
By Jezebel

Published on Aug 20, 2006


Disclaimers: I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned herein, this has no element of truth to it. This is no reflection on their true sexualities or personalities of Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, Lance Bass or any others mentioned. If you are underage for your area or if it is illegal for you to look at this why not go somewhere else.

Part 17


Tapestry was a typical New York eatery that catered for the well to do socialites of Manhattan. Josh had made a good choice in making reservations there for us because no one really cared who we were or that we were eating together. A few people looked in our direction, a knowing glance in their eye, but none of them approached us and allowed us the privacy that we needed to enjoy a nice meal together. The conversation that night was inconsequential but the symbolism of the three of us out together was significant enough to give the night some extra meaning beyond just another dinner between friends. I suppose that was the first time that we went out as more than friends, we were lovers now and there was no stepping back from that. The good thing was that none of us wanted to step back either. We were in this together and all three of us wanted to move forward.

New York was a milestone for me in more ways than one. It was not only the first time that I went out with Josh and Tim but it was the first time that I had stood up to Britney and chosen my boys over her. It was a hard decision to make but not one that I regretted for a moment. I loved Tim and Josh and I wasn't going to deny them. It was Britney who had the problem and I didn't want my boys to suffer because of it.

I'd love to tell you that we went back to the hotel and had a wildly passionate night but the truth was that we were due to head out the next morning and we all needed a good night's sleep. Josh and I left Tim at his hotel room door with nothing more than a chaste kiss and a thank you for a good evening.

The tour continued and Tim made good on his promise to come with us and we continued in a similar vein. When there was a chance we would spend time together as a threesome, watching movies, playing cards, drinking and dancing at any number of clubs or making out in whatever anonymous hotel room we were staying in but nothing more than that seemed necessary. We didn't share words of love or commitment, we never made promises of forever with each other and we were too busy with the tour to move much beyond making out and the occasional hand-jobs. Other than the fact that there were three of us it was the normal beginnings of a relationship, despite the baggage that each of us brought into the mix.

It was only as the tour started to draw to a close that things became strained.

"I thought that we could go on holiday after this is over." I suggested as we sat in the dressing room for that night's concert. We were in Miami and that meant there were only three shows left until the tour was over. "I hear that there are some beaches in Cancun that are so secluded that we could go out without having to worry about getting spotted."

"Sounds like a good idea." Josh said. "You could do with some sun on your skinny white ass."

"I've got a job." Tim said, catching Josh and I off guard with his announcement.

"What?" I asked.

"You've found a job?" Josh asked, apparently I was not the only one that was surprised.

"Not 'found'" Tim replied defensively. "I had a job before I joined the tour, I've just signed on to do another film with Adam. I'm surprised that James hasn't already told the pair of you."

"I'm surprised that you didn't think to tell us." I said, not believing that after all his words about not keeping secrets that Tim had forgotten to tell us this piece of information.

"I said that I had a script I was working on." Tim replied. "Adam found another gem and, though it is not his own work, he has agreed to help the writer translate his book onto the screen and has promised that he would ask me to play a small role in the film. The studio were more than glad to take me on considering the press that Adam and I got for our last film together."

"What about us?" I asked, not wanting Tim to spend any time away from us when we saw so little of him already. "I thought we could spend some time together."

"I assumed that the pair of you would already have plans." Tim replied. "I thought that you would want to spend some time with your families and your friends."

"We want to be with you." I replied.

"Well, I can ask Adam about you visiting me on set."

"We've hardly spent any time together these last few weeks, I was looking forward to some quality time with you..." I argued.

"Justin..." JC tried to reason with me but Tim did not want to be placated.

"No, Josh, let him say it." Tim replied self-protectively. "Justin, are you forgetting that I've put my own life on hold for the last eight weeks so that I can be with you?"

"No, but..."

"Are you implying that my work is not as important as yours, that you've hardly seen me these last few weeks and that now you have time that I should drop everything for you?"

"No, I..."

"Tim, we just don't want to be apart from you." Josh said, trying to explain. "Of course we don't expect you to put your life on hold, we know that you sacrificed a lot to be here, that we wouldn't even be together now without you but that doesn't make it any easier to walk away from you."

"I don't want to leave you either." Tim conceded. "But if I don't do this now then I'll never know if "Murder in the Gilded Cage" was just a one off success or if I was really cut out to be an actor."

"If this is what you really want then we'll support you." Josh said, I wasn't sure that I agreed with him about that but I knew that it was selfish to ask Tim to give this up to be with Josh and I and deep down I knew that he was right, that he needed to do this to get his career moving with more momentum. I just didn't like the idea of being away from him again, the last time that we had been apart it had almost split me in two and the last thing that I wanted was to not know where Tim was and that he was there for me.

"Justin?" Tim asked.

"You really think that you'll be able to get us some time to come out and see you?" I asked, trying to sound positive. "I've always wanted to see what it's like on a film set."

"What about Model Behaviour?" Josh joked.

I hated that film.

"Shut up!!"

"What's Model Behaviour?" Tim asked, and after a bout of laughter Josh started to explain.

To be continued

Other boy-band stories at nifty: In Another Life - New Story Star Encounter - on hiatus Lost and Found - on hiatus Designs on You - complete Set Adrift - complete Poor Howing - short story Loving Bryan - Short Story

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