Walk in Lies

By Eliot Moore

Published on Feb 19, 2022


Walk in Lies Chapter 4

Sometimes I wallow in the mire and root for garbage. This story might be that.  The following story is for adults and contains graphic descriptions of sexual contact between tweens,  adolescents and adult males. There is, of course, a power imbalance in these varied relationships, and considerations of consent are blurred.

If you are a minor, then it is illegal for you to read this story. If you find the subject objectionable, then read no further. All the characters, events and settings are the product of my overactive imagination. I hope you find it cathartic. Feel free to respond.

If you would like to comment, contact me at eliot.moore.writer@gmail.com.

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(First Edition Posted May, 2007)

All 23 Chapters of Walk in Lies are finished to a resolution. It might grow a little as I revise and edit. The intensity varies from chapter to chapter. This chapter has an episode of bestiality. It is not a recurring theme, neither is the bi-dominatrix stuff with the sisters. This is a gay-themed story. I hope you keep reading -- Eliot

Walk in Lies

Take Your Place

Mica is awake and feeling his first high school hangover. He remembers vomiting in a toilet. “Like a dog returns to its vomit Is a fool who repeats his folly.”  the Deacon commented laughing. When Mica was done, the man handed him another drink and a tablet that was supposed to banish the nausea. The sex was very fuzzy after that. Why am I tied up? Mica asked himself.

Vikki and Alea come for him, but not before the sun heats up the old camper. He lies in his sweat and the grit from the floor desperate for a drink of water. Mica’s anus is a sensitive knot from the repeated anal sex with the Deacon. He squeezes the emptiness, trying to recapture the incredible length of the man.

Despite the alcohol-amnesia, Mica thinks they did it three times. Everything done in silence or to a quoted scripture. “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline drives it far from him.” the Deacon penetrated his rectum by the toilet. “The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.” The Deacon’s rod reproofed him on the bed. Mica has flashes of lying, legs splayed over his head. He was euphoric, drunk-floating, abraded. Mica was thoroughly used.

Vikki unties the ropes. “Yuck! He stinks like Cain’s old sock.”

Mica is in a trance from dehydration and the endless strain of being hogtied. Vikki clamps a hand on his scrotum to get his attention. Slap! “Don’t scream so loud, the neighbors will hear.” Alea scolds. Slap! One way to control a strapping fifteen-year old boy is to never let him think. The sisters have Whore-slut’s attention.

“Stupid drunken bitch. If you had just come back when you were supposed to, you could have gone home. You made us wait around all morning until mom and dad took off.”

Sweating from the Easy Bake Oven camper, Mica stumbles to the house and collapses on the toilet before his bowls void and he urinates like a race horse. He vomits out the last of the bourbon for good measure. “Fucking men,” Alea spits out. The tension from her father’s visit will not dissipate.

Finn is detailed to wash the boy-hustler off in the bathtub. Alea directs the little boy from the toilet seat. She lets them have hot water and this helps to revive Mica.

Mica soaks his torso in the hot water and tells Alea of his afternoon and evening. He cannot recall the many Bible quotes, but he invents his own to entertain her. In exchange for the time to soak, he plays with Finn's body again. “He lusted after his lover, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.” Mica grabs the boy’s small soapy prick. Finn giggles. Finn sits between his legs where Mica can smell fresh boy and soap his small prick and low slung scrotum. The heat relaxes the small pouch so it clings like static to the growing balls within.

Finn simply snuggles between his arms, soapy back against soapy chest. At no time in his young life has anyone held him softly, enfolded him in arms that would not hurt him. If his mother ever held him close, he cannot remember. “Like a shepherd, He will tend His flock, In His arm He will gather the lambs And carry them in His bosom.” Mica hugs Finn.

Alea medicates Mica’s puffy anus so that it will be healed before his next date. She resents having to do this. Vikki can do this, or maybe pointless Finn, Alea concludes. The girl’s fingers fill his mouth afterward. He lathes the stringent cream off without embarrassment these days.

Mica drinks three glasses of water. He hopes the fishnet top and skintight shorts came back in the trunk, so those will not need to be replaced. If they have not, they will be added to Alea’s lengthening ledger. His personal clothes have been put away somewhere and he wants them so that he can go home.

“Mica; it’s time to discuss your bad behavior last night.” Mica had done the best he could, but he knows she always finds a reason to punish him.

“The drinking?”

“I will discuss it in the bedroom.” Mica doesn't want to get Cain involved so he follows her meekly when she coldly tells him, “Go directly to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect one hundred dollars.”

Mica has been through this before so he knows what is expected of him. He feels the cramp of despair and erotic expectation. There is pleasure amidst the pain. The only thing that keeps him putting one foot in front of the other is the utter certainty that facing Cain in the basement would be endless pain and no reward.

Alea is not an imaginative girl. If Mica had ever noticed her in Language Arts, it would be because she was the student complaining that creative writing was stupid. Art was stupid too. Problem Solving and Inquiry Projects were dumb. Alea has just enough imagination to leave the basement to Cain. The Sykes’ basement is a little shop of horrors. Cain had to throw Mica down the stairs the last time he was sent there. That hurt less than what followed. Alea has imagination enough to keep the basement as an unthinkable place of last resort.

Mica takes his place behind the “jail bars” at the foot of Alea’s bed. This became the arrangement between them the first time Cain left her on her own and Mica was foolish enough to argue with her. She had to deal with a tall teenage boy with a no-nonsense response, or she would lose control.

When he “goes to jail”, Mica is tied to The sisters' bed frame. Submission is a lifetime of his father’s overbearing, sanctimonious discipline, mingled now with sex. Mica understood obedient submission before he went to school. “Mica is such a well behaved boy!” His Grade One teacher enthused at interviews. Submission to his father’s belt, the church’s hellfire, Mica is supposed to doubt his own sound judgement. “Willful child of Satan,” Henry Laar reminds him before he is thrashed for talking back.

Mica sticks his groin through the bars and rests his hands the curve of Alea’s bedstead. Alea has her unimaginative technique. A simple noose from a doubled nylon length slips around Mica’s prick and scrotum. The Freudian motive is to tame the savage male parts. Each end of the length is simply wrapped around adjacent bars and tied together in a bow. When he shifts away, the noose tightens. The silken cords distend his balls into a shiny pair of fragile eggs ballooning out below his prick.

“Okay,” Alea heaves as if the effort has made her bulky self breathless. “Finn.” This is directed at Vikki.

Vikki steps into the hallway and tells Finn to come over. He will not do this. Finn has watched developments with this stranger in Alea and Vikki’s room. Mica occupies his sister’s summer. Finn wants no part of that. Finn always hides in his room and trembles when Mica goes directly to jail, failing to collect one hundred dollars when he passes Go. The Sykes’ house is full of noises you do not want to hear. Finn plays his games and chooses not to hear what happens in the bedroom or basement to Mica.

Mica cannot decide if the small waif is smart or stupid. Finn tries to run for the back door. Vikki and Alea catch Finn and march him back. His clothes get lost along the way.

“Finn; you've been a bad boy too, and you need to be punished.” Alea’s voice is calm.

Finn is placed between a new gap. He stands with his palms covering his eyes. Vikki makes a loop with more silken rope. She slips it around Finn’s groin then ties this to the bed beside Mica. Finn is crying soft sobs. Mica would put a hand on Finn’s shaking shoulders, but he is required to clutch the bed frame.

“Big boys don't cry. See the hustler isn't crying. Don't you want to be braver than Whore-slut?” Vikki has had a bad night dealing with their father. The sisters were so afraid their father would decide to take Vikki with him to Mexico. Vikki walked the streets till Willis Sykes was safely on his way. Sympathy for men of any age is in short supply.

“Alea,” Mica begins. She is not listening. “Alea!”

“What is it slut-boy?” Alea’s voice is threatening.

“The kid is totally going to rip his balls off. Tie his legs to the bars.”

“You’re telling me what to do?” Alea runs her sharp nails over Mica’s distended scrotum. Her eyes narrow in a promise that makes Mica shiver.

Alea concedes Mica’s point. Finn’s thin thighs are tied to the bars as well. Mica feels better about this. Alea pauses and glares at Mica. “Do you have something more to say, slut? Do you think a man can do it better?” Mica shakes his head numbly. This was a game he plays with Alea. It has become more complicated now. An audience, new participants.

Finn does not care if he is braver than Mica. He knows he is not brave at all. He cannot move away from the bed. All the ropes hold him fast. Everyone beats Finn when he cries. The noose around his dick and nuts tightens when he pulls away, but Mica's suggestion of extra rope makes it safe. Finn clings to the top of the bed like Bitch-boy is doing. Finn actually rolls his eyes Mica’s way.

“Let’s see who cries first, okay?”

Finn nods his head resigned to what will come. It will be a contest between the naughty boys. Alea takes her father’s strap and slaps Finn on a tense rump lightly a few times. Vikki fondles her brother's hair to sooth him.

“See how brave you were?” Vikki says.

Alea straps Finn very hard. Whack! “You’re almost twelve. All you do is play with your Nintendo and eat food. It’s time to work Finn. I told you that yesterday. Do you understand?” Whack!

“Nggg, hmmm, hmmm.” Whack! “I understand!” Whack! Finn wipes a tear and looks up at Mica. Mica knows this will not be good.

“Your just another fucking whore around this place. You want to eat? Whack! You work for it. You want that fucking horse of a dog to eat? Whack! Whack! Whack! You fucking whore your little pussy on the street for it. Do Whack! you Whack! understand? Whack!

“Yes!” Finn strangles out.

“What do you understand, Little-bitch?”

“I have to whore my pussy on the street like Bitch-boy so Burley can eat!” Finn trembles violently as he sobs this out.

Okay Mica let’s talk about you.” Alea walks behind Mica. He wants to twist around to see what she will do. “You didn't want to suck Finn and you didn't like the video tape. You disgust me.”

“He’s only a kid!” Mica protests. Alea begins whipping his ass furiously over and over again. Mica cries in pain and uses his arms to support himself. The wide belt will not damage the valuable goods. Mica has work to do later.

“I don't want you to ever talk back to me again!” Alea pauses to catch her breath. She switches to his front and taps his contained balls. Mica almost collapses with the pain. “Do you hear me?”

Mica cries uncontrollably as he fights the red cloud of pain that has engulfed him. His hands clutch his throbbing balls through the tight ropes. Alea and Vikki watch him as he tries to double over in pain.

“Finn is a slut, another man-whore just like you.” Whack! Alea has hit Finn again. “His cock gets hard. His …” Whack! Her little brother takes another. He looks like her brother. Finn is sobbing quietly, like a Sykes would do. Alea looks at Vikki. Finn doesn’t though. Finn is the obvious Changeling in the family. The little boy just doesn’t fit the mold.

Alea pulls Vikki into the hallway. The two stand captive side by side, each dealing with their seperate pain. Mica absorbs his own dissipating pain and seeks the narcotic flow of endorphins that will sooth his body. It’s personal, or maybe it is something between Alea and her victim. Mica does not want this for the little boy. He reaches over and pats Finn’s boney shoulder. Mica’s hand tries to sooth the hot flames on Finn’s butt cheeks.

Vikki returns to untie Finn. She rubs his little bum to sooth away any hurts, then tells him he can go play somewhere in the house, but he cannot go over to a friend’s.

She turns to Mica while Finn leaves to find his clothes. “Alea thinks you should suck Burley’s prick.” Burley, was by consensus, Cain’s Great Dane, although it generally fell to Finn to clean up scats on the lawn or play with him. Vikki continued in her sweet voice as if the request was reasonable. “She's mad at you and she thinks that would make her feel better.”

“No, that's sick.”

“Alea, Mica is not being nice.” Vikki yells this toward the hallway. Alea has been leaning against the wall waiting with the strap. Mica tries to untie his prick, but Vikki grabs an arm. Before too long,  Alea is there to help. Mica is fifteen and fairly unmanageable for two girls, but he is bound by his balls, which gives the sisters considerable advantage. First one, and then the other wrist is caught in the panicked struggle. They tie Mica’s wrists behind his back. Mica is beyond nauseated now. If a man lies with an animal, he shall surely be put to death, and you shall kill the animal. The pastor slipped that in one service much to Mica’s confusion.

“Stop it. This is insane. Do you bitches have any clue how sick you are?” Mica is running away in his mind but his balls are lashed tightly to the bars. Alea tickles his balls and strokes his flanks.

“We have a problem here because I have a date for you in an hour. I thought since you were still here, you should put in some extra time.” Mica could vomit. She picks up a cane her dad sometimes uses on his children. It is thin and wicked. She slaps the cane across the back of Mica’s thighs, Shwack!. “Sick bitches like us can't send out damaged goods; but I won't put up with your attitude either.” she swings the cane again, Shwack!. “Just suck the dog and do the date and you can go home.” Shwack! Shwack! She hits him twice more and he is sobbing. Mica only shakes his head slowly back and forth. “Suck Burley’s dick, Mica.” she raps his balls lightly with the cane.

They shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. Mica cannot take the pain.

“Should we ask Cain what he thinks?” Mica is utterly undone. Shakes his head through his tears. He has to stop thinking. Slaves, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters ... She leaves him there for a minute, and then unties Mica's stretched organs. The release is painful.

Finn is called back from his bedroom where he is sulking on his bed. He is only an audience to Cain’s boy-hustler’s next abuse. Finn glances at the teenage boy kneeling on the floor with his hands tied behind his back. The boy-hustler’s face is smeared with tears and mucus from his crying. Finn bites his lip and hopes he will remain forgotten by his sisters.

Burley is big, but gentle. He may be the nicest creature in the Sykes home. Burley is Mica-huge. Short of a yard, and the frightened teen would not tip the scale in the contest. Mica has watched Burley romp with little Finn in the backyard, no contest there either. The Great Dane jumps up on the boy’s shoulders and simply knocks him down. Mica has watched the dog hug Finn’s waist with its front legs and innocently tumble the waif into a fence. The big paws simply trample the small eleven-year old under his happy feet.

It cannot be done (It should not be done). Burley comes in from some napping place and makes the rounds. He gets a hug from Finn and hearty pats from the sisters. Burley sniffs Mica in various places and Mica flinches away from his nose and tongue. Kneeling beside the animal, Mica is reminded of how large Burley is.

Finn and Mica watch while Vikki coaxes Burley on to his side. Alea sits and begins stroking the dog’s heavy balls and the sheath containing the pink prick. It pokes out an inch along the greyhound-narrow waist of the animal. Sex in the Sykes house always seems to poke out an inch or more.

“This is how you do it. When Burley starts to come out, start sucking.”

“What is going on here?”

Everyone blanches. Cain’s voice is sleepy, yet still he is a menace. What’s going on here? Cain asked Mica in his high school washroom voice. Mica’s life was over the first time he heard that phrase.

“The faggoty boy-hustler is going to suck Burley’s dick.” Alea remarks equitably.

“Okay, I’ll watch that.”

With Cain Sykes looming over him, Mica choices have just narrowed to the basement or the dog’s protruding organ. The choice between a tube of flesh and tumbling down the stairs to what will happen in the basement should be simple. The only thing is, Mica cannot bring himself to move. Mica just starts crying.

“Finn get over here.” Alea snaps.

Finn holds his friend’s huge head and scratches under the great dog’s chin. Alea moves over to force the boy-hustler down on the dog. She struggles with Mica until Cain pushes her out of the way. He drags the bound boy to his feet and punches him twice below the ribs. Then Cain forces his boy-hustler’s gasping face down on the bright pink prick extending out from Burley’s sheath.

Sykes children cannot remember a time all four shared a single purpose together. They watch to see what the boy-hustler will do. Finn pets his friend’s great head and scratches his chest and gut. Vikki fondles the dog’s scrotum and masturbates the extending organ. Cain bends over Mica, one hand on a shoulder and the other like a vice around Mica’s neck. Alea reaches between Mica’s thighs and sinks her nails into the cum-whore’s aching scrotum once again.

“Aghhhhhhh!” Mica screams.

Mica is sucking a Great Dane. Mica gives the pink foreskin a kiss, trying to judge how gross this act will be. He knows the small boy is watching him without judgement. Maybe there is no judgement in this house. There is not one person in the room who does not understand they might be forced to do the same thing. Alea squeezes his balls as a reminder to continue. Cain’s iron hands push him into the dog.

Mica’s nose brushes the fury penile sheath, Vikki has stopped coaxing the dog to arousal. Her fingers are still sensitive on the dog’s crotch. Mica could close his eyes, rely on his mouth to do the work, but he has a horrid fascination with what he will see.

Burley’s pink shaft slides further out. When Mica starts to suck, it grows. Five inches or more protrudes, a man-sized cock Mica works to contain in his mouth. Burley is not really erect. It takes mindless manipulation to achieve that final expansion. All Mica can do is choke and hope the damn dog will ejaculate soon.

The dog is excited now. It wants to stand up. Burley wants to climb on top of Mica and hump his face. The dog is massive and it takes many hands to control it. The bulbous gland knot bumps into Mica’s teeth. Finally, Burley ejaculates down Mica's throat. They remain linked for a long time, as Cain holds Mica in place. Burley begins licking Finn’s hand. Mica’s humiliation makes Cain laugh.

Alea likes this development and she orders Mica on his knees. Vikki helps the dog step over Mica's back. He feels the big dog's weight and its nails scratch his shoulders. Mica’s mind is blank. People move about him, the dog’s fur rubs against him, and Cain’s fingers force his head into the concrete floor.

Burley is frisky with excitement. He breaks free from his handlers and runs about the room. Finn and Vikki are delegated to corral the Great Dane. Mica begins to hear excited laughter from the older Sykes siblings.  Burley returns to sniff Mica’s exposed anus three or four times before Alea and Vikki are able to coax him back onto the boy-hustler’s back. Cain has Mica’s head smashed against the bedroom floor. Alea guides the dog’s prick into Mica’s rectum while Finn is ordered to fondle Burley’s scrotum.

Mica is used like a bitch. Heavy forelegs wrap around his waist as Burley’s narrow hips begin their instinctual copulation. The dog’s prick threatens to knot inside Mica. Five inches pumps vigorously as the Sykes children pet and excite the Great Dane. Cain laughs to see Burley knocking the teen about. Mica is crying when the dog licks his ear. Alea lets the dog continue humping until Burley tires and walks away. Mica knows she has found a new game he will be told to play again and again.

Mica’s humiliation makes Cain horny, so Alea has to go with Cain for a while. Mica is a fifteen-year old boy lying on the bedroom floor. It cannot be true, Mica cries. The act is unimaginable to Mica. Vikki unties him and he curls into a tortured ball.

Finn retrieves his Nintendo and sits very close to the boy-hustler. He plays his game, nudging the hustler with one boney shoulder. The teen’s face is hidden in his arms and knees. Finn plays on. He wants to tell Cain’s boy-hustler that you just put it behind you. That is the only way to carry on. Everyone in the Sykes’ house understands that lesson. Vikki, after his father leaves the room. Alea, when Cain is done. Finn, well, there is always something the youngest child has to put behind him. Finn nudges the boy-hustler again and the teenage boy turns his head on his arm. His eyes blink slowly as Finn continues to play his game.

Mica’s day is hardly done. He has to put the tight clothes on again, freshen up for the next date. He lies and lies, conceals the utter shame to his parents, and now he has to conceal memories from himself. There is no escape in this unforgiving home. He cannot think which way to turn after what he has done this day.

“Alea would say to get dressed, Mica. You don’t have much time.” Vikki adds, “You smell like Burley. You need a shower.” The small boy watches from the doorway, running the Nintendo’s battery down. The eleven-year old eyes are not deaD. They are always watching, alive to everything. Finn is a mouse scurrying along the margins of everything. He is prey to everyone around him in this house. Fin is curious to understand every danger, every path to safety. Their eyes meet for a heartbeat, then Finn’s eyes go back to his Nintendo game.

Brief, Anonymous Survey:

Readers are often too busy or reluctant to reach out to authors. I appreciate hearing from you all. Please take my Walk in Lies Survey. It is a quick Google Form.

I have written a variety of short stories and novellas. You can follow this safe link to my Body of Work.

Next: Chapter 5

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