Disclaimer: This story is about teenage males in love. Or at least, it will be eventually. If this is something you find offensive, then please do not read it. If you are under the local legal age to read these stories, then go somewhere else. Please do not reproduce this story without the writer's written (or typed) permission. This story will eventually contain a romantic relationship between two high school boys.
Note: Positive and constructive feedback is welcome and encouraged. Flames will be ignored.
Chapter 3
I woke groggily, turning over to look at the clock and damning myself for not setting the alarm. After a hasty shower and a return to the room, it dawned on me. The day was Saturday. There was no school. I had to laugh at my own morning actions. Ah well, it just means that I can take it slowly today and do whatever I wanted to do.
I changed out of my school clothes and into something lighter. It was a warm August day, so I thought I'd take advantage of the temperature. A part of jogging shorts and a tank were the choice of the day.
I grabbed my blades and protective gear and went downstairs for breakfast. The smells hit me before I got anywhere NEAR the stairs. I smiled broadly. Mom made French Toast. I dropped my gear next to my 'day off' backpack and headed for the kitchen.
"You forgot it was the weekend, didn't you?"
I nodded and chuckled. Mom gave me a kiss on the forehead and set out a plate for me. When Mom cooked, I was thankful she didn't follow the low-carb nonsense. Having a Southern father and a German mother meant one thing more than anything else. It meant GOOD food, even if I did still hate sauerkraut. Don't get me wrong, I love things cooked IN it, but I hate the stuff itself.
I digress. I sat down and ate a nice breakfast of french toast and sausage, all dripping with Maple Syrup. The good stuff that you have to search for. After I finished, I waved to my Mom and put on my gear before heading for the park.
Riverville may not have been a big city, but it did have some beautiful parks. Kinsa was my favorite. It was a large, sprawling park with skating paths, swings, a basketball court, AND a tennis court. It was also much less popular than Keene Park.
I looked in my backpack and pulled out my MP3 player. I plugged in the headphones, but only placed the left one in. I never wore both at once, unless I was in a private place. Two headphones blocks too much of the world around you. I took a cursory glance around the park. It was empty. that meant I could speed my way through the paths.
I slid along the path and pushed myself along. I gained velocity rapidly. The wind shoved my hair back, flicking it along a short path behind my head. It was such a feeling of freedom as my clothing whipped in the air.
Heaven is the resistance of the air as you force your way through it, knowing you're going faster than it can that day. Heaven is moving your body in time with the music you love. Heaven is a pair of crystal eyes down the path. Heaven is... huh?
I tilted my body, turning my feet to slow myself before I passed him. I felt my temperature rise. I'm rather sure it wasn't from the activity. I came to a stop three feet from him.
The other boy looked up. His own hair blew in the light wind, pulling it away from his almost angelic face. I tried to think of something else to say, but couldn't come up with anything. Well, nothing beyond the casual, "What's up?"
"Just trying to get out of the house. I hate being cooped up in there."
"I know that feeling. Love the home, but love to be out of it, too."
"Something like that."
"So... what are the songs?" So sue me. I'm as curious as a cat sometimes. This was driving me crazy. I HAD to know.
"Monday. Promise."
"Fine. Keep me in suspense." I stuck out my tongue at him. He only smiled in response. The dangling cord of my unused headphone fell against my chest.
"So, what are your plans today, Blue Eyes?"
"Uhm... I dunno, really."
"Ok, then you can hang with me." I don't know why I said that, but I did enjoy his company. "We can hang out here for a while, go eat, swing by my place, whatever."
His smile grew wider. "I'd like that."
"Then it's settled." I grabbed his arm and pulled him to a two-seater swing. We sat down and started the thing moving. "So, what music do you like?"
"I don't know. My dad was a religious freak. That CD I bought last night was the first CD I've ever bought."
I blinked. I swore he could hear my eyelids slap together. "Dude! I have to introduce you to things. Here!"
I took the dangling headphone and offered it to him. It was the right earpiece. He was sitting on my right. It forced our heads close together. My temperature rose again. I still hadn't figured that out.
The song at the moment was "Somewhere I belong" by Linkin Park. It had just started. I could hear his breathing with the music. He was intent on the lyrics. I felt something touch my hand. I looked at the seat where it rested. His hand was beside my own, just barely touching. In that moment, I felt calm.
I didn't move a muscle for fear that the calm would end. I had too little calm in my life. After all, I was always a hyper guy. I had to be doing something all the time, unless I was in bed. It's just... me.
My eyes remained fixed on his hands. Like my own, they were long and slender. My own had very pale, almost white, hairs on the lower knuckles. His had darker, yet sparser hairs. Despite the size of his hands, I could tell that they were strong.
Before we knew it, an hour had passed. We sat there, barely touching, listening to the music. Occasionally, he'd pick up a chorus and our voices would be pure harmony. His tenor with my own bass melded seemlessly into something extraordinary. It was ecstatic to say the least. I could not wait to go to class on Monday, so we could begin practicing.
"I don't know what's worth fighting for or why I have to scream. But now, I have some clarity to show you what I mean. I don't know how I got this way. I'll never be alright. So, I'm breaking the habit tonight."
When we finished the final verse of the song, our voices rising with the singer, in perfect unison, we turned to face each other. I saw something in his face that I had never noticed. Strength. Desire. Defiance. Passion. I started to raise my hand to brush a lock of fallen hair out of my face. My hand was caught in something. My eyes drifted down, only to see my hand locked with Jamie's. As if knowing what I was trying to do, Jamie raised his other hand to tuck the strands behind my ear.
His eyes never left mine. I tried to get words out, but could only speak his name in the barest of whispers. He lifted a finger and placed it gently against my lips.
"Shh... Later."
I nodded, dumbly.
"Lunch?" he asked me.
Once again, a nod was my response. We rose from the swing, still not releasing our hands. I flopped my backpack to the side. I reached in with my free hand to pull out a pair of well-worn comfortable sneakers. Reluctantly, I let go of his hand. I felt as though I was losing a piece of myself when I did. I changed from skates to sneaks as quickly as I could.
"Sure. They were yummy." The smile that spread across his face caused an echo across my own. We walked to the deli, not holding hands, but never more than a foot apart.
We had a quiet lunch before Jamie announced that he had a few errands to run. I gave him my number and my address. He said he would come by around five. That gave me plenty of time.
"Who was that boy with you in the park?"
I had only stepped into the house when Mom asked me. My reply was a little deadpan, "New friend from school. Jamie."
Mom tilted her head. "Well, he looked like a nice boy. You DO need more friends, Rand."
"Moooom." I let out an exasperated sigh. "I've got Rene! Isn't that torture enough?"
She just laughed as I walked upstairs to clear my head. My way of clearing my thoughts could be considered a bit strange. There's an ancient divination path known as Bibliomancy. People would ask a question and check a random passage in a random book. They would try to find a way to correlate the two. It usually only worked to make you think of what the problem or answer really was by searching within yourself. My own form was to use music in the same manner... I suppose you could call it Radiomancy.
I turned on my computer, waiting patiently for it to boot up. No matter how fast a computer was, it was always too slow. Once it was ready, I pulled up my MP3 program and set it to shuffle through the list of songs, as I pondered my first question. It wouldn't tell or show which song was next until I hit the button.
"What is up with me lately?" I asked this to no one in particular. It was a good starting question, or so I thought.
The song began. Wilson Phillips. I couldn't help but shake my head that I even HAD them on my hard drive. "You're in love. That's the way... it should be... cause I want you to be happy."
I couldn't resist a laugh. Well, that could be true. I'm not about to turn my head away from such possibilities. Though, it could be a bit complicated. The south was NOT fond on such things. Me? I had never even looked for such a thing, so I had no clue which side of the proverbial fence I'd fall on. I just knew I liked being around Jamie.
"Ok. So, maybe I am in love. Why is it so hard to read Jamie, half the time? His emotions change so much." I flopped down on my bed as I awaited the next song. Slowly, it came on.
"Nobody knows what it's like... to be the bad man... to be the sad man... behind blue eyes." I perked my head upwards, looking at the computer.
"Ok, you're being a bit too creepy today. You usually mess up on at least one of my first few questions." I shook my head as I began thinking about that. But... how could Jamie be the 'bad man'? Maybe it was just the closest approximation the computer could find. I knew he was sad... I saw it in him when he thought I wasn't looking. Glaring at the computer, I decided to test it's link with 'fate'. "Fine. If you're being realistic FOR A CHANGE, then what's Rene's mom like?"
"Kyle's mom's a bitch, she's a big, fat bitch. She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world."
I burst out laughing. At least, it was right, if you replaced Kyle with Rene. "Ok, ok. I believe you. Then... what do I need to do? To make him realize that I feel that way?" I lay back and waited.
"Dere, ya see her. Sitting dere across de way. She don't gottalot to say, but dere's somet'ing about her. And ya don' know why, but you dyin' to try you wanna... kiss da girl."
That brought about a tear of laughter. I simply couldn't bear it. "Ok. Enough. I got it. I understand. Thank you, whoever programmed you. I'll just... see what he wants to do with it." I stopped the player and went to the shower, turning it on again. Sure, I took a shower that morning, but I had been out sweating. But, it would be a cool shower. I would save anything else for after he left tonight. Hell, I was 16. Of course I knew about THAT.
As I hopped out of the shower, I got dressed in another pair of jogging shorts and a t-shirt. I let Mom know that Jamie was coming over tonight, and she nodded. "Want me to bring up extra blankets? In case he decides to spend the night?"
"Nah, Mom. It's not cold enough for that, yet. I've still got an extra on my bed that I don't use."
She nodded. Just about that time, the doorbell rang. I bit my lip as I went to the door.