Walk in Lies

By Eliot Moore

Published on Feb 28, 2022


Walk in Lies Chapter 7

Sometimes I wallow in the mire and root for garbage. This story might be that.  The following story is for adults and contains graphic descriptions of sexual contact between tweens,  adolescents and adult males. There is, of course, a power imbalance in these varied relationships, and considerations of consent are blurred.

If you are a minor, then it is illegal for you to read this story. If you find the subject objectionable, then read no further. All the characters, events and settings are the product of my overactive imagination. I hope you find it cathartic. Feel free to respond.

If you would like to comment, contact me at eliot.moore.writer@gmail.com.

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(First Edition Posted May, 2007)

Walk in Lies

The Only Son

Edan bursts out laughing when he sees the hooker he is going to pay for. The slender Slavic boy is as beautiful as the picture his friend shared with him. Edan carried the business card in his wallet for two weeks, taking it out and fantasizing about the half naked boy. Everything is grotesque-shabby and completely unacceptable.

“I’m sorry, this,” Edan gestures abstractly about the hooker’s appearance, “won’t do.” Edan looks at his iWatch. “He needs to change.”

Vikki is put out. More male criticism, she fumes. “This is all we have available.”

Edan is about to retort, I can believe that. Instead, he pulls his Pro Max out and leans against his Jetta. “What’s your name?”


“No, your name.” Edan meets Mica’s ice blue eyes.

“Mica,” the Rent-boy replies.

“Put something decent on.” Edan studies SnapChat so his blush will be less obvious. His friends buy hookers all the time (so they brag), this is Edan’s first attempt.

“The face?” Mica dares to ask, while Vikki simmers on a slow boil beside him.

“Oh God, yes. Start with the face and rinse off that,” Edan waves vaguely at Mica’s hair.

Edan thinks this is a very bad start. This discrete pick up at a house sounded better than cruising the streets looking for a likely partner. The business card picture was alluring and it lent an air of respectability to the escort service. How utterly disappointing, Edan fumes. This is a grotesque parody of what he explicitly requested. His friend Marcus, is asking for a picture. The harlequin has fled to the bathroom, so Edan missed his chance to share the joke.

Mica though, the name is memorized; Mica is ethereal-perfect! The living room is a pigsty. The shabby, unkempt house smells like dog and sour milk. Edan imagined spa-elegance for some stupid reason. His friend Marcus warned him he would be slumming. Somewhere down the hallway, a baby abruptly cries out. The sound is excruciating. The girl Vikki, it might even be her baby. Edan shudders at a distinct scream. It’s not a baby, a little boy having a tantrum perhaps. A large dog’s base voice starts barking over and over again. A young man’s voice calls out angrily, there is an abrupt stillness. Even the dog stops barking. This vagrant house is a macabre Twilight Zone episode. Mica returns in pants and a summer T-shirt. “Let’s just go.” The beautiful hooker’s voice is clipped and tense.

Mica is cautious about Edan. Tricks are not always how they appear. Edan is about seventeen and he is just three inches taller than Mica. Edan is too good looking. If Mica knew him from school, Mica would want to date a boy like Edan. The outcome would have been the same. Mica would then be found in the high school bathroom sucking Edan’s athletic dick.

Edan is too good looking. The Prep School eye candy should have an equally impressive boyfriend (or two) sharing the front seat of the expensive car Mica is sliding into. Edan should be at the summer pool in a boardshort style swimsuit sporting Oakleys, Oh so cool. Mica imagined the poolside guys watching, girls liking the unattainable gayness of him. For unhealthy reasons, Edan is in the Sykes’ livingroom snagging a cock-whore. Edan could pull over on the curb and any boy would climb on in just to get that close.

Edan is so hot, alarm bells start ringing in Mica’s Bitch-boy gut. He is dazzled by the older teen, so he cannot decide if the bells are burglar alarms warning him oto hide or the fire hall call to action. Mica will pull out the hoses and address the fire sparked between them. He is Whore-slut, so his eyes are attentive to Edan’s hands.

Edan walks out to the curb with Mica by his side. They leave the front door open so the summer air can flush out the odors of dog and sour life. Before his Prince-Trick puts the Jetta into reverse, Edan reaches out to touch Mica’s flow of hair. Edan is too good. Bitch-boy waits ready to accept the slap.

“We’re off to the mall I guess. It looks like we need to shop.” Edan grins at Mica. He is warming up to the idea. “Can you talk with a high voice?”

Mica tries. “Your car is nice. Hi, my name is Michael Jackson.” The boys laugh together. Mica studies the Trick’s laugh for hidden, bitch-slapping clues. Edan seems satisfied. Mica is going to the mall dressed in drag. The saving grace is that the malls are dying. Old people and mothers ducking into discount stores. Mica can handle that. He is not Mica right now, anyway. He is Cain’s slutty whore. Not useless, simply waiting-wanting to be used. 

“Just be yourself, Mica.”

But not myself, Mica knows. Within his parents conservative limits, he likes to advertise his body. “I can see your testicles.” His father complains. Yes you can dad! Not something Mica says out loud. He wears the pants so the boys can see the inviting swell of his ass cheeks too. Mica wears his shirts tight or open. Mica’s self is always wanting to be Edan-perfect. Mica’s self does not cross dress, being very content with his look.

Edan fills him in as the air condition whispers softly. “We have been dating for a month but you are shy about meeting my parents.” Mica wants to know why that is important. “We are going to dinner with my parents.” Mica feels dizzy. “Maybe you are shy because you go to public school and I go to a private school.” Mica shifts uncomfortably.  

“We were going to see a movie while we got used to each other, and work out our story. If there is time, we will. We need to get you set up first. I paid extra for all that slop!” Edan complains. Mica shrinks into the seat beside the Trick. Extra will have to be provided.  “Then we meet my parents and everyone goes out to dinner.”

“Do you want me to do anything?” Mica asks in a small husky voice. Edan shakes his head and they continue to drive in the afternoon sunlight toward the mall. Edan is taking him across town. The fifteen-year old is relieved. He might be easily recognized in his own neighborhood. When he looks at the other boy he realizes Edan is nervous too.

Cross town, Edan can be the boy he wants to be. He walks confidently into the first shop. “My boyfriend Mica needs a new outfit!” He tells the young clerk proudly. “I’m taking him out to dinner.”

Edan decides shopping for Mica is an unexpected bonus. It more than makes up for the catastrophic beginning of the date. Mica vanishes into a changeroom to try on the first three outfits. They won’t let Edan join Mica in the change room. He pouts on the boyfriend seat waiting for Mica, it’s a beautiful name to match a beautiful boy. Mica will walk the runway for him. Somewhere in the back of Edan’s mind, he is playing out the movie Pretty Woman.

Edan likes the way Mica differs each decision to the salesgirl or his boyfriend. Edan thinks he looks spectacular in scarlet, but the family dinner is formal and Mica is going to be presented as shy. Edan wants all the outfits he sees on Mica’s svelte body. He reigns in his enthusiasm and settles for a soft copper blouse and a miniskirt with sufficient flare to mask Mica’s package and the brass to emphasize the hooker’s gorgeous ass.

“He’ll wear it,” Edan declares with a husky-hungry crack in his voice. The shoes are wrong and prove problematic. They settle on flats at a nearby shoe store. Edan really wants his boyfriend in heels. They don’t have a pair in his size. Another time, he promised himself. After a stop for lingerie, Edan drags Mica off for a makeover.

I shouldn’t need to skulk around cross town like this, Edan frowns. He shapes the Rent-boy’s appearance with the same unconscious ease he tells a house maid how he wants his breakfast. French Maid uniform, Edan stirs at this vision. In the summer togs of a teenage boy, Mica is too … much like him. Psychology, Alea takes Bitch-boy to the rape-bed and loops a line around his heavy groin. Control-contain the threatening maleness. Edan is inclined to put the beautiful whore-boy in his submissive place. Men top, Edan tops. Edan prefers to wrestle boys well below his weight class. Bitch-boy is made for pinning, poking and penetration.

Nobody questions Mica’s LBGTQIA right to change his look. The hairdresser simply puts Mica at ease and compliments Edan on his beautiful boyfriend. They are just another handsome young gay couple, one transsexual, or just cross dressing. This is not just Edan’s opinion. All the ladies in the salon think Mica’s twig-slender adolescent shape carries everything off very well. The bitch-Queen hairdresser rapes Mica with his eyes, while Ethan preens proudly.

Here in an anonymous cross-town mall the Trick takes his hand. Large hands, Adam’s apple, junk stuffed into shear panties, there is no way Mica can pull this off. Failure will rest on him. The full weight of this disaster will rest on him. He will be sent to Jail, whipped to pain without the … Mica is still groping his way toward that understanding.

Mica prefers subdued colors that suit his essentially masculine tastes. He likes drama in school, taking on any part. He will try to play this part in clothes that fail to excite him the way they turn Edan on. Sitting naked between the Lout’s knees excites Mica. Flesh excites Mica. He is not a drag queen. The panties excite Mica only because they bind his prick and scrotum like a tiny jockstrap. That excites his prick and heats his anus.

Edan picks a chick flick Mica would rather not see. His Trick buys popcorn and drinks and they sit in the back of the nearly empty theatre. The boys eat buttered popcorn side by side.

This is Mica's first date as either a boy or girl. He worries Edan expects him to know what to do in this public space. Edan has put his arm around Mica's shoulders. The popcorn is between Edan’s legs and Mica thinks about the boy's package as he fumbles in the little bag. He lets his hand press against Edan's groin. The movie is bad and the popcorn is done too soon. It's time for the boy to try and kiss the girl.

Time passes and Mica realizes Edan doesn't seem to have a plan. He hasn’t even moved his hand from Mica’s shoulder, so Mica slides his hand along the inside of Edan's thigh and leans forward to kiss the salty lips of the older boy. This is his second teenage trick. The Lout was a virgin and Mica realizes so is Edan.

Edan responds eagerly and he pulls Mica closer. As their lips play against each other Edan slides his hand up Mica's top. Mica lets his fingers feel along the length of the boy's prick. Edan is hard beneath the microfiber fabric of his black Dockers. Mica tries to open the boy's fly with one hand. He is not used to this problem. Edan helps him.

Edan's prick springs out and Mica wraps his palm around it. The boys pause and Edan looks into Mica’s eyes for a long moment. The seventeen-year old is breathing hard when Mica slips off his seat and kneels on the sticky floor between Edan's legs.

Edan's prick is long and hard. His lips surround the head and his tongue circles around to stimulate the tender flesh. Edan needs very little prompting before warm spunk swirls around Mica's mouth. He pauses to swallow and then sucks the last dribbles glistening on the tip of the prick. The Lout liked Mica on his flaccid prick, suckling endlessly like a baby on its soother. He remains bent over the shrinking organ breathing in the sweet smell of Edan’s clean flesh. Tricks are usually so old.

“That’s good, so awesome.” Edan whispers. “Come sit.”

The boy in drag feels shy when he returns to his seat. It has been hard to remember he is on a date and not a date. Will Edan respect me after? Mica giggles, and then fright overtakes him. The handsome Trick echoes his laugh and they share a smile. Mica tries to watch the movie for a while and the Pepsi washes the boy’s spunk down his throat.

Mica feels Edan shift beside him and he tenses; then a hand slips across his gut making him quiver. He turns to look and his lips connect with Edan's again. The Trick’s hand shifts to his groin and Edan frees his prick and balls from the tight pantie fabric. Edan has not forgotten that Mica is a boy. The remainder of the movie is lost to necking and for a while Mica forgets why he is there, or that Edan is really not his first boyfriend.

They leave the movie holding hands. Mica has to remember to use the ladies room. He tries to fix his makeup before he has to face Edan's parents. Edan is waiting patiently for him when he leaves the ladies room.

“I'm never going to fool your parents.” Mica is panicking. He guesses the next part will not be in a dark room. He looks down at himself in despair. He holds himself and looks at Edan full of fear; tears threaten to smear his make-up again. “Don't be mad at me please.”

Edan comes to him to brush his hair off his face. “I won't be angry. Things will be fine.” The Rent-boy’s vulnerability is so appealing to Edan. The fifteen-year old’s sexual experience is less intimidating in the vulnerable dress he could slide so easily up the hooker’s thigh. Easy access, Edan shivers. I could grab his pussy right here in the middle of this movie theatre hallway and feel this boy’s wetness on my fingers. Nobody would stop me! 

The Trick’s hand cups his jaw, testing the contours of the slap he can take any time Edan wants. $300 to get out the Sykes’ door, and God knows how much for these new clothes, Edan has bought a lot of expectation. Tricks complain and Alea punishes. The sound of little Finn screaming in pain for simply laughing at Vikki’s clumsy efforts keeps reverberating in Mica’s ears like some demented earworm. Mica knows things will not be fine. He rushes back to the washroom and vomits.

Edan's home is beyond grand and the sight of it makes Mica feel like being sick all over again. All he can do is cling to his Michael Jackson voice and sit up as straight as he can. If he sits just right, nobody will notice his adolescent package beneath the skirt.

Edan sits next to him and basks in the glow of his father's approval. “Well it is a pleasure to meet you Mica. The man pronounces it MEE-ka . We were beginning to worry Edan might not like girls.” His joke prompts general laughter and Edan takes Mica's hand as the boy in drag blushes.

Edan's mother eyes the “girlfriend” with an amused and worldly tolerance. She grills Mica for a while and he tells her everything she wants to know. He's only fifteen but it’s clear she decides he is just barely an acceptable amusement for her precious son. Maybe she has him dressed in a prom dress, maybe she is contemplating a restraining order.

Edan's father is making Mica nervous. He looks like he wants to slip his son a condom so that the girl from the wrong side of the tracks doesn't get knocked up and spoil Edan’s Ivy League future. Mica finds this funny because he is a bigger slut than the stuffy man imagines. Mica endures half an hour of interrogation on the poverty of his life before the fidgeting Edan tells his parents he wants to show his girlfriend around the house. Mica needs to use the powder room anyway.

Mica looks at himself in the mirror and trembles with the tension of the last half hour. He doesn’t care what the two parents think; but if Edan is unhappy Alea and Cain will know about it. He can’t understand why Edan is doing this. He needs to see the psychotic flaw in the boy’s perfection before the pain and degradation start. Edan knocks on the door and asks him if he is alright. His make-up is running and he doesn’t know how to fix it. Mica doesn’t bother to hide the fright when he opens the door.

Edan is gentle with him. He closes and locks the door. Their bodies are close as Edan wipes the damage from the Mica’s face. Edan finds the make up in Mica’s new purse. He doesn’t comment on the condoms. His touch is light and steady on Mica’s face as he reapplies eye liner.

The hustler is trapped looking into the Trick’s eyes as he feels the pencil trace the line of his lid. He brushes the older boy’s crotch and feels the hardness. Edan kisses his lips before adding a light coat of lip gloss. “I don’t know why, but seeing you like this really turns me on.” Edan confesses with a husky voice. The Trick lifts up the skirt so he can see the prick and scrotum packaged behind sheer fabric. He strokes Mica’s manhood, wanting to see the hard leak of desire. Mica just has to desire him.

Mica gives Edan what he wants. He finds a condom in the trendy bag his Trick selected, and expertly rips it out of the package. Edan pauses at the sound and finishes his touch ups while Mica opens the seventeen-year old’s pants and rolls the condom over his rigid member. “Fuck me Edan. I’ve tasted your cock in my mouth, and I need to taste you in my ass. Will you fuck me, Edan?”

Mica twists around and pulls the panties down exposing his lubricated rectum. Edan needs help finding his waiting anus. With the Trick’s corona pushed past his flexible rectal ring, Mica bends submissive over the vanity. Edan pushes his prick deep into Mica. “Oh, God damn!” Edan trembles out in a low voice that manages to echo about the half bath. Edan grabs Mica’s hips and slowly moves his prick in and out of the well used rectum.

Mica doesn’t like looking at his face in the mirror, so he closes his eyes as his body is fucked slowly. The condom slows the passion and Edan’s first time in him is not as aggressive or clumsy as Mica thought it might be. The minutes stretch and Edan’s low panting begins to match the movement of his prick as the strokes begin to speed up. Edan loves the deep plunge more than the anal grip on his gland.

Mica’s higher pitched noises signal his response to Edan’s large prick pushing into him. Mica often practices deception when a Trick fucks. They’re all Tricks, the boy reminds himself. Every single fuck is bought and paid for. The young-girl-trans image judges Mica in the mirror. Whore and slut, Mica opened the bathroom door for this. “Fuck, that’s good!” The rose-blush lips mouth softly to the dream-Trick in the mirror. Edan leers at him in a wolfish way. Cats and dogs, Mica purs.

“Fuck, that’s so good.”

“So good,” Edan echoes agreement.

It’s almost honest between them. Teenage hormones and the usual Id-over-Super-ego brain logic. Mom and dad won’t know I smoked weed in my bedroom if I open a window. Mom and dad won’t know I fucked a guy if I put him in a dress. The need for a hard prick overwhelms all sense. Mica on his knees in a school restroom, bent over a sink in some strange house, his body always craves this being taken. Mica is a bottom-bitch. There is honesty in knowing that. There is honesty in a deep fuck-the-Bitch-boy penetration sparking fire in his loins.

Bitch-boy’s balls are hooked on the stretched panties like he is tied to Alea’s jail-bed. The elastic saws on his scrotum in the rhythm of his Trick’s angry thrusts. Just drop your knickers and take it up your cunt. He is Mica Laar, the restroom faggot, Cain’s Whore-slut, Birley’s-bitch. Drop the panties because Bitch-boy needs this shit-smell fire lighting up his ass. 

“Gonna fuck me harder later?”

“Oh yeah, baby. So good!” Edan finishes with soft groans and stops his instinctive pumping. When Mica opens his eyes he sees the handsome boy’s eyes are on his face. They look at each other triumphantly as Mica feels the organ shrink and finally slip out from between his slick buns. Edan lets his hands slide up Mica’s back.

Edan steps back and Mica turns to take the used condom off the shrunken prick. He tosses it into the toilet before Edan can think to make him chew the cum-flavored latex. Some Tricks like to watch him do that. Edan touches Mica’s slack prick and kisses the boy’s neck before lifting him up onto the vanity.

Mica sits passively and watches while Edan pulls his black slacks up. Edan seems elated but when he looks at the young hustler he turns shy. Mica asks the obvious question. “Why didn’t you just get a girl? It would have been so much easier.”

Edan flushes before answering. Maybe this is my way to tell them who I am, Edan admits in a moment of self awareness. “I don’t know any girls. I go to an all-boy’s school.” Edan is playing with Mica’s prick and touching his scrotum. Mica spreads his thighs and leans back against the mirror to allow him to play. Edan is looking at Mica’s prick. He squeezes it between his fingers. It grows larger in his hands. “Besides” the older boy confesses “a chick would want me to do stuff.” There is a cute smirk that Mica would like to kiss. “I’m getting off on trying to fool mom and dad. When we were in the movie theater and you sucked my cock, that was so unreal! It was so hot.”

“I’m not sure you’re fooling your mom.”

Edan runs his fingers over the clipped pubic hair above Mica’s crotch and feels the shaved scrotum. “Why did you shave it?”

“I didn’t. Someone else did.” It was a Trick on another date. There are so many kinks to this work. Edan cups Mica’s balls with one hand while he massages the long prick with the other. Mica is smaller than Edan, but he has a respectable boner. “I wish you had your bush.” He pauses a moment then adds “the clean sack is cool. I would do that if I could get away with that.”

Edan glances at Mica’s face before bending over to suck the hard prick. It feels good and Mica allows himself to the moment’s pleasure. The result is dramatic. “A girl, even a hooker couldn’t give me that.” Edan seems happier when he looks back at Mica. He gives the boy a captivating smile. “I bet they have no idea what we just did!” Edan resumes playing with the spent prick trying to coax a last drop of spunk out. Mica loses himself in a foolish dream where Edan is only a boyfriend and this is first love.

“You are hot. Why don’t you have a boyfriend who would do this?” As soon as Mica says this he could vomit. Why embarrass the Trick? All he is supposed to do is keep Edan happy. He can’t think of a way to take the words back. Edan is still playing with him while Mica waits for his angry response. There might be pain involved.

“Sure, I’m interested in some hot guys at school. It wouldn’t be too big of a deal. Most people would be cool with it. I’d really like to do that, you know? Word gets around quickly to the parents.”

Mica knows exactly. This is his life too. School would go smoothly for Mica too. Mica would hang with people he could flirt with. Talk hot guys with the other gay boys who shrugged the closet off. Shit, his straight friends would talk hot guys with him, just for fun. But, there is always a but. Mica keeps it on the down low. Then one day he didn’t. One day Cain Sykes found him in the bathroom. “Somebody always tells parents.” 

“Exactly!” Edan doesn’t seem to be angry at his comment. He stops playing and pulls Mica closer to him. “They don’t know about me yet.”

Maybe, maybe not, thinks the young prostitute. Mica thinks Edan wants a hug, so he kisses him on the lips and puts his arms around his neck. “I’m the only son.”

“So can I ask what’s going to happen now?” Mica gets that there is more sex later. He is wondering about the parents and everything else that is going to happen. Edan seems gentle, and since he knows he is free of Alea and Cain for the rest of the day, he is slowly relaxing and looking forward to more hot sex.

“We are waiting for my sister and her boyfriend, and then we are all going out to dinner. After that I don’t know.” His hands are traveling over Mica’s body again. “I wish we could just stay here all night.”

Mica decides the high school senior is right. There are so many ways they could fuck in this bathroom. The large house must be full of possibilities. Mica adds some unanticipated passion to the next kiss.

“It’s my sister’s graduation today.” He blushes at Mica before adding, “thanks for letting me do you, you’re pretty hot. Dressed like this, with your long hair done just right, you are very hot.” Edan gives Mica a playful punch that makes the gun-shy boy flinch.

Mica knows he didn’t have much choice. Edan was a virgin. He will have to teach him everything like he taught the Lout. Then Edan will hurt him like the Lout did. Edan touches Mica’s face where the Lout slapped it. The Whore-slut turns his head to take the blow. If I could teach Edan how to make my guitar vibrate when he strikes the body, Mica presses his prick against the Trick’s manhood. He’s just Cain’s Bitch-boy and he does not know how to do that.

“I guess they will be wondering what we are up to.” Where they are at, is needing to fuck some more.

Edan's parents are sharing a colourful cocktail like it is the 1930’s. Mica wishes someone would offer him one. Almost immediately Edan's mother hustles him out of the room for a private talk. Edan tries not to show his concern.

They end up in Edan's sister’s room. She pulls a pair of pleated black slacks out and clutches them to her chest. “I don't want to be rude dear, but that pretty skirt you have on is a bit too short for the restaurant we will be going to tonight.” Mica glances down at himself. “These old things are Edan's sister’s when Stella was in high school. They will probably fit just right. Try them on.”

Mica is trapped so he plays shy and turns his back while he slips out of the skirt that had pleased Edan and tries on the Trick’s slacks. “You have a very slim figure.” The slacks are loose and long. With a belt from the closet, the pants cinched at his navel like a girl’s might be, and his new flats, Edan's fashion-propriety conscious mom is satisfied.

Mica prefers wearing Stella’s pants and the pleats apparently conceal his confined crotch more effectively. She asks him to sit next to her and hugs him tightly. Her arm is crushing false breasts garnered at the mall. “You young people are in such a hurry to grow up. Edan really likes you, I can tell.” Mica blushes beet red.

“Honey, I don’t know how to say this, I hope I get it right.” Edan’s mother squeezes Mica’s thigh. “Do I say she, or are you he? Are you gender blind? Are you offended by he and she, should I say they? I want you to be comfortable with us.”

Mica coughs, “She,” he looks at her askance. “You knew Edan is gay?”

“A mother knows.” She assures him wisely, “You are transgender, aren’t you? I suppose that means Edan is heterosexual, because you are a young woman. Oh dear, it is so confusing these days, but I am trying to keep up.”

“I’m …” Mica wonders if it matters what he says at this point. “I’m still thinking it through. Surgery is a scary idea.” Edan’s mom nods in agreement.  “I just like dressing in women’s clothing, I think.” Mica hopes that works for her.

“Like Patrick Swayze in To Wong Foo!” Edan’s mother is delighted. “You go girl!”

“Okay …” Mica replies.

“I hope you children will be careful.” She puts a hand on his leg. “Remember to make him use protection.”

A month ago, Mica would have killed his mother if she did this to a boyfriend. Edan’s mother gives him a knowing look. It comes to Mica that he is only good enough for experimental sex with her precious only son. She has his shabby number. Mica is the white trash slut from the wrong side of town, not the necessary partner she will approve of.

When the girls get back from their talk Edan is blushing. They share a quick look and glance away. It looks like Edan had been getting his own lecture: Fuck the little tramp, spew your premium oats safely, don’t embarrass the family.

The sister’s boyfriend looks like the wrong sort. Possibly, he is who Cain Sykes wishes he could be. This is a new thought for the Whore-slut, his pimp, Cain wishing he was different. The parental disapproval is obvious. Edan's mother is not comfortable with the young man and fusses over Mica to distract herself. Stella does a double-take when she sees Mica and drags Edan away for a brief sibling confab.

Juan is noticeably older than Stella. He has an edge to him that tells Mica the young man is familiar with Cain’s world. Juan attempts to make small talk in the frosty room. You can almost see his breath with each remark he makes. Every time he begins a conversation with Mica the mother throws up a roadblock. Clearly young trans boys are not to consort with this man.

Brother and sister return and Mica can see Edan has been crying. Everyone goes to the restaurant in separate cars. Once they are alone Edan cheers up. “Stella told me it wasn't fair to make you do this. Will you forgive me?” Mica thinks Edan has already forgotten he paid $300 for whatever he wants. Mica can give value. He reaches over the gap between them and cups Edan's groin and tells him what he wants to hear.

Edan's prick grows beneath his fingers and Mica caresses it as they drive. Mica sees that Edan's tent lasts until they reach the parking lot. “You bitch,” The term is endearing, not malicious. Edan’s prick needs another blow job if he is going to make it through dinner. “Stella says we can use her apartment tonight.” Mica gives him a kiss and a last squeeze. “Oh, god damn!” It is a promise for later that Mica anticipates keeping.

There is an awkward wait before they are seated. Mica escapes into the ladies room for a break. He could use a joint. While he is sitting in a chair that is nicer than the chairs in his mother's living room, a girl comes in to use a stall. Mica tries not to stare. When she has washed up she sits next to him like she is tired. Mica finds her a pleasant distraction. “Taking a break?” The whore can only clutch his purse tightly and nodded his head. “Me too”

Mica clears his throat and finds his girly voice. “My date brought me to dinner with his parents.”

“Sucks to be you” She measures Mica against her own standard. Mica isn't a competition. “If your date is the hot guy standing by the bathroom door, you’re lucky.”

That would be Edan. Mica tries to stand up in a girly sort of way. “That's probably him.” It is time to go back to work. Drag dresses do not pay for themselves. Edan is hovering beside the door waiting for Mica and he can’t resist running a hand over the Mica’s tight ass as they walk to the table. “It there a place in that washroom where I can fuck you till you scream?”

Mica knows this will be the dinner from hell. He is in a restaurant with food he will never get to eat again and he knows he can’t have any of it. He has to sit next to his mother because she needs his exotic companionship. Slippery dangerous Juan is the wrong sort of exotic. The menu has no prices and it is not in English. Mica knows Stella is enjoying herself too much because she makes Edan split raw oysters with Mica as an appetizer. She veto’s Mica’s choice of salad and orders him a lobster tail.

Mica has learned never to eat when he is working, but lobsters are few and far between for him. He loses himself in the experience and nobody seems to mind that he says little. The oysters remind him of work and he is embarrassed when Edan tries to feed one to him.

When he surfaces from the dripping butter and succulent chunks of lobster he realizes the conversation has gained an unpleasant edge to it. Too much wine has passed around the table and the parents are letting their hostility surface. Mica can see Juan is unconcerned, but Stella and Edan are unhappy.

Edan finds and squeezes Mica’s hand beneath the table. Mica responds by searching out the seventeen-year old’s crotch and begins to rub it. Edan loses interest in the conversation. Juan smiles slightly at the fifteen-year old. A minute later Stella calms down too. The conversation becomes a dialogue between the parents who are pleased to have their children's undivided attention for a while.

“I can't believe you did that.” Edan comments as they leave the restaurant. Mica can't believe most of what he does. Edan is a careful driver but he is clearly anxious to get to his sister's apartment. All things considered, it has gone well. Mica knows the appetizers are done and it is time for the main course at Stella’s apartment.

Edan should be the master of this moment. He stands in the middle of the small living room uncertain of where to begin. Edan is no longer shy, but it is still left to Mica to manage things. Mica kicks off the miserable shoes and comes close to the older boy. “Take my clothes off Edan.” he whispers.

It is a slow reveal. First Stella’s slacks drop to the floor. “Man! I wanted to see my girlfriend in the dress I picked out! You’ll have to wear it next time.” Edan is transfixed by the diaphanous panties that reveal as much as they conceal. Edan leaves the underwear in place, remembering the erotic abrasion on his prick as he penetrated the hooker. He unbuttons the copper blouse.

“I don’t like bras and fake breasts. You needed them to fool my parents, but I’ve never been a breast man.” Mica laughs along at this. “A muscle shirt that only comes to hear.” Edan touches Mica’s sternum. Then he plays with Mica’s nipples.

Edan finds a sensuous tank top belonging to his sister. It is not what Edan wants, but it approaches the look he needs. The flimsy fabric excites him. The top is an insubstantial veil between his fingers and Mica’s torso. Edan guides Mica to the window overlooking the the city. Stella’s living room lights are not even dimmed. The twinkling city is invited to watch the blond haired boy’s submission.

Edan fucks Mica by starlight from behind. Mica’s body mashes to the picture window. The panties are simply stretched down to expose the waiting anus. “Give it to me Mica!” The fabric abrades Edan’s scrotum with every hard thrust that lifts the hooker onto the sheet of glass. The act of public possession is like fire flowing through Edan’s veins.

The copulation in Edan’s guest washroom was a fumbling first time. Now, Edan takes Mica forcibly in his sister’s living room. He can grab the boy’s shoulders and swing him around, push Mica’s unbelievable body down to the carpet.

Mica is dazzling. He lies pliant, waiting for Edan’s hard prick. The underwear is back over the slut’s hard ass. Edan rucks it up and exposing one firm cheek. Half fabric, half soft skin, Edan was going to take that ass in a second. For now, he wants to own the moment.

After admiring the view, Edan lets his weight sink back into Mica, his prick is deep in this exotic boy’s hot rectum. “Is that good?”

“It’s good.”

Edan alternately parts Mica’s thighs  so Mica’s cheeks part invitingly, or straddles them to compress the ass around his delving prick. Edan loves the feel of Mica’s muscled shoulders under his fingers. Four years of masturbation and I have finally achieved this. Edan is triumphant. Mica will be a beautiful adornment on Edan’s arm, a boy he can talk to, and a cum-sock when he wants one. Edan penetrates the flesh, loves the responsiveness of his new Fleshlite. Every morning, I want to wake up doing this. “It’s good, it’s good, oh fuck it’s good!”

Edan breeds his submissive bitch in a hot-piss open flood. The condom loses its grip on his prick, threatens to slip-slide off his boner. Hate the condom, can’t leave my jizz in his cunt. Oh, but God damn Mica is so fine beneath Edan’s body. Fucked-trembling fine and open to his long prick. My girl, my everybody’s girl, and Edan does not want that. He wants Mica for himself.

Later in bed Mica resigns himself to staying the night. Edan calls Alea and informs her of his decision. Mica’s resentment flares briefly, not for Edan’s decision to possess him through the night. Endan has been a perfect date so far and Mica is his willing vessel. Mica thinks his parents should care more. Their indifference or lack of imagination has left him feeling lost. He will show up some time tomorrow or the next day and they will accept the lies he tells them.

Edan is deep in sleep. Mica is drained too, but he sneaks silently out of Stella’s bed. He is sore and tender. Perhaps the sister has something healing. Mica stuffs some extra-strength Tylenol in his mouth and examines the medicated creams. He sits on the toilet backwards and rests his head on the cold porcelain of the tank. He is a responsible Whore-slut. Mica reapplies lubricant.

When Mica returns to the bed, he finds Edan waiting. Some Tricks like a fight, others want fear; too many don't really need any response at all from Mica. A few, like Edan, assume shared passion and ecstasy. “You’re beautiful Mica.”

Edan pushes the light sheet off his groin. Edan is flaccid, and the expectation is obvious. The Trick’s prick must be raised so the Whore-slut can be bread again. Mica consumes the prick as he did the Lout’s. Let the motile lips ring the root and use his busy tongue to coax blood into the shaft. Edan’s prick grows past his gag reflex. His mouth stays tight on Edan till the boy is ready to retake the endlessly open anus-orifice between his cheeks.

This fourth coupling of the date, their pricks duel between their muscled bellies. They dry-hump each other to a fever pitch. Mica has to insist Edan pause and put a condom on before Edan rolled Mica’s legs up to his chest. An urgent and inconsiderate push, and Edan is deep in Mica’s well-used cavity.

Mica absorbs the abrasive tug and the hard pelvis bruising his balls. Is he performing for Edan? Perhaps. Mica digs his fingers into the Egyptian cotton sheets and caresses the older boy's controlling arms while he closes his eyes and he moans his gratitude and offers fulsome praise for the thick member stretching his anus endlessly.

He whimpers words of encouragement, “Oh yeah, Iron Man, yes, that’s it. God when you do that!”

“Do what?” Edan asks. “Iron Man?”

“Oh yeah, totally. You totally look like Robert Downey Jr.”

“The dude is ancient!” Edan complains.

“Oh yeah, your cock, what you do to me, Edan. Oh God!” Mica moans, “You get it right up there where it feels so … argh!” Mica is writhing nicely, and the prick action is actually not half bad. “I’ve just gotta, I’ve just gotta,” Then he is doing this fish bone stuck in the back of his throat thing.

“Oh my god!”

Mica giggles at Edan when he can take a breath. “Not now, silly. I Googled the dude. You’ve got Downey’s looks when he started acting. Yeah, you’re Iron Man.” Mica makes this a lustful judgement.

Then Edan decides to pull out and strip the condom off,  Mica eagerly allows Edan to jack his load into his waiting mouth. Afterward his tongue plays tag with Edan's swollen prick head catching dribbles of tardy spunk.

This angelic face beneath his dripping prick; Edan is sure Mica and he were destined to come together. Edan dips his cock into the hot mouth, accepts the boy’s selfless worship. The prep school boy is too keyed up to sleep. They can both sleep later. Edan is seventeen and his prick wants to stay snuggled into the Fem-boy’s mouth. He wants his scrotum resting on Mica’s chin. His groin on the boy’s face, oh God!

They shower together deep the night and Edan massages Mica’s prick until he ejaculates across Edan's palm. The seventeen-year old pushes two soapy fingers into Mica's rectum while Mica bends and leans against the shower tiles. Mica embraces the pain Edan’s fingers bring him. Afterwards he puts Edan back to bed.

Mica is dreaming that Edan is just his boyfriend when he is roused by Edan climbing on his back for the fifth time of this date. Edan loves the black door entrance and insists Mica put the panties back on before his earnest fifth assault. Edan rips the back out of the panties like this is a date rape moment. Mica is glad he keeps lubricant on because Edan isn't using a condom this time. “Bareback feels better and I want my jizm to fill you up.” Another thoughtless teenager, like the Lout.

Mica turns his head and the clock reads 4:30 am. He realizes he is in for a long night. Edan is learning to control himself and control the Bitch-boy. Edan begins to stretch the copulation out by pausing and shortening his movements. Edan’s weight presses down on Mica’s ass and Edan shifts his hands down to Mica's groin. As Edan’s prick moves in clever circles, he squeezes on Mica's scrotum and pulls on his balls. When Edan finally ejaculates, there is only a whispered curse to signal the event. “Oh fuck yeah!”

By this time, Mica is so sensitive, he orgasms continuously for five minutes. They lie connected while Edan rides this earthquake, stunned and uncomprehending. The teenager has no idea what is happening inside the boy he impaled. “Ughhh, oh, gurgle, ang!” Mica is struggling either because he is pinned down or trying to escape. Edan holds his whore down, entranced. Mica is sobbing as his mind dissolves in the flood tide.

Edan wakes him once more in the morning. At 8:30 am. Mica thought he had tamed the beast, but the horny seventeen-year old wants this sixth crack at Mica’s fifteen-year old cavity.  

Edan has discovered his sister’s lubricant on one of his trips to the bathroom and he brought it back with him. He pulls out of Mica and tries to squeeze the entire bottle up Mica's rectum. He makes a mess and essential oil slides between Mica's thighs before dripping on his scrotum.


Edan can stretch his copulation out for almost fifteen minutes. “I don’t think I can come in your ass again. Your ass has drained all my cum!” Edan tries a new position and impales Mica on his prick. It slides in very easily. He spreads the extra oil on Mica’s scrotum over Mica's limp prick as the boy lap dances on his boner. “You are so hot, Mica, so easy to hold.” Edan has penetrated an anus that has no strength to resist. At this point Bitch-boy’s ass is simply open to invasion.

“I’ve got a move I want to try.” Edan shifts Mica’s torso off the bed and drops the Whore-slut on his shoulders. It’s a pile driver with Edan’s prick fed back down the waiting rectum. Instead of letting Mica’s legs flop heels to head on the floor, Edan  pins them under his armpits.

Edan Varsity wrestles frustrated with his coach. He has just enough weight and strength to incline the coach to match him with heavier boys. Challenging, but not what he wants from the wrestling team. Edan takes no pleasure in being pinned-dominated by the bigger boys. Edan loves to dominate the lightweight boys. He enjoys the way they bend to his will. Edan will wrestle with the Rent-boy next time. Edan will feel the slender boy work up a sweat in the unequal contest. Then, we will fuck.

This inversion is an awkward coupling. Edan’s bent prick just tears down into Mica’s rectum. The torn panties spread to the assault while continuing to cup the whore’s groin in their tight embrace.   Edan tells the inverted boy, “Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!”

The oil does its work. Mica is becoming experienced with the tightrope walk between pain and pleasure. Edan’s insatiable prick sets Mica’s anus on unbearable fire. Punishing waves each time the long boner slides up, and a shockwave when it piledrives back down. Mingled in there is the growing endorphin pleasure Mica seeks from every callous Trick. Pain-pleasure, Edan bottoms out in Mica’s rectum.  That does it; the boys share a moment of mutual orgasm.

It is a fifteen-minute coupling. At 8:45 am. Mica sucks Edan's prick clean. His open anus leaks seminal fluid down his thigh. Edan’s date is his longest and most passionate.  Well and truly fucked, the submissive Bitch-boy likes the phrase, fucked senseless. His anus left a soldering coal, Mica washes the bareback melange of flavors off the Trick’s fulsome prick.

Edan wants to talk afterward. “Why are you hustling? Do you need the money?” Edan is vaguely aware that Mica is not rich. Edan is certain he likes this slutty side to dating bad boy hookers. He loves crossdressing the Rent Boy. He likes the vulnerability it brings to their relationship. Mica is liberating.

“No” Mica doesn't want to admit he gets none of the money. There isn't much Mica would want to admit about his situation.

“Do you like it?”

“I like you” Mica evades the question.

Edan decides to suck on Mica’s prick for a while. He likes Mica’s scrotum trapped beneath the feminine panties while the protruding erection meets his needs. It has been an awesome day of firsts for Edan. When he is done, Edan looks back at Mica. “Would you sleep with me again some time? I mean, like friends; not the other thing?” It's the first time Edan has mentioned the money.

“I've never slept with anyone as nice as you.” Sad, but true. Mica is still on the job, but it isn't too hard to say “I wish you were the only one I ever slept with.” Again, he has avoided the question.

“So forget it and be with me.” Edan kisses him. It is a boyfriend sort of kiss. A very possessive and demanding boyfriend, to be sure.

“Cain wouldn't let me.”

“What is he? Your pimp or something?”

“I guess. I'm supposed to do whatever he and Alea say.”

Edan considers this. “Why do you do it?”

Mica explains the high school bathroom fiasco, his religious parents, and Cain threats of further pain.

"So you can’t just tell your parents?"

This occurred for a fleeting moment to Mica; but too late. He simply fears his father's reaction and Cain's brute force cannot be described in words. He was thrashed in the high school bathroom. He was thrashed in front of his best friends. He was stripped and thrashed in Cain’s parentless house. How would he explain the last month? How would he explain Alea, Vikki and Finn?

“If you want to see me again, you have to call Alea.” Their time is up and that is a blessing because Mica is utterly undone.

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Next: Chapter 8

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