By Eddie Glover

Published on Aug 6, 1996



Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories.tg


"Would you please stop staring at me!", the barmaid snapped at Tonos.

"Aw you know ya love it!", he laughed.

She snorted in disgust and stormed off as he continued to ogle her.

"Hey Tonos!", a guard called from the corner of the bar, "Think you're sober enough to do some magic?".

He staggered over and burped badly then plopped down across from the man.

"What do ya want ta see?", he slurred.

"Use that boob spell on the ladies again!", one of the others called out.

"Naw, turn Torval here into a dung beetle!", another laughed.

Tonos grinned, "I'll do both!". He waved his hand and chanted....until he burped.

Instead of the dozen or so ladies in the bar being more volumptuos they became dung beetles!

"Ahhhh!", a shrill female voice shrieked.

Torval was now an impossibly huge-breasted woman rather than the beetle he'd been threatened with. She continued to scream as her hands felt the altered parts of her body...all of them!! The wizard slumped into unconsciousness from his drinking, leaving a bar with a man who'd been turned into a woman and a group of shit-eating beetles that had once been a dozen lovely ladies!

Tonos woke up ten hours later in a jail cell, apparently having passed out after his mistake.

"We don't take kindly to wizards in this town.", a burly man growled from the other side of the bars.

"I'm sorry about the mess, I was very drunk last night.", Tonos groaned.

"Mess!?", the man seemed astonished, "Mess! My wife is a dung beetle because of your stupidity!", the jailer snapped.

Tonos gulped, "I'm.....uh....sorry, lead me to the ladies and I'll restore them.", he promised.

"You'd better! Then you can change that mercenary you sex-changed!", he snapped.

Tonos was led to the bar where a dozen dung beetles were penned into a small area filled with....dung. He gestured and chanted for a moment and the beetles were women again, only naked and covered in....shit!

Several threw up upon realizing what they'd been eating even as the others shrieked in shock at their nakedness.

A very busty blonde woman jiggled over then dressed in male clothing that didn't fit...or contain her huge tits!!

"May I be of service miss?", he asked while bowing. She responded by punching him in the jaw with her small fist.

"What the hell was that all about!?", he snarled.

"I'm a man you moron! It was your spell that turned me into...this!", she indicated her lush female body.

"Torval I assume?", Tonos said sheepishly.

"Damn right! Now make me a man again you idiot!", she howled.

Tonos gestured and the woman was again male as he'd been born.

"If I find you doing anything like this again you'll be lucky to keep your head!", the jailer snapped while leading his shit-covered wife away.

Tonos went to a different bar that night, hoping to drown his problems in ale and women as usual.

By early evening he was quite drunk again and kept getting fresh with the barmaids. He was playing jokes on them with his magic and was barely able to keep the spells straight.

He'd put a mild curse on a coin that any woman who held it would develop bigger breasts and become lust-filled. He tossed the coin to her with a grin. She went wide-eyed and started tearing off her clothes before one of the other women led her away.

Another woman had her abundant tits simply vanish, leaving her totally flat-chested and near shock. She raced to the back sobbing as the bar's clientele looked about in paranoia.

"Master Tonos?", a small man asked him.

"What do you want?", he answered, not quite slurring his words...yet.

"I can't believe that a master sorcerer like yourself would play these cruel jokes on those women!", the man said in disappointment.

"How do ya know I did it?", Tonos said with a grin.

"I am an apprentice, I could see the magical energy coming from you. Now I ask you as a fellow sorcerer to please refrain from these spells!", the man snapped.

"Boy, I have one answer, see how ya like it!", he snorted.

A spell leapt from Tonos before the youngster could prepare a shield spell. He fell down on all fours now transformed into a small dog looking up fearfully at Tonos.

"By the way boy I've made you a bitch and you're in heat, you'll be real popular with all the dogs in the area.

The transformed man whimpered and felt the urge to breed but he managed to force himself to run back to where his teacher awaited.

Tonos passed out about a half-hour later with nobody thinking much about rousing him. A pickpocket tried to rob him but as soon as he touched Tonos he was transformed into a red-headed woman so huge-breasted that his shirt literally exploded under the pressure of his expanding tits. The stunned thief stood topless, jiggling her massive boobs in shock as she staggered about.

Not even the owner of the bar dared approach after seeing that. The red-head had to be restrained from attacking the unconscious sorcerer, mainly because the other men feared a similar fate.

"Let me kill him!!", she howled, "He turned me into a woman, a woman!", the buxom ex-man screamed.

"I will handle our drunken sorcerer.", a woman said from the doorway.

"Lady Mareena!", the bar owner gasped, "What....what brings you here?".

She pushed her long black hair from her eyes and spoke, "My apprentice was transformed by this man, I wish to speak with him now that I have restored the boy.".

"If you can reverse his spells then change me back!", the half-naked woman that had been a man yelled.

She snorted, "I think not! You are a thief and a womanizer, this transformation should change your attitude!".

"You sorcerous bitch!", the former man screamed, "Change me back or I'll kill you!".

Mareena smiled, "With what? Perhaps you'll pummel me with those enormous breasts of yours!".

"Die!", the over-endowed red-head shrieked while racing at the sorceress.

"Sleep my friend.", she said while gesturing.

The woman stopped and fell asleep on the floor even as Tonos stirred from the use of magic.

"Whus tis, who are ya?", he groggily asked Mareena as she sat across the table from him.

"Hello sorcerer, I would like to discuss your behavior towards my apprentice.", she said calmly.

"The bitch!", Tonos laughed, "Did she have a litter yet?", he howled in glee.

"I restored him, why would you do such a thing to begin with?", she asked pointedly.

"Because I can!", he snorted. He saw Mareena's chest and cast a breast growth spell. Mareena's dress was instantly ripped asunder as incredibly massive breasts swelled ever larger until they rested on the table.

Tonos was snorting in glee and decided to add to it with another spell. Mareena was still stunned at her balloonish bosom when her hips flared to impossibly wide size, causing her now bountiful posterior to get caught in the chair.

"You....dare?", she said in disbelief.

"Sure, ya ain't the first bitchy sorceress I've had to teach her place!", he laughed.

He leaned across the table and kissed her while fondeling her vast breasts. She fought free of his grasp and her eyes began to glow.

"You have wandering hands sorcerer!", she howled in anger, "I would have let your insults to my apprentice and myself pass but you have dared to fondle me!", she spat.

Tonos slapped her across the face and laughed when she fell to the floor due to the blow and her newly comical dimensions.

She wiped blood from her mouth and rose unsteadily, "You have no respect for women worm so let it be you who is the woman, and you who carries about these breasts!", she growled.

Tonos felt as if liquid fire had been poured over him and even as he shrank his chest and hips ballooned until a naked blonde beauty with tits and ass of the same dimensions that Tonos had forced upon Mareena wobbled unsteadily.

Mareena used her magic to change herself back to normal and then punched the female Tonos.

The woman fell heavily due to her massive breasts and immense hips and then tried to restore herself...but nothing happened.

"What have you done to me!?", Tonos shrieked while realizing his magic was gone.

"I've taken away your magic fool, now your hands can wander on your own female flesh!", she laughed.

"Tonos!", the barkeep yelled, "Get your ass up and earn your pay! I don't pay my barmaids to lay down!".

"Barmaid!?", Tonos asked in confusion.

Mareena smiled, "I am far more than I appear mortal, you are the first to taste my full godly power in decades. Your name remains the same but I've altered history and reality so that you have no magic and serve as a barmaid....so does our friend the pickpocket!", she laughed.

"NO!!!", Tonos howled, "You can't do this to me! I'm a sorcerer!".

"Not anymore.", Mareena said firmly, "Now you are a woman, no one besides myself will remember you as anything but an amply-endowed female with a bit of a sluttish streak.

"Please...please..please...", Tonos sobbed while falling back to her knees.

"If I honestly believed you were sorry I would reverse my spell. But you merely fear that now you will be the ogled rather than the ogler. You have always let your hands offend, now let them explore yourself!", she snapped.

A flash and Mareena was gone, leaving a naked woman named Tonos gibbering madly on the floor with her hands wandering dazedly along very female flesh.

Author's note: This may not have sex in it but most of my stories do not, on the other hand they always have a lot of gender-changing!

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