Wannabe Gangsta

By Fluval Fluval

Published on Dec 13, 2022


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The bell rings, marking the end of the school day. Dwayne, the 18-year-old white wannabe gangsta makes his way through the hallways. His massive muscular body drawing all eyes to him. A black durag tied tightly around his white head, a tight black wife-beater, stretched across Dwayne's huge pecs and washboard 8-pack abs under a black blazer worn by all students. A long silver chain, holding a silver cross hangs low, bouncing against his abs as he walks. Tight black boxers, his thick muscular ass stretching the soft fabric, visible over the oversized dark blue jeans around his thighs, a belt with a silver belt buckle holding the jeans in place. Black Nike air force 1s shoes on his feet. Dwayne walks with a swagger, one hand holding around his crotch, keeping the jeans from falling down. Looking around as the eyes of the other students follow his large firm buttocks as it wiggles up and down.

Most of the students have left the school by the time Dwayne arrives at his locker, he pulls open the dented metal locker. Dwayne throws some things inside, he takes the black blazer off, freeing his muscular arms from the tight shirt, hanging it inside the locker. The wannabe thug flexes his arms, enjoying the large muscles grow. Dwayne is too busy admiring himself, he doesn't notice Billy, a 16-year old white kid with Down Syndrome, standing next to him. Billy extends his hand out to Dwayne, grabbing the wigger's muscular arms. Dwayne pulls away, surprised at the boys touch. "Yo, nigga, da fuck?" Dwayne starts staring at Billy, Billy has a sad look on his face, flexing his skinny arms, imitating Dwayne. "Yo, you 'miring?" Dwayne grins, puffing out his huge chest and flexing both arms again. "Fuck outta here, fag." Dwayne pushes Billy, sending him stumbling backwards. Dwayne turns back to his locker, Billy gets up looking angry. Billy moves behind the wannabe thug, grabbing the waistband on Dwayne's tight black boxers on the wigger's thick ass. "Da fuck...?" Dwayne starts feeling the slight pull on his underwear. Billy, using all his strength, pulls Dwayne's boxer's upwards giving Dwayne a massive wedgie. Dwayne screams in pain as Billy continues to pull on the tight black boxers, stretching the fabric and lifting Dwayne into the air. Dwayne crashes around, his massive torso slamming into the lockers and wedging himself inside. "Wedgie, wedgie" Billy says in a sing-song voice, laughing at the flailing thug. Billy lets go of the boxers, dropping Dwayne roughly on the ground.

Dwayne lands on his knees, his thick ass in the air, the stretched boxers resting loosely on his jiggling butt. "Fuckin' faggot..." Dwayne says, holding back tears, he tries to get up, but his muscular body is jammed inside the metal locker, his lower body sticking out. Billy continues to stare at the struggling wigger, watching the thick ass bounce around, Billy feels his pants getting tighter. The wannabe gangsta is grunting, trying to pull himself free, when he feels something rub against his thick ass. "Nigga, don't!" Dwayne tries, but Billy already pulled out his hard eight-inch dick and is pressing is into the wigger's muscular ass still covered by the boxers. "Shit..." Dwayne says, tears running down his face. Billy jams his hard throbbing cock into Dwayne's ass without pulling down Dwayne's boxers, roughly pushing his thick length into the wannabe gangsta's tight asshole pushing the fabric of the boxers deep inside. "Ahhh, shit..." Dwayne yells, his hard muscular ass gripping tight around Billy's thick cock. "Shit, stop, stop, shit..." Dwayne says, his face going red as his ass gets stretched around Billy's thick cock. "Please don't, don't..." Dwayne says, tears running down his face as Billy continues to jam his thick cock into Dwayne's ass. "FUCK, stop..." Dwayne whimpers, his hard muscular ass still gripping tightly around Billy's thick cock, the fabric of the boxers rubbing against his sweaty skin and deep inside his stretched asshole. "Please stop..." Dwayne says, still crying. Billy starts to pump his thick cock faster into Dwayne's ass, jamming it in deeper and deeper. "Ahhh, shit, please stop, stop, please..." Dwayne whimpers, his ass starting to get sore with how tight it is gripping around Billy's thick cock. "Please, please stop..." Dwayne says, his face scrunched up, tears running down his face, his hard muscular ass starting to hurt. Billy lets out a small groan and begins to unload his cum into the wannabe gangsta's muscular ass, Dwayne screams as he feels the warm cum filling his ass and soaking his boxers. After a few moments, Billy pulls his throbbing cock out of the shaking thug's thick ass, Dwayne's muscular body is covered in sweat, he feels the warm cum leaking out his sore asshole. Billy grabs the waistband of the already stretched boxers and pulls them once more, with all his strength stretching the fabric to the limit, pulling the tight black boxers up to the wigger's durag covered head, snapping them onto Dwayne's head, snapping his head back painfully, giving the wannabe thug an atomic wedgie. Globs of cum stick to the fabric that was once deep inside Dwayne's thick ass. Dwayne is sobbing and continues to struggle, unable to free himself. "Bye-bye!" Billy says innocently, walking away from the stuck wannabe thug.

A few minutes pass before Dwayne is able to free himself, he rips the boxers off his head, removing the painful atomic wedgie. The once tight black boxers are now overstretched and loose, exposing the wigger's sore ass. Dwayne hurries to leave the school, but before he can, he hears his name being called. "Dwayne!" Principal Walken is charging towards the wannabe thug, he looks furious, Principal Walken grabs Dwayne's muscular arm, Dwayne trying to hold up his boxers to keep his ass covered. "My office, now!" Principal Walken commands, leading Dwayne into the office. Principal Walken pushes Dwayne into a chair across his desk, the overweight black man standing infront of the wannabe thug. "Billy says you attacked him." Principal Walken yells. Dwayne looks to his side, finally noticing Billy standing in the corner of the room, Billy has a sad expression on his face. "Nah, fam," Dwayne starts, exploding in anger, "he attacked me!" Billy looks at Principal Walken like he is about to cry, "He pushed me" Billy cries. "I know," Principal Walken says softly, "I saw it, you can go home now." Dwayne stares angrily at Billy as he leaves then back to Principal Walken, "Da fuck you mean you saw it?" Dwayne asked dumbly. Principal Walken turns on the large TV screen behind his desk, revealing multiple security screens. "I can see every inch of this school, Dwayne," Principal Walken states, he presses a button and the screen flashes to show Dwayne and Billy standing near the locker. "This is where you push a mentally handicap student," Principal Walken yells, showing Dwayne push Billy backwards. "And this is when you seduce him!" showing Dwayne bent over in the locker. The wannabe gangsta sits in a stunned silence, "These are crimes, Dwayne!" Principal Walken continues yelling, "Should I call the police right now?!" "No, please don't!" Dwayne begs, looking scared and dropping his gangsta persona for a moment. Principal Walken looks at the muscular white thug, he doesn't want to lose the tuition Dwayne's parents pay, they paid more than double to get Dwayne in.

"We can keep this between us for now", Principal Walken says, "but you need to be punished, now lay down on your back and close you eyes." Dwayne continues to stare at the overweight principal, confused. "Lay down!" Principal Walken yells, causing Dwayne to jump and scramble onto the floor, his tight black wife-beater creeping up, revealing part of his 8-pac abs, his sore bare ass on the cold floor, his overstretched boxers falling down uselessly. Principal Walken is standing over the wannabe thug, his wide butt right over Dwayne's handsome, durag covered head. Principal Walken pulls down his pants and underwear, revealing his stretch mark covered butt, "Now eat my ass, Dwayne." Principal Walken says, Dwayne opens his blue eyes and sees Principal Walken standing over him, "Yo...da fuck?" Dwayne ask, terrified. Suddenly Principal Walken drops down, his fat ass smashing into Dwayne's handsome face, covering Dwayne's head completely, cutting off his air. Dwayne kicks his legs around and pushes against the overweight principal, Dwayne's muscular arms bulging as he desperately fights to breathe. Principal Walken rises slightly, Dwayne gasps for air, "This is your punishment Dwayne, now start licking" Principal Walken says simply, then covers Dwayne's handsome face once more, pushing his smelly hole to Dwayne's mouth. Dwayne reluctantly sticks his tongue out barely licking the overweight man's crack, Dwayne stops struggling, light-headed from the lack of air. Principal Walken gets up once more, "This is your last chance Dwayne, clean my hole or I'll send this video to the police" he threatens, then crashes down on the barely moving wigger once more. Dwayne sticks his tongue out, pushing into the fat man's asshole. Almost throwing up when the taste fills his mouth, Dwayne tries to satisfy Principal Walken. This goes on for a few minutes, Principal Walken getting up every so often to let Dwayne breathe before crashing back down on the helpless wannabe thug's handsome face, causing a thick stream of blood from Dwayne's nose. Principal Walken, finally satisfied, gets off Dwayne looking at the wigger's face covered in blood and drool, before sitting at his desk waiting for Dwayne to recover. Dwayne stumbles to his feet, using one hand to hold up his oversized jeans and the other to hold his bleeding nose. "There will be other task for you, as part of your punishment, helping in lessons and whatnot." Principal Walken says, casually "I will speak with you tomorrow, good-day." Dwayne stumbles out off the office, leaning against the wall before exiting the school. Dwayne gets in hisLamborghini Aventador, speeding away, and dreading what tomorrow will bring.

Next: Chapter 6

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