if I would shock him if I did. Still, they had paid the price and I knew that I had to do it, so I turned my back and ripped off the thong on the down beat of the song in a similar way that I had done my pants.

When I turned back around the birthday boy gulped and tried not to look down at my swinging tackle.

I leaned in softly and kissed his cheek, still wiggling slightly to the music as I did so.

"Happy Birthday." I said as I pulled back.

I turned to get the stereo and as I did I felt the slightest touch of a hand against my ass. It was the only attempt he had made in the whole dance to touch or grope me and as there was no real rules in this room I didn't mind. Besides, he was cute and shy and I remembered how that one felt.

"Thanks." He said sheepishly as I bent over to turn off the music. It was almost inaudible but it made me smile from him just having said it.

So few people remembered their manners when they had an erection in their pants and an unfulfilled fantasy about fucking me. That was the only thing that I didn't do.

I didn't speak, instead I went over to the corner and reached for a robe that I knew was waiting there. They were always put here for when we finished. I was surprised to see the spiky haired blonde pulling his other friend out as I turned back. It was just me and Birthday boy left.

"Thanks." He said again as he looked down at his feet.

"You're welcome." I replied just as softly as I went back to him. Invading his personal space a little but still giving him space to back off if he wanted to.

I didn't sleep with clients. I wasn't allowed to. The boss looked the other way for a few hand jobs or blow jobs in the toilets or the alley outside but I couldn't fuck this boy and I knew it. If nothing else he was far too sweet for a guy like me, not to mention the two men outside, one of which must be his lover.

"Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks." He said as he turned to leave. That was the third time he had said it and I was sure that my act was not that good but I knew better than to push it. Instead I nodded and turned to leave.

He stayed where he was for a moment and I was glad of that. Any further conversation would have been stilted.

I was about to make my way back to the employee lounge, or the dressing room as it was better known, when I felt a hand on my shoulder stopping me. I turned to see the third man of the trio.

"He really needed that." The guy told me. His hair was a little longer and wilder than his friends and I wondered if he was the least repressed of all of them.

"Hey, it's my job." I said off hand, knowing that this might not be a good thing. Usually no customers were this grateful.

"What else is part of the job?" He asked lasciviously. "How much would it cost for say the whole night with you?"

"I don't do that." I insisted. There was a gleam in his eye as he spoke again.

"I'll give you $2000 for the whole night."

"I said I don't do that." I replied unwaveringly.

"Okay, but I dare say he'll be disappointed." The other man said. That had me wondering.

"Who?" I asked.

"Justin." He said, as if I was meant to know who that was. "He hoped that he would get lucky tonight."

"You mean the birthday boy?" I asked to clarify.

He nodded.

"Why would he need me to get laid?" I asked sceptically. "He could have his pick of men, hell there are probably even some straight men that would do the honours if he looked at them with that innocent charm."

The other man laughed dryly and then spoke.

"That's the problem. He's shy and doesn't really think that he can do this." He confided. "He needs something that will be certain. He needs to know that he'll definitely get someone that will put out."

"$2000?" I asked. That was a lot of money. A whole weeks earnings in just one night. "For what?"

"Whatever you want." The other man replied. "Whatever you'll agree to. He likes you, he wants you and I think that he would quite like to know you a little better." This was said with a wagging of the eyebrows that meant it wasn't just conversation that Justin would be wanting.

"I don't get fucked." I told him flatly. He raised an eyebrow but nodded anyway.

"I doubt that he is ready for that either." He added as he looked me over and then smiled. "Of course, if you change your mind..."

I looked at him with a slight look of disgust and then turned my back.

"I'm sorry, I was joking of course." He said hastily and I knew that I was in control again. It wouldn't be so bad I supposed, after all I had wanted the boy for the private dance. If my boss didn't find out there was no harm.

"Okay. But just Justin and I want the money upfront. Even if he doesn't want anything but to talk all night I get paid." I said, realising belatedly that the other guy had mentioned money but hadn't said who was paying it.

He didn't speak just reached into his pocket and slid out a wad of notes, not even counting it he handed it to me. I took it and did count it, there was twenty hundred dollar bills neatly folded. He smiled when I finished counting.

"Let me get dressed and we can go." I said as I realised that I was still in my robe. "Do you have a place?"

"Yeah." He said. "I think that we have somewhere."

*** Continued in Part 2

Next: Chapter 3

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