Walk in Lies

By Eliot Moore

Published on Apr 17, 2022


Walk in Lies Chapter 24

Sometimes I wallow in the mire and root for garbage. This story might be that.  The following story is for adults and contains graphic descriptions of sexual contact between tweens,  adolescents and adult males. There is, of course, a power imbalance in these varied relationships, and considerations of consent are blurred.

If you are a minor, then it is illegal for you to read this story. If you find the subject objectionable, then read no further. All the characters, events and settings are the product of my overactive imagination. I hope you find it cathartic. Feel free to respond.

If you would like to comment, contact me at eliot.moore.writer@gmail.com.

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(First Edition Posted May, 2007)

Walk in Lies

Sacred Rituals

The Boy sits on the floor, playing with the Ninja Turtles. The teenage Brother comes behind the Boy, his fingers flutter close to the Boy’s shoulder before he sits across from the Boy. It is so quiet that the boy’s plastic toys can be heard clicking against each other. The Boy is seemingly lost in his toys. The Brother is devouring the Boy’s features.

The Boy hands the Brother a Donatello and watches as the Brother fits the articulated figure into the toy vehicle. Some Teenage Ninja Turtle figures are good guys and some are bad guys. Some Tricks are good guys and some are bad guys. The Man is definitely a good guy, so the Boy and the Brother are safe playing the game.

The Brother gives the Boy a peck on the lips that barely touches. The Boy can recall his deep kiss with Mica in the rain soaked alley. Boy and Brother cannot kiss like that. The game with their Man is sacred, nothing can be allowed to mar its beauty. The brother brushes a hand over the Boy’s forehead and to the back of his neck. While the lips are connected, the hand can never quite make contact.

The two boy-hustlers are on the carpet, frozen. The man just stares at the pair. He is always captivated by this first remembered incident. This moment on the carpet was the inception. Finn and Mica understand the importance of staying frozen until the Man leaves the room. Nothing can be allowed to interrupt the flow. Act One is done, the Man is waiting for the Second Act.

Man watches as Finn prepares the water. The Finn sits on the edge of the tub, one leg raised so the Man can luxuriate in the pubescent body. Finn has practiced this in Grandma Jo’s apartment bathroom until he thinks he has it perfect.

When the Boy is sitting in the claw foot tub, the Man moves behind the Brother. Mica unfastens the crisp white dress shirt with its private school crest. Ironically, Edan owns its twin. The Man’s fingers draw the fabric off the Brother’s wide shoulders. There is no comment. All is done in silence. From where the Man stands, the voyeur can see the Boy’s thin torso beyond the bare flesh. The man manipulates Mica’s prick through the fabric.

The Boy is in the tub washing his body in slow, deliberate ways. The Brother is hard as the Man’s lust is transferred to the whore-slut’s groin. Little-bitch only has eyes for Finn’s-bitch, but now he has to focus on the washcloth in his hand. His Mica will be leaking adolescent dew into the expensive slacks. Staining the fabric with his nasty thoughts. The Man will pinch the wetness.

The Brother is fully erect and the Boy keeps washing himself. This goes on interminably. Each time they redo the scene, it feels longer. Finally, the Brother moves toward the bathtub. Finn is quite clean, but Mica starts from the beginning. .

The Boy stands up. The Brother uses the stiff brush with amazing artistry. The bristles stroke gently over the Boy. The Brother scrubs the Boy lightly, Mica scrapes the bristles about Finn’s crotch and thighs. Finn must be careful. The times they practice this at Grandma Jo’s, Finn will ejaculate. Finn gets very hard, but he must not ejaculate. Everything must be timed perfectly. Everything is a graceful dream.

Mica brushes everywhere. He starts all over again, always allowing the Man a clear view of the young boy. Finn’s hair and back, stiff pig’s bristle abrade the small nipples and neck. The bristles sweep through Finn’s pinky-finger boner and tug at the tender scrotum. Finn looks at the wall. Right on cue a hand flutters toward the Brother when the Boy’s exposed corona is touched. The Boy thrusts out his hips, as if he asks for more.

This is the moment the Man ejaculates in his trousers. The room is silent, except for the sound of bath water, the washerwoman brush, and the Man’s harsh exhalation. The washing just goes on. Finn sucks in his breath and holds it. The bristle brush hovers over Finn’s throbbing prick. Everything is fine, the Man makes no other indication that he has had an orgasm. Finn decides their Second Act has been a success this day.

The Man steps to the Brother sitting on the bathtub rim. The Brother is erect in his slacks. Clear, viscous fluid secreted from his aroused prick. The man looks at Finn from over Mica’s shoulder. The Man’s moist groin presses against Mica’s hard back. Mica’s hand reaches out to Finn’s boyhood. The Man masturbates Mica to a peak that stains his pants. The man holds Mica’s chest lightly so he can feel the orgasmic heart beat until the masturbation ends.

Intermission, so the boys share clear broth and crusty bread in the kitchen while the Man takes his customary break to recover from the bathroom scene. The two hookers talk in hushed tones that will not disturb the Man. Mica checks his phone messages. Edan, of course, but there are others. They eat sparingly, because this is simply intermission.

Mica slides his phone away and looks at the kitchen clock. The Man will be waiting in the Boy’s bedroom. Finn pauses to kiss Mica. What comes next makes Mica quiver with dread-filled anticipation. He understands himself better now. Leon’s partner, Javier has trained Mica’s body into submission.

Mica stands with his back to the Man, masturbating his prick into a full boner through the expensive microfibre. The Man stands where he can watch the movement of Mica’s arm and the flex of his bottocks. When Mica is ready, the Brother goes to the bed to wake the Boy.  

Finn sits up as the Brother sits down. Mica opens his pants to show the Boy something nasty. Finn starts stroking Mica’s nasty thing. The roll play has progressed since the two hooker’s first time. The Man will like the seemingly clumsy fingers. Finn masturbates the Brother until an eruption paints the young boy’s chest.

“What is going on here boys?” The Man is furious and hard. The only sound has been the Boy’s breathing, and the paper scratch of the Man stroking his own prick through the fabric. “Put that nasty thing away at once, you filthy boy.”

Mica fumbles to contain his shrinking prick. He stands beside the bed arranging himself. Finn shrinks into himself on the bed. He hugs his knees, all wide eyed innocence.

The man raises his trembling hand. There is a backhand blow that sends the Brother across the room. “You bring this base perversion into my house. What, you would defile your own brother with your unnatural lusts?” The man comes to stand over Mica. “You utter disappointment. You will follow me, sir.” The man pauses in his turn. He does not look at Finn. “The boy will witness the consequences of your filthy degradation.”

It is time for the consequences. Finn walks naked beside Mica to the consequences. The procession ends in the books-on-books library. The well used library table stands ready for the Brother’s sacred ordeal.

“You sir, will present yourself, you repugnant abomination!” Mica removes his slacks and bends over the table. The Stripwell Standard. 31 inches long and a third of an inch thick, makes a sharp crack when it hits the library table. “You will present yourself here, you repugnant abomination!”

Finn’s twelve-year old prick is already erect. He takes his place, the seemingly reluctant audience. The scene is very intense. The Man likes the boy's tears. Finn has discovered he can make himself cry each time. He has rediscovered his tears in Finn’s-bitch’s safe arms. Mica is stretched across the table, ready for the cane’s kiss.

“We will maintain civility between us. A civility you have besmirched by your carnal obscenity with the boy. You will say thank you father, I understand.”

Mica’s chin is pressed firmly into the tabletop. Mica’s boner and tight scrotum mash between his flesh and the tabletop. The anticipation of pain and the endorphin flood makes Mica shiver.

Whick-Crack. Mica’s ass cheeks absorb the first strike. The cane’s heat brands his bare flesh and he feels the first euphoric rush. “Thank you sir, I understand.”

Whick-Crack. Finn’s-bitch’s ass cheeks absorb the second strike. The cane’s heat brands his bare flesh. “Thank you sir, I understand.”

Whick-Crack. The whore-slut’s ass cheeks absorb the third strike. The cane’s heat brands his bare flesh and the sharp snaps are beginning their erotic-high voltage burn through Mica’s nervous system. “Thank you sir, I understand.”

Mica presses his head into the table. He wants to squirm away, he wants to squirm closer. This is not Alea’s Jail and if he sobs between the blows it spoils his perfect submission to the Man.

Finn grips himself tightly and his boner seems to jerk and twitch each time the Stripwell Standard 31 makes contact with Mica’s flesh. Whick-Crack. The Cum-slut’s ass cheeks absorb the fourth strike. The cane’s heat brands Mica’s bare flesh as it has every Thursday since Finn doggedly tracked down the Man’s house.

I’m dead, Mica! Look at the TV, quick! Yeet! The Man, our Man is the fucking Chief of Police! So Mica watches the news with Finn. There stands the Man in uniform talking gravely to the press about funding cutbacks. He looks so grave and upright.

Whick-Crack, “Thank you sir, I understand.” So, this goes on like a metronome. The upright man beats the repugnant abomination.

Finn organ reacts to every Whick-Crack. Finn’s beautiful bitch’s slut-ass absorbs the fifteenth strike. The cane has left a light crosshatch about the flesh of Mica’s stretched ass and upper thighs. “Thank you sir, I understand.” Finn’s faithful bitch whispers, voice lustfully unrepentant.

Whick-Crack. Mica’s body absorbs the sixteen strike. “Thank you, I understand.” Mica groans. The man knows his age because he bought Mica an old Fiesta for his birthday. The three of them had an impromptu caning across the little vehicle’s hood. Mica cracked his champagne-spunk across the bow as Finn beat the Man’s boner deeper into his bitch’s rectum. Mica flinches erotically when the man probes his body on the table.

“You brought this base perversion into my house. You defiled your own brother with this unnatural lust.” The man traces a fingernail along a red welt. “You disappointing excuse for a son and brother. This is unspeakable.”

“Thank you sir, I understand. Please use me like the filth I am. Please use me like I wanted to defile the Boy. I wanted him to suck my cock and swallow my cum. I wanted my nasty thing in his sweet virgin ass. I wanted his little cunt to clamp onto my dick. I wanted to make him squeal. Make me understand the filthy thing I want to do.”

“Remain where you are.”

“Thank you sir, I understand.”

This is Finn’s moment. The Brother lies thrashed across the table. It is time for the final consequence.

“You are a filthy boy, aren’t you? Not content with despoiling yourself, you soiled another.” There are essential oils at hand. Frankincense relieves the pain and relaxes Mica’s muscles. It is blended with the best of sensual lubricants. “It is your nature, isn’t it? You really are disgusting. What should you be called, paedo, kiddy toucher, slot badger?” The man pulls Mica off the table so his anus is exposed better. “You’re filth like your thoughts. You know we have to do this, don’t you?”

“Thank you sir, I … I … I understand. Please do it sir. Make me understand better.”

The man nods his head, turns just slightly toward the naked Finn standing ready with the cane. The Man’s boner slams into the Brother’s vulnerable rectum. Mica moans his degradation-gratification.

Whick-Crack, one, two, three, four, five; Whick-Crack, one, two, three, four, five; Whick-Crack, one, two, three, four, five. Finn counts out with determination.

Whick-Crack, one, two, three, four, five; the man absorbs the repetitive lash letting is build his arousal. His hands are all over Mica but he will not touch the well used rectum or the tight scrotum between the teenager’s slim thighs. The Man’s boner is strong and he penetrates the hooker’s depths.

Then the pelvic thrusts are strong and confident. The Man is joyful in this communion with the boys. Each eager penetration is synchronized with Finn’s hard blow. Whick-Crack, one, two, three, four, five; Finn feels like he is forcing the Man’s aching prick into Mica’s rectum with the force of his supple cane. The Man’s orgasm is a final triumphant eruption into the teenage boy.

“Enough,” the Man tells Finn, and the boy sets the long cane on the table. The man lingers in Mica’s twitching body. The pleasure-pain connects the two together. Mica came to be beaten and fucked and he has been thrashed and screwed decisively. “Filth,” the man remarks. When he pulls out, he leaves an open hole Mica will need to fill.

Mica and Finn are not done. There will be more. Tonight they will take the red Ford Fiesta to their favorite diner where the kind woman helped them reach out to Grandma Jo. They might celebrate with the nice waitress and talk with other boys and girls selling themselves on the street. Finn’s-bitch will do the talking. Little-bitch will answer messages, juggle appointments, negotiate a better rate for Mica’s next date with Ben. Ben has new friends to meet the proper little slut. Mica laughs with friends and Finn takes care of business.

They will return to Grandma Jo’s apartment, do their homework, sit with grandma Jo and watch Netflix after this necessary chill. Mica will share the money from his “dishwashing job” so the nice old woman will not worry about caring for two independent, streetwise adolescents.

Tomorrow after school, Finn will keep his date with The Firefighter, and Mica will pack his latest dress and latest red lingerie to please his rich boyfriend for their Friday night date.

Tonight, Finn needs to fuck his bitch. He will fuck his bitch like Burley did — arms wrapped around Mica’s waist, hips thrusting mindlessly against Mica’s bruised ass. Then Finn will cuddle up to Mica, suck his prick. He needs to taste the jets of seminal fluid coating his tongue. Mica means more than anything in the world to Finn. After the spasms, Finn will kiss His bitch’s firm gut and fondle Mica’s long hair. Then Finn can fall asleep safely in his bitch’s protective arms. Finn won’t dream of the absent Sykes family for another night. Alea would say Bitch-Boy and Little-Bitch performed well today.

The End

Okay folks, I know I could keep going. I’m going to leave Mica and Finn’s salacious story here. Thank you for finishing it, and I hope you dip into some of my other (gentler) stories.

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I have written a variety of short stories and novellas. You can follow this safe link to my Body of Work.

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