Wannabe Gangsta

By Fluval Fluval

Published on Nov 27, 2022


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Dwayne wakes up, getting out of bed. Dwayne's massive muscular body sore from the assaults yesterday. He is wearing tight black boxers under a pair of huge grey sweatpants, if Dwayne lets go of them they'll fall off completely, a skin tight white wife-beater, stretching to cover the thugs massive pectorals and defining his eight-pac abs and a black durag tied around his head. A large silver cross hanging from a silver chain around his neck rest around his waist. The wannabe gangsta puts a pair of black nike air force 1 high-tops on and exits his spacious bedroom. One hand holding his huge sweatpants up, the wigger makes his way through the mansion owned by his parents. Fiddy, Dwayne's pet 110-pound black pitbull, bounds up to the wannabe thug. "What's good, nigga?" Dwayne says in his best gangsta imitation, rubbing the dogs head. Dwayne swaggers through the mansion, reaching the gym full of expensive equipment.

Moving to his favorite, the dumbbells, Dwayne grabs a 75 pound dumbbell in each hand, letting go of his baggy sweatpants, letting them fall low, revealing is boxers completely. Fiddy follows Dwayne into the bright room, with huge windows along one wall. Dwayne begins curling the 75 pound dumbbells, facing a mirror and enjoying his massive arms flexing with each rep, barely noticing his grey sweatpants slip lower with each movement. Fiddy stares curiously at his owner, watching the thug's huge ass bounce above the low sitting sweatpants. Dwayne finishes doing 30 reps with each arm, sweat starting to form on his muscular body, he replaces the weights. Dwayne checks the time, school soon, only time for one more workout. The wannabe gangsta moves toward the wall of windows, only pulling his falling pants up slightly. Dwayne know the gardener will be outside this window soon, wanting to show off the wannabe thug begins doing pushups in front of the window. Fiddy moves to join his owner, staring out the window, watching as the gardener begins to water the plants along the fence. The wannabe thug counts out loud with each movement, "54, 55, 56" he grunts, his massive arm muscles bulging, his thick ass jiggling in the tight black boxers. Fiddy watches his owner's movements, mesmerized at the bouncing bubble butt visible over the sagging wigger's sweatpants.

Fiddy, now panting slightly, moves closer towards the wigger, sniffing Dwayne's thick ass, pushing his wet nose into the defined crack of the thug's tight black boxers. Dwayne, surprised feeling the cold, wet nose pushing on his ass, calls out. "Yo, Fiddy, my nigga, back off" pushing his jiggling butt towards the 110-pound pitbull trying to get him away. Fiddy let's out a strange low howl, Dwayne looks back seeing the panting dog move to stand over the working out gangsta, Fiddy pushes his large head into Dwayne's thick ass again, nibbling on the tight boxers with his strong jaws. "Da fuck!" Dwayne yells, angrily, Fiddy stops biting at the tight boxers, leaving a small hole, and moves further over the wannabe thugs body. As Dwayne tries to get up he feels something hard poking his jiggling ass. "What da fuck!" Dwayne yells, turning to see what Fiddy is doing, the wannabe thug's face contorts in shock. Fiddy's red knotted penis is sticking out, positioned above Dwayne's thick ass. "Shit! Hold up!" Dwayne yells, trying to cover his ass with his hands, struggling to get his heavy legs under him. Fiddy moves quickly, pinning Dwayne's arms and forcing him to the floor, Fiddy pushes the thickening head of his cock, through the hole in the tight black boxers and into Dwayne's waiting asshole.

"Ahhhhhhh! Ow! Fiddy! Stop!" Dwayne yells. Fiddy continues to force his cock into Dwayne's ass, the wannabe thug's screams of agony growing louder with each passing second. Fiddy pushes down on Dwayne keeping him on the floor, Fiddy's cock sliding deep into the waiting asshole. Dwayne continues to yell as he is torn apart by the animal, his body shaking and twitching. "Fiddy! Stop! Let me up !" Fiddy continues to hump and shake Dwayne, who is pinned to the floor, unable to move. The wannabe gangsta finally reaches a breaking point, Dwayne's screams having reached a high pitch. He finally finishes a scream with a shrill, "NIGGAH!" as Fiddy's thick dog cock fills his asshole to the hilt, his sphincter stretching to fit the dog's thick shaft.

Dwayne continues to yell, his body jerking, his ass contracting around the dog cock, his massive arms pinned under him as he gets fucked by the 110-pound black pit bull. Fiddy continues to fuck the wannabe thug, his paws resting on Dwayne's massive muscular back, as he rams his cock into the thug's waiting ass. Fiddy's paws grip the wannabe thug's massive biceps, his nails digging into the thick muscle. The wannabe thug yells at Fiddy to stop, Fiddy continuing to pump his cock into Dwayne's ass. Fiddy's paws slide up Dwayne's large, sweaty arms bulging with muscles, Fiddy's nails scratching lightly at Dwayne's skin as he rams his cock deep into the wannabe thug. "Fuck, stop! Please stop!" Dwayne begs, his body twitching violently. "Please!" Fiddy continues to pump his cock into Dwayne's ass, ramming it roughly with short, hard strokes, his sweat-covered body slapping against Dwayne's huge butt cheeks. "Stop! Please stop!" Dwayne begs, weakly, his face contorted in pain. Fiddy continues to pump his cock into Dwayne's ass, Dwayne continues to yell, his tight white wife-beater, drenched in sweat, is mostly see thru now showing Dwyane's defined abs and puffy pecs. "Fiddy, you gotta stop! Please stop! I can't take anymore!" Fiddy continues to pump his cock into Dwayne's ass, rams it roughly, his hips slamming against Dwayne's ass. "Please, stop! I can't take this anymore!" Fiddy lets out a long groan, moving his arms to either side of Dwayne's body, his paws pressing down on the wannabe thug's huge biceps, scratching the skin slightly. Dwayne, his ass muscles burning, his yells having turned into screams of agony, his body twitching violently, his legs kicking, trying to push himself up, Fiddy's thick red shaft continues to fill his ass. "Fiddy! You're killing me!" Dwayne cries out. "You're... you're...! You're...!" His cries turn to whines, as Fiddy's thick shaft causes him intense pain. "Stop! Stop!" Dwayne begs, weakly. Fiddy keeps his pace, his thrusts getting faster, his cock swelling in Dwayne's ass. "I...! I can't...! Please...! Aaahh!" Dwayne screams, his body jerking, his face turning red, his body twitching. Fiddy moves his hips faster, his thick shaft hitting Dwayne's sphincter repeatedly, his balls slapping up against his body with each hit. Dwayne's screams turn to shrieks, his body twitching uncontrollably. "F-F-F-F...!" Dwayne screams, his body twitching.

Fiddy freezes suddenly and lets out a low howl, Dwayne thinking the attack is over lets out a defeated sigh, but Fiddy lets out another howl, and the wannabe thug feels the dogs cock start to swell and start shooting cum into the thugs guts. "Nigga!" the white wannabe gangsta yells, pushing up with his muscular arms and and getting to his feet. Dwayne, standing with the cumming dog piggybacking on his back, stumbles forward trying to get away. Dwayne's massive grey sweatpants slip off his body, falling in a heap around his nike air force 1 shoes, causing him to trip and fall forward crashing into the windows. The wigger's body is bent backwards his handsome face and massive pectorals pushed against the cold glass, as his lower half is flat on the floor. Fiddy is still cumming shooting huge loads deep into the defenseless thug's gut, drooling onto Dwayne's durag covered head. Dwayne tears streaming down his face, hopes the gardener doesn't look towards this window, Dwayne feels his defined eight-pac abs fading as the attacking pitbull fills the thugs gut with warm cum inflating his stomach. After ten minutes Fiddy pulls his knotted cock out of his helpless, crying owner and licks Dwayne's tear stained face, leaving slimy drool on the wigger's face. "Fiddy...why...how...? the wigger cries softly, the black pitbull exits the gym.

Dwayne recovers slowly, pushing off the window, he stands up seeing his inflated gut under his tight wife-beater he lets out a groan, pulling up his oversized grey sweatpants to be just above his knees, he swaggers over to the mirror, turning around to look at his bubble butt. The wannabe gangsta sees the hole torn in his tight boxers, he pulls his thick ass-cheeks apart, looking at the irritated hole, leaking slightly. An alarm goes off, Dwayne checks the time, time for school. "Fuck!" Dwayne says, he doesn't have time to wait for the cum to leak out, to hid the evidence of the assault on his body. Dwayne hurries out of gym, and to his room changing quickly out of the soiled clothes. He replaces his durag, slimy with dog drool, with a new black one, tied tightly around his head. Dwayne pulls the tight wife-beater off, his massive pecs jiggling when free from the tight fabric and replaces it with a new one, colored black, this time. Dwayne pulls off the torn black boxers, seeing drops of cum leaking from his ass on the fabric, he slips on another tight pair of black boxers. The wannabe thug pulls a pair of dark blue, oversized jeans up to his muscular thighs, Dwayne's thick ass still hanging over the dark denim, Dwayne puts on a belt with a large shiny sliver buckle reading "gangsta", keeping the baggy pants in place. The silver necklace with the large silver cross still hanging from his neck, Dwayne puts back on his black air force 1s. Dwayne examines himself before leaving, his arms and chest look massive in the tight black wife-beater, his thick bubble butt showing over the expensive jeans. But the wannabe gangsta grimaces as he touches his swollen gut feeling the numerous loads from the dog slushing around and dripping out of his irritated asshole, the wigger thinks how to stop the flow, pulling his thick ass-cheeks apart and shoves a wad of paper-towels easily into his stretched hole, applying a large bandage to keep it inside.

Dwayne rushes out his room, one hand keeping his pants from falling down. He comes across Fiddy, sleeping peacefully in the sun, the wigger feels his face getting red, from anger and embarrassment. He sneaks pass the sleeping dog and exits the mansion, hurrying to school.

Next: Chapter 4

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