Walls of Jericho

By moc.loa@sihThguorhTeviL

Published on Apr 21, 2001




Disclaimer: This story is not intended to imply anything about the sexuality of the WWF Superstars in it, or anything about their lives. It is complete fiction and should not be taken for real life happenings.

Contact: If you want to send me an email telling me to continue the story (i have three other parts already typed up) then please do, and I will post it. You can check out the other parts at my Yahoo club WWF Fantasies, email me for the link. chimera_firelord@yahoo.com

Chris Jericho was nervous. Not only had he just had the biggest match of his career against Stone Cold Steve Austin, but he had a sexual feeling about the Rattlesnake. During the match, when Stone Cold went behind Jericho, Chris could feel Stone Cold getting hard. Not only did it turn Jericho on, it made him want Stone Cold like he had never wanted anyone before. He was walking down the corridor, thinking about Steve, when all of a sudden he bumped in to one of his friends in the WWF, Chyna

Chyna: Hey Chris! What are you doing tonight? Me and Hunter (HHH) are going down to the club later on, wanna join us?

Chris: Sure Chyna, should be fun.

Chyna gives him a worried look and puts her hand on his shoulder

Chyna: Is everything OK Chris? You don't seem alright.

Chris takes her hand and smiles at her

Chris: Just feeling a bit lonely thats all.

Chyna: Oh don't worry about it Chris, me and Hunter will find you a girl tonight! A few of the others might be coming as well, Jeff, Trish, Steve, Kurt......

Chris pops his head up

Chris: Steve? Steve Austin?

Chyna: Yeah I asked him before and he said he really wanted to go.....it's weird because he isn't really a nightclub person ya know?

Chris smiles

Chris: Yeah I know. Well anyway I gotta go get ready, I'll meet up with you later k?

Chyna smiles at him as Jericho walks off down the hallway, excited about the prospect of seeing Steve later on tonight at the club. Jericho walks in to his locker room, and as he walks in he is shocked to find HHH standing in the corner, smiling evily

Chris: Hey Hunter, whats up?

HHH strieds over to Jericho, in his jeans and leather jacket

HHH: Nothing much Chris.......I just happened to watch your match against Austin a couple of hours ago.

Chris: Oh OK. What did you think?

HHH smiles as he walks closer to Chris

HHH: You wanna know what I really think? It kinda turned me on.

HHH moves Jericho's hair behind his ear, and whispers in Chris's ear

HHH: I think Steve was kinda turned on by it as well, if you know what I mean.

Jericho shudders, as The Game breathes down his neck. HHH kisses him soflty on the neck, then moves his hand in to Jericho's open silver shirt. HHH pinches Jericho's nipple, and Jericho doesn't know what to do. He starts to moan softly as the Game sucks on his neck

Chris: Hunter, what is going on?

HHH stops kissing Jericho's neck, and takes his hand off of his chest. He looks Chris in the eye

HHH: Watching your match made me want you like crazy, more so than Chyna.

HHH looks him up and down

HHH: I want that hot little body of yours.

HHH grabs the back of Jericho's neck, and pulls Chris towards his mouth. The two kiss each other lightly on the lips, when HHH pulls back. He smiles at Jericho, grabs him by the hips and pulls him closer. He kisses Jericho roughly, and the two explore each others mouths, HHH taking most control. Jericho had never kissed a man before, but he liked the feeling it gave him. He found himself wanting HHH more and more. HHH's hands moved towards Jericho's belly button, then moved futher down, unzipping Jericho's leather pants. As the two continued their rough kiss, HHH pulled down Chris's leather pants, allowing them to fall to the floor. Jericho was wearing a black thong, allowing HHH to rub Jericho's ass with no restrictions. Jericho could feel HHH's erection through his jeans, and as HHH rubbed Jericho's ass he started to rub his cock against Jericho's thong. HHH pulled his mouth off of Chris's, and leaned his head back, rubbing his body against Jericho's. HHH all of a sudden grabbed Chris's neck roughly, and kissed him hard again. He slid off Jericho's shirt, and now Jericho was standing only in his black thong. HHH was fully dressed, and he looked Jericho up and down and smiled

HHH: Arent we quite the stud?

HHH places his hands on the side of Jericho's thong and starts to slide it down. It falls to the floor, and Jericho stands breathing hard, his 7 inch cock in all it's glory. HHH grabs Jericho by the hips and pulls him closer, rubbing himself against Jericho's naked body. Jericho starts to moan and HHH smiles, as he starts to rub harder and harder

Jericho: Ohhhhh.....Hunter......rub harder......ooooh Gooooddd........

As HHH is rubbing himself against Jericho, he is undoing his jeans at the same time. His jeans are undone, and HHH takes a step back and slides off his jeans, wearing no underwear underneath. His 9 inch cock stands fully erect, and HHH has a smile on his face as he holds his cock in his hand

HHH: You want some of this don't you boy?

Jericho smiles, and leans back against a table. HHH walks towards him, wearing only his leather jacket. The two rub against each other, HHH pushing Jericho in to the table. HHH grunts loudly, as he sucks on Jericho's neck. As Jericho has his head back and his eyes closed, Hunter licks one of his fingers and slides it slowly in to Chris's asshole. Jericho moans louder, as the two continue rubbing their naked bodies together. HHH licks another finger and again sticks it up Jericho's ass, as Jericho's moans get louder and louder. As HHH keeps rubbing his cock against Jericho's, Jericho moans loud

Jericho: Oh Hunter.......I'm gonna cum........aaaahahhhhhhahahh!

Jericho cums alll across HHH's torso, and on his cock. HHH keeps his fingers in Jericho's asshole, and wipes some of the cum off of his torso, using it as lube for Jericho's ass. Jericho rocks his head back when HHH grabs him by the back of the neck, and tongues him hard. He turns Jericho around, so Jericho has his hands on the table, and HHH is behind him. As HHH kisses Jericho's neck, Jericho can feel HHH's cock near his ass. Jericho is hunched over the table, when all of a sudden he feels HHH's cock position itself in near his ass

HHH: Youre gonna take it like a man Chris!

With one big thrust HHH shoves his dick up Jericho's ass, and Jericho winces in pain and tightens up. HHH moans out loud, as he pulls out and then pushes back in. Jericho's stomach hits the table back and forth as HHH fucks him

HHH: Chris......oh God.....youre ass is so fuckin tight.......oooohhh......yeah......

HHH rocks Jericho back and forth, as Jericho's pain turns in to pleasure. Jericho closes his eyes and moans in pleasure, as HHH explores further and further up his hole. HHH reaches down and places his hand on Jericho's cock, and starts to pull it hard, in time with his rocking back and forth. Jericho moans

Jericho: Hunter.....fuck me harder......come on......ooh yeah........Gooooooodddd!

HHH let's go of Jericho's cock and suddenly grabs him by the hair. He fucks Jericho harder and harder, and Jericho enjoys the roughness of the Game. HHH let's go of Jericho's hair, and grabs hmi by the shoulders, whil pulling out and pushing his cock further and further up Jericho's ass. He speeds it up, fucking him harder and harder

HHH: Chris.......fuck yeah......oh god.......shit........oh oh oh oh AAAHHHH!

HHH shoots load after load in Jericho's ass, while still fucking him back and forth. Jericho is exhausted as HHH pulls in and out of his ass slower and slower, reducing the pace. Eventually HHH pulls out, reaches down and pulls his jeans up. Jericho is still hunched over the table, his thong down around his feet, as HHH zips up his jeans. HHH pats him on the back, and Jericho turns around, reaches down and pulls up his thong. HHH is about to walk out the door, when Jericho stops him

Jericho: Where are you going? What is going to happen with us?

HHH laughs and looks Jericho up and down, standing there looking at HHH in just a thong

HHH: I have a girlfriend Jericho, nothing can happen between us. You were ntohing more than a passing fling, someone I had my way with.

Jericho looked down at the ground, afriad he was about to cry. He had wanted so much more than just casual sex, he was hoping HHH wanted the same thing. He was obviously mistaken. HHH just laughs again, and leaves the room. Jericho reaches down and pulls up his leather pants, zipping them up. He reaches down to pick up his shirt and feels like he is about to cry when all of sudden Chyna walks in to the room

Chyna: Hey Chris! Ready to go out partying tonight? I just saw Hunter in here, what were you two up to?

Jericho just puts his shirt over his shoulders, not looking at Chyna

Jericho: To tell you the truth Chyna, I'm not sure myself.


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