Wallpaper Stripper

By Robert Barhorst / Rab2161

Published on Mar 27, 2020


Stripping Wallpaper

This is a true story

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I had a full time job working at a fast food restaurant and I was a assistant manager which to put it short, my days of work varied every day, one day I may work first shift and the next day I might work night shift. Or if I was lucky, I was off. When I was looking for a job a friend of mine who has his own painting company needed someone who he could teach to strip wallpaper. This took a lot of time and energy so if he could find someone who could learn it and do it, he and his painters could spend their time on painting walls that weren't wallpapered.

Darin knew I didn't make a lot of money and was always willing to do odd jobs to make extra cash. I had three lawns that I mowed but at $10.00 dollars a lawn that didn't help on paying the bills moreless put gas in my car, so when he couldn't find someone to teach he asked me if I would be interested in learning and he could pay me $20.00 an hour and I would be able to work at my schedule as long as I got the job done, and kept ahead of him and his painters. I accepted the job and the next day, which was my day off, he picked me up and took me to the paint job they were working on. There was four rooms that needed the wallpaper stripped and he started to train me on how to remove wallpaper and told me how easy it was except if it is pasted directly to the drywall.

It took me an hour to catch on but after that I was stripping wallpaper like a pro. I had two walls stripped and clean. I needed to get one more wall stripped and clean so Darin and his painters could start painting it. I was working my butt off and Darin was surprised how great of a job I was doing. Once I finished the last wall, I told Darin he and his team could start painting when they were ready. He came down and checked my work and gave me a big hug. He told me to go ahead and start working on the master bedroom bathroom at the top of the stairs. I had helped Darin before but that was mainly taping up around baseboards and taking off light switch plates and outlets. And I could have a room done in fifteen minutes depending on the size of the room and how many rolls of tape I went through. It had gotten to the point where Darin would give the key or combination code so I could get into a house and have it ready for him and his painters ahead of them. I went up to the master bedroom and went to the master bath. I was removing all the light switch plates and outlet plates then I started to wet the wallpaper. The paper was coming off like putty and I was making great time, I got the wallpaper off and cleaned the painted wall underneath. Then moved on to the next wall, I came up against a wall scones that I couldn't figure out how to unmount from the wall so I could get the wallpaper off and had to call Darin in so I could ask him how to do this. Now Darin is married with five kids and he knew I was gay. In fact, we had sex several times and he didn't care, I wasn't a out gay or should say I don't like a girl or act like one. But I was a bottom and loved a good hard cock up my ass and Darin had a nice cock to fill my hole and needs and he knew I loved getting fucked. None of Darin's painters had a clue due to I really didn't work with them but the ones I did work with didn't have a clue and didn't give me any shit when I was put in charge while Darin was out on different job or getting us lunch.

Darin came into the bathroom and asked what I needed and when I showed him the problem he just pull out his box cutter and trimmed around the scone and told me not to do this myself just get as much off as possible and loosen the paper around these and he can cut them off later. I said okay, and he asked if there was anything else, I needed, and I looked at him and smiled. He knew what I meant by that and leaned close to me and gave me a kiss. But then pulled away and said I was doing a great job and when I got this room done then hit the closet and then the main room. I kissed him back and said okay no problem, Darin left the room and I continued working on the wallpaper. By the end of the day I had half the master bedroom done and the closet and bath. Darin was happy about that and asked what my work schedule was for tomorrow. I told him that I had to work the morning shift but would be off by 3 o'clock. He asked if I could drive over here and start working more on the wallpaper when I got off work and I looked at him and said hell yeah.

I knew Darin was one of those guys that scheduled one paint job after the other. Now Darin tried to give his crew weekends off but in the summer that was hard to do being the most popular time to paint the outside of houses. And would put off interior work until the winter months or if it was a small job that he and one other painter could do in a day or two. Now this house was up for sale and the homeowner was just doing what the real estate company told her to do by stripping off all the wallpaper and painting the walls a neutral color. She had the garage filled with drapes and light fixtures that she had already removed and replaced with common fixtures. Darin told me that him and his crew might not be there when I arrived, and he gave me the code to the lock box, and we tried it to make sure it worked. He told me he would leave everything I needed in the garage and just start to work and keep track of my time. I said no problem and he took me home. Now I told my dad that after I finished work at the restaurant that I was going to go and work on this house so I didn't know what time I would be home. My dad was cool with this and said he would leave some dinner in the refrigerator for me.

The next morning, I got dressed for work and grabbed a change of clothes and a travel cup of coffee and hopped in my car and headed to work. I was busting my butt at work and already this week I had in over forty hours of work and my boss saw this and told me he was going to give me tomorrow off but he needed me to work today due to it being a Wednesday we would be super busy and he wanted someone who can do it all and set up the night shift when lunch was over. I said no problem and if he needed me to work the next day that wouldn't be a problem, but he said if I did that, I would have in over seventy hours and he wanted to cut back my hours. I said okay, that would give me time to finish the wallpaper job I was working on. After work I went over to the house and first grabbed my change of clothes and went into the master bath and changed. Darin didn't care what we wore when we were working on a vacant house, but if the owner was around, he would tell us we had to wear our painter clothes.

I had grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top and then I went to the kitchen and filled my bucket with hot water and grabbed my radio and went to the master bedroom. There on the door was a message from Darin telling me if I got this room done then go and get the bedroom at the other end of the hall and do it the same way. But then he put to get the hallway bathroom first then the bedroom. I plugged in my radio and tuned in my favorite station and turned up the music. I was just finishing the last wall when I heard someone downstairs and turned off the music and went into the hallway and asked who was down there. I heard a lady's voice answer and she said she was the homeowner and asked who I was. I told her and she said okay. She said that she was just seeing how things were going and I showed her what was done so far, and she was very happy. She asked if I was interested in anything in the garage and if I was to just go ahead and take it, due to the new place wasn't big enough to hold it and she would be donating it to some charity and they would properly throw it out. I thanked her and she told me she was leaving and not to work to late. I thanked her and she left, I went back to the bedroom and finished what I was working on in there. I had the last wall done and grabbed my bucket and other tools and headed to the hallway bathroom.

I tried to get the wallpaper to come off but it just wasn't working so I tried one of the other tricks Darin had told me which was to turn on the shower and let the steam from the hot water cover the walls. I did that and while the water was streaming up the bathroom, I head downstairs and grabbed my dinner out of the car and a couple of pops I got at work. I sat down in the living room and started to eat my dinner. Once I was done, I decided to go and check the wallpaper and see if it was starting to peel any and I would decide what to do if it wasn't. I checked the wallpaper and it was starting to peel a little and decided to wait and see if it would peel more the longer, I left the water running. So, I headed down to the garage to check out what was out there. There was several pieces that I loved, and I opened the garage door and opened the trunk of my car and loaded them in. I was planning to get my own place in a couple of weeks so I took everything that I would probably want or need in my new place. I had almost loaded everything she had in the garage except for some wall tables that I knew I would never be allowed to install in an apartment.

I closed the trunk and then the garage door and headed up to the bathroom to check the wallpaper and found a lot of the paper had come free enough and I started to strip it off the wall. Now the bathroom was hot to say the least so I turned off the water and turned on the ceiling fan to suck up some of the steam but then found the walls were drying up so I turned off the ceiling fan and keep on working. I had the outer layer of wallpaper off and was working to get the backing paper off but I needed the walls to get a little more wet so I turned back on the shower and the steam was doing a great job but I was sweating so bad that my shorts and shirt were soaking wet. I knew the front and garage and back door were locked so I decided to strip off my clothes and continue to work. I took my clothes and hung the over the railing outside so they could dry while I continued to work. I had three of the walls done and was working on the worse part, the walls around the tub/shower area, which meant that I had to stand on the tub walls and reach up to get the paper and backing off and with the water running. I decided that walls were wet enough and so was I so I turned off the water and was getting around the shower head. I was listening to the music and singing along with it. All the sudden the bathroom door opened and there was a man dressed in a suit. He asked who the hell was I and I told him. I was covering my crotch so he couldn't see my private. He looked at me and asked if this was the way you remove wallpaper and started to laugh.

I looked at him and said yeah when we must steam the wallpaper off the walls and started to laugh myself. I asked if he would hand me my pants off the railing and who was he and how did he get into the house. He told me that he was the realtor and he was checking on the work because he wanted to show several other realtors the property in a couple of days. He didn't move or even attempt to retrieve my shorts. Now he was a good- looking man, and I should have guessed who he was by how much aftershave he wore. My own father was a real estate agent at one time and when he went to show a house he would put on a lot of his aftershave. He said it made people remember him and they would get ahold of him.

Well I decided to try to get to my pants and moved forward but he decided not to move and I decided to just in a way make him move and my hand grabbed his crotch. I know most men would jump back at least and I would be able to make it pass him to my pants. But he didn't move and I could feel his crotch was hard. I decided at that point to offer to let him join me. He laughed and said that isn't his job. I turned around and bent over letting him see my ass. He rubbed his crotch against my ass saying he wanted to see the wall again. I could feel his hard, throbbing cock rubbing my crack. I asked him if he liked it and he said yeah, I like something beside the wall, in fact, I would like to paste something in here. I stood up and turned around again and looked him in the eye and said from what I'm feeling I wouldn't mind that either.

I dropped to my knees and started to unzip his pants and he started playing with the hair on my head and told me he needed some relief. I started to pull his cock out of his pants and since it was hard, I was having some trouble so I decided to undo his pants all together. He was a little shocked but didn't stop me and when his pants fell to the floor all I had to do was pull down his underwear and out popped his nice 7- inch boner. I didn't hesitate and started to suck on his cock and he was moaning and groaning within seconds. My hands were roaming his chest while he was filling my mouth with his hard cock. I pulled on his nipples and was running my fingers through is hairy chest. He started to undo his tie and open his shirt. He bent over and was roaming his hands over my back and working them down towards my ass. I knew what he wanted and was going to give it to him. He licked his finger and inserted in my asshole and a moan came out of his mouth and mine also. I loved the feeling of his finger in my hole and wanted more. I was sucking on his cock getting it nice and wet and then I pulled away and stood up. He asked what I was doing and I told him I wanted his cock in my ass and him to fuck me till my ass was full of his cum. He looked at me and said you got a deal. I turned around and pushed out my ass and bent over the sink, he knew what that meant and he spit on his cock and aimed it towards my hole and slide it in my tight ass. He had to use a little pressure to get inside of me since my hole hadn't been fucked in two weeks but once he was in, he loved it. He started to fuck me and told me how great my asshole felt and he was going to take his time fucking me. I moaned and told him I was hoping he would. We fucked like that for a while and then he said he wanted to see my face while his cock fucked me. I told him to pull out and I would change positions. He did and I turned around and sat on the sink edge and when he moved closer, I pull my legs over his shoulders and slide my ass off of the edge and he slide his cock in my ass again. He fucked me and we both were moaning and groaning and I loved watching him while he fucked me and with every thrust, he was making me moan and beg for more. We were fucking for about 15 minutes and he said he needed to cum and fill my ass. I told him to go for it and then thrusted every inch of his cock in my ass and held it there. I could feel his cock pulsing in my ass and knew he was cumming. He was letting out moans telling me he was filling me also.

Once he had gained his senses, he pulled his cock out of my ass and helped me get my legs back on the floor and off of the sink. He told me he loved my work and wanted to know how much longer it was going to take me to finish the job. I told him this was the last room that needed to be stripped and then they were going to need to come in and paint the room. He asked why I was working there alone and I told him, about the deal I had with the painting company that I worked for on wallpaper stripping. He looked at me and asked if I knew what the time line was for finishing the job. I told him he would have to ask my boss the owner of the painting company, and gave him his name and phone number. He finished getting dressed and I helped him, he leaned forwards and gave me a small kiss. I told him I would probably be done tonight and then it would be up to the painters but they are only a room behind me. Then he asked if there was a chance, I had a couple of pieces of wallpaper so they could hang them on the wall so customers could see what was there before the walls were painted. I told him that I kept a sample of each of the wall papers so the only could get a count of what all I had removed and from what rooms. He asked if he could have them when he was done with them. I said yeah, I would pass it on to my boss. He asked if there was a way, I could come over to the house some night when he brought some other realtor to the house to show them the place.

I said yeah if I don't have to work on that night. He looked at me again with a weird smile and I explained how I worked at a fast food restaurant and this was a side job for me. He looked at me and asked why I didn't do this full time and I explained that a lot of people didn't have wallpaper in their homes and I wasn't a good enough painter to do that. But when it came to wallpaper removal, I was an expert.

He said okay and I put on my pants and asked if he wanted me to show him the rest of the house? He said that would be nice, but keep your pants off. I removed my pants and we walked to the master bedroom and showed him a piece of the wallpaper that was in a pile in the corner and he was surprised how bold it was and said how much nicer the room looked without it. And then the master bath and he was shocked at the wallpaper that was hanging in there. We checked out the other bedrooms and then we headed downstairs to check out the living room and kitchen and other rooms.

We went down into the basement area and I showed him all around and where all the furnace area and then we headed back into the open basement area. I asked why he wanted me to show the house to the other salesman and he looked at me and said if I would happened to be dressed and working like I was when he found me they would join in and we would have them hooked on getting the house sold and might have some extra work for me, I said that sounds good to me. I walked up to him and slide my hands up his chest and around his neck then leaned forward and gave him a kiss. He grabbed my ass and pulled me close again and kissed me while rubbing my butt cheeks. I felt his cock growing in his pants and I knew he wanted me to stay naked so we could have some fun again. I rubbed his crotch and then undid his belt and pants, his pants fell to the floor and he didn't put on his underwear when he got dressed, so his cock just popped out into the open. I asked him if he was ready to lose another load and he smiled at me. I decided this time I wanted him fully nude so I could check out his hairy chest. I undid his tie and unbuttoned his shirt we kissed again and then I spit on my hand and started to jerk his cock. He was fully hard and ready to play. We got down on the floor and started to have some more fun. An hour later he said he needed to get going and I had a bathroom to finish. I asked if he knew what night he was going to bring the other realtors to the house and he said that it would probably be on Friday night. I told him that would work perfect for me due to I knew I didn't have to work.

I gave him my phone number and told him to call if for some reason the plans changed and also let me know what time, so I could be waiting and ready for them to show up. He said he would call but if he can set it up it would be around 7pm. I said okay and leaned forward and gave him another kiss. He kissed me back and said he would see me on Friday one way or another. He left and I locked the door and headed back upstairs to the bathroom. By now the walls were dry and I had to turn back on the hot water to stream up the room again. But this time I used a sponge and started to wet the top edge of the wall paper to get it started again on peeling. I got all of the paper off and cleaned the paste off the walls. The room looked great but listen to the radio it was going on midnight. I cleaned up the paper on the floor and turned off the lights. Then I got dressed and grabbed three pieces of paper from each room and marked on the back of the paper which rooms they were from. Then took the rest of the paper and put it in trash bags and left them by the front door as directed too.

I checked all the rooms to make sure all the doors were locked and all the lights turned off. Once I was done, I walked out the front door and made sure the front door was locked. And put the key back in the lockbox. I headed home and eat what dinner my dad left for me in the refrigerator. Once done I headed to bed, the next morning my dad asked what took so long and I told him that the walls in the one bathroom had two layers of wallpaper on them and I had to get both layers peeled off. He said that Darin had called for me and wanted me to call his cell phone. I called him and he asked if the job was done and I told him yeah and he could finish painting the house. Darin told me that he to start a new house today and would be over to the house tomorrow with his crew to finish that job. I told him about the realtor dropping by and how he wanted the pieces of wallpaper so he could hang them on the walls in the rooms where they came from. He said that was okay and asked if I could drop the paperwork of my hours and the pieces of wallpaper over at his house so he could make me out a check and he appreciated all my work. I thanked him and told him that I had extra pieces of the wall paper and if he wanted, I could drop them off to the realtor for him. He thanked me and said it would appreciate if I did that for him. I told him that I would do it on my way home from his place today. He said okay and we hung up.

I eat some food and drank a cup of coffee then grabbed two of each of the wall paper and headed out the door. I dropped the paperwork and paper strips off at Darin house and then headed over to the realtor company. Once there I asked for the realtor and the lady at the front desk called and the realtor came up from the back of the office. He invited me to his cubical and I told him I brought him some pieces of wallpaper for his needs. He leaned forward and gave me a quick kiss and thanked me. I rubbed his leg and told him that he was much welcomed. He looked at me while I was running my hand up and down his leg. I was waiting for him to tell me to stop or put his hand on top of mine to get me to stop. But he didn't and I continued up to his crotch, there I rubbed the outline of his now hard cock, then I started to pull down his zipper and he didn't stop me from doing that. I pulled his cock out of his pants and then lowered my head and took his cock in my mouth and started to suck him. He palmed my head and let me continue while he kept on talking like we were having a conversation. But all the while I was sucking his cock. He was getting close to cumming and I knew this because he wouldn't let me rise my head. He was moaning a little bit, and I continued to suck him and within a couple of more minutes he was filling my mouth with his cum.

I was about to swallow when he leaned forward and told me not to swallow and then he French kissed me taking some of his cum into his mouth. And then he pulled away and I was able to swallow what he left in my mouth. And I looked over at him again and he smiled and blew me a kiss. He told me that Friday night was set up for 7pm. I told him the painting crew was going to work on the house tomorrow and planned on having it done that day. He smiled again and leaned forward and gave me another short kiss. I said I had to go and get to work and he thanked me again and smiled. As I was getting up, he told me that Friday night couldn't get here fast enough.

Part two will be out in a little bit. I hope you loved what you have read already. Let me know Bob Rab2161@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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